Alice encounters at least three distinct problems in her struggles to
understand and navigate Wonderland. The first arises when she attempts to
predict what will happen in Wonderland based on what she has experienced
outside of Wonderland. In many cases, this proves difficult -- she fails to
predict that babies might turn into pigs, that a grin could survive without
a cat or that playing cards could hold criminal trials. Alice's second
problem involves her efforts to figure out the basic nature of Wonderland.
So, for example, there is nothing Alice could observe that would allow her
to prove whether Wonderland is simply a dream. The final problem is
manifested by Alice's attempts to understand what the various residents of
Wonderland mean when they speak to her. In Wonderland, "mock turtles" are
real creatures and people go places with a "porpoise" (and not a purpose).
All three of these problems concern Alice's attempts to infer information
about unobserved events or objects from those she has observed. In
philosophical terms, they all involve *induction*.
In this essay, I will show how Alice's experiences can be used to clarify
the relation between three more general problems related to induction. The
first problem, which concerns our justification for beliefs about the
future, is an instance of David Hume's classic *problem of induction*. Most
of us believe that rabbits will not start talking tomorrow -- the problem of
induction challenges us to justify this belief. Even if we manage to solve
Hume's puzzle, however, we are left with what W.V.O. Quine calls the
problems of *underdetermination *and *indeterminacy.* The former problem
asks us to explain how we can determine *what the world is really like *based
on *everything that could be observed about the world. *So, for example, it
seems plausible that nothing that Alice could observe would allow her to
determine whether eating mushrooms causes her to grow or the rest of the
world to shrink. The latter problem, which might remain even if resolve the
first two, casts doubt on our capacity to determine *what a certain person
means *based on *which words that person uses.* This problem is epitomized
in the Queen's interpretation of the Knave's letter. The obstacles that
Alice faces in getting around Wonderland are thus, in an important sense,
the same types of obstacles we face in our own attempts to understand the
world. Her successes and failures should therefore be of real interest.