Qeios 9 (
In the immersion method, nanowires have enough time to transfer from nanoparticle particles to
cavities ; The formation step of uniform nanoparticles is done slowly and finally uniform nanowires are
formed. Structural study with FESEM in the immersion method of single-stranded nanowires in all porosities and in a
large area of nanowire particles are formed. Changing the Sr / Fe ratio does not change the morphology of the
nanowires. And spectroscopy of nanowires with a ratio of Sr / Fe states within the nano-particles inside
(nanowires uniform) elements Fe and Sr of ferrite strontium in spectroscopy nanowires uniform is seen in the
sample of nanoparticles Sr / Fe to value Its stoichiometry is closer to that of nanoparticles in electromagnetic
composition, while due to the lower solubility of uniform strontium nanowire nanomolecules compared to iron
nitrate and the consequent presence of less strontium ions in reaction with electromagnetic nanoparticles. There
is more Fe ion in the final structure. Electro-magnetically active particles are used to separate uniform
nanowires at ambient temperature . In the application of nanowires in nanoscale electronics or some other
applications, it is necessary to separate the nanowires from alumina particles .