Results for 'Spyridon Rangos'

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  1. Knowledge and cognitive integration.Spyridon Orestis Palermos - 2014 - Synthese 191 (8):1931-1951.
    Cognitive integration is a defining yet overlooked feature of our intellect that may nevertheless have substantial effects on the process of knowledge-acquisition. To bring those effects to the fore, I explore the topic of cognitive integration both from the perspective of virtue reliabilism within externalist epistemology and the perspective of extended cognition within externalist philosophy of mind and cognitive science. On the basis of this interdisciplinary focus, I argue that cognitive integration can provide a minimalist yet adequate epistemic norm of (...)
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  2. Aristotle on Non-Contradiction.Spyridon George Couvalis - 2011 - In Michael Tsianikas (ed.), Greek Research in Australia. Department of Modern Greek. pp. 36-43.
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  3. Philosophical dogmatism inhibiting the anti-Copernican interpretation of the Michelson Morley experiment.Spyridon Kakos - 2020 - Harmonia Philosophica 1.
    From the beginning of time, humans believed they were the center of the universe. Such important beings could be nowhere else than at the very epicenter of existence, with all the other things revolving around them. Was this an arrogant position? Only time will tell. What is certain is that as some people were so certain of their significance, aeons later some other people became too confident in their unimportance. In such a context, the Earth quickly lost its privileged position (...)
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  4. Philoponus's Traversal Argument and the Beginning of Time.Spyridon George Couvalis - 2013 - Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand) (Special Issue):68-78.
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  5. Chess AI does not know chess - The death of Type B strategy and its philosophical implications.Spyridon Kakos - 2024 - Harmonia Philosophica Articles.
    Playing chess is one of the first sectors of human thinking that were conquered by computers. From the historical win of Deep Blue against chess champion Garry Kasparov until today, computers have completely dominated the world of chess leaving no room for question as to who is the king in this sport. However, the better computers become in chess the more obvious their basic disadvantage becomes: Even though they can defeat any human in chess and play phenomenally great and intuitive (...)
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  6. Refuting the refutations of the Wigner-Neumann interpretation in quantum mechanics.Spyridon Kakos - 2024 - Harmonia Philosophica Papers.
    One of the most controversial interpretations in quantum mechanics is the Wigner-Neumann interpretation, according to which the superstitions collapse only when a conscious observer observes the quantum system. In general, there is much opposition against this specific interpretation and the reasons are more philosophical than purely scientific. By refuting a specific refutation of the Wigner-Neumann interpretation postulated by Anderson and Carpenter, this paper shows how cancelling the Wigner interpretation is simply not possible at least with our current understanding of the (...)
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  7. Consciousness and the End of Materialism: Seeking identity and harmony in a dark era.Spyridon Kakos - 2018 - International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science 2 (2):17-33.
    “I am me”, but what does this mean? For centuries humans identified themselves as conscious beings with free will, beings that are important in the cosmos they live in. However, modern science has been trying to reduce us into unimportant pawns in a cold universe and diminish our sense of consciousness into a mere illusion generated by lifeless matter. Our identity in the cosmos is nothing more than a deception and all the scientific evidence seem to support this idea. Or (...)
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  8. On the untrustworthiness of axiomatic-founded science.Spyridon Kakos - 2020 - Harmonia Philosophica.
    The idea of science being the best – or the only – way to reach the truth about our cosmos has been a major belief of modern civilization. Yet, science has grown tall on fragile legs of clay. Every scientific theory uses axioms and assumptions that by definition cannot be proved. This poses a serious limitation to the use of science as a tool to find the truth. The only way to search for the latter is to redefine the former (...)
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  9. Religion as the single foundation of Science.Spyridon Kakos - 2020 - MCDSARE 4.
    For centuries, science was considered as something radically different from religion. Yet, the foundations of true science are deeply religious in nature. This paper seeks to show how religion is the only foundation needed for the formulation of scientific theories, since it provides the core principles on which the building of exact sciences is based upon. Our need to understand the cosmos and our faith in us being able to do so, are the main prerequisites for conducting science; prerequisites that (...)
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  10. Against the realistic interpretation of the Theory of Relativity.Spyridon Kakos - 2019 - Harmonia Philosophica.
    The Theory of Relativity has been portrayed as a theory that redefined the way we look at the cosmos, enabling us to unlock the reality we live in. Its proponents are constantly reminding us of how Einstein managed to reveal the true nature of the universe with his groundbreaking theory, which has been proved multiple times until now. Yet, philosophy of science teaches us that no theory has any privileged connection with what we call reality per se. The role of (...)
