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  1. Loneliness is a feminist issue.Eleanor Wilkinson - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (1):23-38.
    Loneliness is often described as a deadly epidemic sweeping across the population, a silent killer. Loneliness, we are told, is a social disease that must be cured. But what does it mean to think of loneliness as a feminist issue, and what might a specifically feminist theorisation bring to conceptualisations of loneliness? In this paper, I argue that feminism helps us see that loneliness is not just personal but political. I trace how stories of loneliness surface, circulate, shift and compound (...)
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  • Touch and Affect: Analysing the Archive of Touch Biographies.Marjo Kolehmainen & Taina Kinnunen - 2019 - Body and Society 25 (1):29-56.
    This article examines touch and its significance from an affect studies perspective. Touch makes our bodies more-than-one in a very concrete way, yet in body and affect research it has largely remained a philosophical abstraction, with few empirical explorations. Our theoretical deliberations are based on empirical material consisting of ‘touch biographies’ written by people of various backgrounds in the 2010s in Finland. The biographies are embodied-affective data, and our analysis of them offers a novel perspective on the ways touch forms (...)
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  • The times we’re in: Queer feminist criticism and the reparative ‘turn’.Robyn Wiegman - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (1):4-25.
    This article examines the reparative turn in current queer feminist scholarship by tracking its twin interest in the study of affect and time. By foregrounding Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s influential critique of what she called paranoid reading, I am interested in the ways that various critics – Ann Cvetkovich, Heather Love, and Elizabeth Freeman in particular – take up the call for reparative reading by using the temporal frameworks of the everyday, backward feeling, and queer time to reparative ends. In the (...)
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  • Feminist Philosophy, Pragmatism, and the “Turn to Affect”: A Genealogical Critique.Clara Fischer - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4):810-826.
    Recent years have witnessed a focus on feeling as a topic of reinvigorated scholarly concern, described by theorists in a range of disciplines in terms of a “turn to affect.” Surprisingly little has been said about this most recent shift in critical theorizing by philosophers, including feminist philosophers, despite the fact that affect theorists situate their work within feminist and related, sometimes intersectional, political projects. In this article, I redress the seeming elision of the “turn to affect” in feminist philosophy, (...)
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  • Institutional Transformations.Danielle Celermajer, Millicent Churcher, Moira Gatens & Anna Hush - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (4):3-21.
    The idea that social and political institutions can be designed in order to achieve specific human ends goes back, at least, to Plato’s presentation of the appropriate form of the just city-state i...
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  • Abortion and Reproduction in Ireland: Shame, Nation-building and the Affective Politics of Place.Clara Fischer - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (2):32-48.
    In 2018, Irish citizens voted overwhelmingly to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution to allow for the introduction of a more liberal abortion law. In this article, I develop a retrospective reading of the stubborn persistence of the denial of reproductive rights to women in Ireland over the decades. I argue that the ban’s severity and longevity is rooted in deep-seated, affective attachments that formed part of processes of postcolonial nation-building and relied on shame and the construction of the (...)
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  • Introduction: Interrogating the ‘everyday’ politics of emotions in international relations.Amanda Russell Beattie, Clara Eroukhmanoff & Naomi Head - 2019 - Journal of International Political Theory 15 (2):136-147.
    The focus on the everyday in this Special Issue reveals different kinds of emotional practices, their political effects and their political contestation within both micro- and macro-politics in int...
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  • The Distribution of Emotions: Affective Politics of Emancipation.Brigitte Bargetz - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (3):580-596.
    Currently, affect and emotions are a widely discussed political topic. At least since the early 1990s, different disciplines—from the social sciences and humanities to science and technoscience—have increasingly engaged in studying and conceptualizing affect, emotion, feeling, and sensation, evoking yet another turn that is frequently framed as the “affective turn.” Within queer feminist affect theory, two positions have emerged: following Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's well-known critique, there are either more “paranoid” or more “reparative” approaches toward affect. Whereas the latter emphasize the (...)
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  • Should a feminist dance tango? Some reflections on the experience and politics of passion1.Kathy Davis - 2015 - Feminist Theory 16 (1):3-21.
    Tango, of all popular dances, would seem to be the most extreme embodiment of traditional notions of gender difference. It not only draws on hierarchical differences between the sexes, but also generates a ‘politics of passion’ which transforms Argentineans into the exotic ‘Other’ for consumption by Europeans and North Americans in search of the passion they are missing at home. In this article, I offer a modest provocation in the direction of scholarship that places politics before experience by questioning whether (...)
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  • Adopting Neuroscience: Parenting and Affective Indeterminacy.Celia Roberts & Adrian Mackenzie - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (3):130-155.
