Results for 'Alissa Macmillan'

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  1. Response to Critics.Sandra Leonie Field - 2021 - European Hobbes Society Online Colloquium.
    The European Hobbes Society Online Colloquium featured my book, Potentia: Hobbes and Spinoza on Power and Popular Politics, with critical commentaries from Alissa MacMillan, Chris Holman, and Justin Steinberg. This is my response to their commentaries.
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  2. Macmillan's Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Donald Borchert (ed.) - 2006 - Macmillan.
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  3. John S. Wilkins and Malte C. Ebach: The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences: Palgrave, Macmillan, 2014, pp., vii + 197, Price £60/$100.00.Catherine Kendig - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (4):477-479.
    John Wilkins and Malte Ebach respond to the dismissal of classification as something we need not concern ourselves with because it is, as Ernest Rutherford suggested, mere ‘‘stamp collecting.’’ They contend that classification is neither derivative of explanation or of hypothesis-making but is necessarily prior and prerequisite to it. Classification comes first and causal explanations are dependent upon it. As such it is an important (but neglected) area of philosophical study. Wilkins and Ebach reject Norwood Russell Hanson’s thesis that classification (...)
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  4. Perry Hendricks: skeptical theism. Palgrave MacMillan, 2023, 294 + xiii pp. $99.00 (ebook); $129.99 (hardcover). [REVIEW]Timothy Perrine - 2024 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 96 (2).
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  5. John Hick. Between Faith and Doubt: Dialogues on Religion and Reason. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.Anastasia Scrutton - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (3):221-227.
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  6. From Aristotle’s Teleology to Darwin’s Genealogy: The Stamp of Inutility, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 (pdf: Contents, Introduction).Marco Solinas - 2015 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Starting with Aristotle and moving on to Darwin, Marco Solinas outlines the basic steps from the birth, establishment and later rebirth of the traditional view of living beings, and its overturning by evolutionary revolution. The classic framework devised by Aristotle was still dominant in the 17th Century world of Galileo, Harvey and Ray, and remained hegemonic until the time of Lamarck and Cuvier in the 19th Century. Darwin's breakthrough thus takes on the dimensions of an abandonment of the traditional finalistic (...)
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  7. Review of Alexander Linsbichler’s Was Ludwig von Mises a Conventionalist? A New Analysis of the Epistemology of the Austrian School of Economics. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, ix + 151 pp. [REVIEW]Scott Scheall - 2017 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 10 (2):110-115.
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  8. Andrea Faggion, Nuria Sánchez Madrid & Alessandro Pinzani , "Kant and Social Policies", Palgrave MacMillan, London/New York, 2016, 177 pp. [REVIEW]Marina García-Granero - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (3):752-756.
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  9. Federico Zuolo, Animals, Political Liberalism and Public Reason, (Palgrave Macmillan), 2020: Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Hardback (ISBN-13: 9783030495084). €88,39. 280 + Xiii Pp. [REVIEW]Marcus Schultz-Bergin - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (3):851-853.
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  10. Paolo Tripodi, Analytic Philosophy and the Later Wittgensteinian Tradition, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, pp. v-267. [REVIEW]Pietro Salis - 2022 - Argumenta 7:564-569.
    Review of the book "Analytic Philosophy and the Later Wittgensteinian Tradition" by Paolo Tripodi.
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  11. Review of Mitchell, Melanie. Artificial Intelligence: A guide for thinking humans. New York: Macmillan, 2019. [REVIEW]Eros Moreira de Carvalho - 2023 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 27 (3):609-623.
    Review of Mitchell, Melanie. Artificial Intelligence: A guide for thinking humans. New York: Macmillan, 2019.
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  12. Review of Matthew Homan. Spinoza’s Epistemology through a Geometrical Lens. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Pp. xv+256. [REVIEW]Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):329-31.
    Like most, if not all, of his contemporaries, Spinoza never developed a full-fledged philosophy of mathematics. Still, his numerous remarks about mathematics attest not only to his deep interest in the subject (a point which is also confirmed by the significant presence of mathematical books in his library), but also to his quite elaborate and perhaps unique understanding of the nature of mathematics. At the very center of his thought about mathematics stands a paradox (or, at least, an apparent paradox): (...)
