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  1. (2 other versions)The possibility of naturalism: a philosophical critique of the contemporary human sciences.Roy Bhaskar - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Since its original publication in 1979, The Possibility of Naturalism has been one of the most influential works in contemporary philosophy of science and social science. It is a cornerstone of the critical realist position, which is now widely seen as offering a viable alternative to move positivism and postmodernism. This revised edition includes a new foreword.
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  • A Realist Theory of Science.Roy Bhaskar - 1975 - New York: Routledge.
    Now acknowledged as a classic in the philosophy of science, A Realist Theory of Science is one of the very few books to transform not only our understanding of science, but that of the nature of the world it studies. The book has inspired the multi-disciplinary and international movement of thought known as critical realism. Re-issued with a new introduction.
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  • Fear of knowledge: against relativism and constructivism.Paul Boghossian - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Relativist and constructivist conceptions of knowledge have become orthodoxy in vast stretches of the academic world in recent times. This book critically examines such views and argues that they are fundamentally flawed. The book focuses on three different ways of reading the claim that knowledge is socially constructed, one about facts and two about justification. All three are rejected. The intuitive, common sense view is that there is a way things are that is independent of human opinion, and that we (...)
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  • (1 other version)Dialectic: the pulse of freedom.Roy Bhaskar - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction: Critical realism, hegelian dialectic and the problems of philosophy preliminary considerations -- Objectives of the book -- Dialectic : an initial orientation -- Negation -- Four degrees of critical realism -- Prima facie objections to critical realism -- On the sources and general character of the hegelian dialectic -- On the immanent critique and limitations of the hegelian dialectic -- The fine structure of the hegelian dialectic -- Dialectic : the logic of absence, arguments, themes, perspectives, configurations -- Absence (...)
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  • Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation.Roy Bhaskar - 2009 - Taylor & Francis US.
    Following on from Roy Bhaskarâe(tm)s first two books, A Realist Theory of Science and The Possibility of Naturalism, Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation, establishes the conception of social science as explanatoryâe"and thence emancipatoryâe"critique. Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation starts from an assessment of the impasse of contemporary accounts of science as stemming from an incomplete critique of positivism. It then proceeds to a systematic exposition of scientific realism in the form of transcendental realism, highlighting a conception of science as explanatory (...)
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  • Being human: the problem of agency.Margaret Scotford Archer - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Humanity and the very notion of the human subject are under threat from postmodernist thinking which has declared not only the 'Death of God' but also the 'Death of Man'. This book is a revindication of the concept of humanity, rejecting contemporary social theory that seeks to diminish human properties and powers. Archer argues that being human depends on an interaction with the real world in which practice takes primacy over language in the emergence of human self-consciousness, thought, emotionality and (...)
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  • Structure, Agency and the Internal Conversation.Margaret S. Archer - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    The central problem of social theory is 'structure and agency'. How do the objective features of society influence human agents? Determinism is not the answer, nor is conditioning as currently conceptualised. It accentuates the way structure and culture shape the social context in which individuals operate, but it neglects our personal capacity to define what we care about most and to establish a modus vivendi expressive of our concerns. Through inner dialogue, 'the internal conversation', individuals reflect upon their social situation (...)
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  • Reclaiming reality: a critical introduction to contemporary philosophy.Roy Bhaskar - 1989 - New York: Verso.
    Originally published in 1989, Reclaiming Reality still provides the most accessible introduction to the increasingly influential multi-disciplinary and international body of thought, known as critical realism. It is designed to "underlabour" both for the sciences, especially the human sciences, and for the projects of human emancipation which such sciences may come to inform; and provides an enlightening intervention in current debates about realism and relativism, positivism and poststucturalism, modernism and postmodernism, etc. Elaborating his critical realist perspective on society, nature, science (...)
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  • Dictionary of critical realism.Mervyn Hartwig (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    Dictionary of Critical Realism fills a vital gap in the literature. The dictionary seeks to redress the problem of accessibility by explaining all the main concepts and key developments. It has more than 500 entires on these themes, with contributions from many leading critical realists, and is thoroughly cross-referenced. However, this text does not stop at the elucidation of concepts. It incorporates surveys of critical realist work and prospects in more than fifty areas of study across the humanities and social (...)
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  • The Formation of Critical Realism: A Personal Perspective.Roy Bhaskar - 2010 - Routledge. Edited by Mervyn Hartwig.
    This series of interviews, conducted in the form of exchanges between Roy Bhaskar and Mervyn Hartwig, tells a riveting story of the formation and development of critical realism. Three intersecting and interweaving narratives unfold in the course of this unfinished story: the personal narrative of Roy Bhaskar, born of an Indian father and English mother, a child of post-war Britain and Indian partition and independence; the intellectual narrative of the emergence and growth of critical realism; and a world-historical story, itself (...)
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  • (1 other version)Plato etc.: the problems of philosophy and their resolution.Roy Bhaskar - 1994 - New York: Verso.
    In this concise text, Roy Bhaskar sets out to diagnose, explain and resolve the "problems of philosophy". _Plato Etc._ reviews all the main areas of the subject: the theory of knowledge and philosophy of science; the philosophy of logic and language; the philosophies of space, time and causality; the philosophy of the social and life sciences and of dialectic; ethics, politics and aesthetics; and the history and sociology of philosophy. Among the issues discussed are the problems of induction and universals, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Reflections on meta-reality: transcendence, emancipation, and everyday life.Roy Bhaskar - 2002 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    In a brilliant series of studies, Roy Bhaskar, the originator of the influential, multi-disciplinary and international philosophy of critical realism, presents for the first time in published form, his new philosophy of Meta-Reality. The philosophy of Meta-Reality confirms many aspects of the great philosophical traditions of the past, while correcting their one-sidedness and transcending their dualism and dichotomies, representing what is valid in them in a radically new way, apt for our contemporary times of global crisis.
