Results for 'Persian Philosophy'

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  1. Peri Hermeneias of Paul the Persian.Paul Paul the Persian - 2016 - Tehran: Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS). Translated by Said Hayati, Paul S. Stevenson & Severus Sebokht.
    In the 6th century, Paul the Persian used his own pen to write a summary of Aristotle's Peri Hermeneias in the Persian language. Severus Sebokht translated it into Syriac. This book is a transcription and translation of the Syriac manuscript of Paul the Persian's Peri Hermeneias and a comparison of it with Aristotle's original Greek text.
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  2. Aristotle's Logic.Paul The Persian - 2016 - Tehran: Parsi Anjoman.
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  3. (1 other version)Persian Cosmos and Greek Philosophy: Plato's Associates and the Zoroastrian Magoi.Phillip Sidney Horky - 2009 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 37:47-103.
    Immediately upon the death of Plato in 347 BCE, philosophers in the Academy began to circulate stories involving his encounters with wisdom practitioners from Persia. This article examines the history of Greek perceptions of Persian wisdom and argues that the presence of foreign wisdom practitioners in the history of Greek philosophy has been undervalued since Diogenes Laertius.
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  4. Who Is Nietzsche’s Zarathustra? Philosophy, Morality, & the Persians.Mohammad Azadpur - 1999 - New Nietzsche Studies 3:69-82.
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    خدا،روح و معنای زندگی (Persian: God, Soul and the Meaning of Life).Thaddeus Metz - 2021 - Negahehandisheh.
    God, Soul and the Meaning of Life (CUP 2019) translated into Persian by Ashkan Roshan and posted in a repository of Persian texts on the philosophy of religion.
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  6. Democracy: A Persian Invention?Sissa Giulia - 2012 - In Dossier: Serments et paroles efficaces. Paris-Athènes: Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
    In Book 3 of Herodotus’Histories, seven Persian noblemen discuss which form of government would best fit the empire. If we accept its dramatic date, 522 BCE, this scene offers the first example of a comparative definition of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy. It offers, even more strikingly, the very first description of the government of the many — a novel political order that will eventually be called a democracy. The power of the people, this quintessentially Hellenic thing, was then a (...)
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  7. Nūr al-Fu’ād, A Nineteenth-Century Persian Text in Illuminationist Philosophy by Shihāb al-Dīn Kumījānī.Hossein Ziai - 2001 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Randall E. Auxier & Lucian W. Stone, The Philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Open Court. pp. 763-774.
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  8. Persian Poetic Wisdom and the Epistemology of ‘Knowledge by Presence'.Hossein Ziai - 2009 - In Amiya Dev, Science, Literature, and Aesthetics. pp. 433-452.
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  9. آثار جدید درباره معناى زندگى (Persian: 'Recent Work on the Meaning of Life’).Thaddeus Metz - 2003 - Naqd Va Nazar: Quarterly Journal of Philosophy and Theology 8 (29-30):266-313.
    Persian translation by Mohsen Javadi of 'Recent Work on the Meaning of Life' (first published in Ethics 2002).
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  10. آيا هدف خداوند مى تواند سرچشمه معناى زندگى باشد؟* (Persian: Could God's Purpose Be the Source of Life's Meaning?).Thaddeus Metz - 2003 - Naqd Va Nazar: Quarterly Journal of Philosophy and Theology 8 (29-30):149-183.
    Persian translation by Mohammad Saeedi of 'Could God's Purpose Be the Source of Life's Meaning?' (first published in Religious Studies 2000).
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  11. Paul the Persian.Byard Bennett - 2003 - Encyclopædia Iranica.
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  12. Knowledge and Belief in the Letter of Paul the Persian.Said Hayati - 2016 - In Dietmar W. Winkler, Syrische Studien. LIT Verlag. pp. 63-73.
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  13. The Inscriptions in Old Persian Cuneiform of the Achaemenian Emperors.Ralph Norman Sharp - 1966 - Shiraz:
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  14. The Philosophy of Zarathushtra.Kaikhosrov D. Irani - 2023 - Archives and Special Collections: The Professor Kaikhosrov D. Irani Archival Collection.
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  15. Philosophy of Ancient Iran (Falsafeh-e Iran-e Bastan).Dinshah J. Irani - 1933 - Bombay: Hoor Press.
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  16. Zoroastrian Philosophy: An Old Wisdom in a New Perspective.Farhang Mehr - 1995 - Tehran: Jami Publishing.
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  17. Beyond Philosophy: Suhrawardî's Illuminationist Path to Wisdom.Hossein Ziai - 1990 - In Frank Reynolds & David Tracy, Myth and Philosophy. State University of New York Press. pp. 215-243.
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  18. Mysticism and Traditional Philosophy in Persia, Pre-Islamic and Islamic.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1971 - Studies in Comparative Religion, 5 (4).
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  19. Philosophie en Iran Ancien et Principes de Hekmatel Achragh.Seyyed Mohammad Kazem Imam - 1974 - Tehran: Nouriani Foundation Publication.
