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Fleck in context

Perspectives on Science 15 (1):49-86 (2007)

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  1. Siegel, Schaudinn, Fleck and the Etiology of Syphilis.Jean Lindenmann - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (3):435-455.
    In 1905 two different etiologic agents for syphilis were proposed in Berlin, one, the Cytorrhyctes luis, by John Siegel, the other, Spirochaete pallida, by Fritz Schaudinn. Both scientists were pupils of Franz Eilhard Schulze, and were outsiders to the Berlin medical establishment. Both belonged to the same thought collective, used the same thought style, and started from the same supposition that the etiologic agent of syphilis must be a protist. Both used the same morphological approach, the same microscopes and the (...)
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  • A Parting of the Ways: Carnap, Cassirer, and Heidegger.Michael Friedman - 2000 - Open Court Publishing.
    In this insightful study of the common origins of analytic and continental philosophy, Friedman looks at how social and political events intertwined and influenced philosophy during the early twentieth century, ultimately giving rise to the two very different schools of thought. He shows how these two approaches, now practiced largely in isolation from one another, were once opposing tendencies within a common discussion. Already polarized by their philosophical disagreements, these approaches were further split apart by the rise of Naziism and (...)
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  • Ludwik Fleck's 'on the question of the foundations of medical knowledge'.Thaddeus J. Trenn - 1981 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 6 (3):237-256.
    According to Fleck, a fact is not something objectively given but rather a social event. Scientific facts are no exception, as can be seen through the annals of medicine. Fleck argues that if the physical sciences initially appear to be immune to such social conditioning, this misconception can be corrected by recognizing the similarities between the natural sciences and medicine both historically and epistemologically. Fleck's ideas are not new, having been presented by him in 1935, but it is only recently (...)
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  • (6 other versions)The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.Thomas S. Kuhn - 1962 - Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Ian Hacking.
    Thomas S. Kuhn's classic book is now available with a new index.
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  • Zur einführung.Hans Reichenbach - 1930 - Erkenntnis 1 (1):1-3.
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  • (3 other versions)Logik der Forschung.Karl R. Popper (ed.) - 1935 - Wien: Springer.
    Karl Raimund Poppers (1902-1994) Hauptwerk, die Logik der Forschung (1934), gilt als Grundlagenwerk des kritischen Rationalismus. Der kritische Rationalismus zeigt, warum unser Wissen fehlbar ist und versteht den Erkenntnisfortschritt als Resultat von Hypothesenbildung und -widerlegung. Der Sammelband orientiert sich an der Gliederung der Logik der Forschung. Seine Beiträge kommentieren die jeweiligen Themen nach aktueller Forschungslage.
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  • Cognition and Fact: Materials on Ludwik Fleck.Robert S. Cohen & Thomas Schnelle - 1986 - D. Reidel Publishing Company.
    The story of this book of 'materials on Ludwik Fleck' is also the story of the reception of Ludwik Fleck. In this volume, some essential materials which have been produced by that reception have been gathered together.
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  • The reading of Ludwik Fleck: Questions of sources and impetus.Eva Hedfors - 2006 - Social Epistemology 20 (2):131 – 161.
    The rediscovery in the mid-1970s of Ludwik Fleck's initially neglected monograph, Entstehung und Entwicklung einer Wissenschaftlichen Tatsache, published in 1935 and translated in 1979 as Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact, has resulted in extensive, still ongoing, secondary writings, mainly within the humanities. Fleck has been interpreted as furthering a relativistic conception of science. Nowadays, he is often viewed as an important contributor to contemporary sociology of science and a forerunner to Thomas Kuhn. Fleck's account of the Wassermann reaction, (...)
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  • The reading of scientific texts: questions on interpretation and evaluation, with special reference to the scientific writings of Ludwik Fleck.Eva Hedfors - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (1):136-158.
    Ludwik Fleck is remembered for his monograph published in German in 1935. Reissued in 1979 as Genesis and development of a scientific fact Fleck’s monograph has been claimed to expound relativistic views of science. Fleck has also been portrayed as a prominent scientist. The description of his production of a vaccine against typhus during World War II, when imprisoned in Buchenwald, is legendary in the scholarly literature. The claims about Fleck’s scientific achievements have been justified by referring to his numerous (...)
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  • The reading of scientific texts: questions on interpretation and evaluation, with special reference to the scientific writings of Ludwik Fleck.Eva Hedfors - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (1):136-158.
