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  1. (5 other versions)Principles of biomedical ethics.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by James F. Childress.
    Over the course of its first seven editions, Principles of Biomedical Ethics has proved to be, globally, the most widely used, authored work in biomedical ethics. It is unique in being a book in bioethics used in numerous disciplines for purposes of instruction in bioethics. Its framework of moral principles is authoritative for many professional associations and biomedical institutions-for instruction in both clinical ethics and research ethics. It has been widely used in several disciplines for purposes of teaching in the (...)
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  • (2 other versions)A Theory of Justice.John Rawls - unknown
    Since it appeared in 1971, John Rawls's A Theory of Justice has become a classic. The author has now revised the original edition to clear up a number of difficulties he and others have found in the original book. Rawls aims to express an essential part of the common core of the democratic tradition--justice as fairness--and to provide an alternative to utilitarianism, which had dominated the Anglo-Saxon tradition of political thought since the nineteenth century. Rawls substitutes the ideal of the (...)
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  • (1 other version)A Theory of Justice.John Rawls - 1971 - Oxford,: Harvard University Press. Edited by Steven M. Cahn.
    Though the revised edition of A Theory of Justice, published in 1999, is the definitive statement of Rawls's view, so much of the extensive literature on Rawls's theory refers to the first edition.
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  • (3 other versions)The elements of moral philosophy.James Rachels & Stuart Rachels - 2019 - New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. Edited by James Rachels.
    The Elements of Moral Philosophy 9e by James Rachels and Stuart Rachels is a best-selling text for undergraduate courses in ethics. Thirteen thought-provoking chapters introduce readers to major moral concepts and theories in philosophy through clear, understandable explanations and compelling discussions. Chapters are written so that they may be read independently of one another thus providing greater flexibility for students and instructors.
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  • On Virtue Ethics.Rosalind Hursthouse - 1999 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Virtue ethics is perhaps the most important development within late twentieth-century moral philosophy. Rosalind Hursthouse, who has made notable contributions to this development, here presents a full exposition and defense of her neo-Aristotelian version of virtue ethics. She shows how virtue ethics can provide guidance for action, illuminate moral dilemmas, and bring out the moral significance of the emotions.
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  • (2 other versions)A theory of justice.John Rawls - 2009 - In Steven M. Cahn, Exploring ethics: an introductory anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 133-135.
    Though the Revised Edition of A Theory of Justice, published in 1999, is the definitive statement of Rawlsıs view, so much of the extensive literature on ...
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  • (1 other version)After Virtue.A. MacIntyre - 1981 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 46 (1):169-171.
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  • From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice.Allen Buchanan, Dan W. Brock, Norman Daniels & Daniel Wikler - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book, written by four internationally renowned bioethicists and first published in 2000, was the first systematic treatment of the fundamental ethical issues underlying the application of genetic technologies to human beings. Probing the implications of the remarkable advances in genetics, the authors ask how should these affect our understanding of distributive justice, equality of opportunity, the rights and obligations as parents, the meaning of disability, and the role of the concept of human nature in ethical theory and practice. The (...)
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  • The nature of disease.Lawrie Reznek - 1987 - New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
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  • (1 other version)Ethics.John Aristotle & Warrington - 1953 - London: Allen & Unwin. Edited by J. A. K. Thomson.
    We will next speak of Liberality. Now this is thought to be the mean state, having for its object-matter Wealth: I mean, the Liberal man is praised not in the circumstances of war, nor in those which constitute the character of perfected self-mastery, nor again in judicial decisions, but in respect of giving and receiving Wealth, chiefly the former. By the term Wealth I mean all those things whose worth is measured by money.
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  • (2 other versions)Public Health Ethics.Stephen Holland - 2007 - Hoboken, NJ: Polity.
    How far should we go in protecting and promoting public health? Can we force people to give up unhealthy habits and make healthier choices, or does everyone have the right to decide their own lifestyle? Should we stop treating smokers who refuse to give up smoking? Should we put a tax on fatty foods and ban vending machines in schools to address the obesity epidemic? Should parents be required to have their children vaccinated? Are some of our screening programmes unethical (...)
