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The Politics of Aristotle

Mind 14 (55):405-414 (1889)

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  1. Is Human Virtue a Civic Virtue? A Reading of Aristotle's Politics 3.4.L. K. Gustin Law - 2017 - In Emma Cohen de Lara & Rene Brouwer (eds.), Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy: On the Relationship between the Ethics and Politics. Chem, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 93-118.
    Is the virtue of the good citizen the same as the virtue of the good man? Aristotle addresses this in Politics 3.4. His answer is twofold. On the one hand, (the account for Difference) they are not the same both because what the citizen’s virtue is depends on the constitution, on what preserves it, and on the role the citizen plays in it, and because the good citizens in the best constitution cannot all be good men, whereas the good man’s (...)
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  • (1 other version)Aristóteles y el pensamiento político aristocrático.Manuel Knoll - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 73:87-106.
    Una Según una influyente línea interpretativa sostiene que la mejor ciudad polis ideal de Aristóteles debe ser considerada como un gobierno constitucionaluna politeia (πολιτεία). Son eruditos alemanes quienes adoptan esta lecturaEsta corriente predomina aún hoy entre los eruditos alemanes.. En este grupo hay que incluir a Martha Nussbaum en tanto que aboga por una “socialdemocracia aristotélicaEn tanto paladina de la “social democracia aristotélica”, Martha Nussbaum pertenece también a esta línea exegética ”. En oposición a tales interpretaciones, este ensayo defiende la (...)
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  • Platonism, Moral Nostalgia, and the “City of Pigs”.Rachel Barney - 2002 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 17 (1):207-236.
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  • “O legislador não faz nada em vão”: uma nota sobre Pol. IV.1.Victor Gonçalves de Sousa - 2024 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 34:e03432.
    Neste artigo, pretendo oferecer algumas razões para se dizer que Aristóteles sustenta a tese de que a εὐδαιμονία não apenas oferece o critério normativo que orienta a instituição e a reforma de regimes que estão aquém do melhor regime, como também é aquilo que é visado pela instituição e pela reforma destes regimes, pois o melhor regime não é, para Aristóteles, senão o regime no qual a εὐδαιμονία pode ser alcançada em máximo grau (cf. Pol. VII.13 1332a4-7).
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  • Aristotle on the Authority of the Many: Politics III 11, 1281a40–b21.Antony Hatzistavrou - 2021 - Apeiron 54 (2):203-232.
    In this article I propose a new interpretation of Aristotle’s arguments about the authority of the many at Politics III 11, 1281a40–b21. It consists of the following main tenets. First, the multitude that Aristotle refers to in his arguments should be understood on the model of the multitude which rules in polities and the members of which are accomplished in only a part of political excellence, namely, military excellence. Second, the best citizens with whom he compares that multitude in his (...)
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  • The doctrine of the mean.Charles M. Young - 1996 - Topoi 15 (1):89-99.
    English translation, with Chinese source text, of a seminal Chinese classic.
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  • The Meaning of Distributive Justice for Aristotle’s Theory of Constitutions.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2016 - Pege 1:57–97.
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  • Aristotle's Ideal City-Planning: Politics 7.12.Mor Segev - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):585-596.
    AtPol.7.12, 1331a19–20, Aristotle states it as a matter of fact that the citizenry of the best city should be divided into ‘public messes’ (syssitia). His primary concern in the rest of the chapter is to uncover the optimal way in whichsyssitiashould be organized, and the way in which they should be situated in relation to other facilities, public buildings,agoraiand temples in the city. The proposed plan is roughly as follows.Syssitiawould be divided into three main sections. First, thesyssitiaof soldiers would be (...)
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  • (1 other version)Aristóteles y el pensamiento político aristocrático.Manuel Knoll - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 73:87-106.
    Según una influyente línea interpretativa, la mejor polis de Aristóteles debe ser considerada una politeia. Esta corriente predomina aún hoy entre los eruditos alemanes. En tanto paladina de la “social democracia aristotélica”, Martha Nussbaum pertenece también a esta línea exegética. En oposición a tales interpretaciones, este ensayo defiende la tesis de que Aristóteles pertenece a la tradición de pensamiento político aristocrático. Esta tradición se remonta a Teognis, Heráclito y Platón y se inicia como una crítica dirigida tanto a la decadencia (...)
