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  1. Probabilistic mental models: A Brunswikian theory of confidence.Gerd Gigerenzer, Ulrich Hoffrage & Heinz Kleinbölting - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (4):506-528.
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  • Zwart and Franssen’s impossibility theorem holds for possible-world-accounts but not for consequence-accounts to verisimilitude.Gerhard Schurz & Paul Weingartner - 2010 - Synthese 172 (3):415-436.
    Zwart and Franssen’s impossibility theorem reveals a conflict between the possible-world-based content-definition and the possible-world-based likeness-definition of verisimilitude. In Sect. 2 we show that the possible-world-based content-definition violates four basic intuitions of Popper’s consequence-based content-account to verisimilitude, and therefore cannot be said to be in the spirit of Popper’s account, although this is the opinion of some prominent authors. In Sect. 3 we argue that in consequence-accounts, content-aspects and likeness-aspects of verisimilitude are not in conflict with each other, but in (...)
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  • Explanation as unification.Gerhard Schurz - 1999 - Synthese 120 (1):95-114.
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  • The Chemical Core of Chemistry I: A Conceptual Approach.Joachim Schummer - 1998 - Hyle 4 (2):129 - 162.
    Given the rich diversity of research fields usually ascribed to chemistry in a broad sense, the present paper tries to dig our characteristic parts of chemistry that can be conceptually distinguished from interdisciplinary, applied, and specialized subfields of chemistry, and that may be called chemistry in a very narrow sense, or 'the chemical core of chemistry'. Unlike historical, ontological, and 'anti-reductive' approaches, I use a conceptual approach together with some methodological implications that allow to develop step by step a kind (...)
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  • Criteria of Theoreticity: Bridging Statement and Non-Statement View.Gerhard Schurz - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S8):1-25.
    In this paper I reconstruct and compare criteria of theoreticity that have been developed by Carnap, Sneed and proponents of the Munich school of structuralist philosophy of science. For this purpose I develop a unified framework in which one can transform model-theoretic theory representations into linguistic ones, and vice versa. This bridges the gap between statement and non-statement view and allows a precise comparison of linguistic and model-theoretic criteria of theoreticity. In the final part I suggest a system of improved (...)
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  • Classical genetics and the theory-net of genetics.Pablo Lorenzano - 2000 - In Joseph D. Sneed, Wolfgang Balzer & C.-U. Moulines (eds.), Structuralist Knowledge Representation: Paradigmatic Examples. Rodopi. pp. 75-251.
    This article presents a reconstruction of the so-called classical, formal or Mendelian genetics, which is intended to be more complete and adequate than existing reconstructions. This reconstruction has been carried out with the instruments, duly modified and extended with respect to the case under consideration, of the structuralist conception of theories. The so-called Mendel’s Laws, as well as linkage genetics and gene mapping are formulated in a precise manner while the global structure of genetics is represented as a theory-net. These (...)
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  • A Structuralist Theory of Belief Revision.Holger Andreas - 2011 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (2):205-232.
    The present paper aims at a synthesis of belief revision theory with the Sneed formalism known as the structuralist theory of science. This synthesis is brought about by a dynamisation of classical structuralism, with an abductive inference rule and base generated revisions in the style of Rott (2001). The formalism of prioritised default logic (PDL) serves as the medium of the synthesis. Why seek to integrate the Sneed formalism into belief revision theory? With the hybrid system of the present investigation, (...)
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  • Scientific explanation: A critical survey.Gerhard Schurz - 1995 - Foundations of Science 1 (3):429-465.
    This paper describes the development of theories of scientific explanation since Hempel's earliest models in the 1940ies. It focuses on deductive and probabilistic whyexplanations and their main problems: lawlikeness, explanation-prediction asymmetries, causality, deductive and probabilistic relevance, maximal specifity and homogenity, the height of the probability value. For all of these topic the paper explains the most important approaches as well as their criticism, including the author's own accounts. Three main theses of this paper are: (1) Both deductive and probabilistic explanations (...)
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  • The Many Facets of the Theory of Rationality.Wolfgang Spohn - 2002 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):249-264.
