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Democracy in Confucianism

Philosophy Compass 7 (5):293-303 (2012)

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  1. The public and its problems.John Dewey - 1927 - Athens: Swallow Press. Edited by Melvin L. Rogers.
    In The Public and Its Problems, a classic of social and political philosophy, John Dewey exhibits his strong faith in the potential of human intelligence to solve the public's problems. In his characteristic provocative style, Dewey clarifies the meaning and implications of such concepts as "the public," "the state," "government," and "political democracy." He distinguishes his a posterior reasoning from a priori reasoning, which, he argues permeates less meaningful discussion of basic concepts. Dewey repeatedly demonstrates the interrelationships between fact and (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Liberalism and the limits of justice.Michael Sandel - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy 81 (6):336-343.
    A liberal society seeks not to impose a single way of life, but to leave its citizens as free as possible to choose their own values and ends. It therefore must govern by principles of justice that do not presuppose any particular vision of the good life. But can any such principles be found? And if not, what are the consequences for justice as a moral and political ideal? These are the questions Michael Sandel takes up in this penetrating critique (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Liberalism and the Limits of Justice.Michael J. Sandel - 1984 - Journal of Philosophy 81 (6):336-343.
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  • Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context.Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Is liberal democracy appropriate for East Asia? In this provocative book, Daniel Bell argues for morally legitimate alternatives to Western-style liberal democracy in the region. Beyond Liberal Democracy, which continues the author's influential earlier work, is divided into three parts that correspond to the three main hallmarks of liberal democracy--human rights, democracy, and capitalism. These features have been modified substantially during their transmission to East Asian societies that have been shaped by nonliberal practices and values. Bell points to the dangers (...)
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  • Sagehood: the contemporary significance of neo-Confucian philosophy.Stephen C. Angle - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The book's significance is two-fold: it argues for a new stage in the development of contemporary Confucian philosophy, and it demonstrates the value to Western ...
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  • The Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius, and the Hope for Democracy in China.David L. Hall & Roger T. Ames - 1999 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    Will democracy figure prominently in China's future? If so, what kind of democracy? In this insightful and thought-provoking book, David Hall and Roger Ames explore such questions and, in the course of answering them, look to the ideas of John Dewey and Confucius.
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  • Communitarianism and its critics.Daniel Bell - 1993 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Many have criticized liberalism for being too individualistic, but few have offered an alternative that goes beyond a vague affirmation of the need for community. In this entertaining book, written in dialogue form, Daniel Bell fills this gap, presenting and defending a distinctively communitarian theory against the objections of a liberal critic. Drawing on the works of such thinkers as Charles Taylor, Michael Sandel, and Alasdair MacIntyre, Bell attacks liberalism's individualistic view of the person by pointing to our social embeddedness. (...)
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  • The Tao Encounters the West: Explorations in Comparative Philosophy.Chenyang Li - 1999 - SUNY Press.
    Examines liberal democracy and Confucianism as two value systems and argues for a future where both coexist as independent value systems in China.
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  • Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius, and the Hope for Democracy in China.David L. Hall & Roger T. Ames - 2000 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 36 (3):428-434.
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  • Human Rights in Chinese Thought: A Cross-Cultural Inquiry.Stephen C. Angle - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    What should we make of claims by members of other groups to have moralities different from our own? Human Rights in Chinese Thought gives an extended answer to this question in the first study of its kind. It integrates a full account of the development of Chinese rights discourse - reaching back to important, though neglected, origins of that discourse in 17th and 18th century Confucianism - with philosophical consideration of how various communities should respond to contemporary Chinese claims about (...)
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  • The liberal tradition in China.William Theodore De Bary - 1983 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Like the cracking of the genetic code and the creation of the atomic bomb, the discovery of how the brain's neurons work is one of the fundamental scientific developments of the twentieth century. The discovery of neurotransmitters revolutionized the way we think about the brain and what it means to be human yet few people know how they were discovered, the scientists involved, or the fierce controversy about whether they even existed. The War of the Soups and the Sparks tells (...)
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  • Moral autonomy, civil liberties, and confucianism.Joseph Chan - 2002 - Philosophy East and West 52 (3):281-310.
    Three claims are defended. (1) There is a conception of moral autonomy in Confucian ethics that to a degree can support toleration and freedom. However, (2) Confucian moral autonomy is different from personal autonomy, and the latter gives a stronger justification for civil and personal liberties than does the former. (3) The contemporary appeal of Confucianism would be strengthened by including personal autonomy, and this need not be seen as forsaking Confucian ethics but rather as an internal revision in response (...)
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  • Why Early Confucianism Cannot Generate Democracy.David Elstein - 2010 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 9 (4):427-443.
    A central issue in Chinese philosophy today is the relationship between Confucianism and democracy. While some political figures have argued that Confucian values justify non-democratic forms of government, many scholars have argued that Confucianism can provide justification for democracy, though this Confucian democracy will differ substantially from liberal democracy. These scholars believe it is important for Chinese culture to develop its own conception of democracy using Confucian values, drawn mainly from Kongzi (Confucius) and Mengzi (Mencius), as the basis. This essay (...)
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  • Concepts and Categories.Isaiah Berlin - 1981 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 14 (2):130-131.
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  • Wm. Theodore de bary, ed., sources of chinese tradition.Arthur W. Hummel - 1960 - Philosophy East and West 10 (3/4):169.