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  • Justice, instruction, and the good: The case for public education in Aristotle and Plato'sLaws.Randall R. Curren - 1994 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 13 (1):1-31.
    This paper develops an interpretation and analysis of the arguments for public education which open Book VIII of Aristotle's Politics , drawing on both the wider Aristotelian corpus and on examination of continuities with Plato's Laws . Part III : Sections VIII-XI examine the two arguments which Aristotle adduces in support of the claim that education should be provided through a public system. The first of these arguments concerns the need to unify society through education for friendship and the sharing (...)
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  • La amistad cívica en Aristóteles: concordia y fraternidad.Oriol Farrés Juste - 2015 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 32 (1):41-67.
    El artículo muestra la importancia de la amistad en el contexto de la filosofía política aristotélica. Esta importancia se verifica en su peso específico en comparación con la justicia, puesto que Aristóteles mismo sostiene que la amistad cívica es incluso un objetivo superior al de la búsqueda de la justicia. En concreto, el artículo se centra en la función de la concordia, como tipo especial de amistad cívica, en términos de conservación de la unidad y estabilidad de la polis. Para (...)
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  • Aristotle and Modern Constitutionalism.George Duke - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy Today 4 (Supplement):66-90.
    Any attempt to apply Aristotelian political categories to the principles of modern constitutionalism is undoubtedly at risk of anachronism. This paper acknowledges non-trivial differences between the Ancient Greek politeia, as theorised by Aristotle, and the modern constitution. It nonetheless argues that the central principles of the modern liberal constitution can be elucidated within the explanatory frame of the Aristotelian concept of the politeia as a political determination of institutional structures and competences oriented by an interpretation of the public good. The (...)
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  • Mind your Prayers. Aristotle’s Notion of euchê.Pavlos Kontos - 2023 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105 (3):388-413.
    In Aristotle’s world there is no God to answer our prayers (euchê) and yet prayers follow the excellent city of the Politics like a shadow. Nonetheless, as far as I know, people have been content to narrow the focus of investigation to Aristotle’s utopia, its plausibility, structure and infrastructure, leaving prayers out of the picture. The most prayers themselves seem to deserve is a footnote or so. The result is that attention is switched away from the most basic questions: What (...)
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  • The Rape of Lucretia in Cassius dio's Roman History.C. T. Mallan - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):758-771.
    We are told that when news of Caracalla's death reached Rome a group of senators denounced their former emperor, likening him to all the tyrants of the past who had ruled over them. The senator who recorded these actions, the historian Cassius Dio, does not say which tyrants were listed, but it is likely that such a comprehensive list included the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, and his son Sextus. The senators' actions were doubtless more an act of group (...)
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  • Aristotle's Political Philosophy.David Keyt - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. pp. 393–412.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The polis Nature Distributive Justice “The polis of our prayers” Slavery Constitutions The Good Man and the Good Citizen Bibliography.
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  • Analogies du pouvoir partagé:remarques sur Aristote, Politique III.11.Elsa Bouchard - 2011 - Phronesis 56 (2):162-179.
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  • Natural Justice and the Best Regime in Aristotle.Joaquin Garcia-Huidobro - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148):05-21.
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  • Aristóteles: perì demokratías. La cuestión de la democracia.Jorge Álvarez Yágüez - 2009 - Isegoría 41:69-101.
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  • (1 other version)Justice, instruction, and the good: The case for public education in Aristotle and Plato's Laws.Randall R. Curren - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 11 (4):293-311.
    This paper develops an interpretation and analysis of the arguments for public education which open Book VIII of Aristotle's Politics, drawing on both the wider Aristotelian corpus and on examination of continuities with Plato's Laws. Part I: The paper opens with the question of why Aristotle would say that no one will doubt that education should be the concern of the legislator, and Sections I–III identify the nature of his enterprise in the Politics, the audience he wishes to address, the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Justice, instruction, and the good: The case for public education in Aristotle and Plato's Laws.Randall R. Curren - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 12 (2-4):103-126.
