Results for 'Ecological Economics'

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  1.  58
    (1 other version)Ecological Economics and Human Ecology.Arran Gare - 2008 - In Michel Weber and Will Desmond, Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 161-177.
    This paper argues that mainstream economics has never before been more influential, that this threatens the future of humanity, and provides a history and defence of ecological economics and human ecology founded on process philosophy showing how these can and should replace mainstream economics.
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  2. Critical Realism and Ecological Economics: Counter-Intuitive Adversaries or Ostensible Soulmates?Lukáš Likavčan - 2016 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (4):449-471.
    The paper questions the compatibility of critical realism with ecological economics. In particular, it is argued that there is radical dissonance between ontological presuppositions of ecological economics and critical realist perspective. The dissonance lies in the need of ecological economics to state strict causal regularities in socio-economic realm, given the environmental intuitions about the nature of economy and the role of materiality and non-human agency in persistence of economic systems. Using conceptual apparatus derived from (...)
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  3. Overview of Ecological Economics.Habitable Earth - 2024 - Earth Habitat.
    Ecological economics is both a transdisciplinary and an interdisciplinary field of academic research addressing the interdependence and coevolution of human economies and natural ecosystems, both intertemporally and spatially.
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  4. Human Ecology and Public Policy: Overcoming the Hegemony of Economics.Arran Gare - 2002 - Democracy and Nature 8 (1):131-141.
    The thinking of those with the power to formulate and implement public policy is now almost totally dominated by the so-called science of economics. While efforts have been made to supplement or modify economics to make it less brutal or less environmentally blind, here it is suggested that economics is so fundamentally flawed and that it so completely dominates the culture of late modern capitalism (or postmodernity) that a new master human science is required to displace it (...)
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  5. Marco P. Vianna Franco and Antoine Missemer, A History of Ecological Economic Thought (Oxfordshire: Routledge, 2022), pp. 200, 120£ (hardcover). ISBN: 9780367363925. [REVIEW]C. Tyler DesRoches - 2023 - Journal of the History of Economic Thought:1-3.
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  6. The Ecological Catastrophe: The Political-Economic Caste as the Origin and Cause of Environmental Destruction and the Pre-Announced Democratic Disaster.Donato Bergandi - 2017 - In The Ecological Catastrophe: The Political-Economic Caste as the Origin and Cause of Environmental Destruction and the Pre-Announced Democratic Disaster. Dordrecht, Netherland: In L. Westra, et al., (eds.), The Role of Integrity in the Governance of the Commons, Dordrecht, Netherland, Springer, pp. 179-189. pp. 179-189.
    The political, economic and environmental policies of a hegemonic, oligarchic, political-economic international caste are the origin and cause of the ecological and political dystopia that we are living in. An utilitarian, resourcist, anthropocentric perspective guides classical economics and sustainable development models, allowing the enrichment of a tiny part of the world's population, while not impeding but, on the contrary, directly inducing economic losses and environmental destruction for the many. To preserve the integrity of natural systems we must abandon (...)
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  7. When Ecology Needs Economics and Economics Needs Ecology: Interdisciplinary Exchange during the Anthropocene.S. Andrew Inkpen & C. Tyler DesRoches - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (2):203-221.
    Evidence that humans play a dominant role in most ecosystems forces scientists to confront systems that contain factors transgressing traditional disciplinary boundaries. However, it is an open question whether this state of affairs should encourage interdisciplinary exchange or integration. With two case studies, we show that exchange between ecologists and economists is preferable, for epistemological and policy-oriented reasons, to their acting independently. We call this “exchange gain.” Our case studies show that theoretical exchanges can be less disruptive to current theory (...)
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  8. The Eroding Artificial/Natural Distinction: Some Consequences for Ecology and Economics.C. Tyler DesRoches, Stephen Andrew Inkpen & Thomas L. Green - 2019 - In Michiru Nagatsu & Attilia Ruzzene, Contemporary Philosophy and Social Science: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 39-57.
