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  1. Ethics.William Frankena - 1967 - Philosophy of Science 34 (1):74-74.
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  • Professional ethics and the culture of trust.Andrew Brien - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (4):391 - 409.
    The cause of ethical failure in organisations often can be traced to their organisational culture and the failure on the part of the leadership to actively promote ethical ideals and practices. This is true of all types of organisations, including the professions, which in recent years have experienced ongoing ethical problems. The questions naturally arise: what sort of professional culture promotes ethical behaviour? How can it be implemented by a profession and engendered in the individual professional? The answers to these (...)
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  • Ethical and Unethical Bargaining Tactics: An Empirical Study.Roy J. Lewicki & Robert J. Robinson - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (6):665-682.
    Competitive negotiators frequently use tactics which others view as "unethical", in that these tactics either violate standards of truth telling or violate the perceived rules of negotiation. This paper sought to determine how business students viewed a number of marginally ethical negotiating tactics, and to determine the underlying factor structure of these tactics. The factor analysis of these tactics revealed five clear factors which were highly similar across the two samples, and which parallel (to a moderate degree) categories of tactics (...)
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  • Method issues in business ethics research: finding credible answers to questions that matter.David Campbell & Christopher J. Cowton - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (2):S3-S10.
    This paper is an essay based on many years of reviewing journal submissions and discussions with business ethics scholars on a range of themes regarding methods. To some extent, it contains condensed thoughts from two experienced scholars in the field, which we hope will be useful, especially to emerging scholars who, to some extent, may still be wrestling with some of the issues raised in the paper. The validity and reliability of research methods in business ethics research is discussed in (...)
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  • Corporate Identity, Ethics and Reputation in Supplier–Buyer Relationships.Michael Bendixen & Russell Abratt - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):69-82.
    Multi-national corporations (MNCs) have been criticised for not behaving ethically in some situations, which could have a negative effect on their reputation. This study examines the ethics of a large MNC in its relationship with its suppliers. A brief literature review of corporate identity, business ethics and buyer–supplier relationships is undertaken. The views and perceptions of the buying staff and the suppliers to a large South African MNC are obtained and discussed. The results indicate that this MNC has a good (...)
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  • Trust, Morality and International Business.George G. Brenkert - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (2):293-317.
    Abstract:This paper argues that trust is one of the crucial bases for an international business morality. To defend this claim, it identifies three prominent senses of trust in the current literature and defends one of them, viz., what I term the “Attitudinal view.” Three different contexts in which such trust plays a role in business relationships are then described, as well as the conditions for the specific kinds of Attitudinal trust which appear in those contexts. Difficulties for the international development (...)
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  • Institutional dynamics and organizations affecting the adoption of sustainable development in the United Kingdom and Brazil.Mônica Cavalcanti Sá de Abreu, Larissa Teixeira da Cunha & Claire Y. Barlow - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (1):73-90.
    This paper provides an exploratory comparative assessment of the institutional pressures influencing corporate social responsibility in a developed country, UK, vs. a developing country, Brazil, based on a survey of different actors. Information on sustainability concerns, organizational strategies and mechanisms of pressure was collected through interviews with environmental regulatory agencies, financial institutions, media and non-governmental organizations. Our results confirm that the more advanced awareness and CSR responsiveness in the UK is a consequence of a predominance of coercive and normative forces (...)
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  • (1 other version)Fairness and microcredit interest rates: from Rawlsian principles of justice to the distribution of the bargaining range.Marek Hudon & Arvind Ashta - 2013 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 22 (3):277-291.
    This paper addresses the fairness of microcredit interest rates. Since microfinance institutions provide credit for the poor at relatively high prices, the fairness of their interest rates has been repeatedly debated. We first apply Rawls' principles of justice to the case of microcredit interest rates and suggest some limitations related to the hypothesis of rationality of the borrowers and the level of inequality. We then suggest another framework based on the analysis of the distribution of the benefits generated by the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Fairness and microcredit interest rates: from Rawlsian principles of justice to the distribution of the bargaining range.Marek Hudon & Arvind Ashta - 2013 - Business Ethics 22 (3):277-291.
