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  1. The sequential production of social acts in conversation.Wolfgang Ludwig Schneider - 2000 - Human Studies 23 (2):123-144.
    With reference to Mead, Peirce, speech act theory, conversation analysis, and Luhmann's phenomenological grounded version of systems theory, the paper tries to reconstruct actions as products of communication. A triadic sequence is identified as the elementary unit for the intersubjective constitution of an act. This unit combines three achievements: (a) the constitution of meaning by sequential attribution, (b) the intersubjective coordination of attributed meanings, and (c) the reproduction of rules, guiding the process of constitution and coordination of attributed meanings. Then, (...)
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  • "Structure"/"action" contingencies and the model of parallel distributed processing.Loet Leydesdorff - 1993 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 23 (1):47–77.
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  • The knowledge content of science and the sociology of scientific knowledge.Loet Leydesdorff - 1992 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 23 (2):241-263.
    Several, seemingly unrelated problems of empirical research in the 'sociology of scientific knowledge' can be analyzed as following from initial assumptions with respect to the status of the knowledge content of science. These problems involve: (1) the relation between the level of the scientific field and the group level; (2) the boundaries and the status of 'contexts', and (3) the emergence of so-called 'asymmetry' in discourse analysis. It is suggested that these problems can be clarified by allowing for cognitive factors (...)
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  • Again, what the philosophy of biology is not.Werner Callebaut - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (2):93-122.
    There are many things that philosophy of biology might be. But, given the existence of a professional philosophy of biology that is arguably a progressive research program and, as such, unrivaled, it makes sense to define philosophy of biology more narrowly than the totality of intersecting concerns biologists and philosophers (let alone other scholars) might have. The reasons for the success of the “new” philosophy of biology remain poorly understood. I reflect on what Dutch and Flemish, and, more generally, European (...)
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  • The Politics of Orientation: Deleuze Meets Luhmann.Hannah Richter - 2023 - SUNY Press.
    The Politics of Orientation provides the first substantial exploration of a surprising theoretical kinship and its rich political implications, between Gilles Deleuze's philosophy and the sociological systems theory of Niklas Luhmann. Through their shared theories of sense, Hannah Richter draws out how the works of Luhmann and Deleuze complement each other in creating worlds where chaos is the norm and order the unlikely and yet remarkably stable exception. From the encounter between Deleuze and Luhmann, Richter develops a novel take on (...)
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  • (1 other version)Zwei Begriffe der Wissenschaftsfreiheit: Zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Politik.Karsten Schubert - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie (1).
    Wissenschaftsfreiheit wird vorherrschend als Freiheit der Wissenschaft von politischer Einmischung verstanden. Der Artikel kritisiert dieses negative Verständnis von Wissenschaftsfreiheit anhand einer Analyse seines prominentesten Vertreters, dem Netzwerk Wissenschaftsfreiheit, das damit eine Politisierung einseitig den Vertreter*innen gesellschaftskritischer Ansätze zuschreibt, während es die eigene Position als ‚rein wissenschaftlich‘ und politisch neutral dargestellt. Demgegenüber schlägt der Artikel ein kritisches Verständnis von Wissenschaftsfreiheit vor, das seine Politizität reflektiert. Ausgehend von der Analyse, dass starre Macht- und Privilegienstrukturen das zentrale Hindernis für die gemeinsame Arbeit an (...)
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  • In-between: The Simultaneity of the Non-simultaneous.Nico Stehr - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (4):407-424.
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  • Virtual attractors, actual assemblages: How Luhmann’s theory of communication complements actor-network theory.Ignacio Farías - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (1):24-41.
    This article proposes complementing actor-network theory (ANT) with Niklas Luhmann’s communication theory, in order to overcome one of ANT’s major shortcomings, namely, the lack of a conceptual repertoire to describe virtual processes such as sense-making. A highly problematic consequence of ANT’s actualism is that it cannot explain the differentiation of economic, legal, scientific, touristic, religious, medical, artistic, political and other qualities of actual entities, assemblages and relationships. By recasting Luhmann’s theory of functionally differentiated communication forms and sense-making as dealing with (...)
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  • From Norms to Trust: The Luhmannian Connections between Trust and System.Janne Jalava - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (2):173-190.