    Modern theory of rationality has truly grown into a science of its own. Still, the general topic remained a genuinely philosophical one. This essay is concerned with giving a brief overview. Section 2 explains the fundamental scheme of all rationality assessments. With its help, a schematic order of the main questions concerning the theory of rationality can be given; the questions turn out to be quite unevenly addressed in the literature. Section 3 discusses the fundamental issue that the theory of (...)
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  • The Concept of Argument: A Philosophical Foundation.Harald R. Wohlrapp - 2014 - Dordrecht NL: Springer.
    Arguing that our attachment to Aristotelian modes of discourse makes a revision of their conceptual foundations long overdue, the author proposes the consideration of unacknowledged factors that play a central role in argument itself. These are in particular the subjective imprint and the dynamics of argumentation. Their inclusion in a four-dimensional framework and the focus on thesis validity allow for a more realistic view of our discourse practice. Exhaustive analyses of fascinating historical and contemporary arguments are provided. These range from (...)
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  • ?That's not fair!? argumentational integrity as an ethics of argumentative communication.Margrit Schreier, Norbert Groeben & Ursula Christmann - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (2):267-289.
    The article introduces the concept of ‘argumentational integrity’ as the basis for developing ethical criteria by which contributions to argumentative discussions can be evaluated; the focus is on the derivation, definition, and specification of the concept. The derivation of the concept starts out from a prescriptive use of ‘argumentation’, entailing in particular the goal of a rational as well as a cooperative solution. In order to make this goal attainable, contributions to argumentative discussions must meet certain conditions. It is assumed (...)
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  • Reference problems in stoichiometry.Bernhard Lauth - 1989 - Erkenntnis 30 (3):339 - 362.
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  • (1 other version)Invarianzgesetze und zeitmetrik.Andreas Kamlah - 1973 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 4 (2):224-260.
    Modern Philosophy of Science has not yet recognized the significance of physical invariance principles for science and daily life. In this paper we investigate as a simple example, how time independence or time translational invariance of natural laws determines the time scale. We start with informal definitions of the invariance of concepts and laws. We then ask if time independence is an essential feature of natural laws or if time dependent laws are plausible without loss of predictive relevance. In section (...)
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  • Reduction: Some criteria and criticisms of the structuralist concept.Hans Rott - 1987 - Erkenntnis 27 (2):231 - 256.
    Inter-theoretical reduction has always been a major topic in the structuralist philosophy of science. This paper reviews criteria of adequacy which were put forward by Adams, Sneed, Stegmuller, Mayr, Pearce, Kamlah, and Mormann. The criteria are formalized in a simplified structuralist model, and the logical relations between them are investigated. It turns out that various parts of these criteria are incompatible.
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  • The diagnostic process as a statistical-causal analysis.Hans Westmeyer - 1975 - Theory and Decision 6 (1):57-86.
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  • Crítica a la noción de modelo de Patrick Suppes.Rodrigo López-Orellana & Juan Redmond - 2021 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 78:135-155.
    Nuestro objetivo es analizar críticamente el enfoque de la noción de modelo de Alfred Tarski que Patrick Suppes integra en su concepción semanticista de las teorías científicas. En efecto, mostraremos cómo esta noción se configura en Suppes (1969; 1970) desde una revisión formal de la noción de modelo en Tarski (1936), focalizando nuestro análisis en tres ejes principales: i) una crítica a la perspectiva estática del semanticismo; ii) un análisis de las condiciones restrictivas y el lenguaje para la axiomatización de (...)
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  • Normische gesetzeshypothesen und die wissenschaftsphilosophische bedeutung Des nichtmonotonen schliessens.Gerhard Schurz - 2001 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 32 (1):65-107.
    Normic Laws and the Significance of Nonmonotonic Reasoning for Philosophy of Science. Normic laws have the form ‘if A then normally B’. They have been discovered in the explanation debate, but were considered as empirically vacuous (§1). I argue that the prototypical (or ideal) normality of normic laws implies statistical normality (§2), whence normic laws have empirical content. In §3–4 I explain why reasoning from normic laws is nonmonotonic, and why the understanding of the individual case is so important here. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Ende oder Wende der analytischen Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie?Dirk Koppelberg - 1981 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 12 (2):364-400.