    Since Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), historians and philosophers of science have paid increasing attention to the implications of disciplinarity. In this chapter we consider restrictions posed to interdisciplinary exchange between ecology and economics that result from a particular kind of commitment to the ideal of disciplinary purity, that is, that each discipline is defined by an appropriate, unique set of objects, methods, theories, and aims. We argue that, when it comes to the objects of study (...)
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  9. The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization: A Manifesto for the Future.Arran Gare - 2016 - London and New York: Routledge.
    The global ecological crisis is the greatest challenge humanity has ever had to confront, and humanity is failing. The triumph of the neo-liberal agenda, together with a debauched ‘scientism’, has reduced nature and people to nothing but raw materials, instruments and consumers to be efficiently managed in a global market dominated by corporate managers, media moguls and technocrats. The arts and the humanities have been devalued, genuine science has been crippled, and the quest for autonomy and democracy undermined. The (...)
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  10. Several questions about the ecological loss concept in the socio-economic context.Viet-Phuong La - manuscript
    Several questions about the ecological loss concept in the socio-economic context.
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  11. Not Sacrificing Forests for Socio-Economic Development: Vietnam Chooses a Harmonious, Ecologically Balanced Approach.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Viet-Phuong La & Hong-Son Nguyen - manuscript
    Forests play fundamental roles in the Earth’s ecosystems. With the great capability of carbon sequestration, tropical forests are expected to contribute substantially to reducing the CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere. However, global tropical forest areas have declined drastically over the last few decades due to pressures from socio-economic development pursuit. The current essay aims to demonstrate the ongoing global deforestation crisis and its underlying drivers and discuss the vital roles of tropical forests in the socio-economic development in the face of climate (...)
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  12. Towards a Philosophy of a Bio-Based Economy: A Levinassian Perspective on the Relations between Economic and Ecological Systems.Roel Veraart & Vincent Blok - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (2):169-192.
    This paper investigates the fundamental idea at stake in current bioeconomies such as Europe's Bio-Based Economy (BBE). We argue that basing an economy upon ecology is an ambivalent effort, causing confusion and inconsistencies, and that the dominant framing of the damaged biosphere as a market-failure in bioeconomies such as the BBE is problematic. To counter this dominant narrative, we present alternative conceptualisations of bio-economies and indicate which concepts are overlooked. We highlight the specific contradictions and discrepancies in the relation between (...)
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  13. Introducing Flexibility to Complex, Resilient Socio-Ecological Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Economics, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Evolutionary Biology, and Supply Chain Management.Vivek Anand Asokan, Masaru Yarime & Miguel Esteban - 2017 - Sustainability 7 (9):1091.
    In this paper, a framework incorporating flexibility as a characteristic is proposed for designing complex, resilient socio-ecological systems. In an interconnected complex system, flexibility allows prompt deployment of resources where they are needed and is crucial for both innovation and robustness. A comparative analysis of flexible manufacturing systems, economics, evolutionary biology, and supply chain management is conducted to identify the most important characteristics of flexibility. Evolutionary biology emphasises overlapping functions and multi-functionality, which allow a system with structurally different (...)
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  14. Deep Ecology, the Radical Enlightment, and Ecological Civilization.Arran Gare - 2014 - The Trumpeter 30 (2):184-205.
    With the early success of the deep ecology movement in attracting adherents and with the increasing threat of a global ecological catastrophe, one would have expected this movement to have triumphed. We should be in the process of radically transforming society to create a harmonious relationship between humans and the rest of nature. Instead, deep ecology has been marginalized. What has triumphed instead is an alliance of managerialism, transnational corporations and neo-liberalism committed to replacing communities with markets and transforming (...)
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  15.  77
    Gemini predicts the future of an innovative economics book for sustainable Earth.A. I. Gemini - unknown
    Overall, "Better Economics for the Earth" is a significant contribution to the growing field of ecological economics. It offers a fresh perspective on economic thinking and challenges conventional assumptions. While its full impact remains to be seen, the book has the potential to shape future economic debates and policies.
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  16. Social Ecology and the Right to the City.Federico Venturini, Emet Değirmenci & Inés Morales (eds.) - 2019 - Montreal, Canada: Black Rose Books.