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  • Ethics, management, and mythology: rational decision making for health service professionals.Michael Loughlin - 2002 - Abingdon, Oxon, U.K.: Radcliffe Medical Press.
    Chapter 1 Who this book is for and who it is not for1 There are already too many books offering solutions to the problems of the health service. ...
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  • (1 other version)Do we need a concept of disease?Germund Hesslow - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (1).
    The terms health, disease and illness are frequently used in clinical medicine. This has misled philosophers into believing that these concepts are important for clinical thinking and decision making. For instance, it is held that decisions about whether or not to treat someone or whether to relieve someone of moral responsibility depend on whether the person has a disease. In this paper it is argued that the crucial role of the disease concept is illusory. The health/disease distinction is irrelevant for (...)
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  • Genetic Screening: Ethical Issues.Nuffield Council On Bioethics - forthcoming - Nuffield Bioethics, Uk.
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  • An Introduction to Kant's Ethics.Roger J. Sullivan - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the most up-to-date, brief and accessible introduction to Kant's ethics available. It approaches the moral theory via the political philosophy, thus allowing the reader to appreciate why Kant argued that the legal structure for any civil society must have a moral basis. This approach also explains why Kant thought that our basic moral norms should serve as laws of conduct for everyone. The volume includes a detailed commentary on Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant's most widely studied (...)
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  • The genesis of public health ethics.Ronald Bayer & Amy L. Fairchild - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (6):473–492.
    ABSTRACT As bioethics emerged in the 1960s and 1970s and began to have enormous impacts on the practice of medicine and research – fuelled, by broad socio‐political changes that gave rise to the struggle of women, African Americans, gay men and lesbians, and the antiauthoritarian impulse that characterised the New Left in democratic capitalist societies – little attention was given to the question of the ethics of public health. This was all the more striking since the core values and practices (...)
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  • Community: The Neglected Tradition of Public Health.Dan E. Beauchamp - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 15 (6):28-36.
    The dominant language of politics in the United States has been political individualism, with minimal restrictions on property and personal, voluntary conduct. But there are second languages of community that stress cooperation and group action. These second languages include the constitutional tradition for public health. Public health offers a community justification for paternalistic measures that, for example, discourage smoking or require seatbelts.
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  • Communitarianism.Daniel Bell - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Principlism and Its Alleged Competitors.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (3):181-198.
    Principles that provide general normative frameworks in bioethics have been criticized since the late 1980s, when several different methods and types of moral philosophy began to be proposed as alternatives or substitutes. Several accounts have emerged in recent years, including: (1) Impartial Rule Theory (supported in this issue by K. Danner Clouser), (2) Casuistry (supported in this issue by Albert Jonsen), and (3) Virtue Ethics (supported in this issue by Edmund D. Pellegrino). Although often presented as rival methods or theories, (...)
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  • (1 other version)The moral law.Immanuel Kant - 1967 - New York,: Barnes & Noble. Edited by H. J. Paton.
    Few books have had as great an impact on intellectual history as Kant's The Moral Law. In its short compass one of the greatest minds in the history of philosophy attempts to identify the fundamental principle 'morality' that governs human action. Supported by a clear introduction and detailed summary of the argument, this is not only an essential text for students but also the perfect introduction for any reader who wishes to encounter at first hand the mind of one of (...)
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  • Guilt, fear, stigma and knowledge gaps: Ethical issues in public health communication interventions.Nurit Guttman & Charles T. Salmon - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (6):531–552.
    ABSTRACT Public health communication campaigns have been credited with helping raise awareness of risk from chronic illness and new infectious diseases and with helping promote the adoption of recommended treatment regimens. Yet many aspects of public health communication interventions have escaped the scrutiny of ethical discussions. With the transference of successful commercial marketing communication tactics to the realm of public health, consideration of ethical issues becomes an essential component in the development and application of public health strategies. Ethical issues in (...)
