Aristotle and the classical rhetoricians conceived of metaphor as a figure of
speech in which one thing is given a name or an attribute of another thing on the basis of
some resemblance that exists between the two things. Wallace Stevens conceived of metaphor not as the production of pre-existing resemblances observed in nature but the “creation of resemblance by the imagination” (NA: 72). Resemblance, and not identity, according to Stevens, is the fundamental relation between the two terms of metaphor. This is akin to contemporary accounts of metaphor in terms of the phenomenological or experiential
seeing of one thing as another thing (Yoos 1971; Davidson 1979; Camp 2006a,b; Semino
2008; Ritchie 2013). Seeing one thing as another thing on the basis of resemblance or similarity
implies that the one thing is not the other. I do two main things in this paper: one,
I appraise the theoretical value of Wallace Stevens’ conception of metaphor as the creation
of resemblance by the imagination; and two, I pose a challenge to the view that takes
resemblance as fundamental to metaphor, arguing that in the cases I present, thinking of
the relation as identity and not resemblance, concurs with our ontological commitments
to the things compared in the metaphor. In the final analysis, I suggest that Stevens conception
of metaphor as metamorphosis can meet the challenge: rather than thinking of the
‘is’ (identity) of metaphor as an ‘as’ (resemblance), for Stevens, the ‘as’ (resemblance) of
metaphor metamorphosize into an ‘is’ (identity).