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  1. Metaphors we live by.George Lakoff & Mark Johnson - 1980 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Mark Johnson.
    The now-classic Metaphors We Live By changed our understanding of metaphor and its role in language and the mind. Metaphor, the authors explain, is a fundamental mechanism of mind, one that allows us to use what we know about our physical and social experience to provide understanding of countless other subjects. Because such metaphors structure our most basic understandings of our experience, they are "metaphors we live by"--metaphors that can shape our perceptions and actions without our ever noticing them. In (...)
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  • Metaphors We Live By.George Lakoff & Mark Johnson - 1980 - Ethics 93 (3):619-621.
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  • Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind.George Lakoff - 1987 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 22 (4):299-302.
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  • Metaphors We Live by.Max Black - 1980 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (2):208-210.
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  • The Science of the Struggle for Existence: On the Foundations of Ecology.Gregory John Cooper - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a sustained examination of issues in the philosophy of ecology that have been a source of controversy since the emergence of ecology as an explicit scientific discipline. The controversies revolve around the idea of a balance of nature, the possibility of general ecological knowledge and the role of model-building in ecology. The Science of the Struggle for Existence is also a detailed treatment of these issues that incorporates both a comprehensive investigation of the relevant ecological literature and (...)
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  • Biodiversity and Environmental Philosophy: An Introduction.Sahotra Sarkar - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores the epistemological and ethical issues at the foundations of environmental philosophy, emphasising the conservation of biodiversity. Sahota Sarkar criticises attempts to attribute intrinsic value to nature and defends an anthropocentric position on biodiversity conservation based on an untraditional concept of transformative value. Unlike other studies in the field of environmental philosophy, this book is as much concerned with epistemological issues as with environmental ethics. It covers a broad range of topics, including problems of explanation and prediction in (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Political ecology: a critical introduction.Paul Robbins - 2004 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    The hatchet and the seed -- A tree with deep roots -- The critical tools -- A field crystallizes -- Destruction of nature -- Construction of nature -- Degradation and marginalization -- Conservation and control -- Environmental conflict -- Environmental identity and social movement -- Where to now?
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  • The Background of Ecology: Concept and Theory.Robert P. Mcintosh - 1986 - Journal of the History of Biology 19 (2):314-316.
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  • Seeking historical examples to illustrate key aspects of the nature of science.William F. McComas - 2008 - Science & Education 17 (2-3):249-263.
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  • Critical thinking and science education.Sharon Bailin - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (4):361-375.
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  • Teaching the Philosophical and Worldview Components of Science.Michael R. Matthews - 2009 - Science & Education 18 (6-7):697-728.
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  • Must there be a balance of nature?Gregory Cooper - 2001 - Biology and Philosophy 16 (4):481-506.
    The balance of nature concept is an old idea that manifests itself in anumber of forms in population and community ecology. This paper focuseson population ecology, where controversy surrounding the balance ofnature takes the form of perennial debates over the significance ofdensity dependence, population regulation, and species interactions suchas competition. One of the most striking features of these debates, overthe course of the previous century in ecology, is the tendency to arguethe case on largely conceptual grounds. This paper explores twoquestions. (...)
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  • The “balance of nature” metaphor and equilibrium in population ecology.Kim Cuddington - 2001 - Biology and Philosophy 16 (4):463-479.
    I claim that the balance of nature metaphoris shorthand for a paradigmatic view of natureas a beneficent force. I trace the historicalorigins of this concept and demonstrate that itoperates today in the discipline of populationecology. Although it might be suspected thatthis metaphor is a pre-theoretic description ofthe more precisely defined notion ofequilibrium, I demonstrate that balance ofnature has constricted the meaning ofmathematical equilibrium in population ecology.As well as influencing the meaning ofequilibrium, the metaphor has also loaded themathematical term with values.Environmentalists (...)
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  • Nature's Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas.Donald Worster - 1996 - Journal of the History of Biology 29 (1):150-151.
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  • Thinking Like a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Firefly: Learning Biology Through Constructing and Testing Computational Theories.Uri Wilensky & Kenneth Reisman - 2006 - Cognition & Instruction 24 (2):171-209.
    Biological phenomena can be investigated at multiple levels, from the molecular to the cellular to the organismic to the ecological. In typical biology instruction, these levels have been segregated. Yet, it is by examining the connections between such levels that many phenomena in biology, and complex systems in general, are best explained. We describe a computation-based approach that enables students to investigate the connections between different biological levels. Using agent-based, embodied modeling tools, students model the microrules underlying a biological phenomenon (...)
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  • Reconciling Realism and Constructivism in Environmental Ethics.Richard J. Evanoff - 2005 - Environmental Values 14 (1):61 - 81.
    This paper outlines a constructivist approach to environmental ethics which attempts to reconcile realism in the ontological sense, i.e., the view that there is an objective material world existing outside of human consciousness, with the view that how nature is understood and acted in are epistemologically and morally constructed. It is argued that while knowledge and ethics are indeed culturally variable, social constructions of nature are nonetheless constrained by how things actually stand in the world. The 'realist' version of constructivism (...)
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  • Individuals, populations and the balance of nature: the question of persistence in ecology.G. H. Walter - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (3):417-438.
    Explaining the persistence of populations is an important quest in ecology, and is a modern manifestation of the balance of nature metaphor. Increasingly, however, ecologists see populations (and ecological systems generally) as not being in equilibrium or balance. The portrayal of ecological systems as “non-equilibrium” is seen as a strong alternative to deterministic or equilibrium ecology, but this approach fails to provide much theoretical or practical guidance, and warrants formalisation at a more fundamental level. This is available in adaptation theory, (...)
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  • Images of nature in Greek primary school textbooks.Kostas J. Korfiatis, Anastasia G. Stamou & Stephanos Paraskevopoulos - 2004 - Science Education 88 (1):72-89.
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  • Ecological Understanding: The Nature of Theory and the Theory of Nature.Steward T. A. Pickett, Jurek Kolasa & Clive G. Jones - 1994 - Academic Press.
    Ecology is an historical science in which theories can be as difficult to test as they are to devise. This volume, intended for ecologists and evolutionary biologists, reviews ecological theories, and how they are generated, evaluated, and categorized. Synthesizing a vast and sometimes labyrinthine literature, this book is a useful entry into the scientific philosophy of ecology and natural history. The need for integration of the contributions to theory made by different disciplines is a central theme of this book. The (...)
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