    What happens when neuroscientific knowledges move from laboratories and clinics into therapeutic settings concerned with the care of children? ‘Brain-based parenting’ is a set of discourses and practices emerging at the confluence of attachment theory, neuroscience, psychotherapy and social work. The neuroscientific knowledges involved understand affective states such as fear, anger and intimacy as dynamic patterns of coordination between brain localities, as well as flows of biochemical signals via hormones such as cortisol. Drawing on our own attempts to adopt brain-based (...)
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  • Revealing Ireland's “Proper” Heart: Apology, Shame, Nation.Clara Fischer - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (4).
    This article contributes to feminist expositions of emotion and “matters of the heart” by highlighting the gendered nature of the mobilization of shame. It focuses on the role shame plays in state apology and the desire to recover pride. Specifically, it analyzes the state apology offered to the survivors of Magdalen Laundries by Enda Kenny, the Taoiseach of Ireland. By drawing out how the state apology recreates the Irish nation, it traces the deployment of a potentially productive variety of the (...)
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  • The Swirl of Emotion Among Us: Affect, the Voice, and Performance Training.Christine Hamel & Ann J. Cahill - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    Our recent theory of intervocality (Cahill and Hamel 2018, 2021) provided a new model of voice as material, relational, and socially constructed. However, our work did not substantially address the complex relationship between voice and emotion, or how that complex relationship could be taken up more effectively and ethically in actor training and the theater studio. Utilizing insights from affect theory, cultural psychology, and affective neuroscience, this article argues for the need for pedagogies that substantively engage with the cultural specificity (...)
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  • Introduction to special issue.Lucile Quéré & Éléonore Lépinard - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (3):299-304.
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  • Shatter Not the Branches of the Tree of Anger: Mothering, Affect, and Disability.Susan L. Gabel - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):553-568.
    Using the social interpretation of disability, Foucault's theory of disciplinary power, literary devices, and feminist literature, I write an affective narrative of mothering disabled children. In doing so I illustrate the ways in which the materiality of normalcy, surveillance, and embodiment can produce emotions that create docile mothers ashamed of their contribution to the world, conflicted mothers struggling with dissonant affects, and unruly, angry mothers battling against the architectures of their children's oppression.
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  • Responsibility, affective solidarity and transnational maternal feminism.Candace Johnson - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (2):175-198.
    Maternal health has become a top global priority. In contrast to the decline of the maternal subject (Stephens, 2011), and despite previous evidence that maternal health has struggled to find a place on the global policy agenda (Shiffman and Smith, 2007), it is now clear that the promotion of health for mothers and children is a staple of both government and private donor commitments. On humanitarian grounds, it makes sense to focus on maternal health and survival in the Global South. (...)
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  • ‘It’s this pain in my heart that won’t let me stop’: Gendered affect, webs of relations, and young women’s activism.Jacqueline Kennelly - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (3):241-260.
    Interrogating the oft-stated emotion of ‘guilt’ amongst young female activists, I develop a theoretical account of why young women seem to be more burdened with such negative emotions than young men. Drawing on feminist theorising, I posit that young women’s emotional accounts of activist work highlight the retraditionalisation of gender under neoliberal modernity. I provide evidence of the gender-differentiated demands that heightened forms of reflexivity place on women, young women in particular. I then consider alternative conceptions of politics, grounded in (...)
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  • “Everything Being Tangled Up in Every Other Thing”: Class, Desire, and Shame in Michelle Tea's The Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America.Emma McKenna - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):469-484.
    This article explores the relationship of shame to class and to desire in Michelle Tea's memoirThe Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America. Through applying a class analytic to the framework of shame recently advanced by feminist, queer, postcolonial, and affect theorists, I foreground shame as central to the experience of being poor and queer, and examine shame as not only negative and positive, but as productive. I operationalize an “oppositional reading strategy” to insist on attention to (...)
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  • How emotions shape feminist coalitions.Nancy Whittier - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (3):369-386.
    This article develops a framework for conceptualizing the emotional dimensions of coalitions, with particular focus on how power operates through emotion in different varieties of feminist coalitions. The article proposes three interrelated areas in which emotion shapes feminist coalitions: Feelings towards coalition partners: feelings of mistrust, anger, fear, or their reverse grow from histories of interaction and unequal power. These make up the emotional landscape of intersectional coalitions, which operate through a tension between negative emotions and attempts at empathy or (...)
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  • Whose personal is more political? Experience in contemporary feminist politics.Alison Phipps - 2016 - Feminist Theory 17 (3):303-321.
    Whose personal is more political? This article explores the role of experience in contemporary feminist politics, arguing that it operates as a form of capital within abstracted and decontextualised debates which entrench existing power relations. In a neoliberal context in which the personal and emotional is commodified, powerful groups mobilise traumatic narratives to gain political advantage. Through case study analysis this article shows how privileged feminists, speaking for others and sometimes for themselves, use experience to generate emotion and justify particular (...)
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  • Book review: Eating the Ocean by Elspeth Probyn. [REVIEW]Amanda Shaw - 2020 - Feminist Review 125 (1):120-122.
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