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Realism and social structure.Elizabeth Barnes - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2417-2433.details
The Metaphysics of Social Groups.Katherine Ritchie - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (5):310-321.details
'Yep, I'm Gay': Understanding Agential Identity.Robin Dembroff & Cat Saint-Croix - 2019 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 6:571-599.details
Social construction as grounding; or: fundamentality for feminists, a reply to Barnes and Mikkola.Jonathan Schaffer - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2449-2465.details
Social Construction and Grounding.Aaron M. Griffith - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (2):393-409.details
The metaphysics of social kinds.Rebecca Mason - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (12):841-850.details
Finean Feminist Metaphysics.Asya Passinsky - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (9):937-954.details
Social kinds are essentially mind-dependent.Rebecca Mason - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (12):3975-3994.details
Against Social Kind Anti-Realism.Rebecca Mason - forthcoming - Metaphysics 3 (1):55-67.details
On the social nature of artefacts.Tim Juvshik - 2024 - Theoria 89 (6):910-932.details
Social construction: big-G grounding, small-g realization.Aaron M. Griffith - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (1):241-260.details
(1 other version)On the apparent antagonism between feminist and mainstream metaphysics.Mari Mikkola - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2435-2448.details
Capricious Kinds.Jessica Laimann - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (3):1043-1068.details
(1 other version)On the apparent antagonism between feminist and mainstream metaphysics.Mari Mikkola - 2016 - Philosophical Studies:1-14.details
Social Construction.Ásta Sveinsdóttir - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (12):884-892.details
Realizing race.Aaron M. Griffith - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (7):1919-1934.details
Reactivity as a tool in emancipatory activist research.Inkeri Koskinen - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (4):1-15.details
Social Construction, HPC Kinds, and the Projectability of Human Categories.Jonathan Y. Tsou - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (2):115-137.details
Ways to Be Understood: The Ontological Turn and Interpretive Social Science.Akos Sivado - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (6):565-585.details
Feminist Metaphysics and Philosophical Methodology.Mari Mikkola - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (11):661-670.details
Social categories in the making: construction or recruitment?Samuli Reijula - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12315-12330.details
(1 other version)Ending Sex-Based Oppression: Transitional Pathways.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (3):1021-1041.details
Metaphysics and social justice.Aaron M. Griffith - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (6).details
Causal Social Construction.Riin Kõiv - 2019 - Journal of Social Ontology 5 (1):77-99.details
Explaining social kinds: the role of covert normativity.Rachel Katherine Cooper - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):2955-2972.details
Feminist Metaphysics: Can This Marriage be Saved?Jennifer McKitrick - 2018 - In Pieranna Garavaso, The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Feminism. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 58-79.details
Moving Bodies as Moving Targets: A Feminist Perspective on Sexual Violence in Transit.Louise Pedersen - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):369-388.details
WOMAN: An Essentially Contested Concept.Madhavi Mohan - 2023 - Dialogue 62 (2):357-374.details
Navigating Epistemic Pushback in Feminist and Critical Race Philosophy Classes.Alison Bailey - 2014 - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 14 (1):3-7.details
Pornography, social ontology, and feminist philosophy.Katharine Jenkins - 2020 - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 20 (1):18-22.details
Toward the “overthrow of Platonism”: Processist critical social ontology and ameliorative discourse.Paul Giladi - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):622-638.details
A Metaphysics of Artifacts: Essence and Mind-Dependence.Tim Juvshik - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherstdetails
The moral relevance of social categories: Analysing the case of childhood.Nico Brando - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):195-208.details
What Do We Mean When We Call Someone a Drug Addict?Janet Jones - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (4):391-403.details
Social Constructionism and Relativism: An Aporia?Abigail Klassen - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (2):303-321.details
Entités institutionnelles et attitudes mentales.Olivier Ouzilou - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (2):199-235.details