  1. Argumentos de Aristóteles para sua antropologia política e a existência natural da polis.Knoll Manuel - 2023 - Journal of Teleological Science 3 (3):50-80. Translated by Salles Sergio.
    Aristotle’s Politicsis not only famous for its theory of constitutions, but for its statements about human nature. According to the central claim of Aristotle’s political anthropology, man is by nature a political animal (phusei politikon zôon). This famous statement is presented as the conclusion of the first set of arguments that Aristotle develops in the second chapter of book I of the Politics(Pol.,I, 2, 1252a24–1253a3). Aristotle’s statement is inextricably linked with the claim that the polisexists by nature (phusei), which he (...)
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  2. Teleologia Na Filosofia Prática de Aristóteles.Knoll Manuel - 2022 - Journal of Teleological Science 2022 (2):152-85. Translated by Salles Sergio.
    Este artigo contribui para o debate sobre a relação da filosofia prática e teórica de Aristóteles. Ele argumenta que sua filosofia prática depende em grande parte de sua concepção teleológica da natureza. Esta tese é dirigida principalmente contra os estudiosos que sustentam que Aristóteles não deriva de relações políticas e humanas de condições naturais ou cósmicas. O artigo defende a interpretação antropocêntrica de David Sedley da teleologia natural de Aristóteles e mostra como Aristóteles aplica explicações teleológicas às relações de poder (...)
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  3. Rousseau, Locke oder Marsilius? Die ideengeschichtlichen Wurzeln des Prinzips der Volkssouveränität.Knoll Manuel - 2023 - Storia E Politica 2023 (1):pp. 34-61.
    According to the prevailing opinion, the classical formulation of the principle of the sovereignty of the people is found in Rousseau. Against that view, this article argues that Marsilius of Padua and Locke should be regarded as earlier pioneers and important forerunners of this principle. To demonstrate this thesis, the paper examines Marsilius’s conception of the “human legislator” and Locke’s ideas on legislation, representation, and on the limitation of the legislative power. Though Locke excludes the majority of the people from (...)
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