Results for 'Ernasto Laclau'

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  1. Education and articulation: Laclau and Mouffe’s radical democracy in school.Itay Snir - 2017 - Ethics and Education 12 (3):1-13.
    This paper outlines a theory of radical democratic education by addressing a key concept in Laclau and Mouffe’s Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: articulation. Through their concept of articulation, Laclau and Mouffe attempt to liberate Gramsci’s theory of hegemony from Marxist economism, and adapt it to a political sphere inhabited by a plurality of struggles and agents none of which is predominant. However, while for Gramsci the political process of hegemony formation has an explicit educational dimension, Laclau and (...)
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  2. Laclau, Populism, and Emancipation: From Latin America to the U.S. Latino/A Context.Adam Burgos - 2014 - Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 5 (1).
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  3. Toward an Inclusive Populism? On the Role of Race and Difference in Laclau’s Politics.B. L. McKean & Benjamin McKean - 2016 - Political Theory 44 (6):797-820.
    Does the recent success of Podemos and Syriza herald a new era of inclusive, egalitarian left populism? Because leaders of both parties are former students of Ernesto Laclau and cite his account of populism as guiding their political practice, this essay considers whether his theory supports hope for a new kind of populism. For Laclau, the essence of populism is an “empty signifier” that provides a means by which anyone can identify with the people as a whole. However, (...)
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  4. Totalidad y totalización: una aproximación a la obra temprana de Ernesto Laclau.Erick Israel Sepúlveda Murillo - 2022 - Posdata. Revista de Reflexión y Análisis Político 27 (1):30-64.
    El objetivo del artículo es exponerla evolución de Ernesto Laclau del marxismo al posmarxismo entendida como transición de una categoría de totalidad marxista-althusseriana a la de totalidad como práctica discursiva. Esta interpretación se sostiene en la recuperación de la obra temprana de Laclau (aquella ubicada entre Política e ideología en la teoría marxista y Hegemonía y estrategia socialista), lo que permite apreciar rupturas y continuidad es en su obra y problematizarla periodización de su biografía intelectual.
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  5. Autonomia del "politico" e autonomia de "sociale". Trascendenza e immanenza in Negri e Laclau.Elia Zaru - 2017 - Quaderni Materialisti 15:193-209.
    Il dilemma «autonomia del politico-autonomia del sociale» ha le sue radici in quello tra trascendenza e immanenza, e si riproduce nel corso di tutta l’elaborazione teorica di Laclau e Negri, dagli scritti degli anni ’70 fino agli interventi più recenti. Queste due impostazioni teoriche si intersecano in un dialogo a distanza, la cui analisi permette di cogliere gli aspetti salienti di differenziazione e i motivi profondi di incompatibilità, ma anche di dimostrare che, considerato in questi termini, tale dilemma non (...)
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  6. Populizm, polityka i polityczność— Laclau i Mouffe [Ernesto Laclau, Rozum populistyczny; Chantal Mouffe, Polityczność].Karol Morawski - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:173-180.
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  7. Toward a Salsa Dancing Hegemony: Dancing-with Laclau with-Derrida.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - Research in Dance Education.
    In the present article, the first section recapitulates my “figuration” philosophy of dance, the “dancing-with” interpretive method derived therefrom, and my previous application of figuration to salsa dance as a decolonizing gestural discourse. The second section deepens and modifies this analysis through a reinterpretation of Argentinian philosopher Ernesto Laclau’s concept of hegemony and his dance-resonant interpretations of Derrida. And the final section offers a template for this hegemonic dancing-with in the Birmingham, Alabama Latin dance troupe, Corazon de Alabama (Heart (...)
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  8. Preface to Forenames of God: Enumerations of Ernesto Laclau toward a Political Theology of Algorithms.Virgil W. Brower - 2021 - Internationales Jahrbuch Für Medienphilosophie 7 (1):243-251.
    Perhaps nowhere better than, "On the Names of God," can readers discern Laclau's appreciation of theology, specifically, negative theology, and the radical potencies of political theology. // It is Laclau's close attention to Eckhart and Dionysius in this essay that reveals a core theological strategy to be learned by populist reasons or social logics and applied in politics or democracies to come. // This mode of algorithmically informed negative political theology is not mathematically inert. It aspires to relate (...)
