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Dousing the dragon’s fire.Gary Wickham - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 107 (1):106-114.details
Normal Accidents of Expertise.Stephen P. Turner - 2010 - Minerva 48 (3):239-258.details
Normativism, Anti-Normativism and Humanist Pragmatism: Stephen P. Turner: Explaining the Normative. Polity Press, Cambridge, 2010, pbk. $24.95, hbk. $69.95, 228 pp + index.Maksymilian Del Mar - 2010 - Human Studies 33 (2-3):305-323.details
Review of C. Koopman, Pragmatism as Transition. Historicity and Hope in James, Dewey, and Rorty. [REVIEW]Roberto Frega - 2009 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 1 (1).details
Making Meaning: A study in foundational semantics.Jaakko Reinikainen - 2024 - Dissertation, Tampere Universitydetails
Meaning in time: on temporal externalism and Kripkenstein’s skeptical challenge.Jaakko Reinikainen - 2022 - Synthese 200 (288):1-27.details
Objectivity and ‘First Philosophies’ [Chapter 1 of Objectivity].Guy Axtell - 2015 - In Objectivity. Polity Press, 2015. Introduction and T. of Contents. Polity; Wiley. pp. 19-45.details
Putnam’s Alethic Pluralism and the Fact-Value Dichotomy.Pietro Salis - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2):1-16.details
Wilfrid Sellars and the Foundations of Normativity.Peter Olen - 2016 - London, England: Palgrave-Macmillan.details
Inferentialism: Why Rules Matter.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2014 - London and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.details
Sellars, we-intentions and ought-statements.Stefanie Dach - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):4415-4439.details
Speaker Meaning and Conventional Meaning in Legal Norms.Boyan Bahanov - 2022 - Philosophical Alternatives 31 (1):120-138.details
Contextual Ethics – Developing Conceptual and Theoretical Approaches.Cecilie Eriksen & Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen - 2020 - SATS 21 (2):81-84.details
Tractatus ethico-politicus.Nythamar De Oliveira - 1999 - Porto Alegre, Brazil: Edipucrs.details
The Causal Autonomy of Reason Explanations and How Not to Worry about Causal Deviance.Karsten R. Stueber - 2013 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43 (1):24-45.details
Tractatus practico-theoreticus.Nythamar De Oliveira - 2016 - Porto Alegre, Brazil: Editora Fi.details
The Encultured Mind: From Cognitive Science to Social Epistemology.David Alexander Eck - unknowndetails
Good on paper: sociological critique, pragmatism, and secularization theory.Shai M. Dromi & Samuel D. Stabler - 2019 - Theory and Society 48 (2):325-350.details
A Critique of an Epistemic Intellectual Culture: Cartesianism, Normativism and Modern Crises.V. P. J. Arponen - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (1):84-103.details
Consciousness as a Prerequisite for Law and the Law as Prerequisite for the Free Will.Боян Баханов - 2021 - Philosophical Alternatives 30 (3):75-83.details
Transcendentalism, social embeddeddness, and the problem of individuality.Anna Michalska - 2021 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 11 (2).details
Scientific Mind and Objective World: Thomas Kuhn Between Naturalism and Apriorism.Thodoris Dimitrakos - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (1):225-254.details
The Practice-based Approach to Normativity of Frederick L. Will.Roberto Frega - 2012 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 48 (4):483-511.details
On the extent of cognitivism.V. P. J. Arponen - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (5):27-30.details
Toward Defining the Causal Role of Consciousness: Using Models of Memory and Moral Judgment from Cognitive Neuroscience to Expand the Sociological Dual‐Process Model.Luis Antonio Vila-Henninger - 2015 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 45 (2):238-260.details
Book review: Interpretation and social knowledge: On the use of theory in the human sciences, Real social science: Applied phronesis. [REVIEW]Gary Wickham - 2014 - Thesis Eleven 120 (1):130-135.details
Making the Tacit Explicit.Stephen Turner - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (4):385-402.details
The Source of Epistemic Normativity: Scientific Change as an Explanatory Problem.Thodoris Dimitrakos - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (5):469-506.details
Oakeshott on Practice, Normative Thought and Political Philosophy.Davide Orsi - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (3):545-568.details
Do Kuhnians have to be anti-realists? Towards a realist reconception of Kuhn’s historiography.Thodoris Dimitrakos - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-32.details
Realismo jurídico escandinavo: algunos asuntos inconclusos.Toni Malminen & Francisco J. Campos Zamora - 2019 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 50:151-173.details
Psychoanalytic Facts as Unintended Institutional Facts.Filip Buekens & Maarten Boudry - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (2):239-269.details
Naturalism and the Problem of Normativity: The Case of Historiography.Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (5):331-363.details
Consequences of Behaviorism: Sellars and de Laguna on Explanation.Peter Olen - 2017 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 47 (2):111-131.details
The Belief-Desire Model of Action Explanation Reconsidered: Thoughts on Bittner.Stephen Turner - 2018 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (3):290-308.details
A phenomenological account of practices.Matthew Louis Drabek - unknowndetails
Liberal Naturalism and Non-epistemic Values.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):247-273.details
After the normal.Elizabeth Stephens - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (2):138-147.details
On the real workings of social construction: Dave Elder-Vass: The reality of social construction: Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 296pp, $103.00 HB, $32.99 PB.David Henderson - 2014 - Metascience 24 (2):271-274.details
Explanation and rationality naturalized.David Henderson - 2010 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 40 (1):30-58.details
The difficulty of removing the prejudice: Causality, ontology and collective recognition.V. P. J. Arponen - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (4):407-424.details