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The nature of care in light of Emmanuel Levinas.Mireille Lavoie, Thomas De Koninck & Danielle Blondeau - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (4):225-234.details
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Informed consent in the ethics of responsibility as stated by Emmanuel Levinas.Javier Jiménez Benito & Sonia Ester Rodríguez García - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):443-453.details
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On First Reading Emmanuel Levinas.David A. Bennahum - 2013 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 22 (4):420-424.details
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On pandemics and the duty to care: whose duty? who cares? [REVIEW]Carly Ruderman, C. Tracy, Cécile Bensimon, Mark Bernstein, Laura Hawryluck, Randi Zlotnik Shaul & Ross Upshur - 2006 - BMC Medical Ethics 7 (1):1-6.details
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