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  9. This Universalism which is not One: Ernesto Laclau's Emancipations.Linda M. G. Zerilli - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (2):3-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:This Universalism Which Is Not OneLinda M. G. Zerilli (bio)Ernesto Laclau. Emancipation(s). London: Verso, 1996.Judging from the recent spate of publications devoted to the question of the universal, it appears that, in the view of some critics, we are witnessing a reevaluation of its dismantling in twentieth-century thought. One of the many oddities about this “return of the universal” 1 is the idea that contemporary engagements with it (...)
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  10. Class, Surplus and Exploitation. The Laclau- Mouffean Interpretation of Marxism.Yankel Peralta-García - 2022 - Pléyade 1 (29):107-125.
    The post-Marxist stance against class politics unearths significant political demands often neglected by Marxism. However, in Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s approach, this step forward is followed by two steps back. They deny that class struggle against capitalist exploitation has any political significance for the masses or any essential link with the socialist-democratic project. But they do so at the cost of misrepresenting Marxian theory and underestimating the global phenomenon of labour exploitation. This faux pas is due to two (...)
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    El vacío de Podemos: meontología política del cambio en España.Adrià Porta Caballe - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):211-219.
    La mayoría de análisis sobre el Podemos original (2014-2016) han tendido a prestar más atención a lo que este era (sus líderes, militancia, votantes, programa y discurso), antes que a lo que no era (su negatividad, falta de esencia o el vacío que consiguió representar). El presupuesto ontológico de que Podemos re-presenta una suerte de ente con una determinada esencia se ha podido entrever incluso en sus crisis internas. Por el contrario, este ensayo busca primero precedentes para una me-ontología política (...)
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  12. El vacío de Podemos: meontología política del cambio en España.Adrià Porta Caballé - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):211-219.
    La mayoría de análisis sobre el Podemos original (2014-2016) han tendido a prestar más atención a lo que este era (sus líderes, militancia, votantes, programa y discurso), antes que a lo que no era (su negatividad, falta de esencia o el vacío que consiguió representar). El presupuesto ontológico de que Podemos re-presenta una suerte de ente con una determinada esencia se ha podido entrever incluso en sus crisis internas. Por el contrario, este ensayo busca primero precedentes para una me-ontología política (...)
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  13. The deconstructive effects of combining discourses. A case study: Marxism and psychoanalysis.Adrià Porta Caballé - 2023 - Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society 28:411–429.
    Can deconstruction be accomplished not through the close reading of just one discourse, but through its combination with another? This paper aims at exploring this second way of performing deconstruction through a particular case study: Marxism and psychoanalysis. In the body of the essay, the history of Freudo-Marxism is divided into two parts, depending on which psychoanalyst stands as point of reference: Freud or Lacan. We proceed by studying the four main strategies by virtue of which a genuine combination between (...)
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  14. El sujeto en cuestión. Abordajes contemporáneos.Pedro Karczmarczyk (ed.) - 2014 - [Argentina]: Edulp.
    Resumen: Los trabajos abordan, desde diferentes perspectivas a la categoría de sujeto como una categoría crucial del pensamiento contemporáneo. El ámbito de preocupaciones es amplio: la perspectiva del filósofo norteamericano S Cavell quien hace una originalísima recepción de la herencia de Austin y Wittgenstein; la perspectiva fenomenológica de Sartre en diálogo y conflicto con la del psicoanálisis lacaniano y las reconceptualizaciones de la ideología realizadas por Louis Althusser; la constitución del sujeto en tensión entre la sujeción al poder y las (...)
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    Radical Diagrammatics.Gavin Keeney - 2025 - Substack.
    A re-mapping of cultural production in light of the emergence of a form-of-life for works ….
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  16. Populismo.Rubén Marciel - 2024 - Enciclopedia de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica.
    Aunque el populismo es uno de los conceptos políticos más empleados en nuestra época, suele decirse que también es uno de los más escasamente comprendidos (Taggart 2002, 62), y hay incluso quien cree que está rodeado de un “completo caos conceptual” (Müller 2016, 11). También hay quien ha intentado clasificar diferentes aproximaciones al populismo (véase especialmente Taggart 2000, 10-22; también Panizza 2005, 2-3; Rovira Kaltwasser 2012, 186-96; Weyland 2017, 51-55). Sin embargo, lo cierto es que el principal consenso académico sobre (...)
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  17. Chantal Mouffe on the Radical Politics of Rodrigo Duterte.Regletto Aldrich Imbong - 2022 - Phavisminda Journal 21:88-117.