    This article explores the concept of trust put forth by Niklas Luhmann and Talcott Parsons. It shows the outline of Luhmann's theory of trust and its connections to his autopoietic systems theory. It also deliberates upon the role of trust in the Luhmannian research of future society as well as examines the role of trust in risk society and shows why norms, values and familiarity play only a peripheral role in today's society. Trust is a way to control everyday interaction (...)
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  • Depression im Spitzensport als gesellschaftliche Konstruktion: Beobachtungen aus Sicht der soziologischen Systemtheorie.Felix Kühnle - 2020 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 17 (2):153-183.
    ZusammenfassungDie Forschung über Depressionen im Spitzensport wird bislang von Sportpsychologinnen und Sportpsychiatern dominiert. Gesellschaftstheoretische Perspektiven, die über die soziale Konstruiertheit des Gegenstands aufklären, sind demgegenüber deutlich unterrepräsentiert. Unter Rückgriff auf die soziologische Systemtheorie entwickelt der vorliegende Beitrag verschiedene Sichtweisen auf das gesellschaftliche Reden über die Depression im Spitzensport. Auf diesem Weg wird nicht nur der Beobachtungsrelativität des Phänomens Rechnung getragen. Vor allem werden die Unschärfen, blinden Flecken und Reflexionsdefizite offengelegt, die mit dem weitgehenden Fehlen komplex gebauter Theorien im gesellschaftlichen Diskurs (...)
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  • “I Don’t Want to Do Anything Bad.” Perspectives on Scientific Responsibility: Results from a Qualitative Interview Study with Senior Scientists.Sebastian Wäscher, Nikola Biller-Andorno & Anna Deplazes-Zemp - 2020 - NanoEthics 14 (2):135-153.
    This paper presents scientists’ understanding of their roles in society and corresponding responsibilities. It discusses the researchers’ perspective against the background of the contemporary literature on scientific responsibility in the social sciences and philosophy and proposes a heuristic that improves the understanding of the complexity of scientific responsibility. The study is based on qualitative interviews with senior scientists. The presented results show what researchers themselves see as their responsibilities, how they assume them, and what challenges they perceive with respect to (...)
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  • The problem of the present: On simultaneity, synchronisation and transnational education projects.Pieter Vanden Broeck - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (6):664-675.
    The current inclination, at the European level, to fund education in the form of projects radicalises the modern orientation towards the present as the attempt to bind a yet indeterminate future. This article proposes a close re-reading of Niklas Luhmann’s sociological oeuvre in order to problematise the place of the present in modern education. In an effort to sketch out the need for a new educational ecology, it then draws attention to how transnational projects articulate their educational meaning.
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  • The Nature of Appearance in Kant’s Transcendentalism: A Seman- tico-Cognitive Analysis.Sergey L. Katrechko - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (3):41-55.
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  • Scientific Communication and the Nature of Science.Kristian H. Nielsen - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (9):2067-2086.
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  • Scientific Experts and the Controversy About Teaching Creation/Evolution in the UK Press.Joachim Allgaier - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (6-8):797-819.
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  • Sustainability assessment and complementarity.Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe - 2016 - Ecology and Society 21 (1):30.
    Sustainability assessments bring together different perspectives that pertain to sustainability in order to produce overall assessments and a wealth of approaches and tools have been developed in the past decades. But two major problematics remain. The problem of integration concerns the surplus of possibilities for integration; different tools produce different assessments. The problem of implementation concerns the barrier between assessment and transformation; assessments do not lead to the expected changes in practice. This paper aims to analyze issues of complementarity in (...)
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  • The Problem of Expertise in Knowledge Societies.Reiner Grundmann - 2017 - Minerva 55 (1):25-48.
    This paper puts forward a theoretical framework for the analysis of expertise and experts in contemporary societies. It argues that while prevailing approaches have come to see expertise in various forms and functions, they tend to neglect the broader historical and societal context, and importantly the relational aspect of expertise. This will be discussed with regard to influential theoretical frameworks, such as laboratory studies, regulatory science, lay expertise, post-normal science, and honest brokers. An alternative framework of expertise is introduced, showing (...)
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  • An enactive and dynamical systems theory account of dyadic relationships.Miriam Kyselo & Wolfgang Tschacher - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Daring the Truth: Foucault, Parrhesia and the Genealogy of Critique.Andreas Folkers - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (1):3-28.