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  • Rights and persons.Abraham Irving Melden - 1977 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    I Introduction i Actions which otherwise would be arbitrary or capricious may be quite reasonable when they are in fact cases in which rights are being ...
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  • The semasiology of some primary confucian concepts.Peter A. Boodberg - 1953 - Philosophy East and West 2 (4):317-332.
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  • Learning for Oneself: Essays on the Individual in Neo-Confucian Thought.Wm Theodore de Bary - 1991 - Columbia University Press.
    Well known as a scholar of Asian culture, de Bary examines the concepts of self-understanding and self-cultivation in neo-Confucian thought from the 12th to the 17th centuries, in relation to the social, political, and scholarly roles of educated men in late imperial China. Rejecting the notion that.
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  • Human Rights and Chinese Thought: A Cross-Cultural Inquiry.[author unknown] - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (215):327-330.
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  • (1 other version)Self-transformation and civil society: Lockean vs. confucian.Kim Sungmoon - 2009 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 8 (4):383-401.
    Although contemporary Confucianists tend to view Western liberalism as pitting the individual against society, recent liberal scholarship has vigorously claimed that liberal polity is indeed grounded in the self-transformation that produces “liberal virtues.” To meet this challenge, this essay presents a sophisticated Confucian critique of liberalism by arguing that there is an appreciable contrast between liberal and Confucian self-transformation and between liberal and Confucian virtues. By contrasting Locke and Confucius, key representatives of each tradition, this essay shows that both liberalism (...)
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  • Confucianism and Human Rights.Chongko Choi, Wm Theodore de Bary & Tu Wei-Ming - 1999 - Philosophy East and West 49 (4):524.
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  • (1 other version)Rights and Persons.A. I. Melden - 1977 - Philosophy 54 (207):122-125.
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  • Liberal rights or/and confucian virtues?Seung-Hwan Lee - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (3):367-379.
    The necessity of a coordination of rights and virtues is analyzed. Interpreting liberalism as a rights-based morality and Confucianism as a virtue-based morality, the author directs his criticism to the extremes found within both. Through a mutual criticism of liberalism and Confucianism, it is proposed that the coordination of these two moral systems is not only possible, but also necessary for a fulfilling moral society.
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  • The development of Neo-Confucian thought.Chün-mai Chang - 1977 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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  • A Confucian Approach to Human Rights.May Sim - 2004 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 21 (4):337 - 356.
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  • Confucianism and ethics in the western philosophical tradition II: A comparative analysis of personhood.Mary I. Bockover - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (4):317-325.
    This Philosophy Compass article continues the comparison between Confucian and mainstream Western views of personhood and their connection with ethics begun in Confucianism and Ethics in the Western Philosophical Tradition I: Fundamental Concepts , by focusing on the Western self conceived as an independent agent with moral and political rights. More specifically, the present article briefly accounts for how the more strictly and explicitly individualistic notion of self dominating Western philosophy has developed, leading up to a recent debate in modern (...)
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  • Where Does Confucian Virtuous Leadership Stand?Chenyang Li - 2008 - Philosophy East and West 59 (4):531-536.
    There is an inner thoroughness spirit in traditional Chinese learning of classics—the so-called "Guoxue" in Chinese. Only on this foundation of "thoroughness" spirit can academics show its vigorous culture life and spiritual life, which makes traditional Chinese learning of classics pursue the transcendence of heaven and man and can’t be divided into a religion. Our traditional Chinese values and its original significance exist in our traditional academic system and the enlightenment of propriety and music. As for the self—identification, because of (...)
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  • Beyond Elitism: A Community Ideal for a Modern East Asia.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (4):537-553.
    It is often remarked that East Asian polities have been hierarchical and the “elite” category continues to figure prominently in works on Chinese society and politics. Many scholars believe that hierarchy and elitism are deeply rooted in Confucianism, which served as the state orthodoxy in imperial China and provided the “psycho-cultural construct” of the way of life in other East Asian cultural communities as well. It is therefore not surprising that some should believe that if modern Confucian societies are to (...)
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  • Exiting Liberal Democracy: Bell and Confucian Thought.Fred Dallmayr - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (4):524-530.
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  • Confucian democracy as pragmatic experiment: Uniting love of learning and love of antiquity.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2007 - Asian Philosophy 17 (2):141 – 166.
    This paper argues for the pragmatic construction of Confucian democracy by showing that Chinese philosophers who wish to see Confucianism flourish again as a positive dimension of Chinese civilization need to approach it pragmatically and democratically, otherwise their love of the past is at the expense of something else Confucius held in equal esteem, love of learning. Chinese philosophers who desire democracy for China would do well to learn from the earlier failures of the iconoclastic Westernizers, and realize that a (...)
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  • Confucian Tradition and Global Education.Wm Theodore de Bary (ed.) - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Drawn from a series of lectures that Wm. Theodore de Bary delivered in honor of the Chinese philosopher Tang Junyi, _Confucian Tradition and Global Education_ is a unique synthesis of essay and debate concerning the future of Chinese education and the potential political uses of Confucianism in the contemporary world. Rapid modernization and the rise of English as a global language increasingly threaten East Asia's cultural diversity and long-standing Confucian traditions. De Bary argues that keeping Confucianism alive in China is (...)
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  • East Asia Tradition and Transformation.Ross Isaac, John K. Fairbank, Edwin O. Reischauer & Albert M. Craig - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):123.
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