    My concern in what follows is to give a comparative report on some important lectures held at the Hegel-Kongreß 1981 in Stuttgart. In discussing the views of Quine, Hacking, Davidson, Putnam and Habermas I want to confront them with some details of Rorty's recent critique of our philosophical tradition. At last I try to give a tentative answer whether there is an end or a turning-point for current analytical philosophy.
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  • (2 other versions)Analytischer versus konstruktiver wissenschaftsbegriff.Harald Wohlrapp - 1975 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 6 (2):252-275.
    The paper consists of three parts. The aim of the first part is to depict the concept of science in the analytic philosophy of science to point out its characteristic defects. The second part shows how the constructive philosophy of science is able to avoid these defects by honouring not special modes of research but speicial modes of foundation of results in research with its criteria for science. The third part finally refutes the main counter-arguments of analytic philosophy of science (...)
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  • (1 other version)Methode oder dogma?Andreas Kamlah - 1981 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 12 (1):138-162.
    Summary Some leading ideas of the constructivist protophysics are discussed on the basis of P. Janich's Protophysik der Zeit. After having reviewed the contents of the second edition Janich's claim that analytical philosophy of science is purely affirmative and not critical towards science in its historical appearence is refuted. In the next section the principles of constructivist methodology of physics are criticised, and the claim is refuted that prescriptions for measurement cannot without circularity be shown to be invalid by experimental (...)
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  • Das Apriori zwischen Psychologie und Metaphysik.Kay Herrmann - 2013 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie (18).
    Sofern man die Existenz objektiver Erkenntnisse anerkennt, ist man mit der Frage nach den Bedingungen der Möglichkeit für diese Erkenntnisse konfrontiert. Der Grund muss in Voraussetzungen liegen, die selbst wiederum empirisch nicht zu rechtfertigen sind. Zwar verwerfen Popper und Carnap den Begriff des "synthetischen Urteils a priori", doch die Voraussetzung, dass es "in der Natur gesetzlich zugeht", räumen beide ein. Diese empirisch nicht zu rechtfertigende Prämisse ist ein synthetisches Urteil a priori. Gemäß Kant ist innerhalb der Klasse der Erkenntnisse a (...)
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  • On the limits of the statistical-causal analysis as a diagnostic procedure.Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh - 1978 - Theory and Decision 9 (1):93-107.
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  • (1 other version)Kausalgefüge, irreale bedingungssätze und Das problem der definierbarkeit Von dispositionsprädikaten.Hans-Ulrich Hoche - 1977 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 8 (2):257-291.
    The symbolic paraphrase of 'because' sentences suggested by Frege, which is still widely accepted, will be gradually developed into a more adequate, though much more complicated, form. Out of the different types of such sentences, the 'for the only reason that' type will be given especial consideration. Furthermore, it will be expounded that contrary-to-fact conditionals may function either as 'for the only reason that' explanations, or as 'for at least the reason that' explanations, or as arguments, the difference being dependent (...)
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  • Protophysik und spezielle relativitätstheorie.Wolfgang Schonefeld - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31 (1):157-178.
    Protophysics and Special Theory of Relativity. First, a proposal for a constructive foundation of the Special Theory of Relativity by M. Buth is criticized and confronted with an alternative proposal by the author. The main idea is to solve the problem of transforming coordinates between inertial systems in terms of the General Theory of Measurement. Regarding transformations of co-ordinates as transformations of thecorresponding “functions of measurement” these functions have to meet two demands. 1. To identify measured values which are related (...)
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  • Nachsicht oder üble nachrede? Putnam und Das problem der theoriendynamik.Carsten Köllmann - 2003 - Erkenntnis 58 (1):47 - 70.
    The article deals with problems of incommensurability and meaning change in thecontext of scientific dynamics. Its main topic is a proposal made by Putnam basedon his version of the principle of charity. It is shown that this proposal does not workas a general principle for the understanding of theory change, for it leads in some cases to an unconvincing interpretation of now discarded theories and is even uncharitable. So it could be polemically described as a kind of defamation ('üle Nachrede') (...)
