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Evidence for the innateness of deontic reasoning.Denise Dellarosa Cummins - 1996 - Mind and Language 11 (2):160-90.details
A dual-process specification of causal conditional reasoning.Niki Verschueren, Walter Schaeken & Géry D'Ydewalle - 2005 - Thinking and Reasoning 11 (3):239-278.details
Conditionals: A theory of meaning, pragmatics, and inference.Philip Johnson-Laird & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (4):646-678.details
When nomenclature matters: Is the “new paradigm” really a new paradigm for the psychology of reasoning?Markus Knauff & Lupita Estefania Gazzo Castañeda - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (3):341-370.details
Intuitive And Reflective Responses In Philosophy.Nick Byrd - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Coloradodetails
Matching bias on the selection task: It's fast and feels good.Valerie A. Thompson, Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Jamie I. D. Campbell - 2013 - Thinking and Reasoning 19 (3-4):431-452.details
Reasoning with conditionals.Guy Politzer - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):79-95.details
Uncertainty and the suppression of inferences.Guy Politzer - 2005 - Thinking and Reasoning 11 (1):5 – 33.details
The task-specific nature of domain-general reasoning.Valerie A. Thompson - 2000 - Cognition 76 (3):209-268.details
Conditional reasoning with inducements and advice.J. Evans - 1998 - Cognition 69 (1):B11-B16.details
Error and bias in meta-propositional reasoning: A case of the mental model theory.W. Schroyens - 1999 - Thinking and Reasoning 5 (1):29 – 66.details
Quantifying disablers in reasoning with universal and existential rules.Lupita Estefania Gazzo Castañeda & Markus Knauff - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (3):344-365.details
The specificity of terms affects conditional reasoning.Lupita Estefania Gazzo Castañeda & Markus Knauff - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 25 (1):72-93.details
Superordinate principles in reasoning with causal and deontic conditionals.K. I. Manktelow & N. Fairley - 2000 - Thinking and Reasoning 6 (1):41 – 65.details
Everyday reasoning with inducements and advice.Eyvind Ohm & Valerie A. Thompson - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (3):241 – 272.details
Two Varieties of Conditionals and Two Kinds of Defeaters Help Reveal Two Fundamental Types of Reasoning.Guy Politzer & Jean-françois Bonnefon - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (4):484-503.details
Conditional probability and pragmatic conditionals: Dissociating truth and effectiveness.Eyvind Ohm & Valerie A. Thompson - 2006 - Thinking and Reasoning 12 (3):257 – 280.details
The effect of instructions and information retrieval on accepting the premises in a conditional reasoning task.Isabelle Vadeboncoeur & Henry Markovits - 1999 - Thinking and Reasoning 5 (2):97 – 113.details
The suppression of modus ponens as a case of pragmatic preconditional reasoning.Jean-Francois Bonnefon & Denis J. Hilton - 2002 - Thinking and Reasoning 8 (1):21 – 40.details
Two Varieties of Conditionals and Two Kinds of Defeaters Help Reveal Two Fundamental Types of Reasoning.Politzer Guy & Bonnefon Jean-Francois - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (4):484-503.details
The role of answer fluency and perceptual fluency in the monitoring and control of reasoning: Reply to.Valerie A. Thompson, Rakefet Ackerman, Yael Sidi, Linden J. Ball, Gordon Pennycook & Jamie A. Prowse Turner - 2013 - Cognition 128 (2):256-258.details
Everyday reasoning with unfamiliar conditionals.Lupita Estefania Gazzo Castañeda & Markus Knauff - 2020 - Tandf: Thinking and Reasoning 27 (3):1-28.details
Reasoning strategies modulate gender differences in emotion processing.Henry Markovits, Bastien Trémolière & Isabelle Blanchette - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):76-82.details
Detecting varieties of cheating: How do people navigate between different cheating ploys?Shahar Ayal & Yechiel Klar - 2014 - Thinking and Reasoning 20 (1):51-76.details
Conditional reasoning processes in a logical deduction game.John B. Best - 2001 - Thinking and Reasoning 7 (3):235 – 254.details
Individual differences in conditional reasoning: A dual-process account.Paul A. Klaczynski & David B. Daniel - 2005 - Thinking and Reasoning 11 (4):305 – 325.details