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Intending, knowing how, infinitives.Jennifer Hornsby - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (1):1-17.details
Basic Action and Practical Knowledge.Will Small - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.details
A Theory of Assessability for Reasonableness.Andrew T. Forcehimes - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-37.details
Consequentialism and the Standard Story of Action.Paul Hurley - 2018 - The Journal of Ethics 22 (1):25-44.details
Agency and Practical Abilities.Will Small - 2017 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 80:235-264.details
I’m just sitting around doing nothing: on exercising intentional agency in omitting to act.Andrei A. Buckareff - 2018 - Synthese 195 (10):4617-4635.details
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Disjunctivism about intending.Yair Levy - 2021 - American Philosophical Quarterly 58 (2):161-180.details
Exiting The Consequentialist Circle: Two Senses of Bringing It About.Paul Edward Hurley - 2019 - Analytic Philosophy 60 (2):130-163.details
Desires without Guises: Why We Need Not Value What We Want.Sabine Döring & Bahadir Eker - 2017 - In Federico Lauria & Julien Deonna, The Nature of Desire. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.details
Two ways of relating to (and acting for) reasons.Caroline T. Arruda & Daniel J. Povinelli - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (5):441-459.details
Acting and believing on the basis of reasons.Christopher Blake-Turner - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 17 (1):e12797.details
Agency and Embodiment: Groups, Human–Machine Interactions, and Virtual Realities.Johannes Himmelreich - 2018 - Ratio 31 (2):197-213.details
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Is Agency a Power of Self-Movement?Anton Ford - 2013 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (6):597-610.details
The Standard Story of Action and the Problem of Agential Guidance.Jesús H. Aguilar - 2020 - Critica 52 (155):3-25.details
Why are Actions but not Emotions Done Intentionally, if both are Reason-Responsive Embodied Processes?Anders Nes - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-22.details
Processes and the philosophy of action.Andrea White - 2020 - Philosophical Explorations 23 (2):112-129.details
The Deontic Primacy of Actions?Andrew T. Forcehimes - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy 120 (10):521-549.details
Pluralistic Attitude-Explanation and the Mechanisms of Intentional Action.Daniel Burnston - 2021 - In David Shoemaker, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility Volume 7. Oxford University Press. pp. 130-153.details
Hume and the Guise of the Bad.Francesco Orsi - 2020 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 18 (1):39-56.details
Metóda, problém a úloha (Method, Problem and Task).František Gahér & Vladimir Marko - 2017 - Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského.details
The agent's role in the causation of action: Is Michael Smith's causal theory of action in trouble?Lucas Mateus Dalsotto - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (142):143-164.details
Against the Tyranny of Outcomes.Paul Hurley - 2024 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Translated by Paul Hurley.details
Intentions: past, present, future.Matthew Noah Smith - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (sup2):1-12.details
From Life-Like to Mind-Like Explanation: Natural Agency and the Cognitive Sciences.Alex Djedovic - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Toronto, St. George Campusdetails