Results for 'Electronic'

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  1. Războiul electronic și inteligența artificială.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Războiul electronic este o componentă critică a operațiunilor militare moderne și a suferit progrese semnificative în ultimii ani. Această carte oferă o privire de ansamblu asupra războiului electronic, a dezvoltării sale istorice, a componentelor cheie și a rolului său în scenariile de conflict contemporane. De asemenea, se discută tendințele și provocările emergente în războiul electronic și și relevanța sa contemporană într-o eră a tehnologiei avansate și a amenințărilor cibernetice, subliniind necesitatea cercetării și dezvoltării continue în acest domeniu. (...)
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  2. Electronic Banking Services from the Point of View of Bank Customers in Palestine.Suliman A. El Talla, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 3 (10):45-60.
    This study aims to identify the electronic banking services in Palestine from the point of view of the customers of the banks, where researchers used the descriptive analytical method, through a questionnaire distributed electronically to the sample of beneficiaries of the electronic banking services provided by banks operating in Palestine. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: There is a moderate degree of efficiency of electronic banking services provided in banks operating (...)
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  3. Electronic Coins.Craig Warmke - 2022 - Cryptoeconomic Systems 2 (1).
    In the bitcoin whitepaper, Satoshi Nakamoto (2008: 2) defines an electronic coin as a chain of digital signatures. Many have since defined a bitcoin as a chain of digital signatures. This latter definition continues to appear in reports from central banks, advocacy centers, and governments, as well as in academic papers across the disciplines of law, economics, computer science, cryptography, management, and philosophy. Some have even used it to argue that what we now call bitcoin is not the real (...)
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  4. Negative findings in electronic health records and biomedical ontologies: a realist approach.Werner Ceusters, Peter Elkin & Barry Smith - 2007 - International Journal of Medical Informatics 76 (3):S326-S333.
    PURPOSE—A substantial fraction of the observations made by clinicians and entered into patient records are expressed by means of negation or by using terms which contain negative qualifiers (as in “absence of pulse” or “surgical procedure not performed”). This seems at first sight to present problems for ontologies, terminologies and data repositories that adhere to a realist view and thus reject any reference to putative non-existing entities. Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) and Referent Tracking (RT) are examples of such paradigms. The (...)
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    Peaks and Troughs of Electronic Orbits.Đulijano Đulić - manuscript
    In Quantum Idealism, electronic orbits are not mere static or probabilistic distributions but dynamic, resonant structures shaped by the infinite quantum field. Central to this perspective is the understanding of “peaks” and “troughs” within these orbits, arising from the intricate interplay of wave interference. These features reveal profound insights into the nature of electrons, the principles of their distribution, and the deeper mechanics of quantum reality.
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  6. Tracking Referents in Electronic Health Records.Werner Ceusters & Barry Smith - 2005 - Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 116:71–76.
    Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are organized around two kinds of statements: those reporting observations made, and those reporting acts performed. In neither case does the record involve any direct reference to what such statements are actually about. They record not: what is happening on the side of the patient, but rather: what is said about what is happening. While the need for a unique patient identifier is generally recognized, we argue that we should now move to an EHR regime (...)
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  7. Electronic Warfare and Artificial Intelligence.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Electronic warfare is a critical component of modern military operations and has undergone significant advances in recent years. This book provides an overview of electronic warfare, its historical development, key components, and its role in contemporary conflict scenarios. It also discusses emerging trends and challenges in electronic warfare and its contemporary relevance in an era of advanced technology and cyber threats, emphasizing the need for continued research and development in this area. The book explores the burgeoning intersection (...)
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  8. Preserving Electronically Encoded Evidence.E. Davis Robert - 2009 - ISACA Journal 1:1-2.
    Seeking to preserve electronically encoded evidence implies that an incident or event has occurred requiring fact extrapolation for presentation, as proof of an irregularity or illegal act. Whether target data are in transit or at rest, it is critical that measures be in place to prevent the sought information from being destroyed, corrupted or becoming unavailable for forensic investigation.
