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The social construction of what?Ian Hacking - 1999 - Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.details
Science, Policy, and the Value-Free Ideal.Heather Douglas - 2009 - University of Pittsburgh Press.details
Knowledge and social imagery.David Bloor - 1976 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.details
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Inductive risk and values in science.Heather Douglas - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (4):559-579.details
(5 other versions)The view from nowhere.Thomas Nagel - 1986 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (2):221-222.details
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Knowledge and Social Imagery.David Bloor - 1979 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 30 (2):195-199.details
(5 other versions)The View from Nowhere.Thomas Nagel - 1986 - Ethics 98 (1):137-157.details
Why standpoint matters.Alison Wylie - 2003 - In Robert Figueroa & Sandra G. Harding (eds.), Science and other cultures: issues in philosophies of science and technology. New York: Routledge. pp. 26--48.details
(5 other versions)The View from Nowhere.Thomas Nagel - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (4):729-730.details
Strange Multiplicity: Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity.James Tully - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.details
Value-Free Science: Ideals and Illusions?Harold Kincaid, John Dupre & Alison Wylie (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.details
The Whig Interpretation of History.Herbert Butterfield - 1931 - G. Bell.details
Science as Social Knowledge: Values and Objectivity in Scientific Inquiry.Helen E. Longino - 1990 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (2):340-341.details
Can the Science of Well-Being Be Objective?Anna Alexandrova - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (2):421-445.details
The Irreducible Complexity of Objectivity.Heather Douglas - 2004 - Synthese 138 (3):453 - 473.details
Patterns of Culture.Ruth Benedict - 1934 - Philosophical Review 55:497.details
Études Galiléennes.Alexandre Koyré - 1939 - Hermann.details
(1 other version)A Plurality of Pluralisms: Collaborative Practice in Archaeology.Alison Wylie - 2015 - In Flavia Padovani, Alan Richardson & Jonathan Y. Tsou (eds.), Objectivity in Science: New Perspectives From Science and Technology Studies. Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 310. Springer. pp. 189-210.details
Patterns of Culture.Ruth Benedict - 1934 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin.details
Objectivity and the double standard for feminist epistemologies.Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 1995 - Synthese 104 (3):351 - 381.details
Scientific Knowledge. A Sociological Analysis.Barry Barnes, David Bloor & John Henry - 1999 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 30 (1):173-176.details
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Feminist Philosophy of Science: Values and Objectivity.Sharon Crasnow - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (4):413-423.details
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(1 other version)The viewpoint of no-one in particular.Arthur Fine - 1998 - Proceedings and Adresses of the Apa 72 (2):9-20.details
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Ethical Relativity.Edvard Alexander Westermarck - 1932 - Westport, Conn.,: Routledge.details
(2 other versions)The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4.Inkeri Koskinen - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (4):1187-1207.details
(1 other version)A Plurality of Pluralisms: Collaborative Practice in Archaeology.A. Wylie - 2015 - In Flavia Padovani, Alan Richardson & Jonathan Y. Tsou (eds.), Objectivity in Science: New Perspectives From Science and Technology Studies. Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 310. Springer. pp. 189-210.details
Rescuing Objectivity: A Contextualist Proposal.Jack Wright - 2018 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (4):385-406.details
Is the History of Science Essentially Whiggish?David Alvargonzález - 2013 - History of Science 51 (1):85-99.details
(2 other versions)Ethical Relativity.Edward Westermarck - 1932 - Mind 42 (165):85-94.details
’Do Not Do Unto Others…’: Cultural Misrecognition and the Harms of Appropriation in an Open Source World.George P. Nicholas & Alison Wylie - 2013 - In Geoffrey Scarre & Robin Coningham (eds.), Appropriating the past: philosophical perspectives on the practice of archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 195-221.details
Seemingly Similar Beliefs: A Case Study on Relativistic Research Practices.Inkeri Koskinen - 2011 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 41 (1):84-110.details
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(2 other versions)The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4.Inkeri Koskinen - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (4):1187-1207.details
Critical Subjects: Participatory Research Needs to Make Room for Debate.Inkeri Koskinen - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (6):733-751.details
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