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In Mervyn Hartwig (ed.), Dictionary of critical realism. New York: Routledge. pp. 458--60 (2007)

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  1. Being of deep transformations: A personal journey inspired by Clive L. Spash.Iana Nesterova - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (2):122-138.
    The works of Clive L. Spash provided inspiration to many. In the case of my own theoretical and philosophical journey, Spash's social-ecological economics became an important grounding. However, apart from directing this journey, his works have been a major influence in another domain: the domain of my personal being in and relating with the world. This paper explicates this side of Spash's influence. The paper's roots specifically go back to Spash’s work on new foundations for ecological economics and the invitation (...)
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  • Unearthing intentionality: Building transformative capacity by reclaiming consciousness.Benedikt Schmid & Iana Nesterova - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (3):311-328.
    In transformation research of late, accounts on the relation between intentionality and agency on the one hand, and the more routinised and structured side of social co-existence on the other, are increasingly nuanced. However, we observe a deficiency in the way arguments are set up by the interlocutors: both, scholars who grant intentionality a central role and those who emphasise its limitations generally do so at the level of ontology – debating degrees of human capacity for conscious planning versus a (...)
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  • Living sustainability: reflections on the value of everyday practices.Iana Nesterova - forthcoming - Journal of Critical Realism:1-22.
    This article explores the value of small-scale, intimate, and personal everyday practices, often hidden from the public eye, for sustainability transformations. It invites fellow humans to see value, depth and hope in small-scale transformations and relies on a long-term autoethnographic project of its author as a practitioner of voluntary simplicity and extreme minimalism. Via methodological contemplations underpinned by critical realism, the article celebrates deviation from positivistic conceptions of science that encourage researchers to maintain distinct identities: scientists during our working hours (...)
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  • Powers and Tendencies Revisited.Steve Fleetwood - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (1):80-99.
    While powers and tendencies are among the most fundamen- tal concepts of critical realism, there are several problems with these concepts that have been ignored, avoided or glossed. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to tease out these problems and provide clarification and consistency where possible. In the first section of the paper I sketch the existing critical realist conceptualization of tendencies by identifying eight distinct moments in a causal chain, denoted tendency1 to tendency8. In section two I ask: (...)
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  • Implications of philosophical pragmatism for nursing: Comparison of different pragmatists.Naoya Mayumi & Katsumasa Ota - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (1):e12414.
    Pragmatism emphasizes practical consequences and empirical explanations rather than introspective contemplations. However, the arguments of pragmatists are not uniform, as shown by the four prominent pragmatists presented in this article. The major difference between them is that Peirce and Haack acknowledge an objective truth, whereas James and Rorty do not. Thus, for a fuller understanding of the pragmatist view of our knowledge, both camps must be consulted. In the nursing field, pragmatism is occasionally referred to as a guiding philosophy. However, (...)
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  • An interdisciplinary realist take on moral agency.Li Li - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (2):195-221.
    This paper reports an empirical study on moral reasoning. It seeks to answer two questions: in the moral framing of tourism matters, what does this reasoning consist of? How are these elements mobilized by actors to reach moral pronouncement(s)? Through the means of group interviews, abduction and retroduction, this study finds that moral muteness (i.e. silence to socially unacceptable conduct) seems to be the moral pronouncement that the participants are likely to conduct in a condition whereby the social and cultural (...)
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  • Analysis of Generative Mechanisms.Björn Blom & Stefan Morén - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (1):60-79.
    The focus of this article is the analysis of generative mechanisms, a basic concept and phenomenon within the metatheoretical perspective of critical realism. It is emphasized that research questions and methods, as well as the knowledge it is possible to attain, depend on the basic view – ontologically and epistemologically – regarding the phenomenon under scrutiny. A generative mechanism is described as a trans empirical but real existing entity, explaining why observable events occur. Mechanisms are mostly possible to grasp only (...)
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  • Food and Agricultural Systems for the Future: Science, Emancipation and Human Flourishing.Hugh Lacey - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (3):272-286.
    It has been proposed that the policies and practices of food sovereignty, unlike those of today's hegemonic food/agricultural system, provide the means for satisfying and safeguarding the right to food security for everyone everywhere. My principal objective in this article, which gains its significance in the light of an explanatory critique of the current system, is to explore how scientific research — using what kinds of methodologies, and building on experiences of what and of whom? — can constructively inform these (...)
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  • Critical realism in nursing: an emerging approach.Catharine J. Schiller - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (2):88-102.
    Critical realism, a philosophical framework originally developed by Roy Bhaskar in the 1970s, represents a relatively new approach to research generally and to nursing research in particular. This article explores the ontological and epistemological tenets of critical realism and examines the application of critical realist principles to nursing research and practice through a review of the literature. It is evident that few published nursing research studies have, as of yet, utilized critical realism as their paradigm of choice. Both the strengths (...)