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  • On the value-neutrality of the concepts of health and disease: Unto the breach again.Scott DeVito - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (5):539 – 567.
    A number of philosophers of medicine have attempted to provide analyses of health and disease in which the role that values play in those concepts is restricted. There are three ways in which values can be restricted in the concepts of health and disease. They can be: (i) eliminated, (ii) tamed or (iii) corralled. These three approaches correspond, respectively, to the work of Boorse, Lennox, and Wakefield. The concern of each of these authors is that if unrestricted values are allowed (...)
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  • Ethics and Epidemiology.Steven Scott Coughlin, Tom L. Beauchamp & Douglas L. Weed (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Written by epidemiologists, ethicists and legal scholars, this book provides an in-depth account of the moral problems that often confront epidemiologists, including both theoretical and practical issues. The first edition has sold almost three thousand copies since it was published in 1996. This edition is fully revised and includes three new chapters: Ethical Issues in Public Health Practice, Ethical Issues in Genetic Epidemiology, and Ethical Issues in International Health Research and Epidemiology. These chapters collectively address important developments of the past (...)
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  • Causation in epidemiology.M. Parascandola & D. L. Weed - 2001 - Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 55:905--912.
    Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in the box at the top right corner of the article..
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  • Aristotle's function argument and the concept of mental illness.Christopher Megone - 1998 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 5 (3):187-201.
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  • (1 other version)Mass immunisation programmes: Some philosophical issues.Tim Dare - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (2):125–149.
    Most countries promote mass immunisation programmes. The varying policy details raise a raft of philosophical issues. I have two broad aims in this paper. First, I hope to begin to remedy a rather curious philosophical neglect of immunisation. With this in mind, I take a broad approach to the topic hoping to introduce rather than settle a range of philosophical issues. My second aim has two aspects: I argue that the states should have pro-immunisation policies, and I advance a view (...)
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  • Health.R. M. Hare - 1986 - Journal of Medical Ethics 12 (4):174-181.
    Many practical issues in medical ethics depend on an understanding of the concept of health. The main question is whether it is a purely descriptive or a partly evaluative or normative concept. After posing some puzzles about the concept, the views of C Boorse, who thinks it is descriptive, are discussed and difficulties are found for them. An evaluative treatment is then suggested, and used to shed light on some problems about mental illness and to compare and contrast it with (...)
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  • Applying the four principles.R. Macklin - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (5):275-280.
    Gillon is correct that the four principles provide a sound and useful way of analysing moral dilemmas. As he observes, the approach using these principles does not provide a unique solution to dilemmas. This can be illustrated by alternatives to Gillon’s own analysis of the four case scenarios. In the first scenario, a different set of factual assumptions could yield a different conclusion about what is required by the principle of beneficence. In the second scenario, although Gillon’s conclusion is correct, (...)
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  • Political Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide for Students and Politicians.Adam Swift - 2001 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Politicians invoke grand ideas: social justice, liberty, equality,community. But what do these ideas really mean? How can politicians across the political spectrum appeal to the same values? _Political Philosophy: A Beginners' Guide for Students and Politicians _answers these important questions. Accessible and lively, the book is an ideal student text, but it also brings the insights of the world's leading political philosophers to a wide general audience. Using plenty of examples, it equips readers to think for themselves about the ideas (...)
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  • The environment and disease: association or causation?Austin Bradford Hill - 1965 - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 58 (5):295-300.
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  • (1 other version)Bioethics: an introduction for the biosciences.T. B. Mepham - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Bioethical issues remain front-page news, with debate continuing to rage over issues including genetic modification, animal cloning, and "designer babies." With public opinion often driven by media speculation, how can we ensure that informed decisions regarding key bioethical issues are made in a reasoned, objective way? Ideal for students new to the subject, Bioethics: An Introduction for the Biosciences offers a balanced, objective introduction to the field. With a focus on developing powers of reasoning and judgment, the book presents different (...)
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  • Protection of Research Subjects: Do Special Rules Apply in Epidemiology?A. M. Capron - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (3-4):184-190.