    Ludwik Fleck is remembered for his monograph published in German in 1935. Reissued in 1979 as Genesis and development of a scientific fact Fleck’s monograph has been claimed to expound relativistic views of science. Fleck has also been portrayed as a prominent scientist. The description of his production of a vaccine against typhus during World War II, when imprisoned in Buchenwald, is legendary in the scholarly literature. The claims about Fleck’s scientific achievements have been justified by referring to his numerous (...)
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  • (1 other version)Logik der Forschung. [REVIEW]E. N. - 1935 - Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):107-108.
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  • Die physikalische Sprache als Universalsprache der Wissenschaft.Rudolf Carnap - 1931 - Erkenntnis 2 (1):432--65.
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  • Experience and Prediction. An Analysis of the Foundations and the Structure of Knowledge. [REVIEW]E. N. & Hans Reichenbach - 1938 - Journal of Philosophy 35 (10):270.
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  • Relativitätstheorie Und Erkenntnis Apriori.Hans Reichenbach - 1920 - J. Springer.
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  • (1 other version)Besprechung.[author unknown] - 1962 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 36 (4):649-649.
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  • (1 other version)The Evolution of Physics.Albert Einstein & Léopold Infeld - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (1):173-173.
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  • Erkenntnistheorie.Siegfried Weinberg - 1931 - Erkenntnis 2 (1):466-467.
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  • Quantenphyfikalifche bemerkungen zur biologie und pfychologie.Pascual Jordan - 1934 - Erkenntnis 4 (1):215-252.
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  • World 5 and medical knowledge.Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh - 1981 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 6 (3):263-270.
    What follows is a brief comment on Ludwik Fleck's paper on the foundations of medical knowledge translated by Thaddeus J. Trenn in this issue. Since the original is much older than I am, I have some scruples in presenting the critical thoughts which occurred to me when I read it a few years ago. Despite the criticism, I am very sympathetic to most of what Fleck has told us in his tragically neglected work. Two facts make Fleck's tragedy even more (...)
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  • Über protokollsätze.Rudolf Carnap - 1932 - Erkenntnis 3 (1):215-228.
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  • Zur Einführung. Koffka-Stählin - 1914 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 1 (1):1-9.
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  • Ludwik Fleck.Wojciech Sady - unknown - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • (1 other version)Ziele und Wege der heutigen Naturphilosophie: Fünf Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftstheorie.Hans Reichenbach - 2011 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner. Edited by Nikolay Milkov.
    Hans Reichenbach ist heute in Nordamerika, wo er die Entwicklung deranalytischen Philosophie maßgeblich beeinflußte und zahlreiche bedeutende Schüler hatte (u.a.
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  • Spirochaetes, serology, and salvarsan : Ludwik Fleck and the construction of medical knowledge about syphilis.den Belvant, H. - unknown
    The theoretical and empirical scope of this study thus clarified, an outline of the chapters which follow can now be presented. In Chapter II 1 shall systematically compare Fleck's theories with the approaches adopted by contemporary constructivists. My strategy is partly to use modern forms of constructivism as a foil for extracting relevant and valuable insights from the richness of Fleck's elaborations, partly to identify theoretical and conceptual issues that can possibly be clarified through an empirical 'replication' of Fleck's work. (...)
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  • What Incommensurability Claims Mean: A Study of Ludwik Fleck's Contribution to the Incommensurability Debate.E. Lance Simmons - 1991 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    The acceptance of incommensurability claims is widely held to involve one in extreme forms of moral or epistemological relativism. This dissertation considers how incommensurability claims are related to relativity claims. Chapter One introduces three kinds of incommensurability claims , and presents an initial account of how such claims differ from relativity claims. ;One salient obstacle to understanding what incommensurability claims mean is the shared subject matter problem: How can two thought-styles with no shared conceptual resources share the same subject matter (...)
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  • Medical critique [krytyka lekarska]: A journal of medicine and philosophy – 1897–1907.Ilana Löwy - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (6):653-674.
    Medico-philosophical reflections were developed in the 19th and the 20th centuries by three consecutive generations of Polish physicians, active in what was later named the Polish School of Philosophy of Medicine. The second generation of this school published its own journal, Medical Critique [Krytika Lekarska], from 1897 to 1907. Medical Critique included numerous articles on the nature of medical knowledge, the reductionism versus holism debate in biology and medicine, the importance of teleologically-oriented approaches in medicine, the influence of theories and (...)
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