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Selected Works in Logic.Th Skolem & Jens Erik Fenstad - 1970 - Oslo,: Oslo : Universitetsforlaget. Edited by Jens Erik Fenstad.details
Philosophy of Logics.Susan Haack - 1978 - London and New York: Cambridge University Press.details
The Calculi of Lambda-conversion.Alonzo Church - 1985 - Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press.details
Introduction to metamathematics.Stephen Cole Kleene - 1952 - Groningen: P. Noordhoff N.V..details
(1 other version)Introduction to mathematical logic.Elliott Mendelson - 1964 - Princeton, N.J.,: Van Nostrand.details
Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf.Benjamin Lee Whorf - 1956 - MIT Press. Edited by John B. Carroll.details
Classical recursion theory: the theory of functions and sets of natural numbers.Piergiorgio Odifreddi - 1989 - New York, N.Y., USA: Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co..details
Introduction to mathematical philosophy.Bertrand Russell - 1919 - New York: Dover Publications.details
Theory of recursive functions and effective computability.Hartley Rogers - 1987 - Cambridge: MIT Press.details
Einige Bemerkungen zur axiomatischen Begründung der Mengenlehre.Thoralf Skolem - 1955 - In ¸ Iteskolem:Swl. pp. 137--52.details
Designation and existence.Willard V. Quine - 1939 - Journal of Philosophy 36 (26):701-709.details
(1 other version)Gesammelte Abhandlungen: Mathematischen und Philosophischen Inhalts.Georg Cantor, Richard Dedekind & Abraham Adolf Fraenkel - 1932 - Springer.details
Logical writings.Jacques Herbrand - 1971 - Dordrecht, Holland,: D. Reidel Pub. Co..details
Infinite truth-functional logic.Theodore Hailperin - 1987 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29 (1):28-33.details
(2 other versions)Model Theory.Gebhard Fuhrken - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (3):697-699.details