Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Centro editorial FCH (
Due to the reflective character of phenomenological approach (because consciousness inquires for itself as an object) the question related to the most basic self-experience that precedes any reflection and makes it possible acquires main importance to the phenomenology. The search of this experience throws us to a terrain to transit and with visible importance to Husserl: The passive dimension of consciousness. In that encounter, appears the phenomenon of self-affection as a sphere of experience worthy of been explored and described. This research highlights the temporal character of consciousness, in specific, the self-awareness of the absolute flux of experiences due to his retentional aspect. This, however, brings a path to deepen in key concepts to Husserl’s phenomenology like hylé, affectivity, body, sensing [empfindniss], kinesthesia, and also to problematize the possibility and accuracy of this kind of search at a genetic level, the necessity to bring a prominent place to the living body in this transcendental investigation and at least to remember the interest in describe the experience of the living organism. The current thesis intends to defend, in general, the idea according to which any description of these original experience of itself must recognize, since the beginning, the basic principle of animation: Only understanding that the frame of self-affection is the animality can come to light aspects like his dynamic character and his instinctive origin..