    Cities today are increasingly at the forefront of the environmental and social crisis—they are simultaneously a major cause and a potential solution. Across the world, a new wave of urban social movements is rising to fight against corporate control, social exclusion, hostile immigration policies, gender oppression, and ecological devastation. These movements are building economic, social, and political alternatives based on solidarity, equality, and participation. This anthology develops the debates that began at the recent Transnational Institute of Social Ecology’s (TRISE) (...)
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  17. From 'Sustainable Development' to 'Ecological Civilization': Winning the War for Survival.Arran Gare - 2017 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 13 (3):130-153.
    The central place accorded the notion of ‘sustainable development' among those attempting to overcome ecological problems could be one of the main reasons for their failure. ‘Ecological civilization' is proposed and defended as an alternative. ‘Ecological civilization' has behind it a significant proportion of the leadership of China who would be empowered if this notion were taken up in the West. It carries with it the potential to fundamentally rethink the basic goals of life and to provide (...)
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  18.  84
    Really Interesting Take on Economics.Jeff Kikel - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    If you’re looking for a fresh take on solving our planet's environmental issues, “Better Economics for the Earth” by Vuong and Nguyen is a must-read. This book is not just another dense economic text; it’s a riveting exploration into how quantum physics and information theory can totally transform our approach to economics, making it more suited to tackle today’s ecological crises.
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  19.  67
    Really Interesting Take on Economics.Jeff Kikel - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    If you’re looking for a fresh take on solving our planet's environmental issues, “Better Economics for the Earth” by Vuong and Nguyen is a must-read. This book is not just another dense economic text; it’s a riveting exploration into how quantum physics and information theory can totally transform our approach to economics, making it more suited to tackle today’s ecological crises.
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  20. Integrating Biosemiotics and Biohermeneutics in the Quest for Ecological Civilization as a Practical Utopia.Arran Gare - 2022 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 18 (2):23-47.
    : ‘Ecological civilization’ has been put forward as a utopia, as this notion has been defended by Ernst Bloch and Paul Ricoeur. It is a vision of the future that puts into question that which presently exists, revealing its contingency while offering an inspiring image of the future that can mobilize people to create this future. Ecological civilization is a vision based on ecological thinking, seeing all life as interdependent communities of communities. Humanity’s place in nature is (...)
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  21. Toward an Ecological Civilization - An Interview with Arran Gare.A. I. Kopytin & Arran Gare - 2020 - Ecopoiesis: Eco-Human Theory and Practice 1:1-10.
    This interview focuses on Arran Gare’s thinking about ecological civilization and its relationship to a new theoretical ecology, strong democracy and political philosophy based on “ecopoiesis” or “home-making.” Gare believes that it is possible to create a global ecological civilization that empowers people to augment their ecological communities. Complex transformations of the social and economic organization of societies and a radical upheaval of our conceptions of what it means to be human are required to bring about this (...)
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  22.  50
    Koncept ne-rastu a sociálno-ekologická transformácia [The concept of de-growth and socio-ecological transformation].Richard Sťahel - 2024 - In Peter Daubner, Ekológia, politika a sloboda. Bratislava: Filozofický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, v. v. i.. pp. 15-30.
    The chapter addresses the problem of the socio-ecological transformation of industrialized societies determined by the ideology of growth. It points out that the knowledge of the impossibility of sustainable growth on a planet with finite resources has been available at least since the 1960s. However, economic policies, as well as organizational principles and imperatives of public and private institutions, have so far been formulated regarding the growth imperative. However, the concepts of the Anthropocene and Planetary boundaries formulated within the (...)
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  23. The Ecology of Money: a Critical Assessment.Louis Larue - 2020 - Ecological Economics 178.
    This paper assesses the proposal to transform the monetary system into an Ecology of money, that is, into a system made of a large diversity of complementary currencies. Its central aim is to examine whether this proposal could provide a systemic solution to both the ecological and financial crises, as several authors, most notably Lietaer and Douthwaite, have argued. To this end, it analyses the two main arguments in favour of this proposal. First, it focuses on the claim that (...)
