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  1. Being a body and having a body. The twofold temporality of embodied intentionality.Maren Wehrle - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (3):499-521.
    The body is both the subject and object of intentionality: qua Leib, it experiences worldly things and qua Körper, it is experienced as a thing in the world. This phenomenological differentiation forms the basis for Helmuth Plessner’s anthropological theory of the mediated or eccentric nature of human embodiment, that is, simultaneously we both are a body and have a body. Here, I want to focus on the extent to which this double aspect of embodiment relates to our experience of temporality. (...)
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  • The Origin of the Phenomenology of Instincts.Thomas Byrne - 2023 - Husserl Studies 39 (1):69-83.
    This essay accomplishes two goals. First, I explore Husserl’s study of “tension” from his 1893 manuscript, “Notes Towards a Theory of Attention and Interest,” to reveal that it comprises his de facto first analysis of instinct. Husserl there describes tension as the innate pull to execute ever new objectifications. He clarifies this pull of objectification by contrasting it to affective and volitional experiences. This analysis surprisingly prefigures a theory of drive-feelings and anticipates the idea that consciousness is both teleological and (...)
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  • Husserl on Perceptual Optimality.Maxime Doyon - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (2):171-189.
    The notions of perceptual normativity and optimality have generated much discussion in the last decade or so in the literature on Merleau-Ponty. Husserl’s position on the topic has been far less extensively investigated. Surprisingly, however, Husserl wrote a great deal about the question of perceptual optimality. Not only are there a considerable number of important passages scattered throughout the manuscripts, the archive also contains a few important full texts on precisely this issue. Given the role of fulfillment for Husserl’s concept (...)
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  • Husserl's Analogical Axiological Reason: A Phenomenology of Wish Feeling Fulfillment.Thomas Byrne - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy.
    The most contentious tenet of Husserl's phenomenology of feelings is his conclusion that there is an analogy between axiological reason and theoretical reason. Simply, Husserl asserts that the axiological validation of feelings is analogical to the theoretical validation of judgments. While the scholarship has debated the merits of Husserl's analogy over the last 120 years, this paper presents a new accurate interpretation, because it is the first to highlight how Husserl develops this analogy by most often comparing the fulfillment of (...)
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  • Husserl on Active Temporalization.Di Huang - forthcoming - Husserl Studies:1-21.
    This paper is meant as a contribution to the longstanding debate among Husserl scholars regarding the relationship between time-consciousness and the I. From a genetic-phenomenological perspective, the I lives in the tension between passivity and activity. Exploring how the I relates to time-consciousness thus involves thematizing the interplay of passivity and activity at the most fundamental level of constitution. Specifically, it is necessary to determine whether there is an active form of temporalization. Acknowledging the ambiguities in Husserl’s late manuscripts on (...)
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  • ‘There Is a Crack in Everything’. Fragile Normality : Husserl’s Account of Normality Re-Visited.Maren Wehrle - 2018 - Phainomenon 28 (1):49-75.
    There is a paradox that lies at the heart of every investigation of normality, namely, its dependence on its other (e.g., deviation, break, difference). In this paper, I want to show that this paradox is the reason for the dynamism as well as fragility of normality. In this regard, I will not only argue that every normality is fragile, but also that normality can only be established because it is fragile. In the first part of this paper, I will present (...)
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  • Towards a phenomenological account of social sensitivity.Elisa Magrì - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):635-653.
    With the exception of James Ostrow’s 1990 study, social sensitivity has received scarce attention in philosophy, whilst it has become an important area of research in social and clinical psychology, where it is commonly known as interpersonal sensitivity. The latter is usually understood as a form of social skill to appropriately recognise and decode the appearance and behaviour of others. However, this view suffers from conceptual limitations in that it tends to reduce social sensitivity to standardised skilful behaviour. Drawing on (...)
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  • Embodied Social Habit and COVID-19: The Ethics of Social Distancing.Danielle Petherbridge - 2022 - Puncta 5 (1):58-78.
    This paper employs a phenomenological approach to examine the centrality of embodied habit in both the proliferation and the transmission of COVID-19. The analysis focuses not only on the difficulty of amending embodied habits but on the question of the ethics of social distancing and the role of human agency in the amendment of such habits. To this effect, the relation between passivity and activity in the uptake of habit is emphasized and the active and agential aspects of embodied habit (...)
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  • Husserl on Perception: A Nonrepresentationalism That Nearly Was.Matt Bower - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1768-1790.