    This paper develops an interpretation and analysis of the arguments for public education which open Book VIII of Aristotle's Politics, drawing on both the wider Aristotelian corpus and on examination of continuities with Plato's Laws.Part II: Sections IV–VII examine the arguments for the first of the two conclusions which Aristotle advances in VIII. 1, namely that education is important enough to merit the legislator's attention. It is shown, through a development of links between Politics V and the arguments of VIII. (...)
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  • Solon's "Theôria" and the End of the City.James Ker - 2000 - Classical Antiquity 19 (2):304-329.
    How are we to understand Solon's departure from Athens "for the sake of theôria" immediately after the introduction of his laws ? Previous accounts have taken theôria to mean "sightseeing," but the goal of Solon's departure-to avoid explaining or changing the laws-is guaranteed by certain religious features of theôria: the theôros plays the role of civic guardian and must not add to or subtract from an oracle he conveys to the city, and during the theôria the city itself must remain (...)
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  • Natural Tensions in Aristotle’s Polis and Their Contemporary Manifestations.Gregory Kirk - 2019 - Topoi 40 (2):423-433.
    In this paper, I perform an analysis of Aristotle’s organic analogy when discussing the different “organs” of the Greek polis. I argue that this analysis demonstrates that the proper functioning of the polis depends upon the generation of different forms of life that will incline towards tension with one another, due to the fact that some members will be prevented by their form of life from enjoying the chief virtue of political life, namely, the accomplishment of human virtue and the (...)
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  • Aristotle on the Politics of Marriage: ‘Marital Rule’ in the Politics.David J. Riesbeck - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):134-152.
    In thePolitics, Aristotle maintains, contrary to his predecessors, that there is a distinctive mode of authority that husbands should exercise over their wives. He even coins a word for it: γαμιϰή, ‘the marital art’ or ‘marital rule’ (Pol. 1.3, 1253b8–10; 1.12, 1259a37–9). Marital rule is supposed to differ from the authority that fathers have over their children and from the kind of rule that citizens exercise over one another. Yet it is not clear whether there is any conceptual space between (...)
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  • “El arte imita a la naturaleza”. Acerca de la función complementaria de la política y de la educación en Aristóteles.Viviana Suñol - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 18 (21):184-197.
    La relación entre el arte y la naturaleza fue concebida a lo largo de más de veinte siglos en los términos que Aristóteles estableció mediante el principio téchne mimeîtai phúsin, el cual tradicionalmente se tradujo como “el arte imita a la naturaleza”. Mediante el presente artículo propongo reevaluar la formulación completa del principio aristotélico con el propósito de entender que éste no solo refiere a la similitud y/o analogía entre las habilidades humanas y la naturaleza, sino también al papel complementario (...)
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  • Zum Problem der Bürgerbestimmung in der Aristotelischen Politik.Jakub Jinek - 2016 - ΠΗΓΗ / FONS 1:123-144.
    The paper disproves the widely held interpretation of Aristotle’s statement that the concept of the citizen varies with the constitution. I claim that it gives no evidence for any positivism or constitutional relativism. What Aristotle truly intends here is to put emphasis on his idea of the good life in a city that consists of a variety of forms and ways. This variety is generally desirable and thus prescriptive. It is only under these conditions that the constitution is „the Form (...)
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  • Ação Ética e Virtude Cívica em Aristóteles.Marisa Lopes - 2004 - Dissertation, University of São Paulo, Brazil
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  • Kazutaka Inamura. Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy. [REVIEW]André L. C. Sousa - 2017 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 11 (2):158-172.
    This is a review of Kazutaka Inamura's book "Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle's Political Philosophy" (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
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  • ‘The Economic’ According to Aristotle: Ethical, Political and Epistemological Implications. [REVIEW]Ricardo Crespo - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (3-4):281-294.
    A renewed concern with Aristotle’s thought about the economic aspects of human life and society can be observed. Aristotle dealt with the economic issues in his practical philosophy. He thus considered ‘the economic’ within an ethical and political frame. This vision is coherent with a specific ontology of ‘the economic’ according to Aristotle. In a recent paper, I analysed this ontology and left its consequences, especially for Ethics and Politics, for another paper. In this article, I firstly summarise the reasoning (...)
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