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  • The Concept of Nature, the Epistemic Ideal, and Experiment: Why is Modern Science Technologically Exploitable?Paul Hoyningen-Huene - unknown
    This paper deals with the following questions: What features of modern natural science are responsible for the fact that, of all forms of science, this form is technologically exploitable? The three notions: concept of nature, epistemic ideal, and experiment, suggest the most important components of my answer. I will argue, first, that only the peculiar interplay of the modern concept of nature with an epistemic ideal attuned to it can cast experiment in the specific, highly central role it plays in (...)
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  • Modal Structuralism with Theoretical Terms.Holger Andreas & Georg Schiemer - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):721-745.
    In this paper, we aim to explore connections between a Carnapian semantics of theoretical terms and an eliminative structuralist approach in the philosophy of mathematics. Specifically, we will interpret the language of Peano arithmetic by applying the modal semantics of theoretical terms introduced in Andreas (Synthese 174(3):367–383, 2010). We will thereby show that the application to Peano arithmetic yields a formal semantics of universal structuralism, i.e., the view that ordinary mathematical statements in arithmetic express general claims about all admissible interpretations (...)
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  • Zur entwicklung und rechtfertigung normativer theoriendas beispiel der gerechtigkeit Von glücksspielen.Hans Joachim Burscheid & Horst Struve - 2001 - Dialectica 55 (3):259–282.
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  • (1 other version)Explanation and Understanding through Scientific Models.Richard David-Rus - 2009 - Dissertation, University Munich
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  • Suggestie voor een metafilosofisch onderzoeksprogramma.S. J. Doorman - 1975 - Philosophica 16.
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  • Epistemological Problems and the Personality and Social System in Social Psychology.Hans Lenk - 1975 - Theory and Decision 6 (1/4):333.
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  • Topologische Aspekte strukturalistischer Rekonstruktionen.Thomas Mormann - 1985 - Erkenntnis 23 (3):319-359.
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  • Balance theory: Progress and stagnation of a social psychological theory.Karl-Dieter Opp - 1984 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 14 (1):27-49.
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  • Carnap versus Quine, or Aprioristic versus Naturalized Epistemology, or a Lesson from Dispositions.Wolfgang Spohn - unknown
    In his influential paper "Epistemology Naturalized" Quine argues that Carnap's failure to define disposition predicates and his subsequent preference for reduction sentences naturally lead to an entirely naturalized epistemology. This conclusion is too hasty, I object. Applying the account of dispositional predicates developed in No. 26 I defend Carnap's aprioristic epistemology against Quine's attacks.
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  • Sociological Languages.Nico Stehr - 1982 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 12 (1):47-57.
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  • Ontological aspects of measurement.Holger Andreas - 2008 - Axiomathes 18 (3):379-394.
    The concept of measurement is fundamental to a whole range of different disciplines, including not only the natural and engineering sciences, but also laboratory medicine and certain branches of the social sciences. This being the case, the concept of measurement has a particular relevance to the development of top-level ontologies in the area of knowledge engineering. For this reason, the present paper is concerned with ontological aspects of measurement. We are searching for a list of concepts that are apt to (...)
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  • Der Begriff ‚Praktischer Fortschritt’ In Den Biomedizinischen Wissenschaften. Strukturalistischer Ansatz Zur Rekonstruktion Wissenschaftstheoretischer Begriffe In Der MedizinThe term ‘practical progress’ in biomedical sciences. A structuralistic approach to the reconstruction of epistemological terms in medicine.Anastassia Eleftheriadis - 1996 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 27 (1):15-27.
    The Term 'Practical Progress' in Biomedical Sciences. A Structuralistic Approach to the Reconstruction of Epistemological Terms in Medicine. An attempt is made to elucidate the structure of the term 'practical progress' and to reconstruct it logically. The importance of discovery and confirmation of new regularities as well as of practical rules arising from them depends on their contribution to the solution of practical problems. The application of this structuralistic definition of 'practical progress' is demonstrated with an example from cardiac surgery (...)