    This paper argues that the current scholarship of radical politics primarily bannered by Christopher Ryan Maboloc is a misappropriation of the postMarxist political project of Mouffe and Laclau. Drawing primarily both on Mouffe’s and Laclau’s work Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics and an interview with Chantal Mouffe herself, the paper argues how the post-Marxist radical political project of Mouffe and Laclau fails to theoretically fit to the style of governance and regime of Duterte. (...)
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  18. Farber’s Reimagined Mad Pride: Strategies for Messianic Utopian Leadership.Joshua M. Hall - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (4):585–600.
    In this article, I explore Seth Farber’s critique in _The Spiritual Gift of Madness_ that the leaders of the Mad Pride movement are failing to realize his vision of the mad as spiritual vanguard of sociopolitical transformation. First, I show how, contra Farber’s polemic, several postmodern theorists are well suited for this leadership (especially the Argentinian post-Marxist philosopher Ernesto Laclau). Second, I reinterpret the first book by the Icarus Project, _Navigating the Space between Brilliance and Madness_, by reimagining its (...)
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  19. El vacío del populismo latinoamericano frente a la ontología política europea.Adrià Porta Caballé - 2021 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 24 (1):63-74.
    El presente artículo pretende mirar a Latinoamérica desde la perspectiva de la ontología. Y como hay algo que no acaba de encajar, busca en el inexplorado terreno de la meontología y el no-ser a partir de dos pensadores políticos latinoamericanos recientes, Dussel y Laclau. Por un lado, la Filosofía de la Liberación asocia el centro con la ontología y el ser, así como la periferia con lo Otro y el no-ser. De esto se desprende que, aun y asumiendo el (...)
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  20. Konstruktivistische Identitätspolitik. Warum Demokratie partikulare Positionierung erfordert.Karsten Schubert & Helge Schwiertz - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft.
    Identity politics is subject to similar critiques in contemporary public debate and political theory. A central topos of this critique is that identity politics is essentializing: it fixes subjects to their social position and resorts to a politics of particularity that leads to divisions in national citizenship and democratic discourse (the communitarian and liberal position) and to divisions within social movements (the critical position). Contrary to this one-sided critique, we propose a different interpretation with the concept of “constructivist identity politics.” (...)
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  21. Nietzsche ve Demokrasi.Soner Soysal - 2022 - In Eray Yaganak, Demokrasi Felsefesi: Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar. pp. 50-72.
    «Demokrasi, insani varoluşa içkin olanakları hem pozitif hem de negatif özgürlükler bağlamında hayata geçirme ve her tekil insanın kendisini ne ise o olarak algılama arzusuna eşlik edecek “ontolojik haysiyet eşitliği” talebinin sesidir. Dile getirdiğim eşitliğe dayalı demokrasi talebi, aynı zamanda, egemenlik ilişkilerinin hiyerarşik yapılanmasına karşı bir direnişi de temsil eder. Bu kitaptaki her bir bölüm bu direnişe açılan yeni bir pencere olarak okunursa kitap amacına ulaşmış olacaktır». (editör) Eray Yağanak -/- Ülkemizin çeşitli üniversitelerinden on bir yazarın kaleme aldığı bu kitapta, (...)
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  22. Filosofía de la praxis como crítica de la hegemonía en Antonio Gramsci.Juan José Gómez Gutiérrez - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (166):93-114.
    RESUMEN Se exploran las relaciones entre hegemonía y filosofía de la praxis en A. Gramsci. Se examina la influencia de la filosofía hegeliana sobre estas nociones en los Cuadernos de la cárcel. Asimismo, se estudia la crítica a estas nociones a la luz del feminismo de la diferencia y del debate sobre hegemonía, universalidad y contingencia iniciado por E. Laclau, J. Butler y S. Žižek. Se concluye que concebir la hegemonía desde la perspectiva de la filosofía de la praxis (...)
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    This study focuses on the concept of people developed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe in the context of radical theories of democracy and populism. People is defined as a subjectivity established as a contingency in the conflictual environment of politics. The construction of the people is a condition of the existence of populist politics as a form of subject that enables the division of politics and social into two camps in the form of friend/enemy and the formation of (...)
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  24. The Left-wing Populist Revolt in Europe: SYRIZA in Power.G. Markou - 2017 - Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture 14 (1):148-154.
    SYRIZA is the first radical left party in Europe which managed to seize power through a strong inclusionary populist and anti-austerity discourse. In this paper, we examine the political discourse articulated by SYRIZA in power (2015-17) through Laclau’s theory and “Populismus” approach and we utilize the lexicometric tool of “Populismus Observatory” to search the frequently appeared words in Alexis Tsipra’s discourse. “Populismus” is a research project and an open access web-based Observatory at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (School of (...)