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  9. Electronic governance technologies in the system of providing administrative services.Igor Britchenko & Yulia Danshina - 2018 - In Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk, Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. pp. 281 - 295.
    The practice of using the term “electronic governance” does not differentiate the concepts of the subject of management, that is, the three branches of government, with forms, processes and technologies of governance, which is not correct, since the use of information technology in state activities is not a top priority. On the other hand, electronic governance technologies cannot be considered separately from the automated governance processes as well as electronic governance technologies are not a supplement or an (...)
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  10. Libraries, Electronic Resources, and Privacy: The Case for Positive Intellectual Freedom.Alan Rubel - 2014 - Library Quarterly 84 (2):183-208.
    Public and research libraries have long provided resources in electronic formats, and the tension between providing electronic resources and patron privacy is widely recognized. But assessing trade-offs between privacy and access to electronic resources remains difficult. One reason is a conceptual problem regarding intellectual freedom. Traditionally, the LIS literature has plausibly understood privacy as a facet of intellectual freedom. However, while certain types of electronic resource use may diminish patron privacy, thereby diminishing intellectual freedom, the opportunities (...)
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  11. Mathematical electron model and the SI unit 2017 Special Adjustment.Malcolm J. Macleod - manuscript
    Following the 26th General Conference on Weights and Measures are fixed the numerical values of the 4 physical constants ($h, c, e, k_B$). This is premised on the independence of these constants. This article discusses a model of a mathematical electron from which can be defined the Planck units as geometrical objects (mass M=1, time T=2$\pi$ ...). In this model these objects are interrelated via this electron geometry such that once we have assigned values to 2 Planck units then we (...)
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  12. Towards Helmholtz’s electron vortex from Kolmogorov’s theory of turbulence and a new model of origination of charge and matter.Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache & Robert N. Boyd - manuscript
    In the present paper we discuss: a) how Hilbert’s unification program failed completely, and b) we outline a new electron model based on Helmholtz’s electron vortex and Kolmogorov theory of turbulence. Novelty aspect: we discuss among other things, electron capture event, and von Karman vortex street. We also discuss a new model of origination of charge and matter. This paper is a sequel to a preceding paper on similar theme.
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  13. Of Numbers and Electrons.Cian Dorr - 2010 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 110 (2pt2):133-181.
    According to a tradition stemming from Quine and Putnam, we have the same broadly inductive reason for believing in numbers as we have for believing in electrons: certain theories that entail that there are numbers are better, qua explanations of our evidence, than any theories that do not. This paper investigates how modal theories of the form ‘Possibly, the concrete world is just as it in fact is and T’ and ‘Necessarily, if standard mathematics is true and the concrete world (...)
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  14. Usage of electronic infrastructures and students’ learning effectiveness in Nigerian universities: A polytomous logistic prediction.Valentine Joseph Owan & John Asuquo Ekpenyong - 2022 - Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal 15 (2):87-104.
    A preponderance of empirical research in higher education exists on the use of electronic resources to promote university education and learning. This suggests that this area of research has attracted significant interest worldwide. However, there seems to be inadequate information on the association between specific electronic infrastructures, how they are utilized for learning, and their effects on students’ learning effectiveness in higher institutions in Nigeria. This research draws on previous studies and seeks to establish how different electronic (...)
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  15. The Physics and Electronics meaning of vivartanam.Varanasi Ramabrahmam - manuscript
    A modern scientific awareness of the famous advaitic expression Brahma sat, jagat mithya, jivo brahmaiva na aparah is presented. The one ness of jiva and Brahman are explained from modern science point of view. The terms dristi, adhyasa, vivartanam, aham and idam are understood in modern scientific terms and a scientific analysis is given. -/- Further, the forward (purodhana) and reverse (tirodhana) transformation of maya as jiva, prapancham, jagat and viswam, undergoing vivartanam is understood and explained using concepts from physics (...)