    This paper addresses the fairness of microcredit interest rates. Since microfinance institutions provide credit for the poor at relatively high prices, the fairness of their interest rates has been repeatedly debated. We first apply Rawls' principles of justice to the case of microcredit interest rates and suggest some limitations related to the hypothesis of rationality of the borrowers and the level of inequality. We then suggest another framework based on the analysis of the distribution of the benefits generated by the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Neither bad apple nor bad barrel: how the societal context impacts unethical behavior in organizations.Michael Gonin, Guido Palazzo & Ulrich Hoffrage - 2011 - Business Ethics: A European Review 21 (1):31-46.
    Every time another corporate scandal captures media headlines, the ‘bad apple vs. bad barrel’ discussion starts anew. Yet this debate overlooks the influence of the broader societal context on organizational behavior. In this article, we argue that misbehaviors of organizations (the ‘barrels’) and their members (the ‘apples’) cannot be addressed properly without a clear understanding of their broader context (the ‘larder’). Whereas previously, a strong societal framework dampened the practical application of the Homo economicus concept (business actors as perfectly rational (...)
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  • (1 other version)Neither bad apple nor bad barrel: how the societal context impacts unethical behavior in organizations.Michael Gonin, Guido Palazzo & Ulrich Hoffrage - 2011 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (1):31-46.
    Every time another corporate scandal captures media headlines, the ‘bad apple vs. bad barrel’ discussion starts anew. Yet this debate overlooks the influence of the broader societal context on organizational behavior. In this article, we argue that misbehaviors of organizations (the ‘barrels’) and their members (the ‘apples’) cannot be addressed properly without a clear understanding of their broader context (the ‘larder’). Whereas previously, a strong societal framework dampened the practical application of the Homo economicus concept (business actors as perfectly rational (...)
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  • A tangled web: views of deception from the customer's perspective.Erin Adamson Gillespie, Katie Hybnerova, Carol Esmark & Stephanie M. Noble - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (2):198-216.
    While there has been extensive research on deception, extant literature has not examined how deception is processed solely from the customer's perspective. Extensive qualitative interviews were conducted and analyzed to inform the proposed framework. Cognitive dissonance theory and attribution theory are used to frame the process consumers go through when deception is perceived. When consumers perceive deceit, they will consider attribution before determining intentionality. Internal attributions relieve the company of wrongdoing to some extent, whereas external attributions lead consumers to examine (...)
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  • Ethical and Moral Dilemmas Associated with Strategic Relationships between Business-to-Business Buyers and Sellers.Nigel F. Piercy & Nikala Lane - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 72 (1):87-102.
    While ethical and moral issues have been widely considered in the general areas of marketing and sales, similar attention has not been given to the impact of strategic account management (SAM) approaches to handling the relationships between suppliers and very␣large customers. SAM approaches have been widely␣adopted by suppliers as a mechanism for managing␣relationships and partnerships with dominant customers␣– characterized by high levels of buyer–seller inter-dependence and forms of collaborative partnership. Observation suggests that the perceived moral intensity of␣these relationships is commonly (...)
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  • (1 other version)Negativity bias in consumer price response to ethical information.Dirk C. Moosmayer - 2012 - Business Ethics: A European Review 21 (2):198-208.
    The increasing debate on corporate ethics raises the question of whether consumers are willing to reward and punish corporate behaviour based on its ethicality. In this context, this article investigates the direct effect on consumers' willingness to pay. Price response to product‐related ethical information is explored in an experiment dealing with social issues in sportswear and environmental issues in consumer electronics. It is shown that in both areas, consumers demonstrate an increased willingness to pay for ethically produced goods. However, the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Negativity bias in consumer price response to ethical information.Dirk C. Moosmayer - 2012 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (2):198-208.
    The increasing debate on corporate ethics raises the question of whether consumers are willing to reward and punish corporate behaviour based on its ethicality. In this context, this article investigates the direct effect on consumers' willingness to pay. Price response to product-related ethical information is explored in an experiment dealing with social issues in sportswear and environmental issues in consumer electronics. It is shown that in both areas, consumers demonstrate an increased willingness to pay for ethically produced goods. However, the (...)
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  • Staking Cosmopolitan Claims: How Firms and NGOs Talk About Supply Chain Responsibility.Dirk C. Moosmayer & Susannah M. Davis - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (3):403-417.