    This paper draws attention to Foucault’s genealogy of critique. In a series of inquiries, Foucault traced the origins and trajectories of critical practices from the ancient tradition of parrhesia to the enlightenment and the (neo)liberal critique of the state. The paper will elucidate the insights of this history and argue that Foucault’s turn to the genealogy of critique also changed the valence of his theoretical assumptions. Foucault developed a more affirmative practice of genealogy that not only discredits truth claims by (...)
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  • Future Emergencies: Temporal Politics in Law and Economy.Sven Opitz & Ute Tellmann - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (2):107-129.
    This article develops a notion of the ‘politics of time’ in order to analyse the effects that imaginations of future emergencies have in the fields of law and economy. Building on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social time, it focuses on the multiplex temporalities in contemporary society, which are shown to interact differently with the ‘emergency imaginary’. We demonstrate that the apprehension of the future in terms of sudden, unpredictable and potentially catastrophic events reinforces current modes of producing financial futurity, while (...)
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  • Authors’ Response: A Perspectivist View on the Perspectivist View of Interdisciplinary Science.H. F. Alrøe & E. Noe - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (1):88-95.
    Upshot: In our response we focus on five questions that point to important common themes in the commentaries: why start in wicked problems, what kind of system is a scientific perspective, what is the nature of second-order research processes, what does this mean for understanding interdisciplinary work, and how may polyocular research help make real-world decisions.
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  • Second-Order Science of Interdisciplinary Research: A Polyocular Framework for Wicked Problems.Hugo F. Alrøe & E. Noe - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (1):65-76.
    Context: The problems that are most in need of interdisciplinary collaboration are “wicked problems,” such as food crises, climate change mitigation, and sustainable development, with many relevant aspects, disagreement on what the problem is, and contradicting solutions. Such complex problems both require and challenge interdisciplinarity. Problem: The conventional methods of interdisciplinary research fall short in the case of wicked problems because they remain first-order science. Our aim is to present workable methods and research designs for doing second-order science in domains (...)
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  • Legal Argumentation and Justice in Luhmann’s System Theory of Law.Francesco Belvisi - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (2):341-357.
    The paper reconstructs Luhmann’s conception of legal argumentation and justice especially focussing on the aspects of contingency and self-referring operative closure. The aim of his conception is to describe/explain in a disenchanted way—from an external, of “second order” point of view—the work on adjudication, which, rather idealistically, lawyers and judges present as being a matter of reason. As a consequence of some surface similarities with Derrida’s deconstructive philosophy of justice, Teubner proposes integrating the supposed reductive image of formal justice described (...)
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  • The Promise of Absolute Wealth: Capitalism as a Religion?Christoph Deutschmann - 2001 - Thesis Eleven 66 (1):32-56.
    In his fragment on `capitalism as a religion', Walter Benjamin characterizes capitalism not only as a phenomenon that is `influenced' by religion, as conventional sociological interpretations assume, but as one of `essentially religious' character. This article takes up and elaborates Benjamin's idea, drawing mainly on Simmel, Marx and the constructivist concept of economic `myths'. Referring to Simmel's idea of money as `absolute means' and Marx's concept of capital, it is argued that money is a non-observable and basically paradox phenomenon, comparable (...)
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  • Editors' Overview Perspectives on Teaching Social Responsibility to Students in Science and Engineering.Henk Zandvoort, Tom Børsen, Michael Deneke & Stephanie J. Bird - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1413-1438.
    Global society is facing formidable current and future problems that threaten the prospects for justice and peace, sustainability, and the well-being of humanity both now and in the future. Many of these problems are related to science and technology and to how they function in the world. If the social responsibility of scientists and engineers implies a duty to safeguard or promote a peaceful, just and sustainable world society, then science and engineering education should empower students to fulfil this responsibility. (...)
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  • Three Problems of Intersubjectivity—And One Solution.Wendelin Reich - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (1):40-63.
    Social thinkers often use the concept of intersubjectivity to mark out a problem of theoretical sociology: If people are unable to look into each others' minds, why do they often understand each other nonetheless? This issue has been debated extensively by philosophers and sociologists in three largely disconnected discourses. The article investigates the three discourses for isolable ideas that can be fitted into a sociological answer to the problem of intersubjectivity. An interactional solution, fully coherent with key insights from the (...)
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  • Realism and antirealism in social science.Mario Bunge - 1993 - Theory and Decision 35 (3):207-235.