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  24. Political Economy of Forest Ecology in Sierra Leone: A Focus on the Western Area Peninsular Forest.Emerson Abraham Jackson - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (1):63-90.
    This article addressed historical aspects of the political economy involving sustained forest ecology in Sierra Leone as a whole, with emphasis on the Freetown Peninsula and its surrounding communities. Attention is paid to cultural, social and economic aspects involving forest livelihoods of residents on the Freetown Peninsula and far afield. The term 'Political Economy' is used in this situation to denote the relationship between the economics of people's livelihoods and public policy (in relation to the management of legislative procedures) (...)
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  25. Cross-Boundary Impacts of Ecological Changes on the Livelihood of Communities in three villages in Stung Treng province, Cambodia.Narith Por - 2023 - Cambodia: My Village. Edited by Narith Por.
    The research focused on the cross-boundary impacts of ecological changes on the livelihood of communities in three villages in Stung Treng province, Cambodia. The research objectives were to analyze river ecological changes and their drivers, and to explore the impacts of these changes on the livelihood of the communities. The research was conducted in Kraom, Kaoh Snaeng, and Tonsang villages. The study found that there have been significant changes in the environment of these villages. The fishery resources have (...)
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  26. Integral Ecology, Epigenetics and the Common Good.Russell A. Butkus & Steven A. Kolmes - 2017 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 14 (2):291-320.
    With the release of Laudato Si (2015) Pope Francis has introduced new conceptual language into Catholic social teaching (CST), what he has called "integral ecology." His intent appears to be grounded in the realization that "It is essential to seek comprehensive solutions which consider the interactions with natural systems themselves and with social systems" (LS, no. CXXXVIII). Pope Francis goes on to make the case that ''We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but (...)
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  27. Ecology and the Unbuffered Self: Identity, Agency, and Authority in a Time of Pandemic.Alexander J. B. Hampton - 2020 - In Pandemic, Ecology and Theology: Perspectives on Covid-19. Routledge.
    This consideration characterises the crisis and opportunity of COVID-19 in three parts: First, it sets out the problematic conceptualisation of nature in the modern social imaginary by focusing upon the buffered self in terms of its sense of identity, agency and authority. Second, it sets out how the pandemic fundamentally disrupts these three facets of the self in terms of the fragilization of economic values, the notion of unique human agency, and the limitation of the authority of discursive reason. Finally, (...)
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  28. Economic decision-making systems in critical times: The case of `Bolsa Familia' in Brazil.Alfredo Pereira Junior & J. Moroni - 2022 - Cognitive Computation and Systems 4 (3):304-315.
    Kahneman's theory of two systems assumes that human decision making in Economy is based on two cognitive systems, one that is automatic, intuitive and mostly unconscious, and one that is reflexive, rational and fully conscious. The authors consider Kahneman’s approach incomplete and limited in accounting for the creativity of embodied agents grasping the opportunities afforded by physical and social environments. This limitation leads us to argue for the existence of a third system in decision making in Economy, the creative intuition (...)
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  29. The Alliance Approach to Innovation: Agro-ecological Innovations, Alliance and Agency.Lori Keleher - 2017 - Ethics and Economics 14 (1):35-50.
    Agro-ecological innovations aim at promoting sustainable agricultural practices that have long term benefits. However, farmers rarely adopt beneficial innovations in agro-ecology despite expressing an understanding of the benefits and a desire to do so. It has been argued that the farmers lack sufficient knowledge to implement complex innovations. We believe that in many cases such knowledge is necessary, but is ultimately insufficient for complex innovation adoption. We argue that in addition to knowledge and a desire to adopt an innovation, (...)
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  30. Handbook of Computational Economics, Volume 2: Agent-Based Computational Economics.Leigh Tesfatsion & Kenneth L. Judd (eds.) - 2006 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
    The explosive growth in computational power over the past several decades offers new tools and opportunities for economists. This handbook volume surveys recent research on Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE), the computational study of economic processes modeled as open-ended dynamic systems of interacting agents. Empirical referents for “agents” in ACE models can range from individuals or social groups with learning capabilities to physical world features with no cognitive function. Topics covered include: learning; empirical validation; network economics; social dynamics; financial (...)
