Results for 'Holderlin'

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    Hölderlin na sala de aula: lições de Rubens Rodrigues Torres Filho sobre Juízo e ser. [REVIEW]Luciano Codato - 2024 - Discurso 54 (1):216-221.
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  2. The Destinies of the Work of Art: Aesthetic Theories in Hölderlin and Adorno.John Thomas Giordano - 1995 - Dissertation, Duquesne University
    For Hölderlin and Adorno, the power to transcend one’s being-in-nature in order to capture nature in an image, is both the most dangerous and the most beautiful aspect of the human being. Hölderlin develops a model of reconciliation of man with nature where the transcendental power, as soon as it achieves a vision of nature, violates true nature by virtue of its finitude and so must pay for this “hybris” through self-sacrifice. Adorno appropriates this model for the work of art. (...)
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  3. The philosophy of tragedy : the tragedy of philosophy : the mimetic interrelationship of tragedy and philosophy in the theoretical writings of Friedrich Hölderlin.Helen Christine Chapman - unknown
    This study investigates Phillipe Lacoue-Labarthe's claim in "The Caesura of the Speculative" that Hölderlin is a "modern" writer. Its aim is to establish what is at stake in this claim and to evaluate whether it can be substantiated. In Chapter One I discuss the relationship between tragedy and philosophy. I show that the uneasy relationship between philosophy and the arts is premised upon Plato's understanding and judgement of mimesis. I contrast Plato and Aristotle's treatment of poetry by examining how they (...)
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  4. The Sacred, Or the Bright Sounds of Silence – A thinking-experiment on nature, related (and created) to Heidegger and Hölderlin.Kiraly V. Istvan - 2009 - Philobiblon - Transylvanin Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 14.
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  5. “Die Helige Bahn”: caminhos filosóficos e sendas poéticas em um poema de Friedrich Hölderlin.Carolina Meire de Faria - 2023 - Cadernos de Literatura Em Tradução 26:125-136.
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  6. Heidegger and the Poetics of Time.Rebecca A. Longtin - 2017 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 7:124 - 141.
    Heidegger’s engagement with the poet Friedrich Hölderlin often dwells on the issue of temporality. For Heidegger, Hölderlin is the most futural thinker (zukünftigster Denker) whose poetry is necessary for us now and must be wrested from being buried in the past. Heidegger frames his reading of Hölderlin in terms of past, present, and future and, more importantly, describes him as being able to poetize time. This paper examines what it means to poetize time and why Hölderlin’s poetry in particular allows (...)
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    Sacerdotes de Dioniso ¿para qué poetas en tiempos de penuria?Sâmara Costa - 2023 - Tercio Creciente 25:147-160.
    Este trabajo parte del análisis de Heidegger en “¿Para qué poetas?”, donde el autor interpreta la poesía de Hölderlin a partir de su elegía «Pan y vino», aquí expondremos algunas de sus explicaciones. También intentaremos entender la respuesta que da Hölderlin en la que asocia los poetas a los «sacerdotes del dios del vino». Para ello nos ayudaremos de las nociones que de Dioniso nos ofrecen tanto Nietzsche como Hölderlin, presentaremos semejanzas y diferencias de algunas de sus interpretaciones. Aparte de (...)
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  8. Gadamer, la belleza y la improvisación musical.Babette Babich - 2023 - Boletín de Estética (63):7-78. Translated by Facundo Bey.
    Resumen: En La actualidad de lo bello, Gadamer hace una referencia reveladora a la improvisación musical y a la importancia de la escucha musical, además de poner en primer plano la necesidad de justificación del arte. Situando este debate a través de Goethe y Platón, junto con las Lecciones de Estética de Adorno de finales de la década de 1950 y una discusión sobre Nietzsche y la Antigüedad, es posible establecer que lo que está en juego es la afinación, así (...)
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  9. Religion and Early German Romanticism.Jacqueline Mariña - 2020 - In Elizabeth Millan (ed.), Palgrave Handbook of German Romantic Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan.
    This paper explores the reception of Kant's understanding of consciousness by both Romantics and Idealists from 1785 to 1799, and traces its impact on the theory of religion. I first look at Kant's understanding of consciousness as developed in the first Critique, and then looks at how figures such as Fichte, Jacobi, Hölderlin, Novalis, and Schleiermacher received this theory of consciousness and its implications for their understanding of religion.
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    Performativität in der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie [Performativity in Classical German Philosophy].Stefan Lang (ed.) - 2024 - Heidelberg: J.B. Metzler.