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  11. Against the fallacy of Education as a source of Ethics.Spyridon Kakos - 2019 - MCDSARE 3:33-41.
    For centuries, the major story of enlightenment was that education is and should be the cornerstone of our society. We try to educate people to make them respectable members of society, something which we inherently relate to being "better persons", firmly believing that education makes humans less prone to evil. Today, modern research seems to validate that premise: statistics verify that more education results to less crime. But is this picture accurate and does this mean anything regarding morality per se? (...)
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  12. Religion and Science unification.Spyridon Kakos - 2017 - International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science 1 (1):78-95.
    Speaking for God has been part of religion for many years. However, science has come in the past few years to question that role or even our very ability to speak about God in general. My goal is to show that dogmatism, under any form, is wrong. And even though dogmatism had for a long time been associated with ill-intentioned religion, nowadays science has replaced religion in the throne of doctrinaire thinking. The point of the paper is to illustrate that (...)
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  13. From Galileo to Hubble: Copernican principle as a philosophical dogma defining modern astronomy.Spyridon Kakos - 2018 - International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science 2 (3):13-37.
    For centuries the case of Galileo Galilei has been the cornerstone of every major argument against the church and its supposedly unscientific dogmatism. The church seems to have condemned Galileo for his heresies, just because it couldn’t and wouldn’t handle the truth. Galileo was a hero of science wrongfully accused and now – at last – everyone knows that. But is that true? This paper tries to examine the case from the point of modern physics and the conclusions drawn are (...)
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    The Ethics Gap in the Engineering of the Future.Spyridon Stelios & Kostas Theologou (eds.) - 2024 - Emerald Publishing.
    The aim of this chapter is to explore the safety value of implementing Asimov’s Laws of Robotics as a future general framework that humans should obey. Asimov formulated laws to make explicit the safeguards of the robots in his stories: (1) A robot may not injure or harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; (2) A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict (...)
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  15. Humans in the meta-human era (Meta-philosophical analysis).Spyridon Kakos - 2023 - Harmonia Philosophica Papers.
    Humans are obsolete. In the post-ChatGPT era, artificial intelligence systems have replaced us in the last sectors of life that we thought were our personal kingdom. Yet, humans still have a place in this life. But they can find it only if they forget all those things that we believe make us unique. Only if we go back to doing nothing, can we truly be alive and meet our Self. Only if we stop thinking can we accept the Cosmos as (...)
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  16. On the philosophical dogmas that support humans’ belief in death.Spyridon Kakos - 2023 - Harmonia Philosophica Paper Series.
    Humans are weird creatures. They like life and fear death, even though they know nothing for both. And even though our ignorance for life seems insignificant since we manage to live without knowing what life is, our ignorance of death seems more important since it seems to trouble the depths of our self. But like the fifth axiom of Euclid, the belief in death is nothing more than an arbitrary belief based on things we consider obvious even though no knowledge (...)
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  17. Against the Senses.Spyridon Kakos - 2022 - Harmonia Philosophica.
    The validity of the senses we use to experience the cosmos is something we take for granted. The majority of the people view the senses as the most effective and potentially the only tool they have to reach reality. But as Shestov rightfully questioned, when was the last time the majority decided correctly on an important philosophical problem? The role of science and philosophy is to question the obvious and this is what we should do if we are to uncover (...)
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  18. Consideration of Hegel, Heidegger and Rangos with Respect to the Relationships of Deductions in the Parmenides of Plato.Brad Thomson - manuscript
    Analysis of the Deductions in Plato's Parmenides.
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  19. Consideration of Hegel, Heidegger and Rangos with Respect to the Deductions in the Parmenides of Plato.Brad Thomson - manuscript
    Analysis of the Deductions in Plato's Parmenides.
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  20. Protagonismo violento y modos de representación en La ciudad y los perros (1963).Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2017 - Dissertation, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
    El enfoque central de esta investigación es la configuración teórica de la violencia en La ciudad y los perros y la interacción representada entre los personajes principales (para aludir al Jaguar, el Poeta y el Esclavo; para ellos ha usado convencionalmente el término «tríada protagónica»; a la vez, asume que estos personajes podrían ser entidades dispuestas a los posteriores análisis). Desarrolla la metateoría de los triángulos jerárquicos — la cual será convencionalmente graficada de forma piramidal, para que con ello se (...)
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  21. Justicia y educación en la interpretación de Gadamer de la República de Platón en Platos Staat der Erziehung.Facundo Norberto Bey - 2021 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 54 (2):421-445.