    There is a longstanding debate among Husserl scholars about whether Husserl thinks perception involves mental representation. The debate, I believe, has not been settled. I deny that the existentialist-inspired charge of representationalism about perception in Husserl is precise enough to stick. Given a clearer understanding of just what mental representation amounts to, I contend that those who defend Husserl against the accusation of representationalism fare little better than Husserl's existentialist-leaning critics. I argue that he is in fact a representationalist about (...)
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  • Levinas's Philosophy of Perception.Matt E. M. Bower - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (4):383-414.
    Levinas is usually discussed as a philosopher wrestling with the nature of our experience of others, ethical obligation, and the divine. Unlike other phenomenologists, such as Husserl and Heidegger, he is not often mentioned in discussions about issues in philosophy of mind. His work in that area, especially on perception, is underappreciated. He gives an account of the nature of perceptual experience that is remarkable both in how it departs from that of others in the phenomenological tradition and for how (...)
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  • From Interest to Intentionality. The Influence of Carl Stumpf on Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology of Attention.Cristiano Vidali - 2024 - Husserl Studies 40 (3):287-307.
    In the vast landscape of Edmund Husserl’s investigations, the theme of attention has long been neglected: the dispersal of his treatment of the topic across works from various years, the use of a diversified lexicon, and an intrinsic difficulty in identifying the attentional phenomenon itself have all contributed to the long-standing underestimation of this theme. Following a line of study that – especially after the publication of volume XXXVIII of the Husserliana (Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit) – has renewed interest in this (...)
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  • Two levels in the feeling of familiarity.Sonia Maria Lisco & Francesca Ervas - 2024 - Theoria 89 (6):823-839.
    This paper explores the role of phenomenology in the understanding of the cognitive processes of coupling/decoupling, defending the Wittgensteinian idea that phenomenology can play a crucial role as a description of immediate (social) experience. We argue that epistemic feelings can provide a phenomenological description of the development of a subject's everyday experience, tracking the transition from the processes of coupling/decoupling and recoupling with the world. In particular, the feeling of familiarity, whose key features can be considered the core of epistemic (...)
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  • Ultimate Rationality. Husserl on Critical Position-Taking (Stellungnahme) in the Theoretical and Axiological Spheres.Alexis Delamare - forthcoming - Husserl Studies:1-21.
    As a fervent rationalist, Husserl placed considerable emphasis on the delineation of the different levels of reason. Its highest form, he contends, is position-taking (Stellungnahme) understood as a critical stance towards a positional act P. Specifically, such a Stellungnahme is a three-step procedure: the subject, possibly motivated by a passive discordance, starts by questioning P (active doubt); she then seeks to validate P by returning to its originary fulfillment (active search for evidence); finally, she ratifies such a fulfillment in an (...)
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  • El objeto del sentimiento. Una lectura husserliana de la relación entre sentimiento y objetivación a la luz del seminario de Renaud Barbaras.Celia Cabrera - 2023 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 8:109-132.
    El trabajo toma como punto de partida la referencia de Renaud Barbaras al famoso precepto de la primacía de la objetivación tradicionalmente atribuido a Edmund Husserl, con la finalidad de reflexionar sobre el carácter no objetivante del sentimiento y la compleja relación entre sentimiento y objetivación. Desde los orígenes del movimiento fenomenológico, la relación entre objetivación, constitución e intencionalidad en la esfera del sentimiento ha constituido uno de los ejes centrales de la discusión sobre la vida afectiva. Este tema, que (...)
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  • Husserl’s Concept of Hingabe.Andrew Krema - forthcoming - Husserl Studies:1-18.
    In this article, I give a systematic exposition of Edmund Husserl’s account of Hingabe, a phenomenological concept that has only recently received attention. I contend that the concept of Hingabe phenomenologically reveals that the ego of the intentional correlation ego-cogito-cogitatum is not an empty pole and more than a mere ‘datum of manifestation,’ but is active, engaging itself at various depths in experience. I trace the concept in the three types of experience in which Hingabe appears in Husserl’s work. First, (...)
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  • Cuerpo vulnerable y conciencia del valor: desarrollos descriptivos en fenomenología husserliana.Ignacio Ramírez - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (45):96-123.
    Resumen El artículo sugiere algunos aspectos de un análisis fenomenológico de la vulnerabilidad con énfasis en la condición del cuerpo vulnerable. El análisis sigue un enfoque fenomenológico trascendental de orientación genética por el cual se describe y explicita el campo de implicación intencional de horizonte involucrado en la unidad vivencial del cuerpo vivido. Inmediatamente después se procede a la descripción de los horizontes prácticos del cuerpo y su relación con la génesis de la conciencia de la propia vulnerabilidad. En este (...)
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