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  31. Toward a General Philosophy of Ecology.Kevin Leo de Laplante - 1998 - Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
    This dissertation is a work in the philosophy of ecology and environmental philosophy. The central aims of the dissertation are to examine the role that ecological concepts and theories play in environmental philosophy, and to defend a conception of ecological science that is broad enough to address the philosophical and scientific concerns of environmental philosophers. As stated, these aims are consistent with the dominant tradition in contemporary environmental philosophy, but the dissertation is highly critical of the way the (...)
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  32. Environmental and economic security in the conditions of the Ukraine`s economy.Igor Britchenko, Jozefína Drotárová, Mykola Antonov, Juliia Kholodna, Olena Polonska & Yuliia Popova - 2022 - Ad Alta: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2 (12):118-122.
    The article examines the peculiarities and modern specifics of the formation of ecological and economic security in Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization. It was determined that the lack of dynamic growth, the violation of the optimal balance and balance of the ecological and economic system are caused by the depletion of raw resources, a decrease in the overall potential of the environment, and the irrational use of natural resources. It has been proven that in the conditions of (...)
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  33. From language shift to language revitalization and sustainability. A complexity approach to linguistic ecology.Albert Bastardas-Boada - 2019 - Barcelona, Spain: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
    This book aims to contribute to the overall, integrated understanding of the processes of language contact and their evolution, be they the result of political or economic (dis)integrations or migrations or for technological reasons. Via an interdisciplinary, holistic approach, it also aims to aid the theoretical grounding of a unified, common sociolinguistic paradigm, based on an ecological and complexical perspective. This perspective is based on the fact that linguistic structures do not live in isolation from their social functions and (...)
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  34. Coronavirus and the Heterogenesis of Ends: Underpinning the Ecological and Health Catastrophe is a Political Crisis.Donato Bergandi - 2020 - Substantia. International Journal of the History of Chemistry 4 (1):911-915.
    The coronavirus catastrophe that we are experiencing is first of all the result of an ecological catastrophe, but its underlying fundamental cause is the political crisis that our democracies are living. The sustainable development model is a smokescreen that will lead not to making deepgoing changes to the economic paradigm but to continuing with business as usual. The betrayal of the elites, both political and economic, supported by a system that is no longer democratic, has exposed the population to (...)
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  35. The Revolutionary Ecological Legacy of Herbert Marcuse.Charles Reitz - 2022 - Cantley, Quebec, Canada: Daraja Press.
    Marcuse argued that U.S.-led globalized capitalism represented the irrational perfection of waste and the degradation of the earth, resurgent sexism, racism, bigoted nationalism, and warlike patriotism. Inspired by the revolutionary legacy of Herbert Marcuse’s social and political philosophy, this volume appeals to the energies of those engaged in a wide range of contemporary social justice struggles: ecosocialism, antiracism, the women’s movement, LGBTQ rights, and antiwar forces. The intensification of these regressive political tendencies today must be countered, and this can be (...)
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  36.  75
    The Unconditional Basic Income Proposal as a Means to Promote Ecological and Socioeconomic Justice.Thiago Souza - 2025 - Brazilian Political Science Review 19 (1).
    This paper elucidates the inseparable connection between the pursuit of a more ecologically sustainable society and the quest for socioeconomic justice. It also demonstrates why Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) is an effective policy to act on both fronts. First, the corresponding theory on environmental and socioeconomic oppression sheds light on the argument that both types of domination stem from the same historical process and are inherently interconnected. Addressing one without considering the other is essentially flawed; they are both features and (...)
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  37. Imperatives of socio-economic development in Ukraine under globalization conditions.Sergii Sardak & K. Ustich S. Sardak - 2017 - In Ihor Hrabynskyi, Fourth Biennial International Scientific Conference «Ecological and economic problems of international trade». pp. 188–192.
