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Plato on knowledge in the theaetetus

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2008)

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  1. From a Logical Point of View.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1953 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Several of these essays have been printed whole in journals; others are in varying degrees new. Two main themes run through them. One is the problem of meaning, particularly as involved in the notion of an analytic statement. The other is the notion of ontological, commitment, particularly as involved in the problem of universals.
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  • The Blue and Brown Books.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1958 - Philosophy 34 (131):367-368.
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  • The Theaetetus of Plato.Miles Burnyeat - 1990 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    M. J. Levett's elegant translation of Plato's _Theaetetus_, first published in 1928, is here revised by Myles Burnyeat to reflect contemporary standards of accuracy while retaining the style, imagery, and idiomatic speech for which the Levett translation is unparalleled. Bernard William’s concise introduction, aimed at undergraduate students, illuminates the powerful argument of this complex dialogue, and illustrates its connections to contemporary metaphysical and epistemological concerns.
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  • Ancient Self-Refutation: The Logic and History of the Self-Refutation Argument From Democritus to Augustine.Luca Castagnoli - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A 'self-refutation argument' is any argument which aims at showing that a certain thesis is self-refuting. This study was the first book-length treatment of ancient self-refutation and provides a unified account of what is distinctive in the ancient approach to the self-refutation argument, on the basis of close philological, logical and historical analysis of a variety of sources. It examines the logic, force and prospects of this original style of argumentation within the context of ancient philosophical debates, dispelling various misconceptions (...)
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  • The midwife of Platonism: text and subtext in Plato's Theaetetus.David Sedley - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Plato's Theaetetus is an acknowledged masterpiece, and among the most influential texts in the history of epistemology. Since antiquity it has been debated whether this dialogue was written by Plato to support his familiar metaphysical doctrines, or represents a self-distancing from these. David Sedley's book offers a via media, founded on a radical separation of the author, Plato, from his main speaker, Socrates. The dialogue, it is argued, is addressed to readers familiar with Plato's mature doctrines, and sets out to (...)
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  • Plato on Knowledge and Reality.Nicholas P. White - 1976 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "A complete and unified account of Plato's epistemology... scholarly, historically sensitive, and philosophically sophisticated. Above all it is sensible.... White's strength is that he places Plato's preoccupation in careful historical perspective, without belittling the intrinsic difficulties of the problems he tackled.... White's project is to find a continuous argument running through Plato's various attacks on epistemological problems. No summary can do justice to his remarkable success." --Ronald B. De Sousa, University of Toronto, in Phoenix.
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  • (1 other version)Plato.C. J. Rowe - 2003 - London: Bristol Classical Press.
    The Statesman is Plato's neglected political work, but it is crucial for an understanding of the development of his political thinking. In some respects it continues themes from the Republic, particularly the importance of knowledge as entitlement to rule. But there are also changes: Plato has dropped the ambitious metaphysical synthesis of the Republic, changed his view of the moral psychology of the citizen, and revised his position on the role of law and institutions. In its presentation of the statesman's (...)
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  • Language, thought, and falsehood in ancient Greek philosophy.Nicholas Denyer - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    CONTRASTING PREJUDICES TRUTH AND FALSEHOOD How can one say something false? How can one even think such a thing? Since, for example, all men are mortal, ...
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  • (1 other version)Plato: Theaetetus.John McDowell - 1973 - Philosophy 49 (189):328-330.
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  • Letters and syllables in Plato.Gilbert Ryle - 1960 - Philosophical Review 69 (4):431-451.
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  • Der Sinn der Aporien in den Dialogen Platons: Übungsstücke zur Anleitung im philosophischen Denken.Michael Erler - 1987 - New York: de Gruyter.
    In der 1968 gegr ndeten Reihe erscheinen Monographien aus den Gebieten der Griechischen und Lateinischen Philologie sowie der Alten Geschichte. Die B nde weisen eine gro e Vielzahl von Themen auf: neben sprachlichen, textkritischen oder gattungsgeschichtlichen philologischen Untersuchungen stehen sozial-, politik-, finanz- und kulturgeschichtliche Arbeiten aus der Klassischen Antike und der Sp tantike. Entscheidend f r die Aufnahme ist die Qualit t einer Arbeit; besonderen Wert legen die Herausgeber auf eine umfassende Heranziehung der einschl gigen Texte und Quellen und deren (...)
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  • The Cyrenaics.Ugo Zilioli - 2012 - Bristol, CT: Acumen Publishing.