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  • Transcendence: Critical Realism and God.Margaret Scotford Archer - 2004 - Routledge. Edited by Andrew Collier & Douglas V. Porpora.
    Atheism as a belief does not have to present intellectual credentials within academia. Yet to hold beliefs means giving reasons for doing so, ones which may be found wanting. Instead, atheism is the automatic default setting within the academic world. Conversely, religious belief confronts a double standard. Religious believers are not permitted to make truth claims but are instead forced to present their beliefs as part of one language game amongst many. Religious truth claims are expected to satisfy empiricist criteria (...)
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  • A Realist Theory of Science.K. Sundaram - 1976 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 37 (2):282-283.
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  • (1 other version)From East to West: Odyssey of a Soul.Roy Bhaskar - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    In this radical book, Roy Bhaskar expands his philosophy of critical realism with an audacious re-synthesis of many aspects of Western and Eastern thought. Arguing that the existence of God provides the fundamental structure of the world, he renders plausible ideas of reincarnation, karma and moksha or liberation. Originally published in the year of the millennium, From East to West continues to be a groundbreaking and fundamental work within the critical realist tradition. Stimulating debate in ontology, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy (...)
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  • Emergentist Marxism: dialectical philosophy and social theory.Sean Creaven - 2007 - London: Routledge.
    In tackling emergentist Marxism in depth, this well-written volume demonstrates that critical realism and materialist dialectics are indispensable to theorizing the functioning of complex social and physical systems. Author Sean Creaven investigates Marxâes dialectics of being and consciousness, forces and relations of production, base and superstructure, class structure and class conflict, and demonstrates how they allow the social analyst to conceptualize geo-history as embodying a tendential evolutionary directionality, rather than as simply random or indeterminate in terms of its outcomes. For (...)
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  • Critical Realism and Marxism.Andrew Brown, Steve Fleetwood, Michael Roberts & John Michael Roberts - 2002 - Psychology Press.
    Critical Realism and Marxism addresses controversial debates, revealing a potentially fruitful relationship; deepening our understanding of the social world and contibuting towards eliminating barbarism in contemporary capitalism.
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  • After Critical Realism?: The Relevance of Contemporary Science.Heikki Patomäki - 2010 - Journal of Critical Realism 9 (1):59-88.
    While recent scientific discoveries and theories can be taken to provide additional evidence for some of the central critical realist claims, overall critical realism seems to be in need of reassessment, revisions and further developments. First, I argue that here has been an inclination among critical realists to prefer the language and model of philosophy to falsifiable science, creating a predisposition towards somewhat sectarian practices. These tendencies also account for the relative lack of substantive research based on, or inspired by, (...)
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  • Nature, social relations and human needs: essays in honour of Ted Benton.Sandra Moog, Rob Stone & Ted Benton (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Bringing together some of the most eminent thinkers in the field, this book celebrates the seminal contribution of Ted Benton to such pressing themes as: realism, naturalism and the philosophy of the social sciences, the continuing relevance of Marxism, philosophical anthropology and human needs, and ecology, society and natural limits.
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  • The New Dialectic and Marx's Capital.Christopher J. Arthur - 2004 - Science and Society 68 (4):513-515.
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  • Conclusion: Philosophy, Materialism, and Nature–Comments and Reflections.Ted Benton - 2009 - In Sandra Moog, Rob Stone & Ted Benton (eds.), Nature, social relations and human needs: essays in honour of Ted Benton. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 208--243.
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  • Marxism and Realism: A Materialistic Application of Realism in the Social Sciences.Sean Creaven - 2007 - Taylor & Francis US.
    This book rethinks Marx's sociology as a form of realist social theory, extending Roy Bhaskar's philosophical realism into the social sciences. By constructing historical materialism as realist social theory, it becomes possible to resolve many long standing dilemmas in Marxist discourse, such as voluntarism versus determinism and humanism versus economism.
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  • 'TOR Science in the Social Sciences': The End of the Road for Critical Realism?Gregor McLennan - 2009 - In Sandra Moog, Rob Stone & Ted Benton (eds.), Nature, social relations and human needs: essays in honour of Ted Benton. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 47.
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  • Realism in One Country?Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2009 - Journal of Critical Realism 8 (2):203-232.
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  • Realism, naturalism and the red-green nexus: Benton's critical contribution to ecological theory'.Kate Soper - 2009 - In Sandra Moog, Rob Stone & Ted Benton (eds.), Nature, social relations and human needs: essays in honour of Ted Benton. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 170--84.
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  • The 'Returns to Religion': Messianism, Christianity and the Revolutionary Tradition. Part II: The Pauline Tradition.John Roberts - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (3):77-103.
    The central strength of the Hegelian dialectical tradition is that reason is not divorced from its own internal limits in the name of a reason free from ideological mediation and constraint. This article holds onto this insight in the examination of the recent returns to religious categories in political philosophy and political theory. In this it follows a twofold logic. In the spirit of Hegel and Marx it seeks to recover what is ‘rational in religion’; at the same time, it (...)
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