    En 1942 Gadamer publicó su ensayo Platos Staat der Erziehung. En este artículo interrogará la mutua relación entre pólis y psyché, así como entre política y filosofía en el diálogo República de Platón. El presente texto se propone exponer de modo crítico el análisis que el autor realizó, en el ensayo mencionado, de la dikaiosýne entendida como “hacer propio” en los diálogos platónicos, así como el rango político de la educación filosófica. Para ello se pondrá énfasis en el papel que (...)
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  22. Dignidad humana, democracia integral y constitucionalismo humanista: pilares del desarrollo humano integral.Jesús E. Caldera Ynfante (ed.) - 2023 - Benevento, Italia: Universidad Giustino Fortunato - Editoriale Scientifica.
    Se analiza la relación de la dignidad humana con el derecho fundamental a la democracia y la configuración del constitucionalismo humanista, vigente desde la segunda postguerra mundial, como pilares de la procura del desarrollo humano integral (DHI) a partir de la premisa contenida en el derecho convencional internacional y el derecho interno de los países de Occidente sobre derechos humanos: todas las personas somos iguales en dignidad y derechos. Se describe la dignidad humana desde la perspectiva dogmático-jurídica, acuñada por la (...)
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  23. Políticas de igualdad e intereses colectivos.Gloria-Amparo Rodríguez & Iván Vargas-Chaves (eds.) - 2014 - Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Ibañez.
    Si bien al hablar de igualdad y derechos colectivos nos situamos aparentemente en dos espectros distintos de los derechos humanos, siguiendo a VASAK y su teoría de las tres generaciones, de un lado en el rango de un derecho fundamental, y del otro, en toda una amplia gama de derechos de tercera generación, es en realidad, en una misma órbita en donde debemos ubicarnos: en la del Estado de Social Derecho. Y es allí, donde la capacidad que éste tenga para (...)
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  24. El Impacto del Ruido Blanco Binaural Con Oscilaciones de 100 a 750Hz en la Memoria de Trabajo Visual a Corto Plazo y la Reactividad de Ondas Cerebrales Alfa y Beta.Cesar Rommel Salas - 2018 - Quantitative Biology.
    De acuerdo algunos investigadores el ruido es concebido típicamente como factor perjudicial en el desempeño cognitivo afectando la percepción, toma de decisiones y la función motora. No obstante, en estudios recientes se asocia al ruido blanco con la concentración y la calma, por lo tanto, esta investigación busca establecer el impacto del ruido blanco binaural en el desempeño de la memoria de trabajo y visual a corto plazo, la actividad cerebral alfa – beta y la atención – meditación, mediante el (...)
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  25. Hegemonía de campos catastrofistas: tensiones de la colapsología emergente con los societal collapse studies.Sergio Chaparro-Arenas - 2024 - Dissertation, National University of Colombia
    Adoptando una revitalización de la tradición marxista en los Estudios Sociales de Ciencia y Tecnología (STS) y en la filosofía contemporánea, mi trabajo se ocupa de la emergencia de la colapsología en Francia y Bélgica, Europa y el mundo, sus tensiones constituyentes con el campo hegemónico de los societal collapse studies. La tesis realiza un seguimiento minucioso de la colapsología y sus profetas fundacionales, el ingeniero agrónomo y Doctor en Biología, Pablo Servigne, y el administrador ambiental de empresas y Máster (...)
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  26. Más allá de la teoría de los climas.Pineda Canabal Anibal - 2020 - In Villabona Silvia & Castro Dagoberto (eds.), Medioambiente Dinámica y gestión de ecosistemas Estado y manejo de recursos naturales de diversos territorios. Fondo editorial Universidad Católica de Oriente. pp. 43-54.
    El artículo reconstruye sucintamente, en primer lugar, la historia de la llamada teoría de los climas desde la Antigüedad hasta la Ilustración, prestando especial atención a las ideas de Hipócrates, Aristóteles y Montesquieu. Se demuestra, en segundo lugar, cómo dicha teoría es revaluada al rango de mitología científica en virtud de la nueva configuración epistemológica que la geografía y la climatología adquirieron en el siglo xix. En tercer lugar, se postula que, a pesar de la crisis de su estatuto científico, (...)
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  27. Aristotle's logic at the university of buffalo's department of philosophy.John Corcoran - 2009 - Ideas Y Valores 58 (140):99-117.
    We begin with an introductory overview of contributions made by more than twenty scholars associated with the Philosophy Department at the University of Buffalo during the last half-century to our understanding and evaluation of Aristotle's logic. More well-known developments are merely mentioned in..
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