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  25. Left Populism and Foreign Policy: Bernie Sanders and Podemos.Emmy Eklundh, Frank A. Stengel & Thorsten Wojczewski - forthcoming - International Affairs.
    This article analyzes how populism is conceptualized and studied in International Relations (IR) and argues that it should be seen as a political logic instead of a political ideology. It does so by demonstrating that ‘populist foreign policy’ looks radically different when analyzing the populist left, refuting the possibility of any distinctly ‘populist’ foreign policy positions. We argue that large parts of IR scholarship practice a form of concept-stretching that undermines the quality of analysis as well as the ability to (...)
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  26. Reseña de "Giorgio Agamben. Politica sin obra" (Gedisa, 2020), Juan Evaristo Valls Boix. [REVIEW]Adrià Porta Caballé - 2022 - Valenciana 29:391-396.
    Seguramente lo más interesante de la suspensión de la cuenta de Twitter del ya expresidente Trump después del asalto al Capitolio no sea el debate tan manido sobre los límites de la libertad de expresión, sino el hecho mucho más significativo de que hoy es Twitter quien decide sobre el estado de excepción. Para desentrañar esta particular relación entre técnica y estado de excepción tan característica de nuestro predicamento contemporáneo, hay que leer a Giorgio Agamben. En este sentido, el libro (...)
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    Politics and Time: The Nostalgic, the Opportunist and the Utopian. An Existential Analytic of Podemos’ Ecstatic Times.Adrià Porta Caballé - 2024 - In Andy Knott, Populism and Time: Temporalities of a Disruptive Politics. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 75-103.
    There have been many (and good) analyses of the Spanish left-populist party Podemos (2014-16) in terms of ideology, politics and class. However, this chapter focuses on an almost completely neglected dimension of its rise and fall: temporality. Firmly based on Nietzsche’s distinction in the Second Untimely Meditation between three “species of history” –the antiquarian, the critic and the monumental–, and moving on to Heidegger’s reinterpretation, which sees it as corresponding to the three “ecstatic times” –past, present and future–, the following (...)
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  28. Under Western Eyes: On Farris's In the Name of Women's Rights.Baraneh Emadian - 2019 - Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 47 (1):143-158.
    This essay reflects upon the category of femonationalism as theorised in Sara Farris's book, In the Name of Women's Rights: The Rise of Femonationalism, with a focus on her critique of theories of populism. Farris's approach, it is argued, productively pinpoints the exceptional position of Muslim and non-western migrant women in the reproduction of the material conditions of social reproduction in western Europe. However, the force of Farris's Marxist theorisation of femonationalism is partly undermined by the absence of any reference (...)
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  29. The Symbolic Scenarios of Islamism: A Study in Islamic Political Thought.Andrea Mura - 2015 - Routledge.
    The Symbolic Scenarios of Islamism initiates a dialogue between the discourse of three of the most discussed figures in the history of the Sunni Islamic movement—Hasan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb, and Osama bin Laden—and contemporary debates across religion and political theory, providing a crucial foundation upon which to situate current developments in world politics. Redressing the inefficiency of the terms in which the debate on Islam and Islamism is generally conducted, the book examines the role played by tradition, modernity, and transmodernity (...)
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  30. Commissioned Book Review: Jorge Tamames, For the People: Left Populism in Spain and the US. [REVIEW]Adrià Porta Caballé - 2022 - Political Studies Review 21 (1):15-16.
    There was a lot of fuss a few years ago about the landing of left-wing populism in the global North at the hands of Syriza, Podemos, La France Insoumise, Corbyn and Sanders, but there has not been as much critical evaluation on their breakthroughs and limitations after their electoral defeats. Jorge Tamames’ book "For the People" attempts to do so by focusing on two particular case studies: Spain and the United States.
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  31. Review of "Seven Essays on Populism" (Polity Press, 2021), Paula Biglieri and Luciana Cadahia. [REVIEW]Adrià Porta Caballé - 2022 - Populism.
    “There is a long tradition in Latin American debates that is not well known in Europe and the United States…” (p. 89). This sentence, almost read in passing in the middle of the book in relation to two different conceptions of the nation, can be said to summarize the main spirit behind Biglieri and Cadahia’s populist actualization of Mariátegui’s classic, Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality (1928). In this case, the book we have in our hands is difficult to define (...)
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