    The Cyrenaic school of philosophy (named after its founder Aristippus’ native city of Cyrene in North Africa) flourished in the fifth and fourth centuries BCE. Ugo Zilioli’s book provides the first book-length introduction to the school in English. The book begins by introducing the main figures of the Cyrenaic school beginning with Aristippus and by setting them into their historical context. Once the reader is familiar with those figures and with the genealogy of the school, the book offers an overview (...)
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  • Philosophy and Knowledge: A Commentary on Plato's Theaetetus.Ronald M. Polansky - 1992
    The Theaetetus provides Plato's fullest discussion of human knowledge and is a rich vehicle for reflection upon its topic. Polansky's commentary demonstrates that the dialogue in fact holds the complete Platonic account of knowledge -- an account which is as sophisticated as any offered by contemporary philosophers.
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  • The Epistemology of the Cyrenaic School.Voula Tsouna - 1998 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cyrenaic school was a fourth-century BC philosophical movement, related both to the Socratic tradition and to Greek Scepticism. In ethics, Cyrenaic hedonism can be seen as one of many attempts made by the associates of Socrates and their followers to endorse his ethical outlook and to explore the implications of his method. In epistemology, there are close philosophical links between the Cyrenaics and the Sceptics, both Pyrrhonists and Academics. There are further links with modern philosophy as well, for the (...)
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  • Protagora: tra filologia e filosofia: le testimonianze di Aristotele.Michele Corradi - 2012 - Pisa: F. Serra.
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  • Oikeios logos: la filosofia del linguaggio di Antistene.Aldo Brancacci - 1990
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  • False Belief in the "Theaetetus".Gail Fine - 1979 - Phronesis 24 (1):70 - 80.
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  • Does Protagoras refute himself?T. D. J. Chappell - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (2):333-338.
    Protagoras believes that all beliefs are true. Since Protagoras' belief that all beliefs are true is itself a belief, it follows from Protagoras' belief that all beliefs are true that Protagoras' belief is true. But what about the belief that Protagoras' belief is false? Doesn't it follow, by parallel reasoning and not at all trivially, that if all beliefs are true and there is a belief that Protagoras' belief is false, then Protagoras' belief is false?
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  • Reading the peritropê: Theaetetus 170c-171c.T. D. J. Chappell - unknown
    I compare the two main readings of the argument against Protagorean relativism that 'Socrates' presents at Theaetetus 170-171, argue against both of them, and present a third alternative reading.
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  • I Cirenaici: raccolta delle fonti antiche, traduzione e studio introduttivo.Gabriele Giannantoni - 1958 - G. C. Sansoni.
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  • Lo spazio della filosofia: una lettura del Teeteto di Platone.Emanuele Maffi - 2014 - Napoli: Loffredo editore.
    Emanuele Maffi argues that the Theaetetus, one of the most difficult dialogues of Plato, demonstrates the unbridgeable distance between philosophy and sophia, confirmed by the aporetic outcome of the dialogue. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate that this distance is not necessarily an evil, because in the impossibility of reaching sophia lies the very condition of the existence of philosophy. While all other Platonic works attempt to explain the best ways to inhabit the space of philosophy, the Theaetetus (...)
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  • Elements and Knowledge in the Theaetetus.Jie Tian - 2013 - Elenchos 34 (2):299-326.
    Plato's Theaetetus develops an inquiry concerning the definition of knowledge. Famously, after Socrates and Theaetetus have discussed the three candidates for the definition of knowledge, the end of the dialogue seems to leave us in a situation of aporia. The present article focuses on the last hypothesis raised in the dialogue and tries to determine whether this hypothesis can be seen, under appropriate qualification, as acceptable within a Platonic framework. This hypothesis is connected with a dream theory that unfolds two (...)
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  • Disposition in the Aviary Model.Carolina Araujo - 2020 - In Beatriz Bossi (ed.), Plato’s Theaetetus Revisited. De Gruyter. pp. 159-172.
    This chapter intends to explain knowledge according to the aviary model proposed in Plato’s Theaetetus (195c5-200d4), calling attention to the risk of employing some Aristotelian assumptions in its reading. In section 1, I claim that the argument is committed to provide an account on both conceptual mistakes (or false beliefs) and dispositional knowledge. In section 2, I show that the argument develops along three different cases: (i) the coat model introduces the distinction between having knowledge and using it, intermediated by (...)
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