Results for 'Deirdre Hyland'

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  1. Mindfulness and the Therapeutic Function of Education.Terry Hyland - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (1):119-131.
    Although it has been given qualified approval by a number of philosophers of education, the so-called ‘therapeutic turn’ in education has been the subject of criticism by several commentators on post-compulsory and adult learning over the last few years. A key feature of this alleged development in recent educational policy is said to be the replacement of the traditional goals of knowledge and understanding with personal and social objectives concerned with enhancing and developing confidence and self-esteem in learners. After offering (...)
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  2. The Limits of Mindfulness: Emerging Issues for Education.Terry Hyland - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (1):97-117.
    Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) are being actively implemented in a wide range of fields – psychology, mind/body health care and education at all levels – and there is growing evidence of their effectiveness in aiding present-moment focus, fostering emotional stability, and enhancing general mind/body well-being. However, as often happens with popular innovations, the burgeoning interest in and appeal of mindfulness practice has led to a reductionism and commodification – popularly labelled ‘McMindfulness’ – of the underpinning principles and ethical foundations of such (...)
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  3. Lineales.Martin Hyland & Valeria de Paiva - 1991 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:107-123.
    The first aim of this note is to describe an algebraic structure, more primitive than lattices and quantales, which corresponds to the intuitionistic flavour of Linear Logic we prefer. This part of the note is a total trivialisation of ideas from category theory and we play with a toy-structure a not distant cousin of a toy-language. The second goal of the note is to show a generic categorical construction, which builds models for Linear Logic, similar to categorical models GC of (...)
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  4. Marriage, autonomy, and the state: Reply to Christopher Bennett.Deirdre Golash - 2006 - Res Publica 12 (2):179-190.
    Christopher Bennett has argued that state support of conjugal relationships can be founded on the unique contribution such relationships make to the autonomy of their participants by providing them with various forms of recognition and support unavailable elsewhere. I argue that, in part because a long history of interaction between two people who need each other’s validation tends to produce less meaningful responses over time, long-term conjugal relationships are unlikely to provide autonomy-enhancing support to their participants. To the extent that (...)
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  5. Shared decision-making in maternity care: Acknowledging and overcoming epistemic defeaters.Keith Begley, Deirdre Daly, Sunita Panda & Cecily Begley - 2019 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 25 (6):1113–1120.
    Shared decision-making involves health professionals and patients/clients working together to achieve true person-centred health care. However, this goal is infrequently realized, and most barriers are unknown. Discussion between philosophers, clinicians, and researchers can assist in confronting the epistemic and moral basis of health care, with benefits to all. The aim of this paper is to describe what shared decision-making is, discuss its necessary conditions, and develop a definition that can be used in practice to support excellence in maternity care. Discussion (...)
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    and in Plato.Drew A. Hyland - 1968 - Phronesis 13 (1):32-46.
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  7. Review of Tyson E. Lewis and Peter B. Hyland (2022). Studious Drift: Movements and Protocols for a Postdigital Education. [REVIEW]Marin Lavinia - 2023 - Postdigital Science and Education 5:464–468.
    Studious Drift: Movements and Protocols for a Postdigital Education (Lewis and Hyland 2022) continues Tyson Lewis’s theoretical project of dismantling the learning metaphysics, this time in the digital sphere. The object of concern here is e-studying or digital studying. Lewis has shown elsewhere, in an article written with Cristopher Moffett (Lewis and Moffett 2021), that the university lecture can be circumvented and profaned by turning attention to the students’ gesture of notetaking.
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  8. Inferring Content: Metaphor and Malapropism.Zsófia Zvolenszky - 2015 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 55 (44):163–182.
    It is traditionally thought that metaphorical utterances constitute a special— nonliteral—kind of departure from lexical constraints on meaning. Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson have been forcefully arguing against this: according to them, relevance theory’s comprehension/interpretation procedure for metaphorical utterances does not require details specifi c to metaphor (or nonliteral discourse); instead, the same type of comprehension procedure as that in place for literal utterances covers metaphors as well. One of Sperber and Wilson’s central reasons for holding this is that (...)
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    臺灣西方哲學論文語體探討:以東吳哲學學報摘要為例.祉鈞 連 - 2023 - Dissertation, 國立中正大學 Translated by 祉鈞 連.
    本研究旨在探究台灣華文哲學期刊文章摘要的修辭語步。有鑒於過去針對研究論文「摘要研究」語步分析最常見的理論,是Hyland(2000)提出的五項修辭語步「簡介、目的、方法、成果、結論」架構,且多數人文科 學或自然科學領域的研究論文摘要都是由Hyland(2000)所提出這五項修辭語步所組成的。因此,本研究所要探討的問題是華文哲學期刊論文摘要的修辭語步如何組成?各個修辭語步在各篇論文摘要出現的頻率與次序 為何?它們是否反映出某些特定類型的分佈狀況?是否有哪些修辭語步出現的頻率格外稀少?華文哲學期刊文章的摘要是否適用『簡介、目的、方法、成果、結論』這五項修辭語步的架構?哲學學術期刊論文摘要的修辭語步所反 映出哲學寫作社群慣例是什麼呢?為了解答上述問題,本研究採取的方法是蒐集近五年(2017年至2021年)台灣代表性華文哲學期刊文章《東吳哲學學報》十八篇論文摘要,並逐一運用Hyland(2000)五項修 辭語步的理論架構分析各篇摘要的修辭語步,並運用表格彙整呈現出各個修辭語步出現的頻率、次序、類型。本研究的結果發現:「方法(M)」與「結論(C)」並不是構成台灣哲學期刊文章摘要的修辭語步、而「目的(P) 」這項修辭語步是「必備性」出現的修辭語步(主語通常是「本文」;動詞是「論證」或「探究」)、「簡介(I)」雖是「慣例性」出現的語步,然其所占的總字數卻居於首位。這也顯示出了哲學期刊論文摘要的修辭語步變異 、哲學學術社群的寫作文化與慣例。最後,本研究提出了三項適用於 Hyland(2007)語體教學法的學術論文的摘要寫作教學方針,期許能藉此延伸應用作為哲學教師未來進行教學、或研究生撰寫並投稿哲學期刊論文摘要的一個重要參照依據。 -/- 關鍵詞:哲學、期刊論文、摘要、言談分析、修辭語步.
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  10. A Genre Analysis of Chinese Abstracts from SOOCHOW JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES.Jr-Jiun Lian - 2023 - Dissertation, National Chung Cheng University Translated by Lian Jr-Jiun.
    This study aimed to explore the rhetorical moves of article abstracts in Taiwanese Chinese philosophy journals. The most common theory for the discourse analysis of research abstracts is proposed by Hyland(2000). Most of the research abstracts in the field of social sciences and natural sciences are composed of Hyland’s five rhetorical moves: introduction, purpose, method, results, and conclusion. Therefore, the question to be explored in this research is how to compose the rhetorical moves of abstracts of Chinese philosophy (...)
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  11. Racial epithets, characterizations, and slurs.Adam M. Croom - 2013 - Analysis and Metaphysics 12:11-24.
    Since at least 2008 linguists and philosophers of language have started paying more serious attention to issues concerning the meaning or use of racial epithets and slurs. In an influential article published in The Journal of Philosophy, for instance, Christopher Hom (2008) offered a semantic account of racial epithets called Combinatorial Externalism (CE) that advanced a novel argument for the exclusion of certain epithets from freedom of speech protection under the First Amendment (p. 435). Also in more recent work, “The (...)
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