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  1. Anarchy, State, and Utopia.Robert Nozick - 1974 - New York: Basic Books.
    Winner of the 1975 National Book Award, this brilliant and widely acclaimed book is a powerful philosophical challenge to the most widely held political and social positions of our age--liberal, socialist, and conservative.
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  • (2 other versions)The metaphysics of morals.Immanuel Kant - 1797 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Mary J. Gregor.
    The Metaphysics of Morals is Kant's major work in applied moral philosophy in which he deals with the basic principles of rights and of virtues. It comprises two parts: the 'Doctrine of Right', which deals with the rights which people have or can acquire, and the 'Doctrine of Virtue', which deals with the virtues they ought to acquire. Mary Gregor's translation, revised for publication in the Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy series, is the only complete translation of the (...)
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  • (3 other versions)Political Liberalism.J. Rawls - 1995 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 57 (3):596-598.
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  • (6 other versions)Two treatises of government.John Locke - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Peter Laslett.
    This is a new revised version of Dr. Laslett's standard edition of Two Treatises. First published in 1960, and based on an analysis of the whole body of Locke's publications, writings, and papers. The Introduction and text have been revised to incorporate references to recent scholarship since the second edition and the bibliography has been updated.
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  • (1 other version)Anarchy, State, and Utopia.Robert Nozick - 1974 - Philosophy 52 (199):102-105.
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  • (2 other versions)Summa Theologica.Thomasn D. Aquinas - 1273 - Hayes Barton Press. Edited by Steven M. Cahn.
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  • The Realm of Rights.Judith Thomson - 1990 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    The concept of a right is fundamental to moral, political, and legal thinking, but much of the use of that concept is selective and fragmentary: it is common merely to appeal to this or that intuitively plausible attribution of rights as needed for purposes of argument. In The Realm of Rights Judith Thomson provides a full-scale, systematic theory of human and social rights, bringing out what in general makes an attribution of a right true.
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  • An essay on rights.Hillel Steiner - 1994 - Oxford, UK ;: Blackwell.
    This book addresses the perennial question: What is justice?
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  • (1 other version)On liberty.John Stuart Mill - 2000 - In Steven M. Cahn, Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 519-522.
    This was scanned from the 1909 edition and mechanically checked against a commercial copy of the text from CDROM. Differences were corrected against the paper edition. The text itself is thus a highly accurate rendition. The footnotes were entered manually.
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  • The ethics of liberty.Murray Newton Rothbard - 1982 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    In his new introduction to this current edition of this classic in the field originally published in 1982 (Humanities Press), Hoppe (economics, U. of Nevada, Las Vegas--as was the late author) extols Rothbard's marriage of the "value-free" science of economics with the normative enterprise of ethics and their offspring: libertarianism. Discussion areas are: natural law, a theory of liberty, the state vs. liberty, modern alternative theories of liberty, and toward a theory of strategy for liberty. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, (...)
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  • City of God. Augustine - unknown
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  • (6 other versions)Politics.H. Aristotle & Rackham - 1944 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by H. Rackham.
    An English language translation accompanies the original Greek text of Aristotle's book about the nature of the state, constitutions, revolutions, democracy, and oligarchy.
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  • The rights of war and peace.Hugo Grotius - unknown
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  • The myth of the state.Ernst Cassirer - 1946 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by Charles William Hendel.
    A great contemporary German philosopher attacks the explosive problem of political myth in our day, and reveals how the myth of the state evolved from primitive times to prepare the way for the rise of the modern totalitarian state. "A brilliant survey of some of the major texts in the history of political theory."—Kenneth Burke, _The Nation._.
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  • The Social Contract.Jean Jacques Rousseau & Charles Frankel - 1948 - Journal of Philosophy 45 (24):666-667.
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  • Political Liberalism by John Rawls. [REVIEW]Philip Pettit - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (4):215-220.
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  • An Essay on Rights.Samantha Brennan - 1996 - Philosophical Review 105 (4):557.
    Steiner’s book is an engaging and challenging romp through important issues in rights theory, moral and economic reasoning, theories of freedom, and questions of justice. An Essay on Rights develops and connects themes pursued by Steiner in a series of articles written over the past two decades.
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  • (2 other versions)The spirit of laws.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Jean Le Rond D' Alembert - 1902 - London,: G. Bell and sons. Edited by Jean Le Rond D' Alembert, J. V. Prichard & [From Old Catalog].
    Of laws in general -- Of laws directly derived from the nature of government -- Of the principles of the three kinds of government -- That the laws of education ought to be relative to the principles of government -- That the laws given by the legislator ought to be relative to the nature of government -- Consquences of the principles of different governments, with respect to the simplicity of civil and criminal laws, the form of judgements, and inflicting of (...)
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  • Inalienable rights: A litmus test for liberal theories of justice.David Ellerman - 2010 - Law and Philosophy 29 (5):571-599.
    Liberal-contractarian philosophies of justice see the unjust systems of slavery and autocracy in the past as being based on coercion—whereas the social order in modern democratic market societies is based on consent and contract. However, the ‘best’ case for slavery and autocracy in the past were consent-based contractarian arguments. Hence, our first task is to recover those ‘forgotten’ apologia for slavery and autocracy. To counter those consent-based arguments, the historical anti-slavery and democratic movements developed a theory of inalienable rights. Our (...)
