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Introduction to mathematical logic..Alonzo Church - 1944 - Princeton,: Princeton university press: London, H. Milford, Oxford university press. Edited by C. Truesdell.details
The logic of paradox.Graham Priest - 1979 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 8 (1):219 - 241.details
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(2 other versions)Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics.Michael Dummett - 1959 - Philosophical Review 68 (3):324-348.details
(1 other version)Introduction to Mathematical Logic.Max Black - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (3):286-289.details
Philosophy of Mathematics.Paul Benacerraf & Hilary Putnam - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (3):488-489.details
Logic of paradox revisited.Graham Priest - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (2):153 - 179.details
Dialectical logic, semantics and metamathematics.Richard Routley - 1979 - Erkenntnis 14 (3):301 - 331.details
Prose versus proof: Wittgenstein on gödel, Tarski and Truth.Juliet Floyd - 2001 - Philosophia Mathematica 9 (3):280-307.details
Godel's Theorem in Focus.Stuart Shanker (ed.) - 1987 - Routledge.details
(1 other version)Inconsistent models for relevant arithmetics.Robert Meyer & Chris Mortensen - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):917-929.details
Wittgenstein's inversion of gödel's theorem.Victor Rodych - 1999 - Erkenntnis 51 (2-3):173-206.details
A Note on Wittgenstein’s “Notorious Paragraph” About the Gödel Theorem.Juliet Floyd & Hilary Putnam - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy 97 (11):624-632.details
Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme I.K. Gödel - 1931 - Monatshefte für Mathematik 38 (1):173--198.details
Ludwig Wittgenstein: Half-Truths and One-and-a-Half-Truths.Jaakko Hintikka - 1996 - Springer.details
Wittgenstein's remarks on gödel's theorem.Graham Priest - 2004 - In Max Kölbel & Bernhard Weiss, Wittgenstein's Lasting Significance. New York: Routledge.details
Mathematics and the "Language Game".Alan Ross Anderson - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (3):446 - 458.details
Wittgenstein on Contradiction and the Philosophy of Paraconsistent Logic.Diego Marconi - 1984 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 1 (3):333 - 352.details
Is arithmetic consistent?Graham Priest - 1994 - Mind 103 (411):337-349.details
An Introduction to Paraconsistent Logics.Manuel Bremer - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):447-451.details
Misunderstanding gödel: New arguments about Wittgenstein and new remarks by Wittgenstein.Victor Rodych - 2003 - Dialectica 57 (3):279–313.details
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Wittgenstein's remarks on the foundations of mathematics. [REVIEW]G. Kreisel - 1958 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 9 (34):135-158.details
(2 other versions)Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics. [REVIEW]Michael Dummett - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy 94 (7):359-374.details
Wittgenstein on gdel: The newly published remarks. [REVIEW]Victor Rodych - 2002 - Erkenntnis 56 (3):379 - 397.details
In Contradiction. A Study of the Transconsistent. [REVIEW]Jan Woleński - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (2):259-260.details
(1 other version)Beyond the Limits of Thought. [REVIEW]Patrick Grim - 1998 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (3):719-723.details