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  • Correcting ‘a notional’ confusion for critical discourse analysis.Rob Faure Walker - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (1):1-6.
    The meaning and grammatical status of ‘a notional’ in the schema for critical discourse analysis (CDA) from Bhaskar’s posthumously published Enlightened Common Sense (2016) is somewhat ambiguous. An ambiguity that has persisted through a subsequent development of the schema. Following the publication of Bhaskar’s original manuscript, it can now be seen that erroneous grammatical changes were made to the manuscript during the publication process. The original version provides a more coherent schema for CDA. This paper discusses the implications of the (...)
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  • Towards an eco-decolonial museum practice through critical realism and Cultural Historical Activity Theory.Tom Jeffery - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (2):170-195.
    Museum practice remains rooted in its historical ontology of nature-culture dualism. This article moves beyond this dualism by combining Bhaskar’s dialectical MELD schema with cultural historical a...
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  • Empirical Realism and the Legitimacy of Ontology: A Dialogue.Dustin McWherter - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (5):449-460.
    The purpose of this dialogue between an ‘empirical realist’ and a ‘traditional ontologist’ is to clarify and evaluate the presuppositions of the kind of anti-ontological position exemplified by empirical realism. After ontology is defined and the empirical realist's position explained, the traditional ontologist pursues a series of dialectical developments and criticisms of the empirical realist's claim to have a coherently non-ontological position. The eventual conclusion is that the empirical realist's opposition to ontology just arbitrarily assumes ontology to be associated with (...)
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  • Roundtable: judgemental rationality in the critical realist project.Robert Isaksen, Frédéric Vandenberghe, Dorothea Elena Schoppek, Leigh Price, Jamie Morgan & Ruth Groff - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (5):588-609.
    The article is a lightly edited transcript of a digital roundtable discussion. The participants were invited based on their prior work on critical realism and epistemology. The roundtable discussion includes introductory statements on judgemental rationality by Jamie Morgan, Ruth Groff, Dorothea Schoppek, Leigh Price, and Frédéric Vandenberghe, followed by a discussion between the participants on a variety of topics related to judgemental rationality. The discussion demonstrates a variety of opinions and perspectives, as well as the clashing of opinions in a (...)
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  • Deleuze’s concept of virtuality and critical realist ontology.Tobin Nellhaus - forthcoming - Journal of Critical Realism:1-19.
    Gilles Deleuze’s concept of the virtual is rooted in a tradition that conceptualizes it in terms of potentiality rather than illusion or falsity. His theory of the relationship between the virtual, the actual, the real, and the possible presents similarities with critical realism’s ontological domains of the real and the actual, and thus offers alternative and/or additional realist ways of thinking about those domains, especially regarding causal powers residing in relationships rather than entities. Virtuality applies to the empirical domain as (...)
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  • The contribution of Angels Fear to metaReality: Gregory Bateson and Roy Bhaskar’s idiosyncratic approaches to the sacred.Rob Faure Walker - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (2):224-236.
    Gregory Bateson’s career from anthropologist, through his development of cybernetics and systems theory, to developing ideas around ‘the sacred’, has parallels with Roy Bhaskar’s intellectual journey. This paper proposes that as well as Bateson’s theory of cybernetics and systemic thought making a contribution to basic and dialectic critical realism, his final and posthumously published Angels Fear: Towards and Epistemology of the Sacred adds to our understanding of Bhaskar’s metaReality. Similarities between the development of Bateson’s work from 1936 to 1987 and (...)
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  • Roundtable: judgemental rationality in the critical realist project.Robert Isaksen, Frédéric Vandenberghe, Dorothea Elena Schoppek, Leigh Price, Jamie Morgan & Ruth Groff - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (5):588-609.
    The article is a lightly edited transcript of a digital roundtable discussion. The participants were invited based on their prior work on critical realism and epistemology. The roundtable discussion includes introductory statements on judgemental rationality by Jamie Morgan, Ruth Groff, Dorothea Schoppek, Leigh Price, and Frédéric Vandenberghe, followed by a discussion between the participants on a variety of topics related to judgemental rationality. The discussion demonstrates a variety of opinions and perspectives, as well as the clashing of opinions in a (...)
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  • A realist analysis of civilized tourism in China: a cultural structural perspective.Li Li, Jing Wang & Samrat Hazra - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (4):692-719.
    The emerging discourse of hopeful tourism (Hunter 1997; Lee et al. 2017; Pritchard, Morgan, and Ateljevic 2011; Sampaio, Thomas, and Font 2012; Schultz et al. 2005; Tolkach, Pratt, and Zeng 2017) h...
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  • Enlightened common sense: the philosophy of critical realism.Harvey Shoolman - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (4):416-423.
