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Philosophy of humor

Philosophy Compass 5 (2):112-126 (2010)

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  1. Gut Reactions: A Perceptual Theory of the Emotions.Jesse J. Prinz - 2004 - Oxford University Press.
    Gut Reactions is an interdisciplinary defense of the claim that emotions are perceptions of changes in the body.
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  • The Rationality of Emotion.Ronald De Sousa - 1987 - MIT Press.
    In this urbane and witty book, Ronald de Sousa disputes the widespread notion that reason and emotion are natural antagonists.
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  • (3 other versions)Critique of judgment.Immanuel Kant - 1790 - New York: Barnes & Noble. Edited by J. H. Bernard.
    Kant's attempt to establish the principles behind the faculty of judgment remains one of the most important works on human reason.
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  • The Rationality of Emotion.Ronald de Sousa, Jing-Song Ma & Vincent Shen - 1987 - Philosophy and Culture 32 (10):35-66.
    How should we understand the emotional rationality? This first part will explore two models of cognition and analogy strategies, test their intuition about the emotional desire. I distinguish between subjective and objective desire, then presents with a feeling from the "paradigm of drama" export semantics, here our emotional repertoire is acquired all the learned, and our emotions in the form of an object is fixed. It is pretty well in line with the general principles of rationality, especially the lowest reasonable (...)
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  • The Act of Creation.Arthur Koestler - 1964 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 16 (63):255-257.
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  • Republic.Plato . (ed.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Republic is the central work of the western world's most famous philosopher. Essentially an inquiry into morality, Republic also contains crucial arguments and insights into many other areas of philosophy. It is also a literary masterpiece: the philosophy is presented for the most part for the ordinary reader, who is carried along by the wit and intensity of the dialogue and by Plato's unforgettable images of the human condition. This new, lucid translation by Robin Waterfield is complemented by full explanatory (...)
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  • Rabelais and His World.Mikhail Bakhtin - unknown
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  • Der Witz und Seine Beziehung Zum Unbewussten.Sigmund Freud & Angela Richards - 1991
    The book stands somewhat apart from the rest of Freud's writings as a study of normal, rather than pathological psychology, and, although it contains the most closely reasoned accounts of complicated psychological processes that Freud ever gave, it remains one of his most readable works. It includes a rich collection of jokes, particularly those of Jewish folk tradition, in which Freud clearly revelled.
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  • Comic relief: a comprehensive philosophy of humor.John Morreall - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Comic Relief: A Comprehensive Philosophy of Humor develops an inclusive theory that integrates psychological, aesthetic, and ethical issues relating to humor Offers an enlightening and accessible foray into the serious business of humor Reveals how standard theories of humor fail to explain its true nature and actually support traditional prejudices against humor as being antisocial, irrational, and foolish Argues that humor’s benefits overlap significantly with those of philosophy Includes a foreword by Robert Mankoff, Cartoon Editor of The New Yorker.
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  • In Praise of Immoral Art.Daniel Jacobson - 1997 - Philosophical Topics 25 (1):155-199.
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  • Taking Laughter Seriously.John Morreall - 1983 - State University of New York Press.
    "The book's qualities are, first, its scope and persuasiveness. The whole book demonstrates the seriousness of humor and its central place in human life. I know of no comparable work.
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  • Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters.Ted Cohen - 1999 - University of Chicago Press.
    Abe and his friend Sol are out for a walk together in a part of town they haven't been in before. Passing a Christian church, they notice a curious sign in front that says "$1,000 to anyone who will convert." "I wonder what that's about," says Abe. "I think I'll go in and have a look. I'll be back in a minute; just wait for me." Sol sits on the sidewalk bench and waits patiently for nearly half an hour. Finally, (...)
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  • Just joking: The ethics and aesthetics of humor.Berys Nigel Gaut - 1998 - Philosophy and Literature 22 (1):51-68.
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  • (1 other version)The theory of emotion: I: Emotional attitudes.John Dewey - 1894 - Psychological Review 1 (6):553-569.
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  • On Humour.Simon Critchley - 2002 - Routledge.
    Does humour make us human, or do the cats and dogs laugh along with us? On Humour is a fascinating, beautifully written and funny book on what humour can tell us about being human. Simon Critchley skilfully probes some of the most perennial but least understood aspects of humour, such as our tendency to laugh at animals and our bodies, why we mock death with comedy and why we think it's funny when people act like machines. He also looks at (...)
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  • Do Moral Flaws Enhance Amusement?Aaron Smuts - 2009 - American Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2):151-163.
    I argue that genuine moral flaws never enhance amusement, but they sometimes detract.I argue against comic immoralism--the position that moral flaws can make attempts at humor more amusing.Two common errors have made immoralism look attractive.First, immoralists have confused outrageous content with genuine moral flaws.Second, immoralists have failed to see that it is not sufficient to show that a morally flawed joke is amusing; they need to show that a joke can be more amusing because of the fact that it is (...)
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  • Humour and Incongruity.Michael Clark - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (171):20 - 32.