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  16. Electronic Media and Preschoolers’ Language and Social Skills: Parents’ Perspectives.Arlene Loquias - 2022 - International Journal of Research Publications 110 (1):233=242.
    Today's new technology has dramatically changed children's lives. Electronic media continues to impact the lives of young children, and its impact should never be underestimated. With its strong influence, media technology can be vain or gain to the lives of toddlers and preschoolers. This study aims to describe the effects of electronic media use on the expressive and receptive language of very young children as well as their social skills from the parent's perspective. Looking at parents' experiences with (...)
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  17. Developing argumentation strategies in electronic dialogs: Is modeling effective?Fabrizio Macagno, Elizabeth Mayweg-Paus & Deanna Kuhn - 2015 - Discourse Processes 53 (4):280-297.
    The study presented here examines how interacting with a more capable interlocutor influences use of argumentation strategies in electronic discourse. To address this question, 54 young adolescents participating in an intervention centered on electronic peer dialogs were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control condition. In both conditions, pairs who held the same position on a social issue engaged in a series of electronic dialogs with pairs who held an opposing position. In the experimental condition, in (...)
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  18. Theoretical mass value of electron, neutrino and other particles by means of QED together with Gravitational theory.Enrico Pier Giorgio Cadeddu - manuscript
    From time involved in pair production process, in the photon-photon collision, we consider energy and then mass uncertainty. Taking the latter as the mass of a particle, we repeat pair production process obtaining another mass uncertainty, then another particle mass, and so on. Starting with the heaviest charged elementary particle that is possible using Planck length for electromagnetic mass, we obtain a mass value close to electron mass. It is supposed exactly electron mass, considering the presence of uncertainties in the (...)
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  19. The infrasonics and electronics of bionics.Varanasi Ramabrahmam - 2009 - In Proceedings of Presentations at International Conference on Photonics, Nano-Technology and Computer Applications (ICOPNAC- 2009), 25-28 February 2009 Held at Center for Research and Development, PRIST UNIVERSITY,. pp. 20-39.
    The concepts developed using Upanishadic insight regarding human consciousness, mind and mental processes and their applications in information acquisition and transmission by, through and in human body will be used to model human cognitive processes. A sequential reversible process by the stepwise transformation of (i) infrasonic form of energy and transformation of information already stored in (ii) biochemical form within as memory, and retrieved as inner mental world into (iii) electrochemical and then into (iv) mechanical form while communicating and the (...)
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  20. Divine Fine-Tuning vs. Electrons in Love.Neil Sinhababu - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1):89-98.
    I present a novel objection to fine-tuning arguments for God's existence. On any values of the physical constants, the psychophysical laws could be set to permit intelligent and happy beings, so the specific values of the physical constants in our world provide little evidence for God's existence. For example, even if the physical constants didn't allow carbon or any atoms larger than hydrogen, the psychophysical laws could be set so that charge is sufficient to realize romantic desire. Then every hydrogen (...)
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  21. Electronics in the Classroom—Time to Hit the Escape Key?Shannon Dea - 2023 - In Chris MacDonald & Lewis Vaughn, The Power of Critical Thinking (6th Canadian Edition). [New York: Oxford University Press.
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  22. An Analytical Study of the Reality of Electronic Documents and Electronic Archiving in the Management of Electronic Documents in the Palestinian Pension Agency (PPA).Mohammed Khair I. Kassab, Samy S. Abu Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2017 - European Academic Research 4 (12):10052-10102.
    The study aims to identify the reality of management of electronic documents and electronic archiving retirement in the Palestinian Pension Agency -analytical study, as well as to recognize the reality of the current document management system in the Palestinian Pension Agency. The study found the following results: that the reality of the current system for the management of documents in the agency is weak and suffers from many jams. Employee in the agency understand the importance and benefits of (...)
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  23. e-AIMSS (Electronic Asset Inventory and Management System in School) for Resource Optimization and Organizational Productivity.Antonio C. Ahmad - 2023 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 1 (3):109-120.
