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  1. (1 other version)Towards a History of Speech Act Theory.Barry Smith - 1990 - In Armin Burkhardt (ed.), Speech acts, meaning, and intentions: critical approaches to the philosophy of John R. Searle. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 29--61.
    That uses of language not only can, but even normally do, have the character of actions was a fact largely unrealised by those engaged in the study of language before the present century, at least in the sense that there was lacking any attempt to come to terms systematically with the action-theoretic peculiarities of language use. Where the action-character of linguistic phenomena was acknowledged, it was normally regarded as a peripheral matter, relating to derivative or nonstandard aspects of language which (...)
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  • On the Meaning of Screens: Towards a Phenomenological Account of Screenness.Lucas D. Introna & Fernando M. Ilharco - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (1):57-76.
    This paper presents a Heideggerian phenomenological analysis of screens. In a world and an epoch where screens pervade a great many aspects of human experience, we submit that phenomenology, much in a traditional methodological form, can provide an interesting and novel basis for our understanding of screens. We ground our analysis in the ontology of Martin Heidegger's Being and Time [1927/1962], claiming that screens will only show themselves as they are if taken as screens-in-the-world. Thus, the phenomenon of screen is (...)
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  • A Philosopher in the Lab. Carl Stumpf on Philosophy and Experimental Sciences.Riccardo Martinelli - 2015 - Philosophia Scientiae 19:23-43.
    This essay addresses the interrelations between philosophy and experimental sciences that lie at the heart of Carl Stumpf’s epistemology. Following a biographical exposé demonstrating how Stumpf succeeded in acquiring a dual competence in both philosophical and scientific fields, we examine the vast array of academic disciplines encompassed by his research. Such a biographical treatment aims, indeed, to better promote the thrust of Stumpf’s assertion that philosophical enquiries should always be carried out in close connection with scientific practices, and underlines how (...)
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  • (1 other version)Heidegger frente a Husserl en la Introducción a la investigación fenomenológica.Hernán Gabriel Inverso - 2017 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 56:49-72.
    Desde los orígenes de su formación en fenomenología, Heidegger emprendió modificaciones metodológicas que tematizan el campo de la vida preteórica y llevan a la hermenéutica del Dasein creando tensiones respecto de Husserl que afectaron tanto la dimensión teórica como la personal. En este trabajo se estudia este viraje señalando sus orígenes tempranos y concentrándose en los aportes del curso Introducción a la investigación fenomenológica, del semestre de invierno de 1923/1924. Este ámbito presenta aspectos relevantes para comprender el modo en que (...)
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  • Interruptions: Levinas.George Kunz - 2006 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 37 (2):241-266.
    This article is a continuation of the challenge begun by early phenomenologists of the reductionistic scientism of Natural Science Psychology. Inspired by five distinctions of Emmanuel Levinas, it seeks to bring a deeper interruption of the seemingly unalterable force of mainstream psychology to model itself after the hard sciences. Levinas distinguishes the experience of totality from infinity, need from desire, freedom as self-initiated and self-directed from freedom as invested by and for the Other, active agency from radical passivity, and the (...)
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  • Actualité de Carl Stumpf.Guillaume Fréchette - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (2):267-285.
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  • Aspectos fundamentales del método de Edith Stein.Mariano Crespo - 2010 - Teología y Vida 51 (1-2):59-78.
    este trabajo aborda tres aspectos fundamentales del método filosófico de Edith Stein. En primer lugar, se alude a las cosas mismas como el punto de partida del filosofar de esta autora. En segundo lugar, se considera el aspecto que constituye uno de los aportes fundamentales del método fenomenológico y que es claramente reconocible en nuestra autora, a saber, el haber puesto de manifiesto la imposibilidad de hacer filosofía primera sin tomar en cuenta la vida consciente ante la que todas las (...)
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  • "Seeing through" self-deception in narrative reports: Finding psychological truth in problematic data.Scott Churchill - 2000 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 31 (1):44-62.
    The problem of narrative validity is discussed in reference to psychologists' criticisms of verbal report data and in dialogue with Jean-Paul Sartre's understanding of self-knowledge in general and of self-deception in particular. Sartre's notion of "purifying reflection" is invoked as a way of seeing through the distortions and deceptions inherent in narrative accounts of lived experience. Excerpts from empirically-based phenomenological investigations of desire and sexual compliance will be used as illustrations of both the content and process of phenomenologically-based narrative research.
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  • The Role of Management Accounting in Ancient India: Evidence from the Arthasastra.Vijaya Murthy & Jim Rooney - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (2):323-341.
