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  1. The History of Categorical Logic: 1963-1977.Jean-Pierre Marquis & Gonzalo Reyes - 2004 - In Dov M. Gabbay, John Woods & Akihiro Kanamori (eds.), Handbook of the history of logic. Boston: Elsevier.
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  • A game semantics for generic polymorphism.Samson Abramsky & Radha Jagadeesan - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (1-3):3-37.
    Genericity is the idea that the same program can work at many different data types. Longo, Milstead and Soloviev proposed to capture the inability of generic programs to probe the structure of their instances by the following equational principle: if two generic programs, viewed as terms of type , are equal at any given instance A[T], then they are equal at all instances. They proved that this rule is admissible in a certain extension of System F, but finding a semantically (...)
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  • (1 other version)On church's formal theory of functions and functionals.Giuseppe Longo - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 40 (2):93-133.
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  • On some connections between logic and category theory.J. Lambek - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (3):269 - 278.
    Categories may be viewed as deductive systems or as algebraic theories. We are primarily interested in the interplay between these two views and trace it through a number of structured categories and their internal languages, bearing in mind their relevance to the foundations of mathematics. We see this as a common thread running through the six contributions to this issue of Studia Logica.
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  • Kripke models and the (in)equational logic of the second-order λ-calculus.Jean Gallier - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 84 (3):257-316.
    We define a new class of Kripke structures for the second-order λ-calculus, and investigate the soundness and completeness of some proof systems for proving inequalities as well as equations. The Kripke structures under consideration are equipped with preorders that correspond to an abstract form of reduction, and they are not necessarily extensional. A novelty of our approach is that we define these structures directly as functors A: → Preor equipped with certain natural transformations corresponding to application and abstraction . We (...)
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  • Second-order type isomorphisms through game semantics.Joachim de Lataillade - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 151 (2-3):115-150.
    The characterization of second-order type isomorphisms is a purely syntactical problem that we propose to study under the enlightenment of game semantics. We study this question in the case of second-order λμ-calculus, which can be seen as an extension of system F to classical logic, and for which we define a categorical framework: control hyperdoctrines.Our game model of λμ-calculus is based on polymorphic arenas which evolve during the play. We show that type isomorphisms coincide with the “equality” on arenas associated (...)
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  • Alpha-conversion, conditions on variables and categorical logic.Pierre-Louis Curien - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (3):319 - 360.
    We present the paradigm of categories-as-syntax. We briefly recall the even stronger paradigm categories-as-machine-language which led from -calculus to categorical combinators viewed as basic instructions of the Categorical Abstract Machine. We extend the categorical combinators so as to describe the proof theory of first order logic and higher order logic. We do not prove new results: the use of indexed categories and the description of quantifiers as adjoints goes back to Lawvere and has been developed in detail in works of (...)
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  • Types, Sets and Categories.John L. Bell - unknown
    This essay is an attempt to sketch the evolution of type theory from its beginnings early in the last century to the present day. Central to the development of the type concept has been its close relationship with set theory to begin with and later its even more intimate relationship with category theory. Since it is effectively impossible to describe these relationships (especially in regard to the latter) with any pretensions to completeness within the space of a comparatively short article, (...)
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