    This capstone is centered around the development of an efficient electronic property inventory system tailored for school assets, driven by the overarching objective of resource optimization to ensure equitable access to vital materials for all learners. The methodology follows the “ISSO” framework (Ignite, Strategize, Systematize, Operationalize), complemented by a Logical Framework. The project employs a homegrown digitalized system constructed through a waterfall model approach, which undergoes alpha and beta testing. The study’s analysis utilizes a t-Test to evaluate its impact. (...)
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  24. How Bioethics Principles Can Aid Design of Electronic Health Records to Accommodate Patient Granular Control.Eric M. Meslin & Peter H. Schwartz - 2014 - Journal of General Internal Medicine 30 (1):3-6.
    Ethics should guide the design of electronic health records (EHR), and recognized principles of bioethics can play an important role. This approach was adopted recently by a team of informaticists designing and testing a system where patients exert granular control over who views their personal health information. While this method of building ethics in from the start of the design process has significant benefits, questions remain about how useful the application of bioethics principles can be in this process, especially (...)
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  25. Impact of Wireless Electronic Medical Record System on the Quality of Patient Documentation by Emergency Field Responders during a Disaster Mass-Casualty Exercise.David Kirsh - 2011 - Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 26 (4):268-275.
    The use of wireless, electronic, medical records and communications in the prehospital and disaster field is increasing. Objective: This study examines the role of wireless, electronic, medical records and com- munications technologies on the quality of patient documentation by emergency field responders during a mass-casualty exercise.
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  26. Electronic Persons?Louis Caruana - 2020 - Gregorianum 101 (3):593-614.
    To describe computers and sophisticated robots, many people today have no problem using personal attributes. Alan Turing published his famous intelligence test in 1950. From that time onwards, computers have gained increasingly higher status in this regard. Computers and robots nowadays are not only intelligent. They perceive, they remember, they understand, they decide, they play and so on. Recently, another such step has occurred but, this time, many researchers are seriously concerned. In February 2017, the European Parliament passed a Resolution (...)
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  27. The c-aplpha Non Exclusion Principle and the vastly different internal electron and muon center of charge vacuum fluctuation geometry.Jim Wilson - forthcoming - Physics Essays.
    The electronic and muonic hydrogen energy levels are calculated very accurately [1] in Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) by coupling the Dirac Equation four vector (c ,mc2) current covariantly with the external electromagnetic (EM) field four vector in QED’s Interactive Representation (IR). The c -Non Exclusion Principle(c -NEP) states that, if one accepts c as the electron/muon velocity operator because of the very accurate hydrogen energy levels calculated, the one must also accept the resulting electron/muon internal spatial and time coordinate operators (...)
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  28. Review of: "(Field effect nano transistors) Nano transistor electronic quantity and ionization potential)".Afshin Rashid - 2023 - Qeios 28:9 _ 18.
    An increase in the surface-to- volume ratio and changes in geometry and electronic structure have a strong impact on the chemical interactions of matter, and for example, the activity of small particles changes with changes in the number of atoms (and thus the size of the particles). Unlike today's nano-transistors, which behave based on the movement of a mass of electrons in matter, new devices follow the phenomena of quantum mechanics at the nano scale, in which the discrete nature (...)
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  29. Ether and Electrons in Relativity Theory.Scott A. Walter - 2018 - In Jaume Navarro, Ether and Modernity. pp. 67-87.
    This chapter discusses the roles of ether and electrons in relativity theory. One of the most radical moves made by Albert Einstein was to dismiss the ether from electrodynamics. His fellow physicists felt challenged by Einstein’s view, and they came up with a variety of responses, ranging from enthusiastic approval, to dismissive rejection. Among the naysayers were the electron theorists, who were unanimous in their affirmation of the ether, even if they agreed with other aspects of Einstein’s theory of relativity. (...)
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  30. Strategies for Referent Tracking in Electronic Health Records.Werner Ceusters & Barry Smith - 2006 - Journal of Biomedical Informatics 39 (3):362-378.