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  13. Ben Hewitt, Byron, Shelley, and Goethe’s Faust. An Epic Connection (London: Legenda, 2015), and Wayne Deakin, Hegel and the English Romantic Tradition (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). [REVIEW]Jennifer Mensch - 2016 - Keats-Shelly Journal 65:168-171.
    In Byron, Shelley, and Goethe’s Faust, author Ben Hewitt has provided us with a carefully done and convincing study. Given this, it would have been interesting to see Hewitt’s effort to integrate Mary Shelley’s work into his narrative. Apart from any similarities between Faust and Frankenstein, it bears remembering that Goethe himself remained unconvinced by efforts to clearly demarcate works as “tragic” or “epic”; a fact that becomes especially clear in the number of works he’d devoted to rewriting the story (...)
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  14. Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology. Edited by Karim Dharamsi, Giuseppina D’Oro, and Stephen Leach. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. Pp. xiii + 270. [REVIEW]James Camien McGuiggan - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (5):747-751.
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  15. Sorin Baiasu, Kant and Sartre: Rediscovering Critical Ethics London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 Pp. 291, hbk, £55.00 ISBN: 9780230001503. [REVIEW]Chris Onof - 2013 - Kantian Review 18 (2):323-328.
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  16. Review of Beata Stawarska, Saussure’s Linguistics, Structuralism, and Phenomenology (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), Phenomenological Reviews. [REVIEW]Jacob Rump - 2020 - Phenomenological Reviews.
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  17. Review of Simon Høffding, A Phenomenology of Musical Absorption, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2019. [REVIEW]Anna Petronella Foultier - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (3):611-617.
    Simon Høffding’s book A Phenomenology of Musical Absorption (2019) contributes to a growing field of research focusing on the artist’s and performer’s experience, as significant for philosophical understanding of on the one hand expertise and skill-formation, on the other art and artistic practice. Høffding’s work is based on a qualitative study of the world-famous ensemble The Danish String Quartet, and has two purposes according to the author: first, to answer a question that arises when confronted with expert musicians’ descriptions of (...)
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  18. Matthew Rukgaber, Space, Time, and the Origins of Transcendental Idealism: Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy from 1747 to 1770. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 Pp. 284. ISBN 9783030607418 (hbk) €103.99. [REVIEW]Edward Slowik - 2021 - Kantian Review 26 (4):657-660.
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  19. Amos Morris-Reich and Dirk Rupnow, eds. Ideas of ‘Race’ in the History of the Humanities. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Pp. xiii+337. $109.00 ; $85.00. [REVIEW]Johannes Steizinger - 2019 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 9 (1):182–185.
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  20. The philosophy of stem cells: Melinda Bonnie Fagan: Philosophy of stem cell biology: Knowledge in flesh and blood. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, xx+274pp, £66.00 HB. [REVIEW]Stavros Ioannidis - 2015 - Metascience 24 (2):285-288.
    Melinda Fagan’s book on the philosophy of stem cell biology is a superb discussion of this exciting field of contemporary science, and the first book-length philosophical treatment of the subject. It contains a detailed and insightful examination of stem cell science, its structure, methods, and challenges.The book does not require any previous knowledge of stem cell biology—all the relevant scientific details and concepts, the central experimental procedures and results, as well as the historical development of the field, are presented in (...)
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    Entre la moralidad y la humanidad: Dimensiones prácticas de la normatividad en Kant. Reseña de: Lyssy, A., Yeomans, C., (eds.), Kant on Morality, Humanity and Legality. Practical Dimensions of Normativity. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 280pp. ISBN 978-3-030-54049- 4. [REVIEW]Josep Clusa - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):397-404.
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  22. Book Review: Adonis Frangeskou “Levinas, Kant and the problem of temporality” London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Isbn 978-1-137-59795-3. [REVIEW]Anna Yampolskaya - 2018 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 7 (2):576-585.
    Frangeskou’s point of departure in his juxtaposition of Levinas and Kant is the problem of transcenden- tal schematism but not the tension between autonomy and heteronomy as it is common for most of the published literature. Thus, the middle ground between Levinas and Kant is occupied by Heidegger, but also by Franz Rosenzweig with his “biblical” version of ecstatic temporality. Levinassian diachrony is described by Frangeskou as a new form of ecstatic temporality, different from the interpretations given by Heidegger and (...)
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  23. Is a good god logically possible? James P. Sterba, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, XI. [REVIEW]Michael Almeida - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 87 (3):245-249.
