Walter Burley’s Commentary to the Nicomachean Ethics is commonly considered
little more than an expositio littere. Nevertheless, in some notanda he raises
open questions about the crucial gap between the conclusion of the practical syllogism
and action. Within the interpretative framework of Saarinen’s and Wood’s
works, I will focus on Burley’s analysis of akrasia in book VII. The first point will
be some questions related to a notandum, concerning the gap between intellect and
will as typical of akrasia. Secondly, I will analyze it in the light of Burley’s semantics,
where conceptual tools developed in one science prove useful in solving problems
of another discipline, in this case ethics. Finally, I’ll address the Commentary’s
brief gloss about heroic virtue, as example of Burley’s first steps in the use of
measure languages in ethics, by analogy with the Oxford Calculators’ techniques.