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  1. Die Krisis der europäischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phänomenologie: Eine Einleitung in die phänomenologische Philosophie.Edmund Husserl - 2012 - Hamburg: Meiner, F. Edited by Elisabeth Ströker.
    In seiner letzten Schrift unternimmt Husserl den Versuch, auf dem Wege einer teleologisch-historischen Besinnung auf die Ursprünge unserer kritischen wissenschaftlichen und philosophischen Situation die Notwendigkeit einer transzendentalphänomenologischen Umwendung der Philosophie zu begründen. Er geht von seinem Begriff der "Lebenswelt" aus und entwickelt eine auf diesen Zentralbegriff seiner Spätphilosophie gegründete eigenständige Einleitung in die transzendentale Phänomenologie.
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  • The Sexual Contract.Carole Pateman - 1988 - Polity Press.
    Pateman challenges the way contemporary society functions by questioning the standard interpretation of an idea that is deeply embedded in American and British political thought: that our rights and freedoms derive from the social contract explicated by Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau and interpreted in the United States by the Founding Fathers. The author shows how we are told only half the story of the original contract that establishes modern patriarchy. The sexual contract is ignored and thus men's patriarchal right over (...)
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  • The crisis of European sciences and transcendental phenomenology.Edmund Husserl - 1970 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    In this book, which remained unfinished at his death, Husserl attempts to forge a union between phenomenology and existentialism.
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  • (1 other version)Untimely meditations.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1874 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by R. J. Hollingdale.
    The four short works in Untimely Meditations were published by Nietzsche between 1873 and 1876.They deal with such broad topics as the relationship between popular and genuine culture, strategies for cultural reform, the task of philosophy, the nature of education, and the relationship between art, science and life. They also include Nietzsche's earliest statement of his own understanding of human selfhood as a process of endlessly 'becoming who one is'. As Daniel Breazeale shows in his introduction to this new edition (...)
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  • Mind in Life: Biology, Phenomenology, and the Sciences of Mind.Evan Thompson - 2007 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    The question has long confounded philosophers and scientists, and it is this so-called explanatory gap between biological life and consciousness that Evan ...
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  • The Sexual Contract.Carole Pateman - 1988 - Ethics 100 (3):658-669.
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  • Aristotle and mathematics.Henry Mendell - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Die Frage nach dem Ding: zu Kants Lehre von den transzendentalen Grundsätzen.Martin Heidegger & Petra Jaeger (eds.) - 1987 - de Gruyter.
    Die Schrift bringt den Text einer Vorlesung, die im Wintersemester 1935/36 unter dem Titel »Grundfragen der Metaphysik« an der Universität Freiburg/Br. gehalten wurde. Sie ist zu einem wesentlichen Teil Auslegung der Lehre Kants vom 'System aller Grundsätze des reinen Verstandes' in der »Kritik der reinen Vernunft« und führt fort, was in der Abhandlung »Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik« (1929) begonnen wurde.
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  • What is a thing?Martin Heidegger - 1967 - Lanham [Md.]: University Press of America. Edited by Eugene T. Gendlin.
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  • Empirical Technoscience Studies in a Comtean World: Too Much Concreteness? [REVIEW]Robert C. Scharff - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (2):153-177.
    Abstract No one doubts the radically transformative power of contemporary technologies and technoscientific practices over the material dimensions of our experience. Yet with the coming of all the exciting changes and the promise of ever better material conditions, what kinds of lives are we implicitly being encouraged to live? One would think that current philosophical studies of technology would make this a central question, and indeed, a few have done so. But many do not. Following the lead of thinkers who (...)
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  • The Self After Postmodernity.Calvin O. Schrag - 1997 - Yale University Press.
    Sketching a new portrait of the human self in this thought-provoking book, leading American philosopher Calvin O. Schrag challenges bleak deconstructionist and postmodernist views of the self as something ceaselessly changing, without origin or purpose. Discussing the self in new vocabulary, he depicts an action-oriented self defined by the ways in which it communicates. The self, says Schrag, is open to understanding through its discourse, its actions, its being with other selves, and its experience of transcendence. In his discussion, Schrag (...)
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  • Displacing Epistemology: Being in the Midst of Technoscientific Practice. [REVIEW]Robert C. Scharff - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (2-3):227-243.
    Interest the Erklären–Verstehen debate is usually interpreted as primarily epistemological. By raising the possibility that there are fundamentally different methods for fundamentally different types of science, the debate puts into play all the standard issues—that is, issues concerning scientific explanation and justification, the unity and diversity of scientific disciplines, the reality of their subject matter, the accessibility of various subject matters to research, and so on. In this paper, however, I do not focus on any of these specific issues. I (...)
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