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  1. (3 other versions)Philosophical Investigations.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1953 - New York, NY, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by G. E. M. Anscombe.
    Editorial preface to the fourth edition and modified translation -- The text of the Philosophische Untersuchungen -- Philosophische untersuchungen = Philosophical investigations -- Philosophie der psychologie, ein fragment = Philosophy of psychology, a fragment.
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  • (1 other version)The role of theories in conceptual coherence.Gregory L. Murphy & Douglas L. Medin - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (3):289-316.
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  • Quantum Models of Cognition and Decision.Jerome R. Busemeyer & Peter D. Bruza - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Much of our understanding of human thinking is based on probabilistic models. This innovative book by Jerome R. Busemeyer and Peter D. Bruza argues that, actually, the underlying mathematical structures from quantum theory provide a much better account of human thinking than traditional models. They introduce the foundations for modelling probabilistic-dynamic systems using two aspects of quantum theory. The first, 'contextuality', is a way to understand interference effects found with inferences and decisions under conditions of uncertainty. The second, 'quantum entanglement', (...)
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  • Quantum Probability — Quantum Logic.Itamar Pitowsky - 2014 - Springer.
    This book compares various approaches to the interpretation of quantum mechanics, in particular those which are related to the key words "the Copenhagen interpretation", "the antirealist view", "quantum logic" and "hidden variable theory". Using the concept of "correlation" carefully analyzed in the context of classical probability and in quantum theory, the author provides a framework to compare these approaches. He also develops an extension of probability theory to construct a local hidden variable theory. The book should be of interest for (...)
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  • On the adequacy of prototype theory as a theory of concepts.Daniel N. Osherson & Edward E. Smith - 1981 - Cognition 9 (1):35-58.
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  • Prototype theory and compositionality.H. Kamp - 1995 - Cognition 57 (2):129-191.
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  • Can quantum probability provide a new direction for cognitive modeling?Emmanuel M. Pothos & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):255-274.
    Classical (Bayesian) probability (CP) theory has led to an influential research tradition for modeling cognitive processes. Cognitive scientists have been trained to work with CP principles for so long that it is hard even to imagine alternative ways to formalize probabilities. However, in physics, quantum probability (QP) theory has been the dominant probabilistic approach for nearly 100 years. Could QP theory provide us with any advantages in cognitive modeling as well? Note first that both CP and QP theory share the (...)
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  • Concepts and Their Dynamics: A Quantum‐Theoretic Modeling of Human Thought.Diederik Aerts, Liane Gabora & Sandro Sozzo - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (4):737-772.
    We analyze different aspects of our quantum modeling approach of human concepts and, more specifically, focus on the quantum effects of contextuality, interference, entanglement, and emergence, illustrating how each of them makes its appearance in specific situations of the dynamics of human concepts and their combinations. We point out the relation of our approach, which is based on an ontology of a concept as an entity in a state changing under influence of a context, with the main traditional concept theories, (...)
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  • The AHA! Experience: Creativity Through Emergent Binding in Neural Networks.Paul Thagard & Terrence C. Stewart - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (1):1-33.
    Many kinds of creativity result from combination of mental representations. This paper provides a computational account of how creative thinking can arise from combining neural patterns into ones that are potentially novel and useful. We defend the hypothesis that such combinations arise from mechanisms that bind together neural activity by a process of convolution, a mathematical operation that interweaves structures. We describe computer simulations that show the feasibility of using convolution to produce emergent patterns of neural activity that can support (...)
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  • Quantum Structure in Cognition: Human Language as a Boson Gas of Entangled Words.Diederik Aerts & Lester Beltran - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (3):755-802.
    We model a piece of text of human language telling a story by means of the quantum structure describing a Bose gas in a state close to a Bose–Einstein condensate near absolute zero temperature. For this we introduce energy levels for the words used in the story and we also introduce the new notion of ‘cogniton’ as the quantum of human thought. Words are then cognitons in different energy states as it is the case for photons in different energy states, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Concepts: a potboiler.Jerry Fodor - 1994 - Cognition 50 (1-3):95-113.
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  • Principles of categorization.Eleanor Rosch - 1988 - In Allan Collins & Edward E. Smith, Readings in Cognitive Science, a Perspective From Psychology and Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. pp. 312-22.