    The question “What is humour?” has exercised in varying degrees such philosophers as Aristotle, Hobbes, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer and Bergson and has traditionally been regarded as a philosophical question. And surely it must still be regarded as a philosophical question at least in so far as it is treated as a conceptual one. Traditionally the question has been regarded as a search for the essence of humour, whereas nowadays it has become almost a reflex response among some philosophers to dismiss (...)
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  • Humor and the virtues.Robert C. Roberts - 1988 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):127 – 149.
    Five dimensions of amusement are ethically searched: incongruity, perspectivity, dissociation, enjoyment, and freshness. Amusement perceives incongruities and virtues are formally congruities between one's character and one's nature. An ethical sense of humor is a sense for incongruities between people's behavior and character, and their telos. To appreciate any humor one must adopt a perspective, and in the case of ethical amusement this is the standpoint of one who possesses the virtues. In being amused at the incongruity of some human foible, (...)
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  • Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters.Jerrold Levinson - 2002 - Mind 111 (442):380-385.
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  • Art, morality and ethics: On the (im)moral character of art works and inter-relations to artistic value.Matthew Kieran - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (2):129–143.
    The (im)moral character of art works often affects how we respond to them. But should it affect our evaluation of them as art? The article surveys the contemporary debate whilst outlining further lines of argument and enquiry. The main arguments in favour of aestheticism, the claim that there is no internal relation between artistic value and moral character, are considered. Nonetheless the connection between art's instructional aspirations and artistic value, as well as the ways in which works solicit responses from (...)
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  • Horror and humor.Noel Carroll - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (2):145-160.
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  • Humor.Aaron Smuts - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    According to the standard analysis, humor theories can be classified into three neatly identifiable groups:incongruity, superiority, and relief theories. Incongruity theory is the leading approach and includes historical figures such as Immanuel Kant, Søren Kierkegaard, and perhaps has its origins in comments made by Aristotle in the Rhetoric. Primarily focusing on the object of humor, this school sees humor as a response to an incongruity, a term broadly used to include ambiguity, logical impossibility, irrelevance, and inappropriateness. The paradigmatic Superiority theorist (...)
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  • Argument of Laughter.D. H. Monro - 1952 - Philosophy 27 (103):372-373.
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  • Belief and the Basis of Humor.Niall Shanks & Hugh LaFollette - 1993 - American Philosophical Quarterly 30 (4):329-39.
    When theorists have studied humor, they often assumed that laughter was either a necessary or a sufficient condition of humor. It is neither. Although humorous events usually evoke laughter, they do not do so invariably. Humor may evoke smiles or smirks which fall short of laughter. Thus it is not a necessary condition. Nor is it a sufficient condition. People may laugh because they are uncomfortable (nervous laughter), they may laugh at someone (derisive laughter), they may laugh because they are (...)
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  • Jokes are a laughing matter.Peter Kivy - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (1):5-15.
    Books reviewed in this article:Peter Kivy, The Possessor and the Possessed: Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, and the Idea of Musical GeniusKirk Pillow, Sublime Understanding: Aesthetic Reflection in Kant and HegelWilliam Irwin, Intentionalist Interpretation: A Philosophical Explanation and DefenseAllen Carlson, Aesthetics and the Environment: The Appreciation of Nature, Art, and ArchitectureElizabeth Grosz, Architecture from the OutsideDavid Leatherbarrow, Uncommon Ground: Architecture, Technology, and TopographyCaroline Joan S. Picart, Thomas Mann and Friedrich Nietzsche: Eroticism, Death, Music, and LaughterCaroline Joan S. Picart, Resentment and the “Feminine” (...)
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  • Humor: The Beauty and the Beast.Glenn A. Hartz & Ralph Hunt - 1991 - American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (4):299 - 309.
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  • The incongruity of incongruity theories of humor.Tomáš Kulka - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (3):320-333.
    The article critically reviews the Incongruity Theory of Humor reaching the conclusion that it has to be essentially restructured. Leaving aside the question of scope, it is shown that the theory is inadequate even for those cases for which it is thought to be especially well suited – that it cannot account either for the pleasurable effect of jokes or for aesthetic pleasure. I argue that it is the resolution of the incongruity rather than its mere apprehension, which is that (...)
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  • A grasshopper walks into a bar: The role of humour in normativity.Michael P. Wolf - 2002 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32 (3):330–343.
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  • (2 other versions)Kierkegaard's Writings Iv, Part Ii: Either/Or.Søren Kierkegaard - 1988 - Princeton University Press.
    Søren Kierkegaard, the nineteenth-century Danish philosopher rediscovered in the twentieth century, is a major influence in contemporary philosophy, religion, and literature. He regarded Either/Or as the beginning of his authorship, although he had published two earlier works on Hans Christian Andersen and irony. The pseudonymous volumes of Either/Or are the writings of a young man and of Judge William. The ironical young man's papers include a collection of sardonic aphorisms; essays on Mozart, modern drama, and boredom; and "The Seducer's Diary." (...)
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