    Non-governmental organizations increasingly hold firms responsible for harm caused in their supply chains. In this paper, we explore how firms and NGOs talk about cosmopolitan claims regarding supply chain responsibility. We investigate the language used by Apple and a group of Chinese NGOs as well as Adidas and the international NGO Greenpeace about the firms’ environmental responsibilities in their supply chains. We apply electronic text analytic methods to firm and NGO reports totaling over 155,000 words. We identify different conceptualizations of (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Integrating soft factors into the assessment of cooperative relationships between firms: Accounting for reputation and ethical values.Bernhard Hirsch & Matthias Meyer - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (1):81-94.
    Alliances and other forms of cooperation between firms often promise great benefits, for example, by the exchange of knowledge or co-specialization of resources. At the same time, the necessary actions to realize these benefits can augment vulnerability to opportunistic behaviour of partners. In addition to formal contracts to mitigate the resulting behavioural uncertainties, often, mechanisms, such as reputation or ethical values, are suggested as important supplements. However, when it comes to assessment of a specific cooperation opportunity, it is difficult to (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Integrating soft factors into the assessment of cooperative relationships between firms: accounting for reputation and ethical values.Bernhard Hirsch & Matthias Meyer - 2009 - Business Ethics: A European Review 19 (1):81-94.
    Alliances and other forms of cooperation between firms often promise great benefits, for example, by the exchange of knowledge or co‐specialization of resources. At the same time, the necessary actions to realize these benefits can augment vulnerability to opportunistic behaviour of partners. In addition to formal contracts to mitigate the resulting behavioural uncertainties, often, mechanisms, such as reputation or ethical values, are suggested as important supplements. However, when it comes to assessment of a specific cooperation opportunity, it is difficult to (...)
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  • Honesty in negotiation.Chris Provis - 2000 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 9 (1):3–12.
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  • (2 other versions)Deception and defection from ethical norms in market relationships: A general analytic framework.William W. Keep & Gary P. Schneider - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (1):64-80.
    Market relationships built on trust and governed by commonly accepted ethical norms are generally viewed as economically positive and beneficial to both parties; however, such relationships are occasionally the situs of a variety of unexpected and ethically questionable behaviours. This study examines the narratives provided by participants who share their experience as an exchange partner in a market relationship or as a close observer of an exchange partner in a market relationship to identify the use of short-term deceptions and ethics (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Deception and defection from ethical norms in market relationships: a general analytic framework.William W. Keep & Gary P. Schneider - 2009 - Business Ethics: A European Review 19 (1):64-80.
    Market relationships built on trust and governed by commonly accepted ethical norms are generally viewed as economically positive and beneficial to both parties; however, such relationships are occasionally the situs of a variety of unexpected and ethically questionable behaviours. This study examines the narratives provided by participants who share their experience as an exchange partner in a market relationship or as a close observer of an exchange partner in a market relationship to identify the use of short‐term deceptions and ethics (...)
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  • (1 other version)Ethno‐cultural considerations in negotiation: pretense, deception and lies in the Greek workplace.Abraham Stefanidis & Moshe Banai - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (2):197-217.
    A retrospect into ethos, this study examines the impact of individualism, collectivism, ethical idealism and interpersonal trust on negotiators' attitudes toward questionable negotiation tactics in Greece. A thousand survey questionnaires were administered to Greek employees, of which 327 usable responses were collected. Our findings empirically corroborated a classification of three groups of negotiation tactics, namely, pretense, deception and lies. Individualism–collectivism and ethical idealism were found to be related, and interpersonal trust was found to be unrelated, to attitudes toward questionable negotiation (...)
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  • Stakeholder learning dialogues: How to preserve ethical responsibility in networks. [REVIEW]Anthony J. Daboub & Jerry M. Calton - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (1-2):85 - 98.
    The shift in corporate strategy, from vertical integration to strategic alliances, has developed hand in hand with the evolution of organizational structure, from the vertically integrated firm to the network organization. The result has been the elimination of boundaries, more flexible organizations, and a greater interaction among individuals and organizations. On the negative side, the specialization of firms on single areas of competence has resulted in the disaggregation of the value chain and in the disaggregation of ethical and legal responsibility. (...)
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