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  1. Guide to Ground.Kit Fine - 2012 - In Fabrice Correia & Benjamin Schnieder, Metaphysical grounding: understanding the structure of reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 37--80.
    A number of philosophers have recently become receptive to the idea that, in addition to scientific or causal explanation, there may be a distinctive kind of metaphysical explanation, in which explanans and explanandum are connected, not through some sort of causal mechanism, but through some constitutive form of determination. I myself have long been sympathetic to this idea of constitutive determination or ‘ontological ground’; and it is the aim of the present paper to help put the idea on a firmer (...)
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  • Aboutness.Stephen Yablo - 2014 - Oxford: Princeton University Press.
    Aboutness has been studied from any number of angles. Brentano made it the defining feature of the mental. Phenomenologists try to pin down the aboutness-features of particular mental states. Materialists sometimes claim to have grounded aboutness in natural regularities. Attempts have even been made, in library science and information theory, to operationalize the notion. But it has played no real role in philosophical semantics. This is surprising; sentences have aboutness-properties if anything does. Aboutness is the first book to examine through (...)
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  • (1 other version)Basic proof theory.A. S. Troelstra - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Helmut Schwichtenberg.
    This introduction to the basic ideas of structural proof theory contains a thorough discussion and comparison of various types of formalization of first-order logic. Examples are given of several areas of application, namely: the metamathematics of pure first-order logic (intuitionistic as well as classical); the theory of logic programming; category theory; modal logic; linear logic; first-order arithmetic and second-order logic. In each case the aim is to illustrate the methods in relatively simple situations and then apply them elsewhere in much (...)
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  • Angellic Content.Kit Fine - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (2):199-226.
    I provide a truthmaker semantics for Angell’s system of analytic implication and establish completeness.
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  • Structural Proof Theory.Sara Negri, Jan von Plato & Aarne Ranta - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Jan Von Plato.
    Structural proof theory is a branch of logic that studies the general structure and properties of logical and mathematical proofs. This book is both a concise introduction to the central results and methods of structural proof theory, and a work of research that will be of interest to specialists. The book is designed to be used by students of philosophy, mathematics and computer science. The book contains a wealth of results on proof-theoretical systems, including extensions of such systems from logic (...)
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  • Grounding and truth-functions.Fabrice Correia - 2010 - Logique Et Analyse 53 (211):251-279.
    How does metaphysical grounding interact with the truth-functions? I argue that the answer varies according to whether one has a worldly conception or a conceptual conception of grounding. I then put forward a logic of worldly grounding and give it an adequate semantic characterisation.
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  • Truth-Maker Semantics for Intuitionistic Logic.Kit Fine - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (2-3):549-577.
    I propose a new semantics for intuitionistic logic, which is a cross between the construction-oriented semantics of Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov and the condition-oriented semantics of Kripke. The new semantics shows how there might be a common semantical underpinning for intuitionistic and classical logic and how intuitionistic logic might thereby be tied to a realist conception of the relationship between language and the world.
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  • Introduction to *Aboutness*.Stephen Yablo - 2014 - In Aboutness. Oxford: Princeton University Press. pp. 1-6.
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  • Index.Stephen Yablo - 2014 - In Aboutness. Oxford: Princeton University Press. pp. 219-222.
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  • On the Logic of Factual Equivalence.Fabrice Correia - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (1):103-122.
    Say that two sentences are factually equivalent when they describe the same facts or situations, understood as worldly items, i.e. as bits of reality rather than as representations of reality. The notion of factual equivalence is certainly of central interest to philosophical semantics, but it plays a role in a much wider range of philosophical areas. What is the logic of factual equivalence? This paper attempts to give a partial answer to this question, by providing an answer the following, more (...)
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  • Facts and tautological entailments.Bas C. Van Fraassen - 1969 - Journal of Philosophy 66 (15):477-487.
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  • Analytic implication.Kit Fine - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (2):169-179.
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  • Faulty Belnap Computers and Subsystems of FDE.Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2016 - Journal of Logic and Computation 26 (5):1617–1636.
    In this article, we consider variations of Nuel Belnap’s ‘artificial reasoner’. In particular, we examine cases in which the artificial reasoner is faulty, e.g. situations in which the reasoner is unable to calculate the value of a formula due to an inability to retrieve the values of its atoms. In the first half of the article, we consider two ways of modelling such circumstances and prove the deductive systems arising from these two types of models to be equivalent to Graham (...)
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  • Characterizing Belnap's Logic via De Morgan's Laws.Alexej P. Pynko - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (4):442-454.
    The aim of this paper is technically to study Belnap's four-valued sentential logic . First, we obtain a Gentzen-style axiomatization of this logic that contains no structural rules while all they are still admissible in the Gentzen system what is proved with using some algebraic tools. Further, the mentioned logic is proved to be the least closure operator on the set of {Λ, V, ⌝}-formulas satisfying Tarski's conditions for classical conjunction and disjunction together with De Morgan's laws for negation. It (...)
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  • Semantics for analytic containment.Fabrice Correia - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (1):87-104.
    In 1977, R. B. Angell presented a logic for analytic containment, a notion of relevant implication stronger than Anderson and Belnap's entailment. In this paper I provide for the first time the logic of first degree analytic containment, as presented in [2] and [3], with a semantical characterization—leaving higher degree systems for future investigations. The semantical framework I introduce for this purpose involves a special sort of truth-predicates, which apply to pairs of collections of formulas instead of individual formulas, and (...)
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  • A note on partial content.Kit Fine - 2013 - Analysis 73 (3):413-419.
    It is shown that certain natural constraints trivialize the concept of partial content and it is suggested, in the light of this difficulty, that the principle that partial content is preserved under the substitution of logical equivalents should be given up.
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  • Paraconsistent analytic implication.Harry Deutsch - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (1):1 - 11.
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  • A story semantics for implication.Charles Daniels - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (2):221-246.
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  • False though partly true – an experiment in logic.Lloyd Humberstone - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (6):613-665.
    We explore in an experimental spirit the prospects for extending classical propositional logic with a new operator P intended to be interpreted when prefixed to a formula as saying that formula in question is at least partly true. The paradigm case of something which is, in the sense envisaged, false though still "partly" true is a conjunction one of whose conjuncts is false while the other is true. Ideally, we should like such a logic to extend classical logic - or (...)
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  • Three Systems of First Degree Entailment.Richard Bradshaw Angell - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (1):147.
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  • Deducibility, Entailment and Analytic Containment.Richard Bradshaw Angell - 1989 - In J. Norman & R. Sylvan, Directions in Relevant Logic. Dordrecht and Boston: Springer. pp. 119-143.
    The concept of entailment is often connected with deducibility: A is said to entail B iff B is logically deducible from A.1 It has also been connected to the concept of containment in Kant’s sense of analytic containment: A entails B only if the meaning of B is contained in the meaning of A. But the concepts of deducibility and containment are two distinct concepts, and the failure to distinguish them leads to faulty attempts to merge them in formal systems. (...)
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  • Jan von Plato and Sara Negri, Structural Proof Theory. [REVIEW]Harold T. Hodes - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (2):255-258.
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