Results for 'Sujata Balan'

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  1. Strategic Reasoning: Building Cognitive Models from Logical Formulas.Sujata Ghosh, Ben Meijering & Rineke Verbrugge - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (1):1-29.
    This paper presents an attempt to bridge the gap between logical and cognitive treatments of strategic reasoning in games. There have been extensive formal debates about the merits of the principle of backward induction among game theorists and logicians. Experimental economists and psychologists have shown that human subjects, perhaps due to their bounded resources, do not always follow the backward induction strategy, leading to unexpected outcomes. Recently, based on an eye-tracking study, it has turned out that even human subjects who (...)
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  2. Studying strategies and types of players: experiments, logics and cognitive models.Sujata Ghosh & Rineke Verbrugge - 2018 - Synthese 195 (10):4265-4307.
    How do people reason about their opponent in turn-taking games? Often, people do not make the decisions that game theory would prescribe. We present a logic that can play a key role in understanding how people make their decisions, by delineating all plausible reasoning strategies in a systematic manner. This in turn makes it possible to construct a corresponding set of computational models in a cognitive architecture. These models can be run and fitted to the participants’ data in terms of (...)
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  3. Hidden protocols: Modifying our expectations in an evolving world.Hans van Ditmarsch, Sujata Ghosh, Rineke Verbrugge & Yanjing Wang - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 208 (1):18--40.
    When agents know a protocol, this leads them to have expectations about future observations. Agents can update their knowledge by matching their actual observations with the expected ones. They eliminate states where they do not match. In this paper, we study how agents perceive protocols that are not commonly known, and propose a semantics-driven logical framework to reason about knowledge in such scenarios. In particular, we introduce the notion of epistemic expectation models and a propositional dynamic logic-style epistemic logic for (...)
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  4. Gender stereotypes and STEAM education.Sorina Mihaela Bălan & Camelia Stanciu - 2021 - International Journal of Advanced Studies in Sexology 3 (2):120-125.
    Then we talk about gender stereotypes in Steam education we can find in the societal mentality: „Girls don´t find STEAM interesting” „Boys are more capable for STEAM”, „Boys are oriented to achievements, girls to feelings and society”. This paper presents the results of sensitive gender workshops, to provide illustrations of stereotypes as an input for the creation of value-added content with gender awareness and continue sensitizing teachers about gender stereotypes in approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts (...)
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  5. TOXIC EFFECT OF FORMALDEHYDE: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW.Siddhartha Dan, Mohit Pant, Taanya Kaur & Sujata Pant - 2020 - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 2:179-189.
    Formaldehyde is one of the potent toxic industrial chemicals that are very commonly used in various industries, labs, and biological museums, etc. The toxicity of formaldehyde is well-known. It causes respiratory distress if inhaled in higher concentration thus, causing lung damage. It is also found to be mutagenic due to its rapid reactivity being a small molecule having electrophilic carbon. The current review focuses on the characteristic properties of formaldehyde, Sources, and uses of formaldehyde. This review further brings about the (...)
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  6. Kvajnov naturalistički empirizam protiv epistemološkog nihilizma.Jelena Mijic - 2015 - Theoria: Beograd 58 (4):77-95.
    Cilj ovog rada je da razmotrimo zašto, i na koji način se Kvajn pozicionira između logičkih pozitivista i epistemoloških nihilista u pogledu shvatanja empirijskog svedočanstva. Naime, on će na nov način formulisati kriterijume opservacionalnosti s namerom da prevaziđe probleme koji su za logički pozitivizam bili nepremostivi, a da time ne žrtvuje objektivnost nauke poljuljanu krahom tradicionalnog pristupa epistemološkim pitanjima. Privučeni provokativnošću Kvajnovog istovremenog ispoljavanja radikalnih, ali i konzervativnih tendencija, odnosno namere da održi balans između stanovišta tradicionalne filozofije i epistemološkog nihilizma, (...)
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  7. Boude bewoordingen. De historische fenomenologie van J.H. van den Berg.Hub Zwart - 2002 - Kampen, Nederland: Klement.
    Tussen zijn veertigste en zijn zestigste levensjaar was Jan Hendrik van den Berg (1914) een uitermate succesvol en populair auteur. Boeken van zijn hand, zoals Metabletica (1956) en Medische macht en medische ethiek (1969), waren ongekende bestsellers. Hij was de Nederlandse vertegenwoordiger van een belangrijke Europese stroming in de filosofie: de historische fenomenologie. In de jaren zeventig raakte hij echter in conflict met zijn tijd. Terwijl de Nederlandse publieke opinie een wending naar links doormaakte, bond Van den Berg de strijd (...)
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  8. Boude bewoordingen. De historische fenomenologie van Jan Hendrik van den Berg.Hub Zwart - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (4):759-760.
    Tussen zijn veertigste en zijn zestigste levensjaar was Jan Hendrik van den Berg (1914) een uitermate succesvol en populair auteur. Boeken van zijn hand, zoals Metabletica (1956) en Medische macht en medische ethiek (1969), waren ongekende bestsellers. Hij was de Nederlandse vertegenwoordiger van een belangrijke Europese stroming in de filosofie: de historische fenomenologie. In de jaren zeventig raakte hij echter in conflict met zijn tijd. Terwijl de Nederlandse publieke opinie een wending naar links doormaakte, bond Van den Berg de strijd (...)
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