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  • (1 other version)Teleologie — eine „sache der formulierung“ oder eine „formulierung der sache“?Eve-Marie Engels - 1978 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 9 (2):225-235.
    Nagel ist es nicht geglückt, die Möglichkeit des Verzichts auf teleologische Formulierungen und Erklärungen plausibel zu begründen. Bei seinem Versuch, die Äquivalenz teleologischer und nichtteleologischer Erklärungen nachzuweisen und den Bedeutungsüberschuß teleologischer Sprache hinwegzuformulieren, ist er immer schon an die Voraussetzung dieses Bedeutungsüberschusses gebunden, dessen er sich nicht, wie seine Beschreibung zielgerichteter Systeme beweist, entledigen kann. Unser Ergebnis dispensiert jedoch nicht von der Frage, ob der Anspruch 'der in teleologischen Wendungen geltend gemacht wird, auch zu Recht besteht. Denn die semantische Unmöglichkeit (...)
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  • (1 other version)Teleologie ohne Telos?Eve-Marie Engels - 1982 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 13 (1):122-165.
    By means of a survey of the papers given at the XIX Symposium of theSociety for History of Sciences on the „Idea of Purposiveness in the History of the Sciences“, Mai 28–30, 1981 in Bamberg, West Germany, it is demonstrated that in the course of the history of science teleological thinking in its traditional form is increasingly eliminated from the sciences. This process culminates in the attempt to rehabilitate teleological thinking by means of a reconstruction of Aristotelian philosophy using the (...)
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  • Rationales Handeln und historische Erklärung.Andreas Frings - 2007 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 38 (1):31-56.
    Rational Choice and Historical Explanation. The dichotomy between narrative and causal approaches is one of the most discussed problems in historical explanation. The main problem seems to be that many philosophers and historians do not agree with the argument of analytical philosophy of history that explanations demand law-like assumptions. Even Arthur C. Danto, however, who is often regarded as the founder of narrative explanatory approaches, did not leave causality behind. Contrarily, he defended the covering-law-scheme against unfounded criticism and showed that (...)
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  • (1 other version)Zur semantik der funktionalanalyse.Elmar Holenstein - 1983 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 14 (2):292-319.
    In Sachen Funktionalanalyse befaßte man sich in der allgemeinen Wissenschaftstheorie anfänglich überwiegend mit der Logik funktionaler Erklärungen. Diese bedarf einer Ergänzung durch eine Semantik der Funktionalanalyse. Nach einer einleitenden Erörterung einiger Schwachpunkte und Grenzen der klassischen Literatur zur Logik der Funktionalanalyse wird eine Wortfeldanalyse von 'Funktion' und 'System' sowie eine phänomenologische Beschreibung der Wirkungsweise von Motiven angeboten. Im Unterschied zu Zielen, die man nur Entitäten zuschreibt, die als selbständig angesehen werden, spricht man Funktionen nur Entitäten zu, die als nichtselbständig angesehen (...)
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  • Reflexionen über die struktur der physikalischen sprache.Andreas Kamlah - 2001 - Erkenntnis 54 (1):39-53.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss how far physics differs frommathematics, and if a philosophy of science which uses mathematics or logicsas a model for physics would be unable to be aware of many importantfeatures of that natural science.Many functions in physics differ from those of mathematics in beingfunctional dependecies and in having a lawlike character.Physical quantities have the character of "`determinables"'', sets ofspecial entities which are presupposed by physical theories.One may suspect that physics also could not be (...)
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  • The Logical Structure of International Trade Theory.Frieder Lempp - 2008 - Erkenntnis 69 (2):227-242.
    In this paper the structuralist approach of theory reconstruction is applied to International Trade Theory. In the basic element the universal laws of the theory are stated and the general concepts are defined in terms of three sets and seven functions. Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative Advantage and the Factor Proportions Theory by Heckscher and Ohlin are reconstructed as specialisations of the basic element. Two intratheoretical constraints are formulated in order to ensure the consistency of the theory. A number of empirical (...)
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  • Sociology as a science.David V. McQueen - 1981 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 12 (2):263-284.