    Performativity plays a significant role avant la lettre in Classical German Philosophy. It is, among other things, a central component of original interpretations of the Absolute, the Subject, and Knowledge. Since the 2010s, there has been an increasing number of studies examining the performative in Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Hölderlin, Novalis, Schliermacher, and Schlegel. This anthology picks up on this development. Through interdisciplinary contributions, performativity within Classical German Philosophy is explained and discussed, highlighting the hermeneutic and systematic insights gained (...)
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  11. Chiron and the Machines of Loving Grace.John T. Giordano - 2021 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 25 (2):73-106.
    Singularity has been a concern of the developers of cybernetics and artificial intelligence (AI) since the pioneering writings of such thinkers as Norbert Weiner. Yet many accept the inevitability of systems of AI surpassing human control and are optimistic that machine intelligence will harmonize human life with our environment. This essay examines this optimism against a reading of two poets: Richard Brautigan and Friedrich Hölderlin. Through these readings, it will attempt to show that the eclipse of nature by human beings (...)
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  12. Lo s-terminato esistere. La co-appartenenza di apollineo e dionisiaco da una prospettiva infra-heideggeriana.Gianmaria Avellino - 2023 - I Castelli di Yale Online 11 (2):132-152.
    This paper explores the deep philosophical affinities between Martin Heidegger and Friedrich Nietzsche, focusing on their shared understanding of the Apollonian and Dionysian dichotomy and its implications for the essence of human existence. The analysis begins by examining Nietzsche's concept of the unity of the Apollonian and Dionysian as a fundamental aspect of human identity, despite Nietzsche's own unawareness of its metaphysical significance. Heidegger, in turn, recognizes this insight as an epochal breakthrough in Nietzsche's thought, surpassing the boundaries of traditional (...)
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  13. Eckart Förster, Grenzen der Erkenntnis? Untersuchungen zu Kant und dem Deutschen Idealismus, hrsg. v. Johannes Haag u. Bodo Beyer (=Spekulation und Erfahrung II,62), Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog 2022, 490 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-7728-2932-1. [REVIEW]Jens Pier - forthcoming - Philosophisches Jahrbuch.
    This is a review of a volume comprising 18 of Eckart Förster’s most important essays. Written between 1987 and 2022, all of them touch upon the theme of limits of cognition. Among the issues tackled are Kant’s Opus Postumum, Goethe’s project of a scientia intuitiva or science of the intuitive understanding, the significance of §§76–77 of the third Critique for post-Kantianism, the case for Hölderlin’s authorship of the Oldest System-Programme of German Idealism, and Hegel’s early ideas on logic and phenomenology. (...)
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  14. Romantic Religion: Dissolution and Transcendence in the Poetics of Hölderlin.Alexander J. B. Hampton - 2019 - Symphilosophie 1 (1):61-74.
    A central element of Hölderlin’s poetic project was to find a new language for transcendence in an age of immanence. To do so, he turned not to philosophy or theology, but to poetics. Its rhythmic nature, he argued, was capable of re-presenting the transcendent. This examination will begin with a brief historical consideration of the relation of transcendence and immanence, with particular attention to the influential philosophies of Spinoza and Fichte. It then proceeds to Hölderlin’s consideration of the loss of (...)
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  15. Finite Tech, Unknowable Nature.James Fontini - 2022 - Alienocene 12.
    The article sketches a view of nature as a movement undermining totality. Awareness of our entanglement in an inherently incomplete movement forces us to rethink or reinvent our relationship to nature. The view provided here has been developed by drawing heavily from the later work of Martin Heidegger, moving with and beyond it in an examination of the limitations of Western philosophy in approaching questions of nature and ecology. Thinking ecologically becomes a question of grammar and the binding (and unbinding) (...)
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  16. Oldest Systematic Program of German Idealism: Translation and Notes.Daniel Fidel Ferrer, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling & Friedrich Hölderlin - 2021 - 27283 Verden, Germany: Kuhn von Verden Verlag.
    This book’s goal is to give an intellectual context for the following manuscript. -/- Includes bibliographical references and an index. Pages 1-123. 1). Philosophy. 2). Metaphysics. 3). Philosophy, German. 4). Philosophy, German -- 18th century. 5). Philosophy, German and Greek Influences Metaphysics. I. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich -- 1770-1831 -- Das älteste Systemprogramm des deutschen Idealismus. II. Rosenzweig, Franz, -- 1886-1929. III. Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, -- 1775-1854. IV. Hölderlin, Friedrich, -- 1770-1843. V. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. [Translation from (...)