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  20. Davidson’s Main Arguments for the Necessity of Language for Thought (In Persian).Ali Hossein Khani - 2013 - Ketab-E-Mah-E-Falsafeh 6 (68):66-77.
    نگاهی بر استدلال‌های دونالد دیویدسون در باب ضرورت زبان برای اندیشه .
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  21. Kripke’s Wittgenstein and Ginsborg’s Reductive Dispositionalism (In Persian).Ali Hossein Khani - forthcoming - Metaphysics (University of Isfahan).
    Kripke in his famous book on Wittgenstein’s later philosophy argues, on behalf of Wittgenstein, that there can be no fact of the matter as to what a speaker means by her words, that is, no fact that can meet the Constitution Demand and the Normativity Demand. He particularly argues against the dispositional view, according to which meaning facts are constituted by facts about the speaker's dispositions to respond in a certain way on certain occasions. He argues that facts about (...)
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  22. Nizam al-Mulk: Essays on Enduring Persian Cultural Continuum.Javad Tabatabai - 2014 - Tehran: Minooye Kherad Publication (Sotoudeh Publication, 1996).
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  23. Definition and the Foundations of Knowledge in Illuminationist Philosophy: Section on Expository Propositions (al-Aqwāl al-Shāriḥa),.Hossein Ziai - 1993 - In Borhan Ibneh Yousef, Papers in Honor of ‘Ostād’ Javad Mosleh. Research & Education Center. pp. 108-130.
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  24. Iranian Philosophy of Religion and the History of Political Thought.Ahmad R. Motameni - 2014 - Dissertation, University of California, Riverside
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  25. The Teachings of Zoroaster, and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion.Shapurji Aspaniarji Kapadia - 1905 - London: John Murray.
    The Iranian prophet and reformer Zarathustra (Greek: Zoroaster) founded his religion in the 6th Century BC. In a series of visions he was taken up to Heaven and Ahura Mazda - creator of all that is good - charged him with enlisting Humanity in the fight against Aura Mainyu - the principle of chaos and destruction - offering Mankind a free choice between Good and Evil. It is hard to overstate the importance of Zoroastrianism. According to Professor of Iranian Studies (...)
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  26. Sufi philosophy.Irfan Ajvazi - unknown
    The article entitled "Sufi Philosophy" in the famous 1967 edition of The Encyclopedia of Philosophy has long struck me as something of an enigma. It was authored by a William Gerber who, I suspect, was the author of an ambitious (but long forgotten) work of analytical philosophy entitled The Domain of Reality (1946). Why Gerber was selected by the editor of the Encyclopedia to contribute an article on Sufism is unclear. There are a variety of factual errors (...)
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  27. From Analytic Philosophy to an Ampler and More Flexible Pragmatism: Muhammad Asghari talks with Susan Haack.Muhammad Asghari Muhammad Asghari - 2020 - Quarterly Journal of Philosophical Investigations Department of Philosophy- University of Tabriz-Iran 14 (32):21-28.
    In this interview, which took place in July 2020, Muhammad Asghari, an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Tabriz, asked eleven questions (via email ) to Professor Susan Haack, a distinguished professor of philosophy at the University of Miami. This American philosopher eagerly and patiently emailed me the answers to the questions. The questions in this interview are mainly about analytic philosophy and pragmatist philosophy. This interview was conducted via personal email (...)
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  28. Review of John Walbridge, The Science of Mystic Lights: Quṭb al-Dīn Shīrāzī and the Illuminationist Tradition in Islamic Philosophy.Hossein Ziai - 1994 - International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 26:120-124.
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  29. Knowledge and Authority in Shī‘ī Philosophy.Hossein Ziai - 2001 - In Linda Clarke, Shī‘ite Heritage: Essays on Classical and Modern Traditions. GLOBAL PUBLICATIONS, Binghamton University. pp. 359-374.
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  30. “Pletho, Scholarios and the Arabic philosophy”.Georgios Steiris - 2017 - In Steiris Georgios, Never the Twain Shall Meet: Latins and Greeks Learning from Each Other in Byzantium, Byzantinisches Archiv Series Philosophica 2. De Gruyter. pp. 309-334.
    Although the two worlds, Arabic and Byzantine, were in proximity for many centuries, the influence of Arabic philosophy on the Byzantine intellectual tradition has not been studied thoroughly. Recent studies have substantiated the influence of the Arabic and Persian thought over Byzantine science. However, in the field of philosophy, research is still at an early stage and the impact of Arabic thought on Byzantine and vice versa has not been examined widely and in depth. Direct references to (...)
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  31. Zoroaster v. as Percived by the Greeks.Roger Beck - 2002 - Encyclopædia Iranica.
    The Greek constructions of Zoroaster relate to the historical Zoroaster and to the Zoroaster of the Zoroastrian faith in one respect only. The Greeks knew that Zoroaster was the “prophet,” in the sense of the human founder, of the national Persian religion of their times. That, of course, is a cardinal fact, but it is one fact only. For the rest, the Greek Zoroasters — for there were many — were fantasies of their own imaginations. Since the Greeks were (...)