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  24. Review of James Sterba, Is a Good God Logically Possible?: Palgrave MacMillan, 2019. [REVIEW]Felipe Leon - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1671-1678.
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  25. ”Carnap’s Ideal of explication and naturalism, Edited by Pierre Wagner, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012". [REVIEW]Constantin C. Brîncuș - 2014 - Romanian Journal of Analytic Philosophy 8 (2).
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  26. Review of Ted Poston's Reason and explanation: A defense of explanatory coherentism (2014, Palgrave Macmillan). [REVIEW]Roche William - 2015 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews:1-7.
    Ted Poston's book Reason and Explanation: A Defense of Explanatory Coherentism is a book worthy of careful study. Poston develops and defends an explanationist theory of (epistemic) justification on which justification is a matter of explanatory coherence which in turn is a matter of conservativeness, explanatory power, and simplicity. He argues that his theory is consistent with Bayesianism. He argues, moreover, that his theory is needed as a supplement to Bayesianism. There are seven chapters. I provide a chapter-by-chapter summary along (...)
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  27. Reason and Explanation: A Defense of Explanatory Coherentism. BY TED POSTON (Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. Pp. 208. Price £ 60.). [REVIEW]Luca Moretti - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (266):204-206.
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  28. Alyssa DeBlasio, The End of Russian Philosophy: Tradition and Transition at the Turn of the 21st Century, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. [REVIEW]Frederic Tremblay - 2015 - Slavonic and East European Review 94 (4):745-749.
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    Better welfare, better markets? A review of “Basic Income and the Free Market: Austrian Economics and the Potential for Efficient Redistribution” (ed. Guinevere Liberty Nell, 2013, Palgrave MacMillan: Printed in USA). [REVIEW]Otto Lehto - 2015 - Basic Income Studies 10 (1):157–160.
    The classical liberal paradigm has always argued for strong economic freedom combined with limits on government power. But it has also been always openminded about using government programs to improve the society. These principles, if applied to today’s society, are simultaneously a criticism of “really existing” welfare state ideology – with its lack of economic freedom and its reliance on the expansive bureaucracy – but also an opportunity for reforming welfare states toward more freedom-based alternatives. There is a utopian potential (...)
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  30. Review of Enacting Dismal Science: New Perspectives on the Performativity of Economics, edited by Ivan Boldyrev and Ekaterina Svetlova. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, vii + 206 pp. [REVIEW]Pavel Kuchar - 2017 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 10 (2):103-109.
    Economics, as the volume editors Ivan Boldyrev and Ekaterina Svetlova submit, does not merely describe or explain, but also actively shapes—“performs”—the economy. This is how we may understand the performativity-of-economics thesis: Economists shape markets either directly, through the design of theories and policies based on them; or indirectly, through shaping cognitive infrastructures that economic agents use to make economic calculations, buy, and sell.
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  31. Toward an African Moral Theory.Thaddeus Metz - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 15 (3):321–341.
    In this article I articulate and defend an African moral theory, i.e., a basic and general principle grounding all particular duties that is informed by sub-Saharan values commonly associated with talk of "ubuntu" and cognate terms that signify personhood or humanness. The favoured interpretation of ubuntu (as of 2007) is the principle that an action is right insofar as it respects harmonious relationships, ones in which people identify with, and exhibit solidarity toward, one another. I maintain that this is the (...)
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  32. Towards a Neutral-Structuralist Theory of Consciousness and Selfhood.Janko Nešić - 2022 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 35 (3):243-259.
    Recently, an information-theoretic structural realist theory of the self and consciousness has been put forward (Beni, M. D. 2019. Structuring the Self, Series New Directions in Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Palgrave Macmillan). The theory is presented as a form of panpsychism. I argue against this interpretation and show that Beni’s structuralist theory runs into the hard problem of consciousness, in a similar way as the Integrated Information theory of consciousness. Since both of these theories are structuralist and based on (...)
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  33. Is Bad Philosophy Responsible for the Climate Crisis?Nicholas Maxwell - 2024 - Hps and St Newsletter.
    I have recently published a book to which I gave the title: Is Bad Philosophy Responsible for the Climate Crisis? But this proved to be too inflammatory for Palgrave Macmillan, and they changed it to the anodyne The Philosophy of Inquiry and Global Problems: The Intellectual Revolution Needed to Create a Better World. In the book I argue that academic philosophy has a certain responsibility for the failure of humanity to put a stop to the climate and nature crises, (...)