    The development of mankind and its concrete manifestations in technical, economic or other spheres is always determined by contradictions, uncertainty and the emergence of non-standard circumstances. At the beginning of the third millennium the world is characterized by acceleration of economic dynamics and complication of the mega environment, which requires mastering the realities of the present and the future. Exactly this problem that necessitates the definition of the Concept and priorities of the direction of socio-economic policy in Ukraine and conducting (...)
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  38. Factors and conditions of the environmental and economic security formation in Ukraine.Igor Britchenko, Jozefína Drotárová, Oksana Yudenko, Larysa Holovina & Tetiana Shmatkovska - 2022 - Ad Alta: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2 (12):108-112.
    The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of the ecological and economic security system and the specifics of its principles. The relevance of the transformation of approaches to understanding the essence and principles of ecological and economic security in the context of the need to ensure sustainable development is substantiated. The levels of ecological and economic security and the peculiarities of changes in profits and costs during the transition of the economic system and business entities between (...)
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  39.  51
    Overpopulation, Continuous Economic Growth, and the Unfeasibility of Supply-Side Economics.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Overpopulation, Continuous Economic Growth, and the Unfeasibility of Supply-Side Economics -/- The concepts of overpopulation, continuous economic growth, and supply-side economics have been at the forefront of societal and economic discussions for decades. While these ideas may seem appealing in the short term, their long-term sustainability is questionable and ultimately self-destructive. Overpopulation and continuous economic growth both strain natural resources, disrupt ecological balances, and create unsustainable pressures on society. Furthermore, the idea that supply-side economics—the notion that (...)
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  40.  41
    The Post-Capitalist Economic System and the Need for a Smaller Population.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Post-Capitalist Economic System and the Need for a Smaller Population -/- Introduction -/- As humanity transitions from capitalism to an entirely new economic system—one that moves beyond market-driven competition and profit motives—the necessity of large population growth diminishes. In a post-capitalist era, advanced automation, sustainable resource management, and decentralized economic structures will replace traditional labor and consumption-based economies. Unlike capitalism, which thrives on constant economic expansion and a growing workforce, the new system will prioritize stability, efficiency, and well-being. As (...)
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  41. Formation of the Economic Security System of Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, Sergii Sardak, Y. Kolbushkin & Y. Stasyuk - 2019 - Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 10 (4):1159-1175.
    The purpose of the paper is to consider genesis and approaches to forming a security culture of tourism and hospitality enterprises that are superstructures of economic, industrial, professional, household, ecological, psychological and social security. In the research, apart from general scientific methods, we used the collection and analysis of primary information obtained from the survey of 220 respondents. Three areas that have a decisive influence on the security of tourism and hospitality enterprises have been identified: organizational culture, decision-making responsibility, (...)
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  42.  95
    Dreams of Extraction: The Techno-Ecological Imaginary of Bethesda Game Studios' Starfield.Eric Stein - manuscript
    This paper takes up Bethesda Game Studios' Starfield (2023) as an aesthetic artefact, carefully attending to the thematics of the game's narrative in their operation as structuring "thought patterns" for the player's experience of the game, thought patterns that give form to the "sensible fabric" of the game and so constitute an imaginary or "distribution of the sensible" that requires critique (Rancière, 2013). Utilizing the aesthetic and material-economic theories of Nicolas Bourriaud, Jacques Rancière, Jussi Parikka, and David Graeber, this paper (...)
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  43.  78
    How should (and can) an economics book change for better environmental sustainability?Thi Mai Anh Tran & Minh-Phuong Thi Duong - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    In the face of escalating environmental crises, the role of economics in shaping sustainable solutions has come under increasing scrutiny. Traditional economic paradigms, often grounded in the pursuit of growth and efficiency, have been criticized for neglecting the environmental costs of human activities. This disconnect between economic theory and ecological reality has prompted calls for a profound transformation in how economics is studied, taught, and applied. -/- Books on economics, as key instruments for disseminating knowledge and (...)