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  • Principlism and moral dilemmas: a new principle.J. P. DeMarco - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (2):101-105.
    Moral conflicts occur in theories that involve more than one principle. I examine basic ways of dealing with moral dilemmas in medical ethics and in ethics generally, and propose a different approach based on a principle I call the "mutuality principle". It is offered as an addition to Tom Beauchamp and James Childress' principlism. The principle calls for the mutual enhancement of basic moral values. After explaining the principle and its strengths, I test it by way of an examination of (...)
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  • Public Health Communication Interventions.Nurit Guttman - 2000 - SAGE.
    The ethical dimensions of health communicators' interventions and campaigns are brought into question in this thought-provoking book. Examining the efforts to effect behavior change, the author questions how far health communication can and should go in changing people's values. The author broadens the current analysis of interventions and presents conceptual frameworks that help identify values and justifications that are embedded in health communication goals, strategies, and evaluation criteria. This critical approach helps explain how and why choices are made in design (...)
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  • (1 other version)Why bioethics needs the philosophy of medicine: Some implications of reflection on concepts of health and disease.George Khushf - 1997 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 18 (1-2):145-163.
    Germund Hesslow has argued that concepts of health and disease serve no important scientific, clinical, or ethical function. However, this conclusion depends upon the particular concept of disease he espouses; namely, on Boorse's functional notion. The fact/value split embodied in the functional notion of disease leads to a sharp split between the science of medicine and bioethics, making the philosophy of medicine irrelevant for both. By placing this disease concept in the broader context of medical history, I shall show that (...)
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  • Health of the People: The Highest Law?Lawrence O. Gostin - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (3):509-515.
    From my perspective, as a White House official watching the budgetary process, and subsequently as head first of a health care financing agency and then of a public health agency, I was continually amazed to watch as billions of dollars were allocated to financing medical care with little discussion, whereas endless arguments ensued over a few millions for community prevention programs. The sums that were the basis for prolonged, and often futile, budget fights in public health were treated as rounding (...)
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  • Public Communication, Risk Perception, and the Viability of Preventive Vaccination Against Communicable Diseases.Thomas May - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):407-421.
    ABSTRACT Because of the nature of preventive vaccination programs, the viability of these public health interventions is particularly susceptible to public perceptions. This is because vaccination relies on a concept of ‘herd immunity’, achievement of which requires rational public behavior that can only be obtained through full and accurate communication about risks and benefits. This paper describes how irrational behavior that threatens the effectiveness of vaccination programs – both in crisis and non‐crisis situations – can be tied to public perceptions (...)
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  • Incommensurability: Its Implications for the Patient/Physician Relation.R. M. Veatch & W. E. Stempsey - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (3):253-269.
    Scientific authority and physician authority are both challenged by Thomas Kuhn's concept of incommensurability. If competing “paradigms” or “world views” cannot rationally be compared, we have no means to judge the truth of any particular view. However, the notion of local or partial incommensurability might provide a framework for understanding the implications of contemporary philosophy of science for medicine. We distinguish four steps in the process of translating medical science into clinical decisions: the doing of the science, the appropriation of (...)
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  • Moral theory and medical practice. [REVIEW]Grant Gillett - 1989 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (164):379.
    In this unique study Fulford combines the disciplines of rigorous philosophy with an intimate knowledge of psychopathology to overturn traditional hegemonies. The patient replaces the doctor at the heart of medicine. Moral theory and the logic of evaluation replace epistemology as the focus of philosophical enquiry. Ever controversial, mental illness is at the interface of philosophy and medicine. Mad or bad? Dissident or diseased? Dr Fulford shows that it is possible to achieve new insights into these traditional dilemmas, insights at (...)
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  • Utilitarianism, Human Rights and the Redistribution of Health through Preventive Medical Measures.Heta Häyry & Matti Häyry - 1989 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (1):43-52.
