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  1. (2 other versions)The Philosophy of Money.G. Simmel - 1978
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  • Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression.Jacques Derrida & Eric Prenowitz - 1995 - Diacritics 25 (2):9.
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  • (2 other versions)The Philosophy of Money.Georg Simmel - 2004 - Routledge.
    This revised edition of the first complete translation of the seminal work 'Die Philosophie des Geldes' by Georg Simmel includes a new preface by David Frisby.
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  • Apocalypse Forever?Erik Swyngedouw - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (2-3):213-232.
    This article interrogates the relationship between two apparently disjointed themes: the consensual presentation and mainstreaming of the global problem of climate change on the one hand and the debate in political theory/philosophy that centers around the emergence and consolidation of a post-political and post-democratic condition on the other. The argument advanced in this article attempts to tease out this apparently paradoxical condition. On the one hand, the climate is seemingly politicized as never before and has been propelled high on the (...)
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  • The Future Cannot Begin: Temporal Structures in Modern Society.Niklas Luhmann - 1976 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 43.
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  • Potential Politics and the Primacy of Preemption.Brian Massumi - 2007 - Theory and Event 10 (2).
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  • National Enterprise Emergency.Brian Massumi - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (6):153-185.
    The figure of today’s threat is the suddenly irrupting, locally self-organizing, systemically self-amplifying threat of large-scale disruption. This form of threat, fed by instability and metastability, is not only indiscriminate, it is also indiscrimin able; it is indistinguishable from the general environment. The figure of the environment shifts: from the harmony of a natural balance to the normality of a generalized crisis environment so encompassing in its endemic threat-form as to connect, across the spectrum, the polar extremes of war and (...)
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  • Pre-empting Emergence.Melinda Cooper - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (4):113-135.
    This article looks at the increasing prominence of bioterrorist threat scenarios in recent US foreign policy. Germ warfare, it argues, is being depicted as the paradigmatic threat of the post-Cold War era, not only because of its affinity for cross-border movement but also because it blurs the lines between deliberate attack and spontaneous natural catastrophe. The article looks at the possible implications of this move for understandings of war, strategy and public health. It also seeks to contextualize the US’s growing (...)
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  • Die Wissenschaft der Gesellschaft.N. Luhmann - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (3):563-564.
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  • Luhmann, N. Social Systems. [REVIEW]N. Luhmann, John Bednarz & Dirk Baecker - 1998 - Human Studies 21 (2):227-234.
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  • The ticking bomb: Speed, liberalism and ressentiment against the future.Simon Glezos - 2011 - Contemporary Political Theory 10 (2):147-165.
    This article uses the ‘Ticking Bomb Scenario’ as a starting point for a broader discussion of what I term the ‘liberal narrative of speed’, the argument within liberal thought that the accelerating pace of events in the world requires a transition of authority from slow-moving, democratic legislative bodies, to energetic, efficient and unitary executives. However, this article argues that the source of this transfer of power is not because of any structural misfit between democracy and acceleration . Instead, through an (...)
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  • Derivatives.Jakob Arnoldi - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (6):23-42.
    This article examines the financial technology of derivatives. Derivatives are financial products whose values are based on possible fluctuations in the values of underlying assets. Hence derivatives markets are markets that trade in the risks of other markets. In order for derivatives markets to function, forms of prognostication that can assess the possible future fluctuations of the underlying markets are necessary. What such prognostications do, the article argues, is to create information out of future possibilities. Building upon a notion of (...)
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  • Social Acceleration: Ethical and Political Consequences of a Desynchronized High–Speed Society.Hartmut Rosa - 2003 - Constellations 10 (1):3-33.
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  • Niklas Luhmann.Jakob Arnoldi - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (1):1-13.
    The article is an introduction to a special section in TCS on the work of Niklas Luhmann. The first part of the article provides a general introduction to Luhmann's work with an emphasis on the basic elements of Luhmann's general systems theory, in particular Luhmann's notions of autopoiesis and meaning, and the traditions on which it is based. The second part of the text is a presentation of the articles in the special section.
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  • Ausdifferenzierung des Rechts, Beiträge zur Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie.Niklas Luhmann - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):198-198.
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  • How is Our Future Contingent?Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (1):49-58.
    In a first retrospective of Niklas Luhmann's work, it is surprising to see that concepts regarding time and temporality received comparatively little attention. This article starts with the hypothesis that, over the years, Luhmann tended to subsume and deal with topics regarding time under the notion of `contingency'. Identified as the central ` Eigenwert' of modern societies, Luhmann seems to suggest that contingency ended up modifying the three classical time dimensions. In the case of the future dimension, the question arises (...)
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  • Constitutional Chrononomy.Richard S. Kay - 2000 - Ratio Juris 13 (1):31-48.
    Every constitution defines and is defined by a period in time. Like all law the creation and application of constitutions require reference to the past and future respectively. Every instance of constitution‐making is an attempt to control behavior over an extended period of time. Therefore constitutions will be drafted, both in style and substance, to reflect that temporal ambition. The effectiveness of a constitution also requires that its interpretation makes reference to the understanding of its rules held by the constitution‐makers. (...)
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