    Up until recently social scientists took it for granted that their task was to account for the social world as objectively as possible: they were realists in practice if not always in their methodological sermons. This situation started to change in the 1960s, when a number of antirealist philosophies made inroads into social studies. -/- This paper examines critically the following kinds of antirealism: subjectivism, conventionalism, fictionism, social constructivism, relativism, and hermeneutics. An attempt is made to show that these philosophies (...)
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  • Cognitive and Social Structure of the Elite Collaboration Network of Astrophysics: A Case Study on Shifting Network Structures. [REVIEW]Richard Heidler - 2011 - Minerva 49 (4):461-488.
    Scientific collaboration can only be understood along the epistemic and cognitive grounding of scientific disciplines. New scientific discoveries in astrophysics led to a major restructuring of the elite network of astrophysics. To study the interplay of the epistemic grounding and the social network structure of a discipline, a mixed-methods approach is necessary. It combines scientometrics, quantitative network analysis and visualization tools with a qualitative network analysis approach. The centre of the international collaboration network of astrophysics is demarcated by identifying the (...)
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  • Is Christian theology well suited to enter the discussion between science and humanism?Lluís Oviedo - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4):825-842.
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  • Foundations of Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems.Alex Viskovatoff - 1999 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 29 (4):481-516.
    Of all contemporary social theorists, Luhmann has best understood the centrality of the concept of meaning to social theory and has most extensively worked out the notion's implications. However, despite the power of his theory, the theory suffers from difficulties impeding its reception. This article attempts to remedy this situation with some critical arguments and proposals for revision. First, the theory Luhmann adopted from biology as the basis of his own theory was a poor choice since that theory has no (...)
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  • Is a complete biocognitive account of religion feasible?Lluís Oviedo - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):103-126.
    Abstract.The biological and cognitive approach to religion has matured somewhat and reveals interesting results. Nevertheless, some questions arise about its foundation and development. The essay offers a review of current research in the cognitive field, focusing on its conclusions, the internal discussions, and the problems that need more study or correction. Emphasis is placed on a more intricate account of the factors involved in religious experience, discussing the proper use of the discoveries of biocognitive research and the limits that should (...)
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  • Science as a self-organizing meta-information system.Christian Fuchs - unknown
    Four basic problems that a theory of science has to deal with concern epistemology, structure, causality, and dynamics of science. These problems deal with the relationship of induction/deduction, actors/structures, internal/external factors, and continuity/discontinuity. Traditionally they have been solved one-sidedly. Considering science as a self-organizing system allows a more integrative approach. Science is a complex, nonlinear system that is made up of two moments: scientific actors and scientific structures. Scientific self-organization operates synchronously and diachronically. Synchronous scientific self-organization is a mutual production (...)
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  • The launch of banking instruments and the figuration of markets. The case of the polish car-trading industry.Herbert Kalthoff - 2006 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 36 (4):347–368.
    The paper aims at analyzing the production of creditworthiness within the context of commercial banking in international banks. Taking the interim financing in the Polish automobile sector as an example, the paper reconstructs the process between legal framing of the financial instrument, marketing, and risk management. Firstly, it shows that changes in the state vehicle registry function as a prerequisite upon which the bank uses the newly introduced vehicle registration document as a security. Secondly, it analyzes the change of perspectives (...)
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  • Wahrheit und Wahrheiten. Nietzsche – Heidegger – Luhmann – Nietzsche.Werner Stegmaier - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):68-83.
    The question of truth is one of the oldest philosophical topics, but perhaps it concerns the world today more than ever. Der Beitrag geht auf einen Vortrag zurück, der 2018 in verschiedenen Fassungen beim Nietzsche-Forum München e.V., beim Nietzsche-Forum der Tongji-Universität Shanghai und beim Nietzsche-Kolloquium der Stiftung Nietzsche-Haus in Sils-Maria und 2019 in Machatschkala, Dagestan, gehalten wurde. Nietzsche was a realist about truth and he sought to criticize and reject the idealizations and moralizations that continue to dominate philosophical thinking: he (...)
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  • Wozu Labor? Zur vernachlässigten Erkenntnistheorie hinter der Labordidaktik.Berendes Jochen & Mathias Gutmann - 2020 - In Terkowski Claudius (ed.), Labore in der Hochschullehre: Labordidaktik, Digitalisierung, Organisation. pp. 35-49.