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  17. Kondycja czasu marnego według Friedricha Hölderlina i jej możliwe transformacje.Maria Bal-Nowak - 2013 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 3 (2):373-381.
    Artykuł przedstawia pojęcie „czasu marnego“ Friedricha Hölderlina i jego odniesienia: aksjologiczne, egzystencjalne, religijne. Martin Heidegger, badacz jego twórczości poetyckiej jest autorem jednej z najlepszych interpretacji elegii Chleb i wino. Jego zdaniem „czas marny” to czas bez Boga, zapominanie nawet śladów boskości. Według Heideggera powinnością poezji jest nie tylko diagnoza takiego stanu, ale i jego transformacja.
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  18. THE PATH OF WISDOM - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos & Αλέξης καρπούζος - 2022 - Athens: COSMIC SPIRIT.
    As with so many mystics, Alexis karpouzos intuitively know the oneness of cosmic creation and historic humanity as part of all that is and all there isn't. So, the originality of Alexis Karpouzos thought is that it crosses the most diverse fields, the most opposing philosophies, to unite them into an often contradictory and broken whole. Marx and Heidegger, Nietzsche, Freud and Heraclitus, poets and political theorists all come together in the same distance and the same unusual proximity. Alexis karpouzos (...)
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  19. Another Beginning? Heidegger, Gadamer, and Postmodernity.David Liakos - 2019 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (1):221-238.
    Martin Heidegger’s critique of modernity, and his vision of what may come after it, constitutes a sustained argument across the arc of his career. Does Hans-Georg Gadamer follow Heidegger’s path of making possible “another beginning” after the modern age? In this article, I show that, in contrast to Heidegger, Gadamer cultivates modernity’s hidden resources. We can gain insight into Gadamer’s difference from Heidegger on this fundamental point with reference to his ambivalence toward and departure from two of Heidegger’s touchstones for (...)
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  20. Winckelmann's Greek Ideal and Kant's Critical Philosophy.Michael Baur - 2018 - In Daniel O. Dahlstrom (ed.), Kant and His German Contemporaries: Volume 2, Aesthetics, History, Politics, and Religion. Cambridge University Press. pp. 50-68.
    Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717–68) was not a philosopher. In fact, Winckelmann had a strong interest in distancing himself from academic philosophy as he knew it. As Goethe reports, Winckelmann “complained bitterly about the philosophers of his time and about their extensive influence.” Still less was Winckelmann a Kantian philosopher; the first edition of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason did not appear until 1781, thirteen years after the fifty-year-old Winckelmann was shockingly murdered in Trieste. Nevertheless, many of Winckelmann’s ideas were (...)
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  21. Algumas palavras sobre a investigação heideggeriana.Tito Palmeiro - 2018 - Enunciação 3:151-164.
    Estudaremos a investigação heideggeriana procurando mostrar o papel central nela desempenhado pela questão da medida do habitar humano. Nosso estudo terá como marcos principais os cursos sobre Hölderlin que discutem de maneira mais aprofundada o poema “No azul adorável”, que introduz essa questão no início de sua segunda estrofe: o curso de 1934- 1935, sobre a “Germânia” e “O Reno”, e o de 1942, sobre “O Ister”. Veremos que o encontro de Heidegger com essa questão determinará uma mudança decisiva no (...)
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  22. Sonic Booms in Blanchot.David Appelbaum - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (3):144-157.
    Blanchot’s rejection of vision as the fundamental philosophical metaphor is well known: “Seeing is not speaking” (The Infinite Conversation (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1993) 25). Furthermore, his central idea of the limit-experience (borrowed from Bataille) is a “detour from everything visible and invisible” (210). As part of his Heideggerian heritage, the increased importance of hearing (and aurality in general) lacks the critical appraisal it deserves. Pari passu for voice. Blanchot’s investigation of voice, spoken, interior, literary, is extensive. Various works (...)
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  23. Martin Heidegger.W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Heidegger’s main interest was ontology or the study of being. In his fundamental treatise, Being and Time, he attempted to access being (Sein) by means of phenomenological analysis of human existence (Dasein) in respect to its temporal and historical character. After the change of his thinking (“the turn”), Heidegger placed an emphasis on language as the vehicle through which the question of being can be unfolded. He turned to the exegesis of historical texts, especially of the Presocratics, but also of (...)
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  24. Hegel's Ontological Grasp of Judgement and the Original Dividing of Identity into Difference.Jeffrey Reid - 2006 - Dialogue 45 (1):29-43.
