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The idea of phenomenology.Edmund Husserl, William P. Alston & George Nakhnikian - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (4):538-538.details
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(2 other versions)Mind and World.John McDowell - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (182):99-109.details
A Slim Book about Narrow Content.Gabriel Segal - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (209):657-660.details
Robert B. Brandom, Articulating Reasons (An Introduction to Inferentialism). [REVIEW]Robert B. Brandom - 2001 - Erkenntnis 55 (1):121-127.details
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(1 other version)Husserl and Intentionality.D. W. SMITH - 1982details
Heidegger's Analytic: Interpretation, Discourse and Authenticity in Being and Time.Taylor Carman - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.details
Husserl and Heidegger on Human Experience.Pierre Keller - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.details
Husserl and the 'Cartesian Meditations’.A. D. Smith - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (1):182-182.details
Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology After Husserl.Anthony J. Steinbock - 1995 - Northwestern University Press.details
Methodological solipsism considered as a research strategy in cognitive psychology.Jerry A. Fodor - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1):63-73.details
Transcendental idealism.Herman Philipse - 1995 - In Barry Smith & David Woodruff Smith (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Husserl. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 239-322.details
(1 other version)Husserl and Intentionality: A Study of Mind, Meaning, and Language.David Woodruff Smith & Ronald McIntyre - 1982 - Springer.details
Review: Transcendental Phenomenology and the "Generation" Gap. [REVIEW]Steven Galt Crowell - 1998 - Human Studies 21 (1):87 - 95.details
(4 other versions)Naming and necessity.Saul Kripke - 2010 - In Darragh Byrne & Max Kölbel (eds.), Arguing about language. New York: Routledge. pp. 431-433.details
Concepts and Cognitive Science.Stephen Laurence & Eric Margolis - 1999 - In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence (eds.), Concepts: Core Readings. MIT Press. pp. 3-81.details
The idea of phenomenology.Edmund Husserl - 1964 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.details
The development of Husserl's thought.Theodorus de Boer - 1978 - Boston: M. Nijhoff.details
Articulating reasons: an introduction to inferentialism.Robert Brandom - 2000 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.details
Husserl's phenomenology.Dan Zahavi - 2003 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.details
(1 other version)Mind and World.John Henry McDowell - 1994 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.details
(1 other version)Seeing things in Merleau-ponty.Sean Dorrance Kelly - 2004 - In Taylor Carman & Mark B. N. Hansen (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Merleau-Ponty. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 74-110.details
Concepts: Core Readings.Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence (eds.) - 1999 - MIT Press.details
Making It Explicit: Reasoning, Representing, and Discursive Commitment.Robert Brandom - 1994 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.details
Skepticism about rules and intentionalilty.John R. Searle - 2002 - In Consciousness and Language. New York: Cambridge University Press.details
(1 other version)A Slim Book About Narrow Content.Gabriel Segal - 2000 - MIT Press.details
(2 other versions)Individualism and the mental.Tyler Burge - 1979 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 4 (1):73-122.details
(1 other version)The meaning of 'meaning'.Hilary Putnam - 1975 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7:131-193.details
Naming and Necessity: Lectures Given to the Princeton University Philosophy Colloquium.Saul A. Kripke - 1980 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Edited by Darragh Byrne & Max Kölbel.details
The Significance of Consciousness.Charles P. Siewert - 1998 - Princeton University Press.details
Logical Investigations.Edmund Husserl - 1970 - London, England: Routledge. Edited by Dermot Moran.details
(2 other versions)Individualism and the Mental.Tyler Burge - 2003 - In John Heil (ed.), Philosophy of Mind: A Guide and Anthology. New York: Oxford University Press.details
Consciousness and Language.John R. Searle - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.details
Husserl: An Analysis of His Phenomenology.Paul Ricoeur, David Carr, Edward G. Ballard & Lester E. Embree - 1967 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Edward G. Ballard, Lester Embree & David Carr.details
Philosophy as Rigorous Science.Edmund Husserl - 2002 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 2:249-295.details
Is semantics possible?Hilary Putnam - 1970 - Metaphilosophy 1 (3):187–201.details
Husserl's notion of noema.Dagfinn Føllesdal - 1969 - Journal of Philosophy 66 (20):680-687.details
How Scientific Practices Matter: Reclaiming Philosophical Naturalism.Joseph Rouse - 2002 - University of Chicago Press.details
Phenomenology and the crisis of philosophy: Philosophy as a rigorous science, and Philosophy and the crisis of European man.Edmund Husserl - 1965 - New York,: Harper & Row. Edited by Edmund Husserl.details
Pierre Keller, Husserl and Heidegger on human experience.Felix O'Murchadha - 2003 - Husserl Studies 19 (1):93-100.details
The cartesianism of phenomenology.Steven Crowell - 2002 - Continental Philosophy Review 35 (4):433-454.details
Subjectivity: Locating the first-person in being and time.Steven Crowell - 2001 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 44 (4):433 – 454.details
Making it Explicit.Isaac Levi & Robert B. Brandom - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy 93 (3):145.details
Representational Mind: A Study of Kant's Theory of Knowledge.Martin Heidegger - 1983 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.details
Husserlian Intentionality and Non-foundational Realism: Noema and Object.John J. DRUMMOND - 1990 - Springer.details
A Slim Book About Narrow Content. Gabriel M. A. Segal.S. E. Boer - 2001 - Mind 110 (440):1115-1119.details
Husserl's noema and the internalism‐externalism debate.Dan Zahavi - 2004 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 47 (1):42-66.details