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  32. La perception et valorization de la philosophie arabe dans le Résumé de la Somme théologique de Saint Thomas d’Aquin de Georges Gennade Scholarios: les cas d’Avicenne et Averroès.Georgios Steiris & Nasia Lyckoura - 2013 - In G. Arabatzis, Marges de la Philosophie Byzantine. Institut du Livre - A.Kardamitsa. pp. 51-74.
    The article focuses on an unexamined so far aspect of byzantine philosophy, namely the influence of Arabic philosophy upon byzantine thinkers. Despite the vicinity of Byzantium and Arabic territories, the philosophical interactions were minimal. Scholarios claimed, in a dedicatory epistle to Constantine Paleologus (1405-1453), that he had studied the treatises of Avicenna, Averroes, and other Arab and Persian philosophers. He admitted that Averroes was beyond doubt the best commentator of Aristotle. Scholarios acknowledged that the study of the (...)
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  33. (1 other version)The Ethics of al-Razi (865-925?).Thérèse-Anne Druart - 1997 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 6 (1):47-71.
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    Mystic Intoxication (Mastī) and the Meaning of Life: Fayḍ Kāshānī’s Mystic Poetry through the Lens of John Cottingham’s Philosophy.Reihaneh Davoodi Kahaki & Rasoul Rahbari Ghazani - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 18 (48):361-380.
    Adopting a hermeneutic approach and horizontal and vertical interpretation methods, this study primarily explores the metaphysical concept of love-induced mystic intoxication in the Iranian polymath Mullā Muḥsin Fayḍ Kāshānī’s mystic poetry. Secondarily, it discusses the implications of mystic intoxication in the meaning of life. Furthermore, the paper briefly positions Fayḍ Kāshānī’s account in the contemporary categories of the meaning of life: supernaturalism, naturalism, and nihilism. Additionally, elucidating the perspectives of the contemporary philosopher John Cottingham, the paper examines Kāshānī’s view through (...)
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  35. Abū Bakr al-Rāzī on Animals.Peter Adamson - 2012 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 94 (3):249-273.
    Abū Bakr al-Rāzī (d. 925), a doctor known not only for his medical expertise but also for his notorious philosophical ideas, has not yet been given due credit for his ideas on the ethical treatment of animals. This paper explores the philosophical and theological background of his remarks on animal welfare, arguing that al-Rāzī did not (as has been claimed) see animals as possessing rational, intellectual souls like those of humans. It is also argued that al-Rāzī probably did not, as (...)
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  36. Al-Razi's Conception of the Soul: Psychological Background to His Ethics.Thérèse-Anne Druart - 1996 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 5 (2):245-264.
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  37. Nourooz celebration in India.Ali Akbar Shah - 2013 - SOCRATES 1 (1):80-92.
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  38. The Illuminationist tradition.Hossein Ziai - 1995 - In Oliver Leaman & Seyyed Hossein Nasr, History of Islamic Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 465-496.
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  39. Ibn Miskawayh, Ahmad ibn Muhammad (c.940-1030).Oliver Leaman - unknown - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Jamasp Namag.Jamasp Hvogva - 1919 - Tehran: Mohammad Hasan Khan Sanieo Doleh Library.
    1700 BC, Mohammad Hasan Khan Sanieo Doleh (Ed.).
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  41. The Doubt-removing book of Mardānfarrox (شکند گمانیک ویچار یا گزارش گمان‌شکن ).Raham Asha (ed.) - 2015 - Alain Mole.
    he name of he author of treatise Mardānfarrox son of Ohrmazddād He make him know suiter or and researcher of truth who does not like to follow a religion by inheritance, but he seeks that which is more reliable and acceptable before the philosophy and logic.
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  42. Ibn Sina’s Anticipation of Burdian and Barcan Formulas.Zia Movahed - 2006 - In Logic in Tehran. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 248-255.
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  43. al-Sijistani, Abu Sulayman Muhammad.George N. Atiyeh - unknown - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  44. Abū Yaʿqūb Sejestānī.P. E. Walker - 2011 - Encyclopædia Iranica.
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  45. Qoṭb-Al-Din Širāzi, Maḥmud.Sayyed ʿAbd-Allāh Anwār - unknown - Encyclopædia Iranica.
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  46. Bahmanyār.Hans Daiber - unknown - Encyclopædia Iranica.
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  47. Irānšahri.Dariush Kargar and EIr - unknown - Encyclopaedia Iranica.
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  48. Abū Ḥātem Rāzī.H. Halm - 2011 - Encyclopædia Iranica.
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  49. Source and Nature of Authority: A study of Suhrawardî's Illuminationist Political Doctrine.Hossein Ziai - 1992 - In Muhsin Mahdi & Charles E. Butterworth, The Political aspects of Islamic philosophy: essays in honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi. Cambridge: Distributed for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University by Harvard University Press. pp. 304-344.
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  50. Zurvanism.Albert de Jong - 2014 - In Encyclopædia Iranica.
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