    Within Hegel's system of science, judgement(Urteil)is thought's original dividing from identity into difference. In the same context, judgement is also an act of predication where “subject” must be understood in both a grammatical and psychical sense. Thus, judgement expresses a language act that is a self-positing into the difference of being. This article looks at two examples where Hegel's ontological notion of judgement obtains, then finds, the roots of this notion in Hölderlin and Fichte.
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  25. Мислене и стихотворене.Vasil Penchev - 2007 - Sofia: "М. Михайлов".
    Heidegger has created a new philosophical genre: poetric and philosophical thought by his paters on Hölderlin and other poets. Philosophy and poetry a two tops of human thought, each of which can be seen from the other one. The book contains essays in that genre and tradition.
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  26. Translation and Interpretation. Learning from Beiträge.Parvis Emad & Frank Schalow (eds.) - 2012 - Zeta Books.
    There are numerous books which seek to interpret Martin Heidegger’s seminal text, Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), and others which address the question of how to translate his writings. By joining these two tasks, Translation and Interpretation: Learning from Beiträge, stands out from other such books in the field of Heidegger studies. The volume begins with Parvis Emad’s translation of an original essay by Martin Heidegger, “Contributions of Philosophy. The Da-sein and the Be-ing (Enowning).” -/- Through six carefully crafted essays, (...)
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  27. Heideggers Ursprung des Kunstwerks: Ein kooperativer Kommentar.David Espinet & Tobias Keiling (eds.) - 2011 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Heideggers Der Ursprung des Kunstwerks ist einer der wichtigsten Beiträge zur philosophischen Ästhetik, zudem ein Schlüsseltext für Heideggers gesamtes Denken. Aber nicht ganz zu Unrecht gilt die Lektüre bei Studierenden und Anfängern im Denken Heideggers als schwierig. Dieser Band soll das Verständnis des Kunstwerkaufsatzes anleiten und erleichtern: In 18 Beiträgen stellen die Autoren in ihren Interpretationen die Grundgedanken und philosophischen sowie literarischen Quellen des Textes vor, verorten ihn in Heideggers Werk und und skizzieren seine philosophische Wirkung. Dieser erste kooperative Kommentar (...)
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  28. Martin Heidegger on the Greeks: An Index.Daniel Fidel Ferrer - 2016 -
    Martin Heidegger on the Greeks: An Index. -/- Cataloging: -/- 1. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976. 2. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976 -- Concordances. 3. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976 -- Indexes. 4). Metaphysics. 5). Philosophy, German. 6). Philosophy, German – Greek influences. 7). Heidegger, Martin; -- Wörterbuch. I. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. -/- First step: 18 whole volumes from Martin Heidegger’s collect writings (Gesamtausgabe) were combined into one file and then indexed. The 18 volumes were selected for their emphasis on Greek philosophy. (...)
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  29. Alain Badiou's anabasis: Rereading Paul Celan against Heidegger.Tom Betteridge - 2015 - Textual Practice.
    The essay examines Alain Badiou's concept of ‘anabasis’ and its disclosure in the poetry of Paul Celan. As a conceptualisation of the process of subject formation, anabasis is read as a rejoinder to that of ‘homecoming’, found in Martin Heidegger's appropriation of Friedrich Hölderlin's poems. Following an excursus on the philosophical and the ethical stakes at the heart of these movements, the essay close-reads two of Celan's poems in order to reveal poetry's own attempts to think through trajectories of emergent (...)
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  30. The Weakness of the Law: The Opposition of Concept and Life in Hegel’s Early Ethics.W. Clark Wolf - 2017 - In Evangelia Sembou (ed.), The Young Hegel and Religion. Oxford: Peter Lang. pp. 142-72.
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  31. Nature as Limit.James Fontini - 2022 - Brill.
    A comprehensive reading of Heidegger's work from the mid-1930s to the 1960s that seeks to develop an ecological thinking rooted in reflections on the Heraclitean 'hen', relationality, and the impossibility of totality. An elaboration of the structural homology between Heidegger's use of the terms 'Technik' and 'metaphysics' sets the stage for his later work or topology. The Spätwerk is presented as an irresolvable polarity between 'Technik' and 'Ereignis', between a totalizing movement and a movement of disruption. This serves as the (...)
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  32. «Esagera l'oscuro che vedi in me». Martin Heidegger e le Fughe nei Contributi alla filosofia (Dall'Evento).Gianmaria Avellino - 2021 - Dissertation, Università Degli Studi di Napoli "Federico Ii"
    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the significance of the 'joinings' [Fugen] in Martin Heidegger's 'Contributions to Philosophy (from the Event)'.
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