    The goal of referent tracking is to create an ever-growing pool of data relating to the entities existing in concrete spatiotemporal reality. In the context of Electronic Healthcare Records (EHRs) the relevant concrete entities are not only particular patients but also their parts, diseases, therapies, lesions, and so forth, insofar as these are salient to diagnosis and treatment. Within a referent tracking system, all such entities are referred to directly and explicitly, something which cannot be achieved when familiar concept-based (...)
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  31. The Electronic Studio.Mihai Nadin - unknown
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  32. Improving the Quality and Utility of Electronic Health Record Data through Ontologies.Asiyah Yu Lin, Sivaram Arabandi, Thomas Beale, William Duncan, Hicks D., Hogan Amanda, R. William, Mark Jensen, Ross Koppel, Catalina Martínez-Costa, Øystein Nytrø, Jihad S. Obeid, Jose Parente de Oliveira, Alan Ruttenberg, Selja Seppälä, Barry Smith, Dagobert Soergel, Jie Zheng & Stefan Schulz - 2023 - Standards 3 (3):316–340.
    The translational research community, in general, and the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) community, in particular, share the vision of repurposing EHRs for research that will improve the quality of clinical practice. Many members of these communities are also aware that electronic health records (EHRs) suffer limitations of data becoming poorly structured, biased, and unusable out of original context. This creates obstacles to the continuity of care, utility, quality improvement, and translational research. Analogous limitations to sharing objective data (...)
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  33. Intelligent Plagiarism Detection for Electronic Documents.Mohran H. J. Al-Bayed - 2017 - Dissertation, Al-Azhar University, Gaza
    Plagiarism detection is the process of finding similarities on electronic based documents. Recently, this process is highly required because of the large number of available documents on the internet and the ability to copy and paste the text of relevant documents with simply Control+C and Control+V commands. The proposed solution is to investigate and develop an easy, fast, and multi-language support plagiarism detector with the easy of one click to detect the document plagiarism. This process will be done with (...)
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  34. Insights about Electronic Technology in Digital Transformation Age & Neutrosophic Data Structure.A. A. Salama, A. Abd ELhamid, Shimaa I. Hassan & N. M. A. Ayad - 2021 - Neutrosophic Knowledge 2 (2):11-22.
    In recent decades, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been advanced and widely spread around the globe in addition to ICT revolution and technological advances are considered the major role in the evolution of modern age, which is called "Digital Transformation Age". Therefore, Electronic Technology (E-Technology) has become one of the most prominent approaches such as Electronic Learning (E-Learning), Electronic Training (E-Training), Mobile Learning (M-Learning), Virtual Lab (V-Lab), Virtual University, etc. E-Technology includes some features, for instance anyone, (...)
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  35. POST-POSTMODERNISM:FORECASTING THE ELECTRONIC MEDIA FOR THE FUTURE.Stanislaus Iyorza & Bassey Agara Tom - 2020 - Theatre Studies Review 6 (1):1-21.
    For more than a decade, an aura of discontentment has challenged existing models and theories that have established the structures in various fields of human endeavours such as philosophy, architecture, political science, media, literature, arts and the humanities in general. For instance, the architectural design of what was hitherto referred to as modern building has at least a sitting room (parlour), a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet as well as two or more number of bedrooms depending on the size (...)
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  36. ABERRATION-CORRECTED ELECTRON MICROSCOPY.Thomas Vogt - 2020 - In Between Making and Knowing. pp. 513 - 525.
    Microscopy allows us to observe objects we cannot see with our eyes alone. With a light microscope, we can distinguish objects at the scale of the wavelengths of visible light just under a micrometer. Around 1870 Ernst Abbe, who laid the foundation of modern optics, suggested that the resolution of a microscope would improve by using some yet-unknown radiation with shorter wavelengths than visible light, that is, below 390 nanometers (1 nm = 10−9 m). Electrons can have wavelengths near 1 (...)