    ABSTRACT Public health authorities sometimes have to make decisions about the use of preventive medical measures—e.g. vaccination programmes—which could, if realised, save millions of lives, but could also kill a certain (small) number of those subjected to the measures. According to a rough‐and‐ready utilitarian calculation, such measures should be taken, but there are also possible objections to this view. A liberal objection to the use of mandatory preventive measures which might harm human beings is that people have a right to (...)
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  • Health Promotion: Philosophy, Prejudice and Practice.Dr David Seedhouse - 2004 - Wiley.
    Incisively written, this new edition of a popular guide first published in 1996 slices through the rhetoric of health promotion. Its penetrating analysis quickly reveals health promotion’s conceptual roots, providing an enlightening map of their web of theory and practice. David Seedhouse proves that health promotion, a discipline intended to improve the health of a population, is prejudiced—every plan and every project stems first from human values—and argues that only by acknowledging this will a mature discipline emerge. To help speed (...)
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  • Underdetermination and incommensurability in contemporary epidemiology.Douglas L. Weed - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (2):107-124.
    In the shadowy world between philosophy of science and ethics lie the paired concepts of underdetermination and incommensurability. Typically, scientific evidence underdetermines the hypotheses tested in research studies, providing neither proof nor disproof. As a result, scientists must judge the weight of the evidence, and in doing so, bring scientific and extrascientific values to bear in their approaches to assessing and interpreting the evidence. When different scientists employ very different values, their views are said to be incommensurable. Less prominent differences (...)
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  • Mental Illness and Reductionism: Can Functions Be Naturalized?Tim Thornton - 2000 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 9 (1):229-253.
    There has been considerable recent philo- sophical work on the nature of mental illness. Two..
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  • Health promotion--caring concern or slick salesmanship?G. Williams - 1984 - Journal of Medical Ethics 10 (4):191-195.
    There is an increasing tendency for administrators and government to expect both the health services and the education service to 'show results' for the investment of public money in them. One response to this has been the growing commitment to 'health promotion', where measurable objectives may be set in terms of desired behaviour (stopping smoking, breast self-examination, child immunisation etc) and where evaluation can be made on the evidence of statistical improvement. Health workers use the term 'promotion' in a variety (...)
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  • (1 other version)Ethics in Human Communication.Richard L. Johannesen - 1976 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 9 (2):130-131.
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  • (1 other version)The social concept of disease.Juha Räikkä - 1996 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 17 (4).
    In the discussion of such social questions as how should alcoholics be treated by society? and what kind of people are responsible in the face of the law?, is disease a value-free or value-laden notion, a natural or a normative one? It seems, for example, that by the utterance alcoholism should be classified as a disease we mean something like the following: the condition called alcoholism is similar in morally relevant respects to conditions that we uncontroversially label diseases, and therefore (...)
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  • American college of epidemiology ethics guidelines: Foundations and dissemination.Robert E. McKeown, Douglas L. Weed, Jeffrey P. Kahn & Michael A. Stoto - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (2):207-214.
    Epidemiology is a core science of public health, focusing on research related to the distribution and determinants of both positive and adverse health states and events and on application of knowledge gained to improve public health. The American College of Epidemiology (ACE) is a professional organization devoted to the professional practice of epidemiology. As part of that commitment, and in response to concerns for more explicit attention to core values and duties of epidemiologists in light of emerging issues and increased (...)
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  • Ethical Foundations of Health Care: Responsibilities in Decision Making.Jane Singleton & Susan Goodinson-McLaren - 1995 - Mosby.
    This book details the underlining philosophical approaches to ethical theories and how these can be used to structure an approach to day-to-day ethical issues, and thereby resolve them. It provides an understanding of the ethical theories which underpin decisions in health care by first laying the foundation with a philosophical framework and then going on to develop this into an examination of contemporary health care dilemmas and professional issues. Not available in the U.S.
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  • All you need is health.Hub Zwart - 1999 - In Dr Michael Parker & Michael Parker, Ethics and Community in the Health Care Professions. New York: Routledge. pp. 30.
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  • Teaching Philosophy.Andrea Kenkman (ed.) - 2009 - Continuum.
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