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  • Back‐ and fore‐grounding ontology: exploring the linkages between critical realism, pragmatism, and methodologies in health & rehabilitation sciences.Ryan DeForge & Jay Shaw - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (1):83-95.
    DEFORGE R and SHAW J. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 83–95 Back‐ and fore‐grounding ontology: exploring the linkages between critical realism, pragmatism, and methodologies in health & rehabilitation sciencesAs two doctoral candidates in a health and rehabilitation sciences program, we describe in this paper our respective paradigmatic locations along a quite nonlinear ontological‐epistemological‐axiological‐methodological chain. In a turn‐taking fashion, we unpack the tenets of critical realism and pragmatism, and then trace the linkages from these paradigmatic locations through to the methodological choices that (...)
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  • Situational realism, critical realism, causation and the charge of positivism.Fiona J. Hibberd - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (4):37-51.
    The system of realist philosophy developed by John Anderson — situational realism — has recently been dismissed as ‘positivist’ by a prominent critical realist. The reason for this dismissal appears not to be the usual list of ideas deemed positivist, but the conviction that situational realism mistakenly defends a form of actualism, i.e. that to conceive of causal laws as constant conjunctions reduces the domain of the real to the domain of the actual. This is, in part, a misreading of (...)
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  • The primacy of ontology: a philosophical basis for research on religion in prison.Lamia Irfan, Muzammil Quraishi, Mallory Schneuwly Purdie & Matthew Wilkinson - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (2):145-169.
    This paper suggests philosophical foundations for mixed methods research based on the philosophy of critical realism. In particular, it suggests that the critical realist idea of the primacy of ontology helps bridge the apparent paradigmatic gap between qualitative and quantitative research. It illustrates this foundational idea by showing why and how a multi-disciplinary team used a mixed methods approach to understand the significance of religion in prison through a multi-site study of religious conversion to Islam in prison and how this (...)
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  • The Power of Historical Causal Components Involved in Engaging At-Risk Youth at Three Alternative Schools.Cheryl Livock - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (1):36-59.
    This article addresses the causal powers associated with the social phenomena of alternative schooling for youth at risk. It stems from a doctoral thesis, Alternative Schooling Programs for At Risk Youth: Three Case Studies, which addresses wider issues integral to alternative schooling: youth at risk, alternative schooling models, and literacy. This article explores one aspect of alternative schooling: the historical causal factors involved in the establishment and continuance of three alternative case-study models in Queensland, Australia. By adhering to Bhaskar’s transformational (...)
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  • Modelling Dialectical Processes in Environmental Learning: An Elaboration of Roy Bhaskar’s Onto-axiological Chain.Ingrid Joan Schudel - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (2):163-183.
    ABSTRACTThis paper describes a critical realist intensive case study, which develops and tests a ‘dialectic process model of transformative learning’. The model is inspired by Bhaskar's onto-axiological chain as outlined in his formulation of dialectical critical realism. The study describes transformative environmental learning processes focusing on food security in two primary schools in rural South Africa. The model elaborates on the four links in the onto-axiological chain by describing four knowledge interests across the two cases: knowledge of ‘what is and (...)
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  • Environmental Ethics: Anthropocentrism and Non-anthropocentrism Revised in the Light of Critical Realism.Trond Gansmo Jakobsen - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (2):184-199.
    ABSTRACTSome eco-philosophers argue that our responsibilities to the natural world are only indirect, that the responsibility to preserve nature or resources, for example, is best understood with respect to the responsibilities that we owe to other humans. Anthropocentric ethics holds that only human beings have moral value. Thus, although we may be said to have responsibilities regarding the natural world, we do not have direct responsibilities to the natural world. As a reaction to anthropocentrism, other eco-philosophers disagree, however, saying that (...)
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  • Against ‘Migration’: Using Critical Realism as a Framework for Conducting Mixed-Method, Migrantization Research.Theodoros Iosifides - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (2):128-142.
    ABSTRACTIt is well acknowledged that the categorization of people with specific political, social and economic characteristics as ‘migrants’ – migrantization – is facilitated by mainstream, positivist versions of science and is associated with the production and/or reproduction of power relations. To date, this important critique has been advanced by academics influenced by interpretivism/poststructuralism who tend to relativize the discussion, and who are unable to provide a space for quantitative research. The main objective of this paper is to offer an alternative (...)
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  • Saint Thomas Aquinas’ ontological epistemology as clarified realism: The relating of subject to object for ontological knowledge.Callum David Scott - 2016 - South African Journal of Philosophy 35 (3):249-260.
    The Kantian revolution limited the possibility of ontological knowledge, severing subject from thing as is evident in its legacy in both continental and analytic philosophy. Consequently, if a thing cannot be known as it is, the philosophical status of empirical science as a study about existing natural things should be called into question. It could be construed, for instance, that a scientific theory is a construction about something to which the subjective constructor can never have ontological access. But, when empirical (...)
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