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An Analysis For A Just Cyber Warfare

In Warfare. Fourth International Conference of Cyber Conflict. NATO CCD COE and IEEE Publication (forthcoming)

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  1. Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence in National Defence.Mariarosaria Taddeo, David McNeish, Alexander Blanchard & Elizabeth Edgar - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1707-1729.
    Defence agencies across the globe identify artificial intelligence as a key technology to maintain an edge over adversaries. As a result, efforts to develop or acquire AI capabilities for defence are growing on a global scale. Unfortunately, they remain unmatched by efforts to define ethical frameworks to guide the use of AI in the defence domain. This article provides one such framework. It identifies five principles—justified and overridable uses, just and transparent systems and processes, human moral responsibility, meaningful human control (...)
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  • Războiul electronic și inteligența artificială.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Războiul electronic este o componentă critică a operațiunilor militare moderne și a suferit progrese semnificative în ultimii ani. Această carte oferă o privire de ansamblu asupra războiului electronic, a dezvoltării sale istorice, a componentelor cheie și a rolului său în scenariile de conflict contemporane. De asemenea, se discută tendințele și provocările emergente în războiul electronic și și relevanța sa contemporană într-o eră a tehnologiei avansate și a amenințărilor cibernetice, subliniind necesitatea cercetării și dezvoltării continue în acest domeniu. Cartea explorează intersecția (...)
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  • Three Ethical Challenges of Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity.Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (2):187-191.
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  • Amenințările persistente avansate în securitatea cibernetică – Războiul cibernetic.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    O analiză cuprinzătoare a Amenințărilor Persistente Avansate (Advanced Persistent Threats, APT), inclusiv caracteristicile, originile, metodele, consecințele și strategiile de apărare ale acestora, cu accent pe detectarea acestor amenințări. Se explorează conceptul de amenințări persistente avansate în contextul securității cibernetice și al războiului cibernetic. APT reprezintă una dintre cele mai insidioase și provocatoare forme de amenințări cibernetice, caracterizate prin sofisticarea, persistența și natura lor țintită. Această carte analizează originile, caracteristicile și metodele folosite de actorii APT. De asemenea, explorează complexitățile asociate cu (...)
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  • Warfighting for Cyber Deterrence: a Strategic and Moral Imperative.David J. Lonsdale - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (3):409-429.
    Theories of cyber deterrence are developing rapidly. However, the literature is missing an important ingredient—warfighting for deterrence. This controversial idea, most commonly associated with nuclear strategy during the later stages of the Cold War, affords a number of advantages. It provides enhanced credibility for deterrence, offers means to deal with deterrence failure, improves compliance with the requirements of just war and ultimately ensures that strategy continues to function in the post-deterrence environment. This paper assesses whether a warfighting for deterrence approach (...)
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  • Is Stuxnet Physical? Does It Matter?Ryan Jenkins - 2013 - Journal of Military Ethics 12 (1):68-79.
    Cyberweapons are software and software, at least intuitively, is nonphysical. Several authors have noted that this potentially renders problematic the application of normative frameworks like UN Charter Article 2(4) to cyberweapons. If Article 2(4) only proscribes the use of physical force, and if cyberweapons are nonphysical, then cyberweapons fall outside the purview of Article 2(4). This article explores the physicality of software, examining Stuxnet in particular. First, I show that with a few relatively uncontroversial metaphysical claims we can secure the (...)
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  • Ethiek voor Cyberkrijg en Cyberkrijgers.Peter Olsthoorn - 2019 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 111 (1):95-109.
    Although some claim that the term cyber war is merely metaphorical, there are good reasons to see cyber war as a form of warfare ‐ even if it is not war as we have hitherto known it. This poses the question whether the principles of the Just War Tradition, which claims to offer an alternative for pacifism and realism, apply to this specific kind of war too. This article argues that the jus in bello principles of discrimination and proportionality are (...)
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  • Is Cybersecurity a Public Good?Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (3):349-354.
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  • The Civic Role of Online Service Providers.Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (1):1-7.
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  • Advanced Persistent Threats in Cybersecurity – Cyber Warfare.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    This book aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), including their characteristics, origins, methods, consequences, and defense strategies, with a focus on detecting these threats. It explores the concept of advanced persistent threats in the context of cyber security and cyber warfare. APTs represent one of the most insidious and challenging forms of cyber threats, characterized by their sophistication, persistence, and targeted nature. The paper examines the origins, characteristics and methods used by APT actors. It also (...)
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  • La guerre électronique et l'intelligence artificielle.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    La guerre électronique est un élément essentiel des opérations militaires modernes et a connu des progrès significatifs ces dernières années. Ce livre donne un aperçu de la guerre électronique, de son évolution historique, de ses composants clés et de son rôle dans les scénarios de conflit contemporains. Il aborde également les tendances et les défis émergents en matière de guerre électronique et sa pertinence contemporaine à l'ère des technologies avancées et des cybermenaces, en soulignant la nécessité de poursuivre la recherche (...)
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  • Electronic Warfare and Artificial Intelligence.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Electronic warfare is a critical component of modern military operations and has undergone significant advances in recent years. This book provides an overview of electronic warfare, its historical development, key components, and its role in contemporary conflict scenarios. It also discusses emerging trends and challenges in electronic warfare and its contemporary relevance in an era of advanced technology and cyber threats, emphasizing the need for continued research and development in this area. The book explores the burgeoning intersection of artificial intelligence (...)
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  • Les menaces persistantes avancées en cybersécurité – La guerre cybernétique.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Ce livre vise à fournir une analyse complète des menaces persistantes avancées, y compris leurs caractéristiques, origines, méthodes, conséquences et stratégies de défense, en mettant l'accent sur la détection de ces menaces. Il explore le concept de menaces persistantes avancées dans le contexte de la cybersécurité et de la cyberguerre. Les menaces persistantes avancées représentent l’une des formes de cybermenaces les plus insidieuses et les plus complexes, caractérisée par leur sophistication, leur persistance et leur nature ciblée. Le livre examine les (...)
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