    Der Beitrag beleuchtet die Struktur und Funktion forschender Laborpraxis vor dem Hintergrund verschiedener erkenntnis- und wissenschaftstheoretischer Positionen. Das Labor kann in seiner Relevanz unterschätzt werden – mit Blick auf die darin verrichteten praktischen Tätigkeiten, auf dabei erforderliche Urteilsbildungen und nicht zuletzt auf unverzichtbare Impulse für die Wissenschaft. Die abstrakte Gegenüberstellung von Theorie und Praxis ist aufzugeben. Zugleich sollte Wissenschaft weder allein über das Labor noch über die Theoriebildung bestimmt werden. Abschließend plädiert der Beitrag dafür, die skizzierten Fragestellungen in die Labordidaktik (...)
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  • Public Knowledge of and Attitudes to Science: Alternative Measures That May End the “Science War”.Pepka Boyadjieva, Kristina Petkova & Martin W. Bauer - 2000 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 25 (1):30-51.
    Research on the public understanding of science has measured knowledge as acquaintance with scientific facts and methods and attitudes as evaluations of societal consequences of science and technology. The authors propose alternative concepts and measures: knowledge of the workings of scientific institutions and attitudes to the nature of science. The viability, reliability, and validity of the new measures are demonstrated on British and Bulgarian data. The instrument consists of twenty items and takes ten to fifteen minutes to apply. Differences in (...)
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  • Theory and Empiricism of Religious Evolution (THERE): Foundation of a Research Program (Part 2).Volkhard Krech - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 26 (2):215-263.
    This two-part article presents the research program for a theory and empirical analysis of religious evolution. It is assumed that religion isprimarilya co-evolution to societal evolution, which in turn is a co-evolution to mental, organic, and physical evolution. The theory of evolution is triangulated with the systems theory and the semiotically informed theory of communication, so that knowledge can be gained that would not be acquired by only one of the three theories: The differentiation between religion and its environment can (...)
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  • The world as will and adaptation: the interdiscursive coupling of citizens' contracts.Niels åkerstrøm Andersen - 2008 - Critical Discourse Studies 5 (1):75-89.
    A new form of contracts has emerged between public administration and the single citizen within the last 15 years. The present article will attempt to situate citizens' contracts in a larger systemic framework, in order to understand more fully an increasingly complex public administration that is making new and contradictory demands on public managers. Citizens' contracts emerge naturally as a form in which the individual can undertake a reconnaissance of communication. The contracts are able to connect the codes of law, (...)
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  • The Negation of the Body - A Problem of Communication Theory.Jens Loenhoff - 1997 - Body and Society 3 (2):67-82.
    Where is it written that only naming words, conceptual signs, language symbols can facilitate the sort of intersubjective communication about things which is necessary in human life? (Bühler, 1990: 120).
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  • Georg Simmel at the Lectern: The Lecture as Embodiment of Text.Janet Stewart - 1999 - Body and Society 5 (4):1-16.
    Recalling a public lecture that Georg Simmel gave in Berlin in 1910, Paul Fechter described him as `philosophizing with his whole body'. This article focuses on the role of the communicative body in the production, reproduction and reception of sociological ideas by investigating the dissemination of Simmel's sociological thought through the medium of the lecture. It utilizes contemporary reports of Simmel's lecturing style as observational data, and his own writings on the `Sociology of the Senses' and the `Aesthetic Importance of (...)
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  • Derivatives.Jakob Arnoldi - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (6):23-42.
    This article examines the financial technology of derivatives. Derivatives are financial products whose values are based on possible fluctuations in the values of underlying assets. Hence derivatives markets are markets that trade in the risks of other markets. In order for derivatives markets to function, forms of prognostication that can assess the possible future fluctuations of the underlying markets are necessary. What such prognostications do, the article argues, is to create information out of future possibilities. Building upon a notion of (...)
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  • Economics of Gift — Positivity of Justice.Gunther Teubner - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (1):29-47.
    Niklas Luhmann and Jacques Derrida start with a common assumption in their analyses of the law and the economy - the foundational paradox of social institutions. But then autopoiesis and deconstruction move into opposite directions. Luhmann pursues the question of how de-paradoxification constructs the immanence of social institutions and builds a world of autopoietic social systems. By contrast, Derrida's thought aims at the transcendence of social institutions through their re-paradoxification. However, there is a hidden supplementarity of autopoiesis and deconstruction which (...)
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  • Morally Contentious Technology-Field Intersections: The Case of Biotechnology in the United States. [REVIEW]Benjamin M. Cole & Preeta M. Banerjee - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (3):555-574.