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  44. The World as a Garden: A Philosophical Analysis of Natural Capital in Economics.C. Tyler DesRoches - 2015 - Dissertation, University of British Columbia
    This dissertation undertakes a philosophical analysis of “natural capital” and argues that this concept has prompted economists to view Nature in a radically novel manner. Formerly, economists referred to Nature and natural products as a collection of inert materials to be drawn upon in isolation and then rearranged by human agents to produce commodities. More recently, nature is depicted as a collection of active, modifiable, and economically valuable processes, often construed as ecosystems that produce marketable goods and services gratis. Nature (...)
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  45.  73
    The World as a Garden: A Philosophical Analysis of Natural Capital in Economics.C. Tyler DesRoches - 2015 - Dissertation, University of British Columbia
    This dissertation undertakes a philosophical analysis of “natural capital” and argues that this concept has prompted economists to view Nature in a radically novel manner. Formerly, economists referred to Nature and natural products as a collection of inert materials to be drawn upon in isolation and then rearranged by human agents to produce commodities. More recently, nature is depicted as a collection of active, modifiable, and economically valuable processes, often construed as ecosystems that produce marketable goods and services gratis. Nature (...)
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  46. Objects and their environments: From Aristotle to ecological ontology.Barry Smith - 2001 - In Andrew U. Frank, Jonathan Raper & Jean-Paul Cheylan, The Life and Motion of Socio-Economic Units. London: Taylor & Francis. pp. 79-97.
    What follows is a contribution to the theory of space and of spatial objects. It takes as its starting point the philosophical subfield of ontology, which can be defined as the science of what is: of the various types and categories of objects and relations in all realms of being. More specifically, it begins with ideas set forth by Aristotle in his Categories and Metaphysics, two works which constitute the first great contributions to ontological science. Because Aristotle’s ontological ideas were (...)
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  47. Epilogue: The Epistemic and Practical Circle in an Evolutionary, Ecologically Sustainable Society.Donato Bergandi - 2013 - In The Structural Links Between Ecology, Evolution and Ethics: The Virtuous Epistemic Circle. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 151-158.
    Abstract In a context of human demographic, technological and economic pressure on natural systems, we face some demanding challenges. We must decide 1) whether to “preserve” nature for its own sake or to “conserve” nature because nature is essentially a reservoir of goods that are functional to humanity’s wellbeing; 2) to choose ways of life that respect the biodiversity and evolutionary potential of the planet; and, to allow all this to come to fruition, 3) to clearly define the role of (...)
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  48.  51
    Beyond Capitalism: Designing a New Economic System for Humanity.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Beyond Capitalism: Designing a New Economic System for Humanity -/- Introduction -/- For centuries, capitalism has been the dominant economic system, driving technological innovation, wealth creation, and global trade. However, its flaws—extreme inequality, environmental destruction, and economic instability—have made many question whether it is still the best model for humanity. Instead of reforming capitalism, perhaps the time has come to replace it entirely with a new system that better aligns with modern challenges, human well-being, and sustainability. -/- This essay explores (...)
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  49. On the Concept and Conservation of Critical Natural Capital.C. Tyler DesRoches - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science (N/A):1-22.
    Ecological economics is an interdisciplinary science that is primarily concerned with developing interventions to achieve sustainable ecological and economic systems. While ecological economists have, over the last few decades, made various empirical, theoretical, and conceptual advancements, there is one concept in particular that remains subject to confusion: critical natural capital. While critical natural capital denotes parts of the environment that are essential for the continued existence of our species, the meaning of terms commonly associated with this (...)
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  50. Exploring the Locus of Anthropos in Market Ecology: When the Homo Politicus Converses with the Homo Economicus.Willard Enrique Macaraan - 2014 - Kritike 8 (1):136-152.
    The dilemma of the anthropos confuses him as to the advantage of the market to his existence. The market anthropos is seen as homo economicus, a self-interested, utility-maximizing individual. This popular belief is critically analyzed as to its nuances insofar as the homo politicus of John Rawls is concerned. The life of the market anthropos seeks consensus towards societal cooperation and justice. Popularly held to be dissenting, this paper seeks to explore their possible convergence in the light of the nuances (...)
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