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  • (1 other version)Concepts; A Potboiler.Jerry A. Fodor - 1995 - Philosophical Issues 6:1-24.
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  • The Violation of Bell Inequalities in the Macroworld.Diederik Aerts, Sven Aerts, Jan Broekaert & Liane Gabora - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (9):1387-1414.
    We show that Bell inequalities can be violated in the macroscopic world. The macroworld violation is illustrated using an example involving connected vessels of water. We show that whether the violation of inequalities occurs in the microworld or the macroworld, it is the identification of nonidentical events that plays a crucial role. Specifically, we prove that if nonidentical events are consistently differentiated, Bell-type Pitowsky inequalities are no longer violated, even for Bohm's example of two entangled spin 1/2 quantum particles. We (...)
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  • Contextualizing concepts using a mathematical generalization of the quantum formalism.Liane Gabora & Diederik Aerts - 2002 - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 14 (4):327-358.
    We outline the rationale and preliminary results of using the State Context Property (SCOP) formalism, originally developed as a generalization of quantum mechanics, to describe the contextual manner in which concepts are evoked, used, and combined to generate meaning. The quantum formalism was developed to cope with problems arising in the description of (1) the measurement process, and (2) the generation of new states with new properties when particles become entangled. Similar problems arising with concepts motivated the formal treatment introduced (...)
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  • Natural Categories.Eleanor Rosch - 1973 - Cognitive Psychology 4 (3):328-350.
    The hypothesis of the study was that the domains of color and form are structured into nonarbitrary, semantic categories which develop around perceptually salient “natural prototypes.” Categories which reflected such an organization (where the presumed natural prototypes were central tendencies of the categories) and categories which violated the organization (natural prototypes peripheral) were taught to a total of 162 members of a Stone Age culture which did not initially have hue or geometric-form concepts. In both domains, the presumed “natural” categories (...)
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  • Applications of quantum statistics in psychological studies of decision processes.Diedrik Aerts & Sven Aerts - 1995 - Foundations of Science 1 (1):85-97.
    We present a new approach to the old problem of how to incorporate the role of the observer in statistics. We show classical probability theory to be inadequate for this task and take refuge in the epsilon-model, which is the only model known to us caapble of handling situations between quantum and classical statistics. An example is worked out and some problems are discussed as to the new viewpoint that emanates from our approach.
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  • Gradedness and conceptual combination.Daniel N. Osherson & Edward E. Smith - 1982 - Cognition 12 (3):299-318.
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  • The current status of research on concept combination.Lance J. Rips - 1995 - Mind and Language 10 (1-2):72-104.
    Understanding novel phrases (e.g. upside‐down daisy) and classifying objects in categories named by phrases ought to have common properties, but you'd never know it from current theories. The best candidate for both jobs is the Theory Theory, but it faces difficulties when theories are impoverished. A potential solution is a dual approach that couples theories (representations‐about categories) with fixed mentalese expressions (representations‐of categories). Both representations combine information in parallel when understanding phrases. Although there are objections to the notion that theories (...)
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  • Efficient Creativity: Constraint‐Guided Conceptual Combination.Fintan J. Costello & Mark T. Keane - 2000 - Cognitive Science 24 (2):299-349.
    This paper describes a theory that explains both the creativity and the efficiency of people's conceptual combination. In the constraint theory, conceptual combination is controlled by three constraints of diagnosticity, plausibility, and informativeness. The constraints derive from the pragmatics of communication as applied to compound phrases. The creativity of combination arises because the constraints can be satisfied in many different ways. The constraint theory yields an algorithmic model of the efficiency of combination. The C3 model admits the full creativity of (...)
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  • (1 other version)The role of theories in conceptual coherence.G. L. Murphy & D. L. Medin - 1999 - In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence, Concepts: Core Readings. MIT Press. pp. 289--316.
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  • [no title].J. L. McClelland & D. E. Rumelhart (eds.) - 1987 - MIT Press.
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  • On the psychology of vague predicates.Nicolao Bonini, Daniel Osherson, Riccardo Viale & Timothy Williamson - 1999 - Mind and Language 14 (4):377–393.
    Most speakers experience unclarity about the application of predicates like tall and red to liminal cases. We formulate alternative psychological hypotheses about the nature of this unclarity, and report experiments that provide a partial test of them. A psychologized version of the ‘vagueness-as-ignorance’ theory is then advanced and defended.
