Constructive realism (CR) is an attempt to
overcome the difficulties associated with naïve
realism and radical constructivism. There are
different versions for CR. In this paper, I defend a
particular version of CR. Complexity of reality, on
the one hand, and the impact of human mind,
language, and culture, on the other, leads to the
inevitable contribution of constructs in knowledge
development. According to the CR, even if mental,
linguistic and cultural side of constructs could not
be avoided in principle, a certain proportion of
reality-contact can be considered and defended for
the constructs. In this sense, human mind and
culture has a constitutive role to play in knowledge
acquiring instead of being an innocent means in
the process of acquiring knowledge. On the other
hand, the role played by the reality in this process
cannot be ignored because, according to the CR,
knowledge consists after all of knowing
'something' in the real world. On the whole, taking
into account both the constitutive role of mind and
culture, on the one hand, and the inevitable role of
the reality, on the other, shows the difference
between the CR and pure realism, pure
constructivism, and those versions of CR that do
not take the constitutive role of mind into account.
There are requirements for the CR in science
education. First of all, there must be a constant
caution for making sure that our scientific theories
have caught the proportion of reality-contact. This
point shows the difference between the CR and
pure constructivism. This caution should be
present in our science teaching as well. Secondly,
we should encourage our students to develop
imaginative alternative constructs when they are
learning sciences. This shows the difference
between the CR with naïve realists who ignore the
importance of students' imaginations in suggesting
alternative constructs. Notwithstanding, while we
encourage the students to develop their
imaginative constructs, there should be considered
a limitation for their over-justification about their
constructs. In this way, we as teachers should urge
them to take counter-evidence most seriously into
account. This is a point in which constructive
realists are distinguished from pragmatists too.
Pragmatists do not give up their theories in
confrontation with counter-evidence but rather
look for almost limitless changes in their
constructs in order for making the counterevidence
compatible with their theories, whereas
constructive realists will be ready to take counterevidence
more serious and correct their constructs