- Logical Investigations.Edmund Husserl - 1970 - London, England: Routledge. Edited by Dermot Moran.details
Husserl's two notions of completeness.Jairo josé Da Silva - 2000 - Synthese 125 (3):417 - 438.details
The Other Husserl: The Horizons of Transcendental Phenomenology.Donn Welton (ed.) - 2001 - Indiana University Press.details
(1 other version)Thing and Space: Lectures of 1907.Edmund Husserl & Richard Rojcewicz - 1997 - Springer Verlag.details
Husserl, Intentionality, and Cognitive Science.Hubert L. Dreyfus (ed.) - 1984 - MIT Press.details
Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science.Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.) - 1999 - Stanford University Press.details
Categorical modelling of Husserl's intentionality.Imants Barušs - 1989 - Husserl Studies 6 (1):25-41.details
Beyond the gap: An introduction to naturalizing phenomenology.Jean-Michel Roy, Jean Petitot, Bernard Pachoud & Francisco J. Varela - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press.details
Logic and the Objectivity of Knowledge: A Study of Husserl's Early Philosophy. [REVIEW]Robert S. Tragesser - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (4):611-614.details
Husserl on a logic that failed.Dallas Willard - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (1):46-64.details
Husserl’s Critique of Extensionalist Logic.Dallas Willard - 1979 - Idealistic Studies 9 (2):143-164.details
Parts and Moments. Studies in Logic and Formal Ontology.Barry Smith (ed.) - 1982 - Philosophia Verlag.details
Phenomenology and logic.Robert S. Tragesser - 1977 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.details
Husserl and realism in logic and mathematics.Robert S. Tragesser - 1984 - New York: Cambridge University Press.details
REVIEWS-Phenomenology, logic, and the philosophy of mathematics.R. Tieszen & Kai Hauser - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):365-367.details
Mathematical form in the world.David Woodruff Smith - 2002 - Philosophia Mathematica 10 (2):102-129.details
(1 other version)Husserl and Intentionality: A Study of Mind, Meaning, and Language.David Woodruff Smith & Ronald McIntyre - 1982 - Springer.details
Cartesian meditations.Edmund Husserl - 1960 - [The Hague]: M. Nijhoff.details
The crisis of European sciences and transcendental phenomenology.Edmund Husserl - 1970 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.details
(1 other version)Ideas pertaining to a pure phenomenology and to a phenomenological philosophy.Edmund Husserl - 1980 - Hingham, MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.details
Matrix representation of Husserl's part-whole-foundation theory.Richard Blecksmith & Gilbert Null - 1990 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32 (1):87-111.details
Husserl, Perception, And Temporal Awareness.Izchak Miller - 1984 - MIT Press.details
Phenomenology and artificial intelligence: Husserl learns chinese.James R. Mensch - 1991 - Husserl Studies 8 (2):107-127.details
Husserl and the representational theory of mind.Ronald McIntyre - 1986 - Topoi 5 (2):101-113.details
Mathematics and phenomenology: The correspondence between O. Becker and H. Weyl.Paolo Mancosu & T. A. Ryckman - 2002 - Philosophia Mathematica 10 (2):130-202.details
Husserl and Hilbert on completeness.Ulrich Majer - 1997 - Synthese 110 (1):37-56.details
Noemata and their formalization.Wojciech Krysztofiak - 1995 - Synthese 105 (1):53 - 86.details
Formal and transcendental logic.Edmund Husserl - 1969 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff.details
Cartesian meditations: An introduction to phenomenology.E. Husserl - 1960 - Philosophical Books 2 (2):4-5.details
Mind, consciousness, and cognition: Phenomenology vs. cognitive science. [REVIEW]Nader N. Chokr - 1992 - Husserl Studies 9 (3):179-197.details
On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time.Edmund Husserl - unknowndetails
Mathematical Intuition: Phenomenology and Mathematical Knowledge. [REVIEW]Jan Woleński - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (3):484-486.details
Husserl Or Frege?: Meaning, Objectivity, and Mathematics.Claire Ortiz Hill & Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock - 2000 - LaSalle IL: Open Court.details
Experience and judgment: investigations in a genealogy of logic.Edmund Husserl - 1973 - London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Edited by Ludwig Landgrebe.details
(1 other version)Husserl and Intentionality.D. W. SMITH - 1982details
Studien zur Arithmetik und Geometrie: Texte Aus Dem Nachlass (1886–1901).Edmund Husserl & I. Strohmeyer - 1983 - Springer.details
Morphological eidetics for phenomenology of perception.Jean Petitot - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press. pp. 330--371.details
(1 other version)Aufsätze und Rezensionen (1890–1910).Edmund Husserl & Bernhard Rang - 1979 - Springer.details
Edmund Husserl, Die Bernauer Manuskripte über das Zeitbewusstsein. [REVIEW]Author unknown - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (4):794-797.details
(1 other version)Part-whole.Kit Fine - 1995 - In Barry Smith & David Woodruff Smith (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Husserl. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 463.details
Phenomenological psychology: lectures, summer semester, 1925.Edmund Husserl - 1977 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.details
Phenomenology, Logic, and the Philosophy of Mathematics.Richard L. Tieszen - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.details
(1 other version)Aufsaetze und Rezensionen (1890-1910).E. HUSSERL - 1979details
Edmund Husserl, On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time. [REVIEW]Author unknown - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (1):141-141.details