    Technologies can be not only contentious—overthrowing existing ways of doing things—but also morally contentious—forcing deep reflection on personal values and societal norms. This article investigates that what may impede the acceptance of a technology and/or the development of the field that supports or exploits it, the lines between which often become blurred in the face of morally contentious content. Using a unique dataset with historically important timing—the United States Biotechnology Study fielded just 9 months after the public announcement of the (...)
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  • The Presentation of Brain-computer Interfaces As Autonomy-enhancing Therapy Products.Toni Garbe - 2024 - NanoEthics 18 (3):1-15.
    This paper explores the societal and individual acceptance of technologies for the human body, focusing on brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), particularly Elon Musk's Neuralink. BCIs promise a direct connection between the brain and computers. Their acceptance depends on general aspects such as feasibility and usefulness. In the case of brain implants, they should also not jeopardize the user's autonomy or have a dehumanizing effect. In the case of innovative technologies that are still in development, such as BCIs, acceptance depends largely on (...)
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  • Expert vs. influencer: Philosophy presented under conditions of second-order observation.Chiang Hio Fai, Rory O’Neill & Hans-Georg Moeller - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (4):470-478.
    Philosophy is presented in a wide range of forms, none of which can be convincingly claimed to be the “genuine” one. Historically speaking, there is not one “proper” way of doing philosophy, evidencing what may be called the social contingency of philosophy. This paper aims to provide a “critical” philosophy of today, in the Kantian sense of a philosophy that reflects on the conditions of its possibility, and thereby acknowledges the limitations they impose. Conceptually, our approach is grounded in Niklas (...)
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  • “Whose Science? Whose Fiction?” Uncanny Echoes of Belonging in Samosata.Sabrina M. Weiss & Alexander I. Stingl - 2015 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 35 (3-4):59-66.
    This is the first of two special issues and the articles are grouped according to two themes: This first issue will feature articles that share a theme we call Technologies and the Political, while the second issue will feature the theme Subjectivities. However, we could equally consider them exercises in provincialization in the (counter)factual register in the first issue, and by affective historiography as conceptual-empirical labor(atory) in the second issue. What we have generally asked of all authors is to consider (...)
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  • The Potential for Plurality and Prevalence of the Religious Institutional Logic.Ali A. Gümüsay - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (5):855-880.
    Religion is a significant social force on organizational practice yet has been relatively underexamined in organization theory. In this article, I assert that the institutional logics perspective is especially conducive to examine the macrolevel role of religion for organizations. The notion of the religious logic offers conceptual means to explain the significance of religion, its interrelationship with other institutional orders, and embeddedness into and impact across interinstitutional systems. I argue for intrainstitutional logic plurality and show that specifically the intrareligious logic (...)
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  • Playing with/as Systems: Short Paper, Discussion and Demonstration.Michael Straeubig - 2017 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (T):197-203.
    Complex phenomena such as play, creativity or innovation are familiar, yet difficult to describe in a systematic manner. In this short article I propose six necessary conditions for any comprehensive description of play. Against this background I discuss my systems-theoretic, constructivist and practice-informed approach to play.
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  • (1 other version)What is Sustainable Theory? A Luhmannian Perspective on the Science of Conceptual Systems.Steven E. Wallis & Vladislav Valentinov - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (4):733-747.
    Sustainability is an important topic for understanding and developing our society. For scholars who want their academic contributions to have an impact, sustainability is important for our conceptual systems. Because our conceptual systems share similarities with our social systems, we may investigate their characteristics to gain insight into how both may be achieved or at least understood. Theories of the humanities as well as the social/behavioral sciences are changing very rapidly. They are fragile and few seem to have any longevity. (...)
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  • The paradox of scientific expertise: A perspectivist approach to knowledge asymmetries.Hugo Fjelsted Alrøe & Egon Noe - 2011 - Fachsprache - International Journal of Specialized Communication (3–4):152-167.
    Modern societies depend on a growing production of scientific knowledge, which is based on the functional differentiation of science into still more specialised scientific disciplines and subdisciplines. This is the basis for the paradox of scientific expertise: The growth of science leads to a fragmentation of scientific expertise. To resolve this paradox, the present paper investigates three hypotheses: 1) All scientific knowledge is perspectival. 2) The perspectival structure of science leads to specific forms of knowledge asymmetries. 3) Such perspectival knowledge (...)
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