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  37. Philosophy and Electronic Publishing.Claus Huitfeldt - 1997 - The Monist 80 (3):348-367.
    This article is an account of an electronic discussion which took place between November 1995 and June 1996. A number of specialists in relevant research areas had been invited to take part in the discussion from the very beginning, and some were added later. Altogether 30 individuals subscribed to the list. The “target paper,” written by Allen Renear, was sent to the list on November 27, 1995. The target paper alone comprised 8,500 words. The ensuing discussion, to which 9 (...)
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  38. A Physicsl Model of Electron According to the Basic Structures of Matter Hypothesis.Stoyan Sarg - 2003 - Physics Essays 16 (2):180-195.
    A physical model of the electron is suggested according to the basic structures of matter (BSM) hypothesis. BSM is based on an alternative concept about the physical vacuum, assuming that space contains an underlying grid structure of nodes formed of superdense subelementary particles, which are also involved in the structure of the elementary particles. The proposed grid structure is formed of vibrating nodes that possess quantum features and energy well. It is admitted that this hypothetical structure could account for the (...)
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  39. The Role of Policies and Procedures for the Electronic Document Management System in the Success of the Electronic Document Management System in the Palestinian Pension Agency.Mohammed Khair I. Kassab, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 3 (1):43-57.
    The aim of the research is to identify the role of policies and procedures for the electronic document management system in the success of the electronic document management system in the Palestinian Pension Agency. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the analytical descriptive method in which the tries to describe the phenomenon studied, analyze its data, the relationship between its components and the opinions that are raised around it, and use the comprehensive (...)
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  40. Reformulation of Dirac’s theory of electron to avoid negative energy or negative time solution.Biswaranjan Dikshit - 2017 - Journal of Theoretical Physics and Cryptography 13:1-4.
    Dirac’s relativistic theory of electron generally results in two possible solutions, one with positive energy and other with negative energy. Although positive energy solutions accurately represented particles such as electrons, interpretation of negative energy solution became very much controversial in the last century. By assuming the vacuum to be completely filled with a sea of negative energy electrons, Dirac tried to avoid natural transition of electron from positive to negative energy state using Pauli’s exclusion principle. However, many scientists like Bohr (...)
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  41. The Physics and Electronics of Human Consciousness , Mind and their functions.Varanasi Ramabrahmam - June, 2019 - Cosmos and History 15 (No .2):63 - 110.
    Human consciousness, the result of breathing process as dealt with in the Upanishads, is translated into modern scientific terms and modeled as a mechanical oscillator of infrasonic frequency. The bio-mechanic oscillator is also proposed as the source of psychic energy. This is further advanced to get an insight of human consciousness (the being of mind) and functions of mind (the becoming of mind) in terms of psychic energy and reversible transformation of its virtual reflection. An alternative analytical insight of human (...)
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    Signal Measurement Electrochemical Methods are very Suitable for Detecting Direct DNA Oxidation because Electrochemical Reactions Directly Generate Electronic Signals.Afshin Rashid - 2024 - Elsevier.
    Signal measurement Electrochemical methods are very suitable for detecting direct DNA oxidation because electrochemical reactions directly generate electronic signals and therefore do not require expensive converters. In addition, in this process, because the order of the immobilized game can be limited to onlya series of electrode substrates, the act of tracking is performed by a series of in expensive electrochemical analyzes. Electrochemical sensors are used to perform clinical or environmental tests; The basis of the sensitivity of electrochemical signals to (...)
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  43. Ontology-based integration of medical coding systems and electronic patient records.W. Ceusters, Barry Smith & G. De Moor - 2004 - IFOMIS Reports.
    In the last two decades we have witnessed considerable efforts directed towards making electronic healthcare records comparable and interoperable through advances in record architectures and (bio)medical terminologies and coding systems. Deep semantic issues in general, and ontology in particular, have received some interest from the research communities. However, with the exception of work on so-called ‘controlled vocabularies’, ontology has thus far played little role in work on standardization. The prime focus has been rather the rapid population of terminologies at (...)
