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Sexual Rights, Disability and Sex Robots.Ezio Di Nucci - 2017 - In John Danaher & Neil McArthur (eds.), Robot Sex: Social and Ethical Implications. MIT Press.details
A Typology of Posthumanism: A Framework for Differentiating Analytic, Synthetic, Theoretical, and Practical Posthumanisms.Matthew E. Gladden - 2016 - In Sapient Circuits and Digitalized Flesh: The Organization as Locus of Technological Posthumanization. Defragmenter Media. pp. 31-91.details
Organizational Posthumanism.Matthew E. Gladden - 2016 - In Sapient Circuits and Digitalized Flesh: The Organization as Locus of Technological Posthumanization. Defragmenter Media. pp. 93-131.details
Robots, Law and the Retribution Gap.John Danaher - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (4):299–309.details
Drones, courage, and military culture.Robert Sparrow - 2015 - In Jr Lucas (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Military Ethics. London: Routledge. pp. 380-394.details
Twenty seconds to comply: Autonomous weapon systems and the recognition of surrender.Robert Sparrow - 2015 - International Law Studies 91:699-728.details
Just War and Robots’ Killings.Thomas W. Simpson & Vincent C. Müller - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly 66 (263):302-22.details
Autonomous Machines, Moral Judgment, and Acting for the Right Reasons.Duncan Purves, Ryan Jenkins & Bradley J. Strawser - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (4):851-872.details
Why moral philosophers should watch sci-fi movies.Nikil Mukerji - 2014 - In Fiorella Battaglia & Nathalie Weidenfeld (eds.), Roboethics in Film. Pisa, Italy: Pisa University Press. pp. 79-92.details
The Strategic Robot Problem: Lethal Autonomous Weapons in War.Heather M. Roff - 2014 - Journal of Military Ethics 13 (3):211-227.details
War without virtue?Robert Sparrow - 2013 - In Bradley Jay Strawser (ed.), Killing by Remote Control: The Ethics of an Unmanned Military. New York, US: Oup Usa. pp. 84-105.details
Artificial moral agents are infeasible with foreseeable technologies.Patrick Chisan Hew - 2014 - Ethics and Information Technology 16 (3):197-206.details
Negotiating autonomy and responsibility in military robots.Merel Noorman & Deborah G. Johnson - 2014 - Ethics and Information Technology 16 (1):51-62.details
Moral Deskilling and Upskilling in a New Machine Age: Reflections on the Ambiguous Future of Character.Shannon Vallor - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):107-124.details
Machine ethics and the idea of a more-than-human moral world.Steve Torrance - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson (eds.), Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press. pp. 115.details
Saying 'No!' to Lethal Autonomous Targeting.Noel Sharkey - 2010 - Journal of Military Ethics 9 (4):369-383.details
Drones, information technology, and distance: mapping the moral epistemology of remote fighting. [REVIEW]Mark Coeckelbergh - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (2):87-98.details
Bridging the Responsibility Gap in Automated Warfare.Marc Champagne & Ryan Tonkens - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):125-137.details
Autonomous Weapons and Distributed Responsibility.Marcus Schulzke - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (2):203-219.details
Safety Engineering for Artificial General Intelligence.Roman Yampolskiy & Joshua Fox - 2012 - Topoi 32 (2):217-226.details
Moral Predators: The Duty to Employ Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles.Bradley Jay Strawser - 2010 - Journal of Military Ethics 9 (4):342-368.details
Information Warfare: A Philosophical Perspective. [REVIEW]Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (1):105-120.details
Robots as Weapons in Just Wars.Marcus Schulzke - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (3):293-306.details
Autonomous Military Robotics: Risk, Ethics, and Design.Patrick Lin, George Bekey & Keith Abney - unknowndetails
The cubicle warrior: the marionette of digitalized warfare. [REVIEW]Rinie van Est - 2010 - Ethics and Information Technology 12 (3):289-296.details
(1 other version)The philosophy of computer science.Raymond Turner - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.details
Deference to Opaque Systems and Morally Exemplary Decisions.James Fritz - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.details
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Authorship Gaps.Tamer Nawar - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (4):355-367.details
Artificial agents: responsibility & control gaps.Herman Veluwenkamp & Frank Hindriks - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.details
How AI Systems Can Be Blameworthy.Hannah Altehenger, Leonhard Menges & Peter Schulte - 2024 - Philosophia (4):1-24.details
Impactful Conceptual Engineering: Designing Technological Artefacts Ethically.Herman Veluwenkamp - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-16.details
Understanding Moral Responsibility in Automated Decision-Making: Responsibility Gaps and Strategies to Address Them.Andrea Berber & Jelena Mijić - 2024 - Theoria: Beograd 67 (3):177-192.details
Gamification, Side Effects, and Praise and Blame for Outcomes.Sven Nyholm - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (1):1-21.details
Is Explainable AI Responsible AI?Isaac Taylor - forthcoming - AI and Society.details
Collective Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence.Isaac Taylor - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-18.details
Machine agency and representation.Beba Cibralic & James Mattingly - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):345-352.details
Artificial Moral Responsibility: How We Can and Cannot Hold Machines Responsible.Daniel W. Tigard - 2021 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 30 (3):435-447.details
Justice by Algorithm: The Limits of AI in Criminal Sentencing.Isaac Taylor - 2023 - Criminal Justice Ethics 42 (3):193-213.details
Getting Machines to Do Your Dirty Work.Tomi Francis & Todd Karhu - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-15.details
What we owe to decision-subjects: beyond transparency and explanation in automated decision-making.David Gray Grant, Jeff Behrends & John Basl - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 2003:1-31.details
Responsibility Internalism and Responsibility for AI.Huzeyfe Demirtas - 2023 - Dissertation, Syracuse Universitydetails
Philosophy of AI: A structured overview.Vincent C. Müller - 2024 - In Nathalie A. Smuha (ed.), Cambridge handbook on the law, ethics and policy of Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-25.details
A Comparative Defense of Self-initiated Prospective Moral Answerability for Autonomous Robot harm.Marc Champagne & Ryan Tonkens - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (4):1-26.details
A Moral Bind? — Autonomous Weapons, Moral Responsibility, and Institutional Reality.Bartek Chomanski - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36.details
A Case for 'Killer Robots': Why in the Long Run Martial AI May Be Good for Peace.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - Journal of Ethics, Entrepreneurship and Technology 3 (1).details
Group blameworthiness and group rights.Stephanie Collins - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.details
(1 other version)Responsibility Gaps and Retributive Dispositions: Evidence from the US, Japan and Germany.Markus Kneer & Markus Christen - manuscriptdetails
The value of responsibility gaps in algorithmic decision-making.Lauritz Munch, Jakob Mainz & Jens Christian Bjerring - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (1):1-11.details
Role of emotions in responsible military AI.José Kerstholt, Mark Neerincx, Karel van den Bosch, Jason S. Metcalfe & Jurriaan van Diggelen - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (1):1-4.details