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  34. Wittgenstein 2006. Un proemio sobre el significado del pensamiento wittgensteiniano para nuestros trabajos y días.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2006 - Volubilis 13:90-118.
    El Autor diseña una posible cartografía del pensamiento del filósofo Ludwig Wittgenstein; para ello parte de una posición en el espacio, la que le sitúa en medio de dos tradiciones perfectamente diferenciadas en el interior de una biblioteca (la acreditada, grandiosa y divertida librería Macmillan de la ciudad de Londres): Estantes de Filosofía Analítica (del entorno Anglosajón), de Filosofía Continental (la de la Vieja Europa) y, en medio de ambos, las obras de Wittgenstein.
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  35. Twenty-one Theories of Rationality Assessed for Which Is the Most Explanatory.Lantz Fleming Miller - manuscript
    This article serves as either an addendum or as an expansion of ideas and work developed in my 2024 book, The Rationality Project: Across the Millennia, issued by Palgrave Macmillan. The book explores 21 potential theories for explaining rationality in terms of why and how one among these can serve in the position of explanatory power. The book does not fully explain all of these candidate theories, assigning that complete role to this addendum or work-in-progress. The main reason for (...)
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  36. george boole.John Corcoran - 2006 - In Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2nd edition. macmillan.
    2006. George Boole. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2nd edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. -/- George Boole (1815-1864), whose name lives among modern computer-related sciences in Boolean Algebra, Boolean Logic, Boolean Operations, and the like, is one of the most celebrated logicians of all time. Ironically, his actual writings often go unread and his actual contributions to logic are virtually unknown—despite the fact that he was one of the clearest writers in the field. Working with various students including Susan Wood and (...)
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  37. Russell's Logicism through Kantian Spectacles [review of Anssi Korhonen, Logic as Universal Science: Russell’s Early Logicism and Its Philosophical Context ].Kevin C. Klement - 2014 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 34 (1):79-84.
    Review of Logic as Universal Science: Russell’s Early Logicism and Its Philosophical Context, by Anssi Korhonen (Palgrave Macmillan 2013).
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  38. The puzzle of prayers of Thanksgiving and praise.Daniel Howard-Snyder - 2008 - In Yujin Nagasawa & Erik Wielenberg (eds.), New waves in philosophy of religion. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    in eds. Yujin Nagasawa and Erik Wielenberg, New Waves in Philosophy of Religion (Palgrave MacMillan 2008).
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  39. Gendered Representations of Male and Female Social Actors in Iranian Educational Materials.Ali Salami & Amir Ghajarieh - 2016 - Gender Issues 33 (3):258-270.
    This research investigates the representations of gendered social actors within the subversionary discourse of equal educational opportunities for males and females in Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) books. Using critical discourse analysis (CDA) as the theoretical framework, the authors blend van Leeuwen’s (Texts and practices: Readings in critical discourse analysis, Routledge, London, 2003) ‘Social Actor Network Model’ and Sunderland’s (Gendered discourses, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, 2004) ‘Gendered Discourses Model’ in order to examine the depictions of male and female (...)
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  40. Repliek op de kritiek van de Boer, Blomme, van den Berg en Spigt.Dennis Schulting - 2018 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 80 (2):363-378.
    In this article, I respond to critiques of my book Kant’s Radical Subjectivism: Perspectives on the Transcendental Deduction (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). I address issues that are raised concerning objectivity, the nature of the object, the role of transcendental apperception and the imagination, and idealism. More in particular I respond to an objection against my reading of the necessary existence of things in themselves and their relation to appearances. I also briefly respond to a question that relates to the (...)
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  41. Fisiologia do Estro e do Serviço na Reprodução Bovina.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva & Emanuel Isaque Da Silva - manuscript
    FISIOLOGIA DA REPRODUÇÃO BOVINA: 2 - ESTRO E SERVIÇO -/- -/- INTRODUÇÃO -/- -/- A identificação de vacas em cio (estro ou cio) é, sem dúvida, a prática mais importante no manejo da reprodução do rebanho leiteiro. Apesar dos avanços no conhecimento da fisiologia da reprodução a nível celular e molecular, a identificação de vacas em estro continua sendo o problema reprodutivo mais importante e o que mais causa prejuízos econômicos. Na indústria de laticínios no Brasil, seu impacto não foi (...)