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    Nano Uorescences and their Application in Various Elds such as Nano Electronic Applications (Making Nano Electrodes used in Certain Electrical Circuits, Nano Photonics).Afshin Rashid - 2024 - Elsevier Bv , Engrn Electrical Engineering Ejournal 272.
    Fullerenes are among the materials that many nano materials are based on. Their unique structural and electronic properties, as well as their use in various fields such as electronic applications such as making nano electrodes used in special electrical circuits , nano photonics in nano solar cells and nano absorbers of specific wavelengths. Layers of nanotubes can behave like a metal and be electrically angled. Changing the structure and building in them can show the characteristics of semiconductors. or (...)
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    The researcher worked on the development, validation, and testing of the interactive electronic Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge (e-MMC) review material for Grade 5 learners. As a result of this research, an offline mobile review material was made, validated, and tested. This material was used by grade 5 students in the Lopez East and Lopez West districts to help them improve their MMC test scores. Students in Grade 5 from both districts who got an average of 90 and above in Mathematics (...)
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  46. Two Paradoxes of Common Knowledge: Coordinated Attack and Electronic Mail.Harvey Lederman - 2018 - Noûs 52 (4):921-945.
    The coordinated attack scenario and the electronic mail game are two paradoxes of common knowledge. In simple mathematical models of these scenarios, the agents represented by the models can coordinate only if they have common knowledge that they will. As a result, the models predict that the agents will not coordinate in situations where it would be rational to coordinate. I argue that we should resolve this conflict between the models and facts about what it would be rational to (...)
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  47. The Specter of the Electronic Screen: Bruno Varela's Reception of Stanley Cavell.Byron Davies - 2021 - In David LaRocca, Movies with Stanley Cavell in mind. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 72-90.
    An analysis of some work by the Oaxaca-based Mexican experimental filmmaker and video artist Bruno Varela via the latter’s reading of the late U.S. philosopher Stanley Cavell, especially Cavell’s 1982 essay “The Fact of Television.” This essay focuses on the aesthetic possibilities of the very constitution of the electronic image, based in Cavell’s understanding of television’s dependence on notions of “switching,” as opposed to “succession,” as well as how those notions play a role in Varela’s understanding of what it (...)
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  48. The concerns of the shipping industry regarding the application of electronic bills of lading in practice amid technological change.Farhang Jafari - unknown
    In the sea trade, the traditional paper-based bill of lading has played an important role across the globe for centuries, but with the advent of advanced commercial modes of transportation and communication, the central position of this document is under threat. The importance of the bill of lading still prevails as does the need of the functions that this document served in the past, although in a changed format. In the recent past, the world has witnessed a lot of debate (...)
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  49. Examining the Band Gap Structure of Nano-Electronic Devices, in Addition to Introducing a Method for Researching the Performance of One-Dimensional Systems.Afshin Rashid - 2024 - Elsevier Bv 9.
    based on organic materials can be mechanically exible to a large extent because of the loose intermolecular bonds in the nano-electrons created from them. Unlike these organic materials, minerals such as silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide can be used in the structure of electronic devices only in crystalline states, and in this case, covalent bonds make exibility impossible in them. Makes. Properties such as strength, exibility, electrical conductivity, magnetic properties, color, reactivity, etc. Starting to change the properties of the (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Programming Planck units from a virtual electron; a Simulation Hypothesis (summary).Malcolm Macleod - 2018 - Eur. Phys. J. Plus 133:278.
    The Simulation Hypothesis proposes that all of reality, including the earth and the universe, is in fact an artificial simulation, analogous to a computer simulation, and as such our reality is an illusion. In this essay I describe a method for programming mass, length, time and charge (MLTA) as geometrical objects derived from the formula for a virtual electron; $f_e = 4\pi^2r^3$ ($r = 2^6 3 \pi^2 \alpha \Omega^5$) where the fine structure constant $\alpha$ = 137.03599... and $\Omega$ = 2.00713494... (...)
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