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  • Left-Libertarianism: A Primer.Peter Vallentyne - 2000 - In Peter Vallentyne & Hillel Steiner, Left Libertarianism and Its Critics: The Contemporary Debate. Palgrave Publishers.
    Left-libertarian theories of justice hold that agents are full self-owners and that natural resources are owned in some egalitarian manner. Unlike most versions of egalitarianism, leftlibertarianism endorses full self-ownership, and thus places specific limits on what others may do to one’s person without one’s permission. Unlike the more familiar right-libertarianism (which also endorses full self-ownership), it holds that natural resources—resources which are not the results of anyone's choices and which are necessary for any form of activity—may be privately appropriated only (...)
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  • Toward a Reformulation of the Law of Contracts.Williamson M. Evers - 1977 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 1 (1):3-13.
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  • The Myth of the State.George H. Sabine - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (3):315.
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  • A liberal argument for slavery.Stephen Kershnar - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (4):510–536.
    The slavery contract is not a rights violation since the right not to be enslaved and the right not to give out a benefit are waivable and the conjunction of their voluntary waiver is not itself a rights violation. The case for the contract being pejoratively exploitative is not clear. Hence given the general presumption in favor of liberty of contract, such a transaction ought to be permitted. The contract is also not invalid on the grounds that the wrongdoer’s consent (...)
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  • (1 other version)Toward a libertarian theory of inalienability: a critique of Rothbard, Barnett, Smith, Kinsella, Gordon, and Epstein.Walter Block - 2003 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 17 (2):39-86.
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  • Freedom not to be free: The case of the slavery contract in J. S. mill's on liberty.David Archard - 1990 - Philosophical Quarterly 40 (161):453-465.
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  • Contract Remedies and Inalienable Rights*: RANDY E. BARNETT.Randy E. Barnett - 1986 - Social Philosophy and Policy 4 (1):179-202.
    I. Introduction Two kinds of remedies have traditionally been employed for breach of contract: legal relief and equitable relief. Legal relief normally takes the form of money damages. Equitable relief normally consists either of specific performance or an injunction – that is, the party in breach may be ordered to perform an act or to refrain from performing an act. In this article I will use a “consent theory of contract” to assess the choice between money damages and specific performance. (...)
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  • The whole duty of man according to the law of nature.Samuel Pufendorf - 2003 - Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund. Edited by Ian Hunter, David Saunders & Jean Barbeyrac.
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  • The Social Contract.J. J. Rousseau, Russell M. Garnier, F. A. Laycock, W. Chance, Arthur H. Boyden & E. C. K. Gonner - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 6 (2):258-260.
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  • Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: Gebhardt Edition . Translated by S. Shirley. Introduction by B.S. Gregory.Baruch Spinoza, S. Shirley & Brad Gregory - 1989 - Brill.
    This new and complete translation of Spinoza's famous 17th-century work fills an important gap, not only for all scholars of Spinoza, but also for everyone interested in the relationship between Western philosophy and religion, and the history of biblical exegesis.
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  • Voluntary Slavery.Danny Frederick - 2014 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 3 (4):115-137.
    The permissibility of actions depends upon facts about the flourishing and separateness of persons. Persons differ from other creatures in having the task of discovering for themselves, by conjecture and refutation, what sort of life will fulfil them. Compulsory slavery impermissibly prevents some persons from pursuing this task. However, many people may conjecture that they are natural slaves. Some of these conjectures may turn out to be correct. In consequence, voluntary slavery, in which one person welcomes the duty to fulfil (...)
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  • An explanation of the injustice of slavery.Simon Roberts-Thomson - 2008 - Res Publica 14 (2):69-82.
    The institution of slavery is an unjust institution. The aim of this paper is to provide an explanation of why it is unjust. I argue that slavery is unjust because it makes it impossible for slaves to realise both their interest in self-respect and their interest in being at home in the world. Furthermore, I argue that this explanation of the injustice of slavery also provides us with an argument for political equality.
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  • The Realm of Rights by Judith Jarvis Thomson. [REVIEW]Carl Wellman - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy 89 (6):326-329.
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  • Forced to be Free, Not Free to be Slaves.J. Gabriel - 2012 - Journal of Value Inquiry 46 (1):39-50.
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  • Voluntary Slavery and the Limits of the Market.Debra Satz - 2009 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 3 (1):87-109.
    This paper considers the normative assessment of bonded labor from the perspectives of libertarianism and Paretian welfare economics. I argue that neither theory can account for our objections to bonded labor arrangements; moreover, they fail in interesting ways. Reflecting on their normative failures focuses us on other considerations besides individual choice and efficiency. Such considerations include: the effects of labor markets on workers' preferences and capacities; the exploitation of the vulnerabilities of the poor; and the permanent binding of one person (...)
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  • Tractatus theologico-politicus. Gebhardt edition.Baruch Spinoza, Samuel Shirley & Brad S. Gregory - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (1):167-169.
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