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  • Quantum structure and human thought.Diederik Aerts, Jan Broekaert, Liane Gabora & Sandro Sozzo - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):274-276.
    We support the authors' claims, except that we point out that also quantum structure different from quantum probability abundantly plays a role in human cognition. We put forward several elements to illustrate our point, mentioning entanglement, contextuality, interference, and emergence as effects, and states, observables, complex numbers, and Fock space as specific mathematical structures.
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  • Quantum structure of negation and conjunction in human thought.Diederik Aerts, Sandro Sozzo & Tomas Veloz - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • (1 other version)A theory of concepts and their combinations I: The structure of the sets of contexts and properties.Diederik Aerts & Liane Gabora - 2005 - Aerts, Diederik and Gabora, Liane (2005) a Theory of Concepts and Their Combinations I.
    We propose a theory for modeling concepts that uses the state-context-property theory (SCOP), a generalization of the quantum formalism, whose basic notions are states, contexts and properties. This theory enables us to incorporate context into the mathematical structure used to describe a concept, and thereby model how context influences the typicality of a single exemplar and the applicability of a single property of a concept. We introduce the notion `state of a concept' to account for this contextual influence, and show (...)
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  • (1 other version)A theory of concepts and their combinations II: A Hilbert space representation.Diederik Aerts & Liane Gabora - 2005 - Philosophical Explorations.
    The sets of contexts and properties of a concept are embedded in the complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics. States are unit vectors or density operators, and contexts and properties are orthogonal projections. The way calculations are done in Hilbert space makes it possible to model how context influences the state of a concept. Moreover, a solution to the combination of concepts is proposed. Using the tensor product, a procedure for describing combined concepts is elaborated, providing a natural solution to (...)
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  • Principles of categorization.Eleanor Rosch - 1978 - In Eleanor Rosch & Barbara Bloom Lloyd, Cognition and Categorization. Lawrence Elbaum Associates. pp. 27–48.
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  • On typicality and vagueness.Daniel Osherson & Edward E. Smith - 1997 - Cognition 64 (2):189-206.
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  • Toward an ecological theory of concepts.Dr Liane M. Gabora, Dr Eleanor Rosch & Dr Diederik Aerts - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
    Psychology has had difficulty accounting for the creative, context-sensitive manner in which concepts are used. We believe this stems from the view of concepts as identifiers rather than bridges between mind and world that participate in the generation of meaning. This paper summarizes the history and current status of concepts research, and provides a non-technical summary of work toward an ecological approach to concepts. We outline the rationale for applying generalizations of formalisms originally developed for use in quantum mechanics to (...)
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  • Prototype classification and logical classification. The two systems.Eleanor Rosch - 1983 - In E. F. Scholnick, New Trends in Cognitive Representation. Erlbaum. pp. 73-86.
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  • Acquiring Contextualized Concepts: A Connectionist Approach.Saskia van Dantzig, Antonino Raffone & Bernhard Hommel - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (6):1162-1189.
    Conceptual knowledge is acquired through recurrent experiences, by extracting statistical regularities at different levels of granularity. At a fine level, patterns of feature co-occurrence are categorized into objects. At a coarser level, patterns of concept co-occurrence are categorized into contexts. We present and test CONCAT, a connectionist model that simultaneously learns to categorize objects and contexts. The model contains two hierarchically organized CALM modules (Murre, Phaf, & Wolters, 1992). The first module, the Object Module, forms object representations based on co-occurrences (...)
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  • A note on prototype theory and fuzzy sets.Lofti Zadeh - 1982 - Cognition 12 (1):291--7.
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  • Quantum particles as conceptual entities: A possible explanatory framework for quantum theory. [REVIEW]Diederik Aerts - 2009 - Foundations of Science 14 (4):361-411.
    We put forward a possible new interpretation and explanatory framework for quantum theory. The basic hypothesis underlying this new framework is that quantum particles are conceptual entities. More concretely, we propose that quantum particles interact with ordinary matter, nuclei, atoms, molecules, macroscopic material entities, measuring apparatuses, in a similar way to how human concepts interact with memory structures, human minds or artificial memories. We analyze the most characteristic aspects of quantum theory, i.e. entanglement and non-locality, interference and superposition, identity and (...)
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