    Presented here is an overview from the standpoints of sociology, history of science, philosophy of science and “pure science” of the lingering question of whether sociology is a form of scientific pursuit. The conclusion is drawn that sociology barely meets any of the rigid criteria traditionally associated with the natural sciences. Sociology is viewed as having a position of theory and argument which is labeled “inconoclastic scepticism.”.
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  • Nomothetic and idiographic methodology in psychiatry—A historical-philosophical analysis.Michael Schäfer - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (3):265-274.
    The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the epistemic position of psychiatry between the science of general laws in relation to frequently encountered generality and the science of specific events which is directed towards the particular. In this respect the development of the dichotomy of nomothetic and idiographic methodology from its generally forgotten neo-Kantian origins is delineated within the context of a historical-philosophical analysis and then its incorporation into psychology and psychopathology is reconstructed. In the course of this analysis (...)
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  • Ist die Welt kausal geschlossen?Hans-Dieter Mutschler - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):113-127.
    Wenn die Welt kausal geschlossen ist und wenn wir,Kausalität' durch,Naturgesetzlichkeit' näher bestimmen, dann scheint der Mensch als Freiheitswesen zumindest ein Fremdling in der Natur zu sein, im schlimmsten Fall ein Illusionist, der sich beständig über sich selber täuscht. Viele Bücher beginnen dementsprechend mit der Frage: „Wie passt der Geist in eine materielle Welt?" Die Welt erscheint in einer solchen Perspektive als ein bloß stofflicher Zusammenhang, den die Naturwissenschaft adäquat beschreibt. Da sie keinen Begriff des,Geistes' hat, entsteht eben diese Frage, wie (...)
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  • (1 other version)Rettung oder verabschiedung der hermeneutik?K. Ludwig Pfeiffer - 1983 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 14 (1):46-67.
    This article proceeds on two main assumptions. The 'understanding' of universes of discourse and human practice can no longer be based on the rules developed by older systems of hermeneutics. Modern hermeneutics has not tried to compensate this loss of methodological efficiency by working out new frameworks. It is rather exclusively occupied with efforts to provide 'foundations'. Thus we get ontological, dialectical, transcendental etc. systems. These may serve as general possibilities for looking at history. They do not, however, advance the (...)
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  • „Kausale, teleologische und teleonomische Erklärungen“.Arno Ros - 1982 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 13 (2):320-335.
    Zusammenfassung Fuer unseren Begriff der Gegenstaende der Biologie ist es charakteristisch, dass diese Gegenstaende eine Geschichte haben. Das unterscheidet sie von den Grundgegenstaenden der Physik, die wir so definieren, dass sie als Elemente in geschichtliche Ablaeufe zwar eingehen, ohne dabei indes selbst historischen Wandlungen unterworfen zu sein. Deswegen ist es im Rahmen biologischer Forschungen ueblich, Erklaerungen einmal fuer Veraenderungen und einmal fuer Entstehungen eines Lebewesens (einer Art) anzustreben.
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  • Berkeleys Kritik am Leibniz´schen calculus.Horst Struve, Eva Müller-Hill & Ingo Witzke - 2015 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 46 (1):63-82.
    One of the most famous critiques of the Leibnitian calculus is contained in the essay “The Analyst” written by George Berkeley in 1734. His key argument is those on compensating errors. In this article, we reconstruct Berkeley's argument from a systematical point of view showing that the argument is neither circular nor trivial, as some modern historians think. In spite of this well-founded argument, the critique of Berkeley is with respect to the calculus not a fundamental one. Nevertheless, it highlights (...)
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  • (1 other version)Idealisierte erklärungen.Manfred Tietzel - 1986 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 17 (2):315-321.
    Idealized explanations are the one subtype of incomplete explanations which is most frequently used in the empirical sciences and at the same time least analyzed in philosphy of science. It is argued that idealized explanations, while having the same logical structure as adequate explanations, differ from these in the mode of validity of the argument. Whereas an adequate explanation shows why the occurrence of some event had to be expected, an idealized explanation argues that a certain event would occur if (...)
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