    The various forms of accounting practice have a long history. However, the focus of historical accounting scholarship examining premodern times has tended to be the genesis of double-entry book-keeping techniques. In particular, very few scholars have examined influences on the adoption of management accounting techniques in the ancient periods of India’s long history. We respond to this lacuna by examining management accounting at an organizational level within an ancient and economically successful society, namely the Mauryan period. The aim is to (...)
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  • Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology: Common Roots, Related Results.Nikolay Milkov - 2004 - In Sonya Kaneva (ed.), Challenges Facing Philosophy in United Europe: Proceedings, 23rd Session, Varna International Philosophical School, June, 3rd-6th, 2004. Iphr-Bas. pp. 119-126.
    In this paper we shall open a perspective from which the relatedness between the early analytic philosophy and Husserl’s phenomenology is so close that we can call the two programs with one name: “rigorous philosophy”, or “theory of forms”. Moreover, we shall show that the close relatedness between the two most influential philosophical movements of the 20th century has its roots in their common history. At the end of the paper we shall try to answer the question why being rather (...)
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  • Husserlio ir Heideggerio ginčas dėl fenomenologijos.Mintautas Gutauskas - 2016 - Problemos 89:21.
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  • Facilitating a dedicated focus on the human dimensions of care in practice settings: Development of a new humanised care assessment tool ( HCAT ) to sensitise care.Kathleen T. Galvin, Claire Sloan, Fiona Cowdell, Caroline Ellis-Hill, Carole Pound, Roger Watson, Steven Ersser & Sheila Brooks - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12235.
    There is limited consensus about what constitutes humanly sensitive care, or how it can be sustained in care settings. A new humanised care assessment tool may point to caring practices that are up to the task of meeting persons as humans within busy healthcare environments. This paper describes qualitative development of a tool that is conceptually sensitive to human dimensions of care informed by a life‐world philosophical orientation. Items were generated to reflect eight theoretical dimensions that constitute what makes care (...)
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  • Why bad Moods Matter. William James on Melancholy, Mystic Emotion, and the Meaning of Life.Heleen Pott - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1635-1645.
    William James’s reputation in the field of emotion research is based on his early psychological writings where he defines emotions as ‘feelings of bodily changes’. In his later work, particularly in his study of mystic emotion, James comes up with what looks like a completely different approach. Here his focus is on positive feelings of inspiration and joy, but also on downbeat moods like melancholy and depression. He examines how these feeling states give meaning to an individual’s life. Theorists often (...)
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  • Phenomenological Research of Nursing and Its Method.Tetsuya Sakakibara - 2012 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 4:133-150.
    The aim of this paper is to clarify what “phenomenological” means in the phenomenological researches of nursing and what “method” is or should beadopted in phenomenological researches of nursing. The essay first defines a traditional classification of the phenomenological researches of nursing by Cohen and Omery, and then gives a new attempt to classify the phenomenological approaches in the theories of nursing. On this basis, the essay reviews some representative “phenomenological” researches of nursing today and addresses critical comments to them. (...)
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  • Pedagogical Recognition.Raquel Ayala - 2010 - Phenomenology and Practice 4 (1):5-29.
    Pedagogical activity, be it of parents or teachers, continuously requires us to meet children's and youngsters' deep ethical needs. In our daily relationships with them, recognition is one of the most frequent and essential ingredients of our educational activity. But, what does being recognized mean? When does this everyday practice become genuinely pedagogical?This phenomenological inquiry explores pedagogical recognition, an experience of an essentially ethical sense. Through our words, actions, decisions, etc., we offer children and young people effective learning experiences about (...)
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  • A Phenomenological Investigation of the Presencing of Space.Francisco Mata - 2016 - Phenomenology and Practice 10 (1):25-46.
    In this paper the author explores certain fulfilling personal experiences that he describes as the presencing of space, i.e. the way in which an individual’s spatial involvement may put him or her in contact with reality as a whole. These experiences are investigated from a phenomenological perspective, and the differences between them and other similar experiences, such as that of the sublime or topophilia, are highlighted. A neologism is introduced: topoaletheia to name a distinctive type of spatial experience. This concept (...)
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  • Authenticity: an ethic of capacity realisation.Charles Pearmain - unknown
    My interests lie in consideration of conceptions of authenticity and inauthenticity from the perspective of ethical theories which conceive of the good for man with reference to human nature and concomitant beliefs regarding the most appropriate realisation of human capacities. Here, I find particular interest in the philosophical styles embodied by the existentialist and Lebensphilosophie movements. Such approaches sit outside the traditional frames of reference provided by deontological and utilitarian approaches to ethical reasoning and yet do I shall argue, share (...)
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