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  1. The visual brain in action (precis).David Milner - 1998 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 4.
    First published in 1995, The Visual Brain in Action remains a seminal publication in the cognitive sciences. It presents a model for understanding the visual processing underlying perception and action, proposing a broad distinction within the brain between two kinds of vision: conscious perception and unconscious 'online' vision. It argues that each kind of vision can occur quasi-independently of the other, and is separately handled by a quite different processing system. In the 11 years since publication, the book has provoked (...)
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  • (1 other version)Mathematical Logic as Based on the Theory of Types.Bertrand Russell - 1908 - American Journal of Mathematics 30 (3):222-262.
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  • Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain.Chun Siong Soon, Marcel Brass, Hans-Jochen Heinze & John-Dylan Haynes - 2008 - Nature Neuroscience 11 (5):543--545.
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  • Précis of O'Keefe & Nadel's The hippocampus as a cognitive map.John O'Keefe & Lynn Nadel - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):487-494.
    Theories of spatial cognition are derived from many sources. Psychologists are concerned with determining the features of the mind which, in combination with external inputs, produce our spatialized experience. A review of philosophical and other approaches has convinced us that the brain must come equipped to impose a three-dimensional Euclidean framework on experience – our analysis suggests that object re-identification may require such a framework. We identify this absolute, nonegocentric, spatial framework with a specific neural system centered in the hippocampus.A (...)
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  • Patterns of abduction.Gerhard Schurz - 2008 - Synthese 164 (2):201-234.
    This article describes abductions as special patterns of inference to the best explanation whose structure determines a particularly promising abductive conjecture and thus serves as an abductive search strategy. A classification of different patterns of abduction is provided which intends to be as complete as possible. An important distinction is that between selective abductions, which choose an optimal candidate from given multitude of possible explanations, and creative abductions, which introduce new theoretical models or concepts. While selective abduction has dominated the (...)
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  • The Theory of Meaning.Jakob von Uexküll - 1982 - Semiotica 42 (1).
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  • Top-down modulation: bridging selective attention and working memory.Adam Gazzaley & Anna C. Nobre - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (2):129-135.
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  • Biosemiotics: A Synthesis of the Studies of Life and of Signs.Jessica Stachyra - 2008 - Semiotics:312-318.
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  • A stroll through the worlds of animals and men: A picture book of invisible worlds.Jakob von Uexküll - 1992 - Semiotica 89 (4):319-391.
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  • The shifting sands of creative thinking: Connections to dual-process theory.Paul T. Sowden, Andrew Pringle & Liane Gabora - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (1):40-60.
    Dual-process models of cognition suggest that there are two types of thought: autonomous Type 1 processes and working memory dependent Type 2 processes that support hypothetical thinking. Models of creative thinking also distinguish between two sets of thinking processes: those involved in the generation of ideas and those involved with their refinement, evaluation, and/or selection. Here we review dual-process models in both these literatures and delineate the similarities and differences. Both generative creative processing and evaluative creative processing involve elements that (...)
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  • Why ritualized behavior? Precaution systems and action parsing in developmental, pathological and cultural rituals.Pascal Boyer & Pierre Liénard - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):595-613.
    Ritualized behavior, intuitively recognizable by its stereotypy, rigidity, repetition, and apparent lack of rational motivation, is found in a variety of life conditions, customs, and everyday practices: in cultural rituals, whether religious or non-religious; in many children's complicated routines; in the pathology of obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD); in normal adults around certain stages of the life-cycle, birthing in particular. Combining evidence from evolutionary anthropology, neuropsychology and neuroimaging, we propose an explanation of ritualized behavior in terms of an evolved Precaution System geared (...)
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  • The Bright Side of Boredom.Andreas Elpidorou - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
    The essay argues that boredom is an affective state that monitors and regulates our behavior. Boredom informs us when we are out of tune with our interests and motivates us to engage in situations that are perceived by us as fulfilling or meaningful. Boredom is thus important. It promotes our interests by trying to keep us in touch with what we care about. And it safeguards us from emotional traps and long-term dullness. -/- .
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  • Absent-mindedness: Lapses of conscious awareness and everyday cognitive failures.James Allan Cheyne, Jonathan S. A. Carriere & Daniel Smilek - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (3):578-592.
    A brief self-report scale was developed to assess everyday performance failures arising directly or primarily from brief failures of sustained attention . The ARCES was found to be associated with a more direct measure of propensity to attention lapses and to errors on an existing behavioral measure of sustained attention . Although the ARCES and MAAS were highly correlated, structural modelling revealed the ARCES was more directly related to SART errors and the MAAS to SART RTs, which have been hypothesized (...)
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  • The new concept of Umwelt: A link between science and the humanities.Jakob von Uexküll - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134).
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  • Everyday attention lapses and memory failures: The affective consequences of mindlessness.Jonathan S. A. Carriere, J. Allan Cheyne & Daniel Smilek - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):835-847.
    We examined the affective consequences of everyday attention lapses and memory failures. Significant associations were found between self-report measures of attention lapses , attention-related cognitive errors , and memory failures , on the one hand, and boredom and depression , on the other. Regression analyses confirmed previous findings that the ARCES partially mediates the relation between the MAAS-LO and MFS. Further regression analyses also indicated that the association between the ARCES and BPS was entirely accounted for by the MAAS-LO and (...)
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  • The restless mind.J. Smallwood & J. W. Schooler - 2006 - Psychological Bulletin 132 (6):946-958.
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  • Before the Gates of Excellence: The Determinants of Creative Genius.R. Ochse - 1991 - British Journal of Educational Studies 39 (1):85-86.
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  • Uexküll and the post-modern evolutionism.Kalevi Kull - 2004 - Sign Systems Studies 32 (1-2):99-114.
    Jakob von Uexküll’s evolutionary views are described and analysed in the context of changes in semiotic and biological thinking at the end of Modern age. As different from the late Modernist biology, a general feature of Post-Modern interpretation of living systems is that an evolutionary explanation has rather secondary importance, it is not obligatory for an understanding of adaptation. Adaptation as correspondence to environment is a communicative, hence a semiotic phenomenon.
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  • Invisible Worlds, Visible: Uexküll's Umwelt, Film, and Film Theory.Inga Pollmann - 2013 - Critical Inquiry 39 (4):777-816.
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