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  42. Knowledge, Temporality, and the Movement of History.Jacob Rump - 2014 - Research in Phenomenology 44 (3):441-452.
    The paper is an essay-length review article on Søren Gosvig Olesen's Transcendental History (Palgrave MacMillan, 2013).
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  43. Manejo na Avicultura: Postura, Iluminação e Incubação dos Ovos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    MANEJO NA AVICULTURA: POSTURA, ILUMINAÇÃO E INCUBAÇÃO DOS OVOS -/- MANAGEMENT IN POULTRY: POSTURE, ILUMINATION AND INCUBATION OF THE EGGS -/- 1. INTRODUÇÃO A produção de ovos no Brasil está próxima de 45 bilhões de unidades por ano, mantendo um desenvolvimento constante em todos os seus aspectos: genética, instalações, patologia, alimentação, etc. Ao longo do presente trabalho, pretende-se estabelecer os conceitos que estão ligados à produção de ovos, distribuição de ovoprodutos e refletir as ideias básicas sobre os programas de iluminação (...)
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  44. From Tarde to Deleuze and Foucault: The Infinitesimal Revolution (Review).Tony D. Sampson - 2019 - International Sociology 34 (5):545-7.
    From Tarde to Deleuze and Foucault: The Infinitesimal Revolution -/- ,Palgrave Macmillan: London, 2018; 154 pp.: ISBN 9783319551487 -/- Sergio Tonkonoff,.
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  45. The Function of Derivation and the Derivation of Functions: A Review of Schulting’s Kant’s Deduction and Apperception. [REVIEW]Corey W. Dyck - 2014 - Studi Kantiani:13-19.
    In this review essay, I raise three principal concerns relating to Schulting’s project of deriving the categories from apperception as elaborated in his recent book Kant’s Deduction and Apperception (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012). First, I claim that Schulting overlooks a key ambiguity relating to ‘ableiten’ and which contrasts with his strictly logical understanding of that term. Second, I dispute on textual and philosophical grounds Schulting’s characterization of the subject’s consciousness of its own identity in terms of the analytic unity of (...)
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  46. Věda jako příze, co se rozplétá. [REVIEW]Monika Špeldová - 2016 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (2):245-250.
    Recenze: Biagioli, Mario - Riskin, Jessica. Nature Engaged: Science in Practice from the Renaissance to the Present. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012, 301 s.
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  47. This is the synthetic biology that is. [REVIEW]Daniel Liu - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 63:89-93.
    Review of: Sophia Roosth, Synthetic: How Life Got Made (University of Chicago Press, 2017); and Andrew S. Balmer, Katie Bulpin, and Susan Molyneux-Hodgson, Synthetic Biology: A Sociology of Changing Practices (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
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    Sporty Girls: Gender, Health and Achievement in a Postfeminist Era[REVIEW]Peg Brand Weiser - 2024 - Hypatia 1.
    Sheryl Clark's 2021 book, "Sporty Girls: Gender, Health and Achievement in a Postfeminist Era," explores how girls navigate complex identities shaped by sports participation and societal expectations. Clark examines the complex pressures faced by girls in London and beyond, and how these experiences inform broader discussions on gender, health, and identity through sports participation in contemporary culture. This volume is one of nine titles comprising an ongoing Palgrave Macmillan series under the umbrella concept of New Femininities in Digital, Physical (...)
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  49. Explicating Explication: Carnap’s Ideal [Review of Carnap’s Ideal of Explication and Naturalism]. [REVIEW]Adam Tamas Tuboly - 2015 - The Berlin Review of Books (10).
    Carnap’s Ideal of Explication and Naturalism is the second book on Rudolf Carnap’s philosophy edited by Pierre Wagner for Palgrave Macmillan’s series The History of Analytic Philosophy. The collection of essays is important for several reasons both for philosophers and historians of philosophy, but some parts of it will also be valuable to anyone interested in general scientific methodologies. I shall first survey the theme in order to locate the collection within the recent philosophical discussion then I will consider (...)
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  50. Jolen Galaugher, Russell’s Philosophy of Logical Analysis: 1897–1905. [REVIEW]Kevin C. Klement - 2015 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 3 (2).
    Review of Russell’s Philosophy of Logical Atomism 1897–1905